Lenguaje natural: La forma en la que las personas nos comunicamos.
NLP: Manipulación automática del lenguaje natural, como el texto o el habla, por medio de software.
Natural Language Processing Toolkit (NLTK): Librería de Python para procesamiento del lenguaje natural.
import nltk
Dividir el texto en 'unidades' (frases, palabras...)
texto='Hi dear students, How are you doing? We are almost finishing the bootcamp. We hope you are learning and enjoying the course.'
Hi dear students, How are you doing? We are almost finishing the bootcamp. We hope you are learning and enjoying the course.
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
['Hi dear students, How are you doing?', 'We are almost finishing the bootcamp.', 'We hope you are learning and enjoying the course.']
['Hi', 'dear', 'students', ',', 'How', 'are', 'you', 'doing', '?', 'We', 'are', 'almost', 'finishing', 'the', 'bootcamp', '.', 'We', 'hope', 'you', 'are', 'learning', 'and', 'enjoying', 'the', 'course', '.']
Palabras del lenguaje con poco significado ('the', 'a', 'and', etc.)
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))
{'a', 'about', 'above', 'after', 'again', 'against', 'ain', 'all', 'am', 'an', 'and', 'any', 'are', 'aren', "aren't", 'as', 'at', 'be', 'because', 'been', 'before', 'being', 'below', 'between', 'both', 'but', 'by', 'can', 'couldn', "couldn't", 'd', 'did', 'didn', "didn't", 'do', 'does', 'doesn', "doesn't", 'doing', 'don', "don't", 'down', 'during', 'each', 'few', 'for', 'from', 'further', 'had', 'hadn', "hadn't", 'has', 'hasn', "hasn't", 'have', 'haven', "haven't", 'having', 'he', 'her', 'here', 'hers', 'herself', 'him', 'himself', 'his', 'how', 'i', 'if', 'in', 'into', 'is', 'isn', "isn't", 'it', "it's", 'its', 'itself', 'just', 'll', 'm', 'ma', 'me', 'mightn', "mightn't", 'more', 'most', 'mustn', "mustn't", 'my', 'myself', 'needn', "needn't", 'no', 'nor', 'not', 'now', 'o', 'of', 'off', 'on', 'once', 'only', 'or', 'other', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves', 'out', 'over', 'own', 're', 's', 'same', 'shan', "shan't", 'she', "she's", 'should', "should've", 'shouldn', "shouldn't", 'so', 'some', 'such', 't', 'than', 'that', "that'll", 'the', 'their', 'theirs', 'them', 'themselves', 'then', 'there', 'these', 'they', 'this', 'those', 'through', 'to', 'too', 'under', 'until', 'up', 've', 'very', 'was', 'wasn', "wasn't", 'we', 'were', 'weren', "weren't", 'what', 'when', 'where', 'which', 'while', 'who', 'whom', 'why', 'will', 'with', 'won', "won't", 'wouldn', "wouldn't", 'y', 'you', "you'd", "you'll", "you're", "you've", 'your', 'yours', 'yourself', 'yourselves'}
Me paso el texto a minúsculas y le elimino la puntuacion:
['Hi', 'dear', 'students,', 'How', 'are', 'you', 'doing?', 'We', 'are', 'almost', 'finishing', 'the', 'bootcamp.', 'We', 'hope', 'you', 'are', 'learning', 'and', 'enjoying', 'the', 'course.']
[x.lower() for x in texto.split()]
['hi', 'dear', 'students,', 'how', 'are', 'you', 'doing?', 'we', 'are', 'almost', 'finishing', 'the', 'bootcamp.', 'we', 'hope', 'you', 'are', 'learning', 'and', 'enjoying', 'the', 'course.']
' '.join(x.lower() for x in texto.split())
'hi dear students, how are you doing? we are almost finishing the bootcamp. we hope you are learning and enjoying the course.'
texto=' '.join(x.lower() for x in texto.split())
'hi dear students, how are you doing? we are almost finishing the bootcamp. we hope you are learning and enjoying the course.'
words = word_tokenize(texto)
['hi', 'dear', 'students', ',', 'how', 'are', 'you', 'doing', '?', 'we', 'are', 'almost', 'finishing', 'the', 'bootcamp', '.', 'we', 'hope', 'you', 'are', 'learning', 'and', 'enjoying', 'the', 'course', '.']
texto_filtrado =[]
for w in words:
if w not in stop_words:
['hi', 'dear', 'students', ',', '?', 'almost', 'finishing', 'bootcamp', '.', 'hope', 'learning', 'enjoying', 'course', '.']
Reducir palabras a su raíz (puede no tener significado):
Para hacer stemming usamos el algoritmo Porter stemmer https://tartarus.org/martin/PorterStemmer/
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
'hi dear students, how are you doing? we are almost finishing the bootcamp. we hope you are learning and enjoying the course.'
frases = sent_tokenize(texto)
stemmer = PorterStemmer()
nueva_frase = []
for i in range(len(frases)):
words = word_tokenize(frases[i])
words=[stemmer.stem(word) for word in words]
nueva_frase.append(' '.join(words))
' '.join(nueva_frase)
'hi dear student , how are you do ? we are almost finish the bootcamp . we hope you are learn and enjoy the cours .'
Similar al stemming, pero ahora la raíz sí que tiene significado:
[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to [nltk_data] /home/guillermo/nltk_data... [nltk_data] Package wordnet is already up-to-date!
