- Notes on the Yang-Mills equations on holomorphic bundles (HYM connections, stable bundles, Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau theorem and applications). (In Spanish).
- Notes from an introductory talk on the Geometric Langlands Program. (In Spanish).
- Slides from an introductory talk on Category Theory. (In Spanish).
- Notes on several topics in Local Algebra (depth, Auslander-Buchsbaum and completions).
- Notes on Elliptic Operators (in Spanish). (Basically a rip-off of Warner).
- Recopilation of material for a course on Data Science that I taught.
- Notes on Principal Bundles (in Spanish). Slides (in Spanish).
- Notes on Hodge Theory (in Spanish). File 1, File 2.
- Mini-course on Symplectic Geometry and Classical Mechanics.
- Notes on Homological Algebra (in Spanish).
- Notes on the Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence for Higgs bundles over Riemann surfaces (in Spanish).
- Notes on Riemann surfaces (in Spanish). Two versions: 1, 2.
- Notes on Coherent Sheaves in complex analytic and algebraic geometry (in Spanish).
For more projects you can also check out my Github page.
Translations and typesets
I have started making some translations (usually from French to English) of papers that I find interesting and that I think can be useful to other people. I also interested in typesetting in LaTeX old notes and books that are written on a typewriter. Some of the following are translations AND typesets. Most are unfinished, you can collaborate on them through Github.
- A finiteness theorem concerning compact analytic varieties. English translation of a French paper by H. Cartan and J.-P. Serre.
- Vector bundles over algebraic curves. English translation of a French book by C. S. Seshadri. The French original is available here. You can contribute through the Github repository.
If you found some of the material provided here useful, you can always thank me by donating to the following Bitcoin address: bc1qjpqpzfutycmrs9c0j84rjdxg29vfrs907kwedj