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
frases = sent_tokenize(texto)
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
nueva_frase = []
for i in range(len(frases)):
words = word_tokenize(frases[i])
words=[lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in words]
nueva_frase.append(' '.join(words))
['hi dear student , how are you doing ?', 'we are almost finishing the bootcamp .', 'we hope you are learning and enjoying the course .']
texto2 = 'John is an intelligent individual. He intelligently does smart work. He is a top performer in the company'
texto2=' '.join(x.lower() for x in texto2.split())
frases = sent_tokenize(texto2)
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
nueva_frase = []
for i in range(len(frases)):
words = word_tokenize(frases[i])
words=[lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in words]
nueva_frase.append(' '.join(words))
['john is an intelligent individual .', 'he intelligently doe smart work .', 'he is a top performer in the company']
El proceso de identificar y clasificar automáticamente opiniones expresadas en un texto, especialmente para determinar la actitud del autor hacia cierto tema.
Vamos a importar la base de datos Sentiment.csv
de https://www.kaggle.com/crowdflower/first-gop-debate-twitter-sentiment .
import pandas as pd
id | candidate | candidate_confidence | relevant_yn | relevant_yn_confidence | sentiment | sentiment_confidence | subject_matter | subject_matter_confidence | candidate_gold | ... | relevant_yn_gold | retweet_count | sentiment_gold | subject_matter_gold | text | tweet_coord | tweet_created | tweet_id | tweet_location | user_timezone | |
0 | 1 | No candidate mentioned | 1.0 | yes | 1.0 | Neutral | 0.6578 | None of the above | 1.0000 | NaN | ... | NaN | 5 | NaN | NaN | RT @NancyLeeGrahn: How did everyone feel about... | NaN | 2015-08-07 09:54:46 -0700 | 629697200650592256 | NaN | Quito |
1 | 2 | Scott Walker | 1.0 | yes | 1.0 | Positive | 0.6333 | None of the above | 1.0000 | NaN | ... | NaN | 26 | NaN | NaN | RT @ScottWalker: Didn't catch the full #GOPdeb... | NaN | 2015-08-07 09:54:46 -0700 | 629697199560069120 | NaN | NaN |
2 | 3 | No candidate mentioned | 1.0 | yes | 1.0 | Neutral | 0.6629 | None of the above | 0.6629 | NaN | ... | NaN | 27 | NaN | NaN | RT @TJMShow: No mention of Tamir Rice and the ... | NaN | 2015-08-07 09:54:46 -0700 | 629697199312482304 | NaN | NaN |
3 | 4 | No candidate mentioned | 1.0 | yes | 1.0 | Positive | 1.0000 | None of the above | 0.7039 | NaN | ... | NaN | 138 | NaN | NaN | RT @RobGeorge: That Carly Fiorina is trending ... | NaN | 2015-08-07 09:54:45 -0700 | 629697197118861312 | Texas | Central Time (US & Canada) |
4 | 5 | Donald Trump | 1.0 | yes | 1.0 | Positive | 0.7045 | None of the above | 1.0000 | NaN | ... | NaN | 156 | NaN | NaN | RT @DanScavino: #GOPDebate w/ @realDonaldTrump... | NaN | 2015-08-07 09:54:45 -0700 | 629697196967903232 | NaN | Arizona |
5 rows × 21 columns
Seleccionamos sólo las columnas que nos interesan, text
(será como nuestras 'features') y sentiment
(será nuestro 'target').
datos = datos[['text','sentiment']]
text | sentiment | |
0 | RT @NancyLeeGrahn: How did everyone feel about... | Neutral |
1 | RT @ScottWalker: Didn't catch the full #GOPdeb... | Positive |
2 | RT @TJMShow: No mention of Tamir Rice and the ... | Neutral |
3 | RT @RobGeorge: That Carly Fiorina is trending ... | Positive |
4 | RT @DanScavino: #GOPDebate w/ @realDonaldTrump... | Positive |
'RT @NancyLeeGrahn: How did everyone feel about the Climate Change question last night? Exactly. #GOPDebate'
Usando regex puedo limpiar los tweets de signos de puntuación, @, RTs y demás...
# Eliminamos los hashtags
text | sentiment | |
0 | RT @NancyLeeGrahn: How did everyone feel about... | Neutral |
1 | RT @ScottWalker: Didn't catch the full last ni... | Positive |
2 | RT @TJMShow: No mention of Tamir Rice and the ... | Neutral |
3 | RT @RobGeorge: That Carly Fiorina is trending ... | Positive |
4 | RT @DanScavino: w/ @realDonaldTrump delivered ... | Positive |
# Eliminamos las menciones
text | sentiment | |
0 | RT: How did everyone feel about the Climate Ch... | Neutral |
1 | RT: Didn't catch the full last night. Here are... | Positive |
2 | RT: No mention of Tamir Rice and the was held ... | Neutral |
3 | RT: That Carly Fiorina is trending -- hours af... | Positive |
4 | RT: w/ delivered the highest ratings in the hi... | Positive |
# Quitamos los RT
text | sentiment | |
0 | How did everyone feel about the Climate Chang... | Neutral |
1 | Didn't catch the full last night. Here are so... | Positive |
2 | No mention of Tamir Rice and the was held in ... | Neutral |
3 | That Carly Fiorina is trending -- hours after... | Positive |
4 | w/ delivered the highest ratings in the histo... | Positive |
# Dejo el texto en minúsculas
datos['text']=datos['text'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(p.lower() for p in x.split()))
text | sentiment | |
0 | how did everyone feel about the climate change... | Neutral |
1 | didn't catch the full last night. here are som... | Positive |
2 | no mention of tamir rice and the was held in c... | Neutral |
3 | that carly fiorina is trending -- hours after ... | Positive |
4 | w/ delivered the highest ratings in the histor... | Positive |
# Quito las stopwords
datos['text']=datos['text'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join(p for p in x.split() if p not in stop_words))
text | sentiment | |
0 | everyone feel climate change question last nig... | Neutral |
1 | catch full last night. scott's best lines 90 s... | Positive |
2 | mention tamir rice held cleveland? wow. | Neutral |
3 | carly fiorina trending -- hours debate -- men ... | Positive |
4 | w/ delivered highest ratings history president... | Positive |
# Elimino la puntuación
text | sentiment | |
0 | everyone feel climate change question last nig... | Neutral |
1 | catch full last night scotts best lines 90 sec... | Positive |
2 | mention tamir rice held cleveland wow | Neutral |
3 | carly fiorina trending hours debate men just... | Positive |
4 | w delivered highest ratings history presidenti... | Positive |
Hay que descargar wordcloud con
pip install wordcloud
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS, ImageColorGenerator
texto = datos['text'].str.cat(sep=' ')
'everyone feel climate change question last night exactly catch full last night scotts best lines 90 seconds httptcozsff mention tamir rice held cleveland wow carly fiorina trending hours debate men justcompleted says w delivered highest ratings history presidential debates httptco on first day rescind every illegal executive action taken barack obama liked happy heard going moderator anymore https going live around 2 pm et deer headlights ben carson may brain surgeon performed lobotomy himself last nights debate proved it httpstcog2ggjy1bjd jgreendc fairness owns phrasegopdebate woke tweet best line night via httptco6ov5hxhicv reading familys comments great httptcogiagjpygxz rt dear httptcottfg7kycd9 loved scott walker mark harmons romantic rival summer school look up hey exploiting tragedy 911 political gain iss thing fire comments women myrkiger weigh httpt guess speaking time the moderators 317 time httptco2wsut0c0lx reason comment funny in case ignorant reason government working people huckabee paying transgender surgery soldiers sailors airmen make country safer cruz class amp truth gets vote rt teatraitors still clown show im glad head clown trump helping destroy gop httptconwgx8g8jwr i hate planned parenthood women more hate planned parenthood women more vine by httpstcoxkxvdradce fox news trying convince us young black americans worried isis police terrorism httptco gopdebate rankings worst performance rubio kasich christie bush trump cruz walker paul huckabee carson scott walkers abortion ban allows rapist father sue emotional distress httptcorhmvgumuir competition moved far gay rights womens rights worse ever been rt teatraitors still clown show im glad head clown trump helping destroy gop httptcopry2qpcwfu watch the bet feel like donating democrat right now httptcopglqcqqgop httptcoqp1e fbhw theyre going need borrow train horn next little bell wimpy ted cruz like ted cruz bed keep confusingly sad look face refuse first social media reaction httptcox6kuvskltf socialmedia first social media reaction httptcoogoyfnyikj rt winesdaypodcast update foxnews tech failures httptcofgglf2j5hu httptcozw35dkuozi torched passed gtcandycrowley longer famous political assassin congratulations u wi trumpcarson ticket would win landslide jeb bush obama fault brother obama clean mess brother made httpt fox news primary voters none wiser policy plans folks putting forth journalism listening fetty wap packing im true american trump cross shrug emoji president business lego movie meanwhile white house httptconouuut5hkq youre planning drinking game right now youre rowdy gentleman please rt httptcoyaqyac3uv3 trump thinks criticism misogynistic remarks political correctness problem nope pervasive problem handled httptco8zgdy6lpct goal last night take trump pave way rino like bush kasich live chat room spy httptco0k06sf81rq http danscavino w delivered highest ratings history presidential debates fox say thanks mosttweeted moment saying purpose military to kill peoplebreak things trans servicemembers best worst httptcoyki30j7hho chrisstirewalt big moments vs reaction women question heres question hell women amp body parts even debate foh stop it 1965 wtf rushlimbaugh americans getting beheaded overseas worried whether calls rosie odonnell fat defend far fair balanced last night name calling juvenile nonchristians god questions underline little anyone really cares religious minorities chri response pathetic httptcoismxbrrm0h jebbush said cut fl taxes 19b includes cuts estate taxes mandated federal law ht dear gop want stop abortions httptcorbl1t4ipx6 join isis sign death warrant signed next president us htt closing statements httptcos15nlillso status single broke last night goodbye amp chris wallace httpt the 14 focus groupers said favorable view trump after 3 saw positively http made first donation to impressed performance httptcojlfhfvz7st want stop sending foreign aid places burn flag start berkeley rand paul eye roll chris christie httpstcohf318qsowd scrap presidents iran deal iran cant get nuke httptco9trzxonlzf trying decide early come back twitter fulltime gonna wait closer election may hooked donald trumps campaign reveals 1 important thing twitter trolls real people vote scare eve saying dont worry trump never elected need remember elected george bush twice http fox news agenda promote carly never mention fired hp fiorina amp run trump race httptco9k1eujdfo7 oh one thing anyone hear anything affordable child care working families last night i rt dear httptcowqnsupspkc marthamaccallum bill martha team first debate 2nd debate ambush countrys going hell megyn kelly attacking trump war women 1stencouraging see several candidates express faith god son jesus christ httptc said hes politically correct which course trumpspeak lets face it im huge asshole message candidates httptcowfk5cmvgin worst episode apprentice ive ever seen luntz as lines go up almost reach 100 almost never happens dial research do htt the purpose military kill people break things something actual man running president said wondering could get republican party pay liver transplant playing drinking game last night great way start friday httptco1ai9cuz8by elected first day president ill rescind every illegal unconstitutional executive order enacted pres oba donald trump like httpstcojcuirk1i1u upstairs putting kids bed many questions climate change miss theyre todd akin now planned parenthood sting backfired republicans httptcoekxpfkthqn hey let digest allowing crazy trash our http watch donald trump receive enormous applause horribly misogynistic answer httptcor4e8tpotd5 httpt favorite responses last night httptco2iqcdrcdlm httptco7tdma3vlm8 even though super conservative reporter actually like megyn kellys interview style amp great debate all series 1 minute opportunities avoid answering question one candidate credit joke goes someone else funny httptcoicredssplr simply incredible httptcoapxm8ao8jf last nights doubled previous record mostwatched primary debate i literally true me i watched amp got lousy hangover httptcocxch7x haha little saas morning towards httptcodaectmllaj rt dear httptco1z3vufjzlw people saw person vs saw tv httptcoqlgsxrh5hw marco rubio told face hes candidate yesterday antigay bigotry httptcoa4eiuettlf ht none made trump look place foolish yet think that done crying think agai maybe gop got piven amp cloward confused pinkard amp bowden she thinks steal cars great time watching last night httptcoqcmxmu8mlp donald trump says time political correctness calling women fat pigs save now one people tv might next one rip everything httptco think caught surprise first question never able recover equilibrium foxnews web stream mobile app fail during surprised httptcotkpesooezt john kasich helped ohioans create 350000 new jobs america httptcokbzfbjyp2c please help maryknoll sisters replace windows convent httpstcofdgxg3vv13 at largest audience yet chip 3 help us keep uphttpstconzync1jrxs http trump said true gentleman amp started violently 69ing ugh guys ever shut much respect women teach us future president trump america probably wont safe except were attacked going long tiring election season shockingly illinformed candidates httptcovtk1k0txi god blessed republican party many great candidates cant even find one miracle happen you grow opportunity grow jobs httptcolnqhdgtudk scott walker cant even carry state black people need anymore indication republicans hate us peep this httptcobh0chsy5eh sure god told run tooth fairy agreed teletubbies voted yes am trump told megyn kelly go hell caller rush limbaugh showi lost respect fox news stinger_inc s behaviour astonishingly biased republicans debate economics rubio wins bush falters huckabee exaggerates httptcomolloaqhwq huh half clintons charity went tothe clintons httptcobvwrosgwal order take trump wonder fox news one took order seriously democrats watching last night httptco7v4wjok3vm owe huge thank 4 exposing worldmegynkelly chris wallace amp true rhinos scott walker lies says wi budget 535m surplus actually 176b deficit httptcovvmxzkxlkr http right last heard women could give birth child changed httpstco5hkcefp1hf have received word god are soupsandwich crazy fox news interviewer candidates whats take gop talking points im feeding you murder black ppl fine unborn black babies missing jon stewart already h chris christie really standing hey realdonaldtrump know whine unfair questions grow set ya cant prolife watched 2 hour abortion last night megynkelly failed american people tonight tried make history destroying btw mix politics religion get politics marco nailed abortion must protect life httptconn6s7do22j megynkelly wtf chris wallace attacking bankruptcy giving rubio softball obviously get memo about httptcolzagrrtzfl honestly donald trump types petty last nights gt httptcoqxdoemfuqo httptcomcr6lrjh2h republican dopefuls say theyll take us back 2009 day one never see one day white house trump gloating abt buying gopdem pols ampthem bidding 2000s billionaire caricature myacash httpstco5spmu3csic go carly go carly go carly httptco listening like httptco3jrcuqdafu best moment last night rand telling christie go get another hug obama missed either need know theres struggling americans unlimited war jebbush we verge greatest time alive world washington holding us back wins drudge debate poll landslide httptcoyuh6j7qqha http fights back what abt immigration q says border porous must fixed first summary the status quo shit show debbie blocks tweeter questioned dem debate schedule httptcogxna0toqaq httptcokxikf hey look its 10 men standing stage arguing get control womens bodies choices rubio budget raises middleclass taxes adds 45t deficit cuts investmenttax 0 httptco9s9nuvsaf7 ht last night saw bunch rich old despots zero solutions nations problems debate learned nothing new httptcovmtnri7xev httptco6mt think people qualifiedunfollow me ben carson spoke science like httptcobyooh7i3n6 whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via gopdebate talking heads put debate talking heads telling us debates went maybe wasted time watching plaza casino plush httptcoqhttx0pldg httptcoqjunzjy trump right really needs study matthew 7 verses 35 httpstcoygnprhiehv wasnt all memorable moments right on httptcokdnhgj2ry3 httptcohz9gwe gopdebate one picture httptcowmmucjuqju where think women sleep curse shed open field property i think gods pretty fair guy ben carson neurosurgeon belief modern day taxation based ancient book cheers audience aftertrump defiantly named woman called fat pig voices blacklives matter apparently republican candidates president httptco8rfevfwsxx overall main thing learned straight white men matter usfree4life thought best post interviews night gave chance 2straighten position hey still looking chip in check httptcody8knz122t megynkelly criticizing ur performances bc u really bad job moderators govmikehuckabee luntz as lines go up almost reach 100 almost never happens dial research do rigged wish could teach teenage girls love much donald trump loves himself conservatives people without network come theres talk climate change anyone even seen california right now governorperry performance reviewreel httpstcoo5qurozbku last night could raised hands im spoiled billionaire im oligarch im racist im religi gopdebate 2016 wow brilliant cool calm amp collectedempowering ted cruz appreciate emphatically sarcastic air quotes megan kelly circumstances 10 men dictate abortion rights women 21st century better that winner drudge 50 187k time 46 25k foxsd 49 httpt megynkelly 2012 chided going objective moderator active participant httpt gopdebate in1996 called two timing slut stand statement never watch 1 questions 2 pandering 3 making ratings not http imho winners losers others completely forgettable smaller govt ohio government payroll smaller 3 decades httptcoigfif4j1tt httptco twitter users takeover hashtag drag gop candidates httpstcolmznompfmw httptcoewez899a0c challenging teachers unions beating way go jeb httptco5imgwdrl4g thank watching tonight blast writing it theblaze real war womenrealdonaldtrump governorperrys on fire debate performance httpstcoarmjn6vwpg prolife republicans like httptcobioxoplejn icymi border securityillegal immigration httpstco1s25d2d0nk trump vs fox news conflict quite conundrum its like personification greed vs hate root know extraordinary nation is meanwhile white house httptcomfs7ixfovc rubio still preference see point critics opportunism inconsistency ever tell go wait car bad attitude suggests it fire governorperrys on fire debate performance httpstco0a1w02w7sz settling httptcow6w3e5nboa frankluntz im getting lot hatemail tonight totally overrated angry she literally true me i watched amp got lousy hangover httptcocxch7xxq1v jonvoyage half long twice intelligible single question last nights urgent issue time climate change gopdebate amp gotcha questions seemed designed elicit typical political spin responses promises made startups tech conference seem quite reasonable amen httpt highest calling leadership challenge status quo amp unlock potential others watching donald trump bandwagon pass httptcowvqlsxgmcl began moderators say 8 million ppl discussing racial issues happened thos theres nothing like listening ten dudes never need abortion talk whether right fox silenced koch billions too single question last nights deniers mond republicans rich care poverty america amp definitely care bout poverty bla office chat the amp outed flaming liberal politics geek probably surprising catching childish amp cheap move call amp 17 year old story thing couldve made last nights amusing would been httptco ted cruz attack republicans icymi no hell no the httpstcokqhjdjcgws hard say bernie hillary donald trump wins election well know were biffstolethealmanac timeline chip 3 keep momentum going httpstcow3mtcmr7ze chris christie said work two years retiringand get tens thousands less paid john kasich ready lead join team claire httptcody8knz122t httpstcoknwmideqty biggest losers debate fox moderators attacked instead moderating trump yet give single evidencebased answer direct question policy frighten you way studio appear discuss last nights tune in honestly think sometimes guys forgot came wombs too httpstcofo3a6dxflf women shame women abortions deserve shamed soul self respect me watches me looks directly camera like im office donald trumps closing statement every dinner conversation villages ever when rich wage war poor die jeanpaul sartre gop foreign policy the saw candidates completely miss mark race amp httptcok9nhdpue32 httptcohlcqpxjzru so gop proud defeating teachers union even though wanted higher wages obama better leave prayer rug behind oval office get elected ill throw out chucknellis got right trump said us stupid lets vote president wtf people excited waiting 20 years rep engel 2nd major jewish democrat announce opposition iran deal during following schumer opposition hey look feelings donald trump summed one gif httptcozjwugwj9hz dudes legalization marijuana what learned the guys dad mailman jesus christ everyones running mate gop run marco rubio briefly backed immigration reform privately berated dreamers httptcowe77qdt3kt httpt i frenchkissed jesus christ every candidate gopdebate honest u defs talking coz hes stealing ur schtick cnn msnbc and new york times praise fox moderators know moderators fucked up trump lunatic cruz class amp truth gets vote assclown im reason anyone even talking illegal immigration keep digging donald tom hanks finally somebody makes sense olivia pope would vote guys candidates want reduce taxes wants legalize prostitution drugs tax it hi fox panel ask donald every single question hand shovel keep digging hillaryclinton joebiden all httpstcoyi4qns3hzh gopdebate breaking records hes polished politician makes love even more httpstcotgowchxf3x oh movie trailer sally kohn amp debbie wasserman schultz praising megyn kelly tonight tell everything need trump accessory women wearing shoes httptcoxz4zc1lt8n funniest line coming fr people frustrated theyre fed up dont think governments working them donald trump absolute nut entertaining lol thehill top gop pundits pick winners httptcoqpvju6p7sz httptcojcdu5qzjnj winnersfox news losersusa candidates went 32 times thebut remained silent issues affect us http megynkelly trying 2show w trying 2take down trying 2destroy him happening mosttweeted moment for saying publicize world answer waterboarding give e big ego as earned excellence rhymes rump passion marcorubio got best reviews deserved them read recap gt httptcostzw cant wait see lannister kill next episode brutal question assclown megan kelly lesson here careful tweet twitter democrats watching httptcoszicslm7km trump changed mind supporting partial birth abortion friend changed mind aborting amp great kid best closing statement stop worrying loved amp start worrying respected https trump sycophants want know whats hidden agenda last night answer simple called vagin real winner republican voters fox nation httptco98g42iaz5o donald trump really nasty piece work hope disappears quickly fetuses unborn babies clusters cells stop shaming people wanthave abortions far away best tweets last night httptcogzdltyumnn know reminds of actor andy devine httptcoxyy8fxpjcd despite huckabee says always make sure prostitute pimp pay fica pension hillary clinton watching like httptcovokolq52xp foxnews great challenging candidates in candidates cant handle tough question could never b id say opposite megan kelly acted like sjw tumblr whining feminism sad httpstc rightly frank rightly so httpstco32cfasi17d number times ronald reagan mentioned damn high trump pc culture im suddenly 100 it even kidding howling shitcave human great close operates brains worry skin color women would offended trumps misogyny certainly vote republican find new fake issue faux news keep religion politics i bought amp sold reiterating points boy bet mood clown car going tense jerks leave the dr ben carson great job tonight loved closing statement meet new darling left megyn gotcha kelly foxnewspolitics behind fox debate anchors hashed questions failed anyone get trashed playings drinking game donates uhe call favor years later sounds like thats legal ugh think actually people sitting couch last night saying yes yes reasonable rt dear httptcoe1smu0hn5j politics even partially rational trumps campaign gop nomination ended gaypatriots takeaway last night america deserve ben carson httptcokjgfyypcte scott walker chooses killing mother rather aborting unborn embryo reason countries give us funny cant abortion talking point since closing statements reminisce america longer exists ted kennedys 1965 immigration nationality act cant make chris christie stopped cleveland ice cream shop the httptcov8wvyfexx9 ted cruz going personally take away telescope try witch realdonaldtrump killed last night glad cares america exciting anything else tv past 10 years shiiiittt tough say making horny megynkelly asked realdonaldtrump poor questions why help bush polls httpstcop389iile2n bullriders1 better thought itd be though candidates finessed issues sound bytes yes marco rubio actually said iraq invasion was mistake httptcoxrowkhymm1 httptcovjmjdm marco rubio voted unemployment benefits even though florida needs httptco2i6uolsctj ht jebbush thoughtful httptcok37hnbe2jy lot jobs available bush serves 2 terms conservatives committed suicide huh watching debate far moderators participants better donald trump insulted women one man stage confronted him none worthy waiting ask when stop beating wife http last night watching got good stuff earth aint you httptcoyxhy andrand paul lands first haymaker night coming 1220pm live post because republicans like rosie odonnell icymi debrief httptconqiuiccolb fff highlights week include the and officially the worst week ever jon stewart feel comfortable wretirement solved problemspersonal amp scientific htt course assclown pledge run third party candidate paul krugman sums happended last night one two major parties gone deep end httptcogkubem7ge7 remember matter wins everyone watched loses cost 4 times 700m wouldve managed h megynkelly disgraced last night prediction final donald trump tear mask reveal smirking jon stewart fallon jon please come back cant alone httpstcoiua0hy2uc6 midst came big blow announcement leading jewish democrat sen schumer b ted cruz angling slightly less loony version donald trump meet new darling left megyn gotcha kelly abortion question disgusting nytimes praised thought good job good thing rt rt debbie wassermanschultz statement on gop solely focused on httpt my carly fiorina became 1st tier candidate yesterday otherwise changed nothingwill ancient gopdebate lesson coming months quality quantity words amp time tangible believable propsals httptcoyhvnoeinyi cnn new york times praising moderators know completely wrong first republican debate candidate report card benshapiro httptco9mfipucslg httptcozvhw0 according to mostretweeted candidate tweet come republican httpstcocuv3af megynkelly displayed utmost authority at critic says httptco8jbvwjtj3t httptcomel8jxm19b one candidate spoke trumps massdeportation plan amp one condemned racist comments latinos forget donald hero httptco9zzflchjqo kryptonian science council worried climate change scary people withholding valuable presidential endorsement hear everyones point view 2nd amendment rt rt debbie wassermanschultz statement on gop solely focused on http ronald reagan never abortion isis women need either basically everyone tonight gt rick santorum says gay marriage constitutional basis httpstcomauvify6oh every part world touched worse today chrischristie last night candidate answered questions directly afraid take tough issues best jabs hillary clinton republicans fox news debates httptcozeoiem5d7p fredbarnes mike huckabee star luntz focus group show spoke feedback watching primetime afternoon think real winner quiet effective comes gay marriage gotcha sectiongopdebate giving serious janet reno tonight httptcovxfy7ms1wg boomers r know use httptcoigp8wwnzcu httptcomt79hetqxs china deal playground bully punching face amp putting ground bc res lots republicans facebook twitter timelines ticked fox news running hatchet job debate defend far fair balanced last night name calling juvenile hats ben carson using term useful idiots re hillary clinton secular progressive movement megynkelly fox team talked 31 minutes walker talked 5 obvious goal ambush everyone pathetic actually agree something said hurt concur like ben carsons brain mike huckabees heart marco rubios soul chris christies fight john kasichs hope add carly fi speed dating new president interesting article the httptcoqnty6hdhr3 was gop debate campaign preview rearview httpstcon0mko8qqie like super crappy cage fight blustering bumbling old wrinkledup tuckus clinchers without ca military social experiment purpose military kill people break things breaking tie winners httptco8im3nfxjia tvmojoe curious missed ratings tweet the megynkelly kelly role model speak prof friends rosie real woman kelly poser donald trump feels like fox news tried cool parents let kids party amp house fire unconscionable moderators asked candidates except santorum foreign policyamp nat sec questions i the military social experiment purpose kill people break things mike huckabee pro life pro control pro religion pro you never mother solid debate tips take gander httptco4pufj36dla httptcowpi creating jobs greatest moral purpose strengthen families amp communities httptco80xe magnificent first support ted cruz potus would support running mate pot woman supports r party please wake get informed kasich clear standout among cannon fodder record contradicts statements lgbt acceptance httptcoynuckulnjv primary still long way away favorites could change hope see candidates sound bites anti unit personal destruction force working 247 im sure httpstcop0dt5s5tiy president ill end national disgrace failing care vets sacrificed country gt httptco least honest it httpstco7bo2prpmx2 my mother worked nobody americans getting beheaded overseas worried whether calls rosie odonnell f gopdebate real american idol elections auditions whose consent counts amp decisions made httptcobleoby7r7n elections democracy political debates entertainment particularly sterling quality federal republic chrischristie americans fear not people live fear free liberty fear unamerican 872015 glass slipper httptcofyhzzn5qp3 carly fiorina dominates social media even beating trump fox nation httptcovueeverddy wonder address actual solutions climate change clean energy misogynist ignorant xenophobic greedy another proof money buy class anti_slavery whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via seriously would vote clowns need httptco disagree want hit job calculated mute job on actually agree something said hurt concur r 4 exotic designs diamond rings httptco9whr8sl3tp httptcodjb1fkjs3j lets take america hope higher ground help gt httptcotky8smc27y http got caught felt like write joke biggest joke whole jeb makes want blow rails w wreck dads car keep religion politics secondtier participants would audience debated bernie sanders chris cristie re abortions absurd gopdebate im still voting blue httptcoazyupu6oyd im eating lunch two old ladies discussing giving life shading shit outta christie trump tonights important reminder guys think women carrying cases fetuses may lord guide words tonight let wisdom thoughts note kasich question love gay marriage pretty much httptcofhg7fmg42d rush limbaugh megyn kelly i know democrat candidate would treated way megyn kelly treated trump trump literally said donates politicians calls later get wants literally said that meanwhile back white house httptcoun7gnnuhb7 gopdebate none presidential candidates brought fucking gom jabbar mean least liven crazy donald trumps hair arrives early republican party presidential debate httptcocqupkrybse he eloquenthe knew saying believed saying https retw emotientinc emotionreading technology first amp analyze audience reactions to httptcodkbgxzqxhp factcheckers proved scott walker literally lies often tells truth httptcokeoebnrwgu ht want quietly walk onto stage fivepointpalmexplodingheart hollow beasts gopdebate debate good quit throwing crap got substantive candidates handled gotcha questions clowns even tackle climate change mention inequality all surprised httpt going ask lenny kravitzs penis one question disrespectful watched gop debate last night saw trump factchecking httptcon72rubxxcv unsurprisingbutmassive levels lies truthstretching general bullshittery wonder much tonights megynkelly show never lose focus truly important issues amp httptcooxiow3yjs4 trump calling bimbo reprehensible choosing candidate president jerry spri repeal word night mentioned the voting rights climate change gun violence police shootings student debt inequality its almost time tune 500 pm edt httptcohev7fe4hhr amazing degree commitment running joke httptcovpxxlxevhi foxnews focus group he articulate relatable amp made lot good points h still clown show im glad head clown trump helping destroy gop httptco88qwtnpuir rt dear httptcot7mgjn2ver gop wants wants legalize prostitution drugs favorite jeb line taking teachers unions beating them sure empowers kids disenfranchise ones teach em current mood re httptcogfsnedxeoj newest b52 built 60s like huckabee complained mean st ronnie built more maybe next go 20 year positions switched parties perry says would rather send negotiate iran john kerry fan deserves better called bimbo job excellent postgop debate analysis friend httptcogiuogvmnnc cant tell bad cramps uterus trying flee country watch realization dawns us holy shit ive watching fox news hey realdonaldtrump know whine unfair questions grow set ya hillary spent kim kanye love see httptcoh9t0a4ijxx httptcokqs216nb john kasich seems like decent guy shame hell drowned loonies feelings trump after httptcobkuz2oiame end bingo httptcoxul0y2qxp6 chris christie said appointed us attorney sept 10 2001 actually appointed dec 7 2001 httptco8y8gkqtnvk chris christie fundamentally misunderstands 4th amendment amp got owned nsa httptcoxawzzrhvfi fun fact party super patriots single candidate stage served day military realalexjones taking twitter questions 3rd hr todays show watch live 11am2pm ct http surprise twist kevin spacey appears stage taps ring podium pushes 10 candidates front train exjon trump supporters threaten take nerf ball home hard hit thank speaking httptco irony watching 10 men debate womens right choose first social media reaction httptcoih9ksywl7y whos real illegal alien america farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via candidate really likes hugs one word defined ones httptcorghrenzewi httptcorzzzg0m3p0 assume guys boo gay soldier time opportunity arise http johnkasich said hed love daughters gay voting record says otherwise httptcoqwnqmblz5d mother worked mothers worked mothers worked nobody mentioned mothers nobody gopdebate httptcoozmidags6w httptcoiu7jnb5fte tonight really wanna see cut best promo john oliver new jon stewart cant wait coverage loving fiorina smart point reminder less 3 percent deals abortions debate tell gop base voters targeted leftist terror campaigns years amp gop establishment relentlessly manipulates that are entertained throws severed head crowd check candidates best lines first httptcoji0j6pnsis im really sure president ted cruz would make excellent marvel villain debates terrorism expect anyone bring white supremacist organizations engaging terrorism thedailyshow jon stewart feel comfortable wretirement solved problemspersonal amp scientific httpstcovovjmtwu5j highlights last nights httpstco3e1lnt2tql donald trump reagan con man deliver goods thinkprogress httptcolhmrkxwvci gmadawny rt rhondawatkgwyn httptcoba4o0kwluu 2016 primary tourney bracket format narrow 16 candidates final 4 httptcoocetmht6ba gopdebate offer single solution salient issues gopdebate presidential candidate stuck thing presidential electric sharpener emotionreading technology first amp analyze audience reactions to httptcoltqgcdy60w httptcobywwedhvgg sentedcruz american leaves amp joins lose passport theres coming home love cruz introduced bill strip citizenship americans join isis httptcomylrlv0u7e joshbretow dude totally thought pftcommenter pic photo shopped guess not hahaha righteous seriously dangerous whole world would really let mother die rather abortion seriously asked presidential hopeful jeb bush i defunded planned parenthood he proud denied thousands women access life saving healthcare frankbruni writer top game httptcojts30alyui know rands strategy hes going trump hes got nothing lose nowhere anyway credit credit due shocked trumps cogent health care debate response httpstcomdfg53ufaz that concludes debate please welcome koch brothers choose ideological broodmare whorestab amusing hear men chose serve military talk tough using peoples kids backup b god going like copresident something id pay serious watch someone grill 2 egomaniacal bullies interview http kind glad get watch yesterday better mental health bipartisanism well technically didnt supreme court said did maybe gop got piven amp cloward confused pinkard amp bowden she thinks steal cars swear god another cis white man speaks abortion like know like pregnant fun game rewatching replace word god koch bros reagan elianabenador trump selfish amp immature power tweetathon think gained 200 political satirists followers lost 250 teacher peeps u cant win all kelly you call women like fat pigs dogs disgusting animals trump only rosie odonnell crow ten rich narcissists spouting nihilistic applause lines debate zeitgeist really thought solid performance last night smartest amp wisest man room last night barely got speaking time im little salty highlight video part 2 parties last night full video here httpstcozaq07p8qy6 httptcob2meukty63 govmikehuckabee good nighthe well tonight httpstcofn6m0gmknq hey megan kelly ask kelly osbourne attacking week worked her tedcruz gets powerful response focus group god amp religion important election religion play part decision making country pose awkward hell work with stiff natural kinda like last night discussion racist police violence finished typing tweet outsider always tells truth honors commitments httptcowheorxlcid jebbush tell hang em neck wing partygopdebate httpstco8fgwctd2bb sick analysis wait sunday night locks make us lol dont care think dont time pc respectful women something nature ben carson one seems see cares say racism doesnt exist httpt get ready play bingo httptcorwgy9dozx6 coincidence watch unless cable newsflash need knocked peg 3 httpt im party rand paul get since bar were allow poodles megynkelly thinks high ratings her hate break honeyrealdonaldtrump walked restaurant last night even meal came feeling sick stomach winners far im concerned two debates one winner carly httptcopiewa1jccc gopdebate debate stages filled liars traitors doubletalking cheaters deceiving misogynists stunk high heaven played survivor replace amp httptcoyfajhhivkg anyone know megan kelly pissed the im pretty sure never married her surprise surprise thinks life social experiment biggest losers chris wallace cynical arrogant condescending gameshow hosts crazy day fun night exhausting week moments firing big event httptcovwg called it httptcop5jem3cfpw billhemmer ask romney moment passed would asked reagan 1980 same worst question theyre talking hilary like john wick love it strange god told vote them httpstcob8sr6mmalx rick santorum said best httptcoj97rbjeylv trumptastic us economy added 215000 jobs july must result jobkilling obamacare republicans talked last nig carlyfiorina one biggest winners thursday night without even stepping primetime stage cnn re sure fun games one wackos finger big red button httptcondgrhvpb4i everyone feel climate change question last night exactly absolutely authored kates law leader party blocked kates law httptco84 everyones talking the meanwhile im debating banana pb amp chocolate cookies n cream httpt trump told megyn kelly go hell bring democratic debate already please amp thank everyone still talking great job last night articulate good points made need new commanderinchief stand enemies credibility chris christie prolife republicans never apologize prolife httptcomdmned8lgq httptcot8oljo68mj chris christie prolife republicans never apologize prolife httptcoaiartbsmtx httptcopsfvoyi46j jindall fiorina two stand opening act jkarsh pffft since fox care lady viewers plus megyns sole goal come winner last time heard stupid amp idiot used liberally debate race president kindergarten laugh mentioned pimps get em mike httpstcolmoh591w9t message spin room univision winner tonight next years democratic nominee http overnight s 160 household rating biggest gop debates 201112 53 ratings httptcovhl donald trump rand paul tonight httptcojv4yfov7xz gopdebate great theatrical performance broadway omg fox news fan clinton fan amazing job last night impressed qs although occasional dick sure knows keep political debates alive exciting so okay kill people military okay get abortion rape victim hillary clinton spent night kardashians httptcogklccjobi5 httptco76xrsj0rnq so official gop 2016 platform less abortion war thats it thats after kill people break things huckabee described gop think won hard hitting questions concern majority voter fringe gop base ambitiouspaul our skin make us are brain sellout final thoughts tonight republican party touch date httptcotuegrpp46m party update rubio cruz bush huddled corner speaking spanish think theyre plottin megynkelly abortion never medically necessary touting talking points question to breaking president obama vp biden closely watching httptcojsmiznwhjq abortion talking point since real nerd fun fact checking httptcoun2cj2dotj santorum compareds marriage ruling dred scott heres analogy nonsense httptcoxjzdnxdm priceless cleans chris matthews clock postdebate woman contender h npr rip niloy ic must die either normal humans dailymail future first family the httptconmkfgad4ei httptcoiwwrpsntpl master useful humor http debate opinion changed about amp chris wallace utterly disappointedg great discussing issues important american people httpstcowemkfa9vln join fight httpstcoxv gopdebate share sentiments favorites side enthusiasm want vote any fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field hadiyah rand paul rocking wet wavy ooh killem spoiler ale rich white guy tells country hes going help rich white gu anybody get free tacos last night hadiyah jen bush looks like art teacher inner city school everyday car gets vandalized hadiyah lets see jeb bush try solve common core math problem hadiyah bruh ben carson boring af need punch trump face get game hadiyah somebody needs get water stage trump paul start tossing drinks other blacklivesmatter sho silent httpstcojodjlgg2yy hadiyah get police brutality black lives bet ben carson gets question thats even ask it kesgardner agreed still hes one everyone talking about donald trumps views immigration based solely first 8 minutes scarface rightly frank rightly so httpstco32cfasi17d maybe paying attention every little thing sezhes novelty anymore total number mentions min wage tonights rep debate zero httptcovd2obzdjgj httptc better said httptcomxxhgymb2a ben carson doubts hillary dem nominee ben still braincutting tools mirror ok lie d trumps lead shows low bar gop nomination amp speaks base approval elected leaders old tiresome bs debate blows httptcosff0juexux pharris830 thats extreme violates first amendment winning keep up httpstcour7q4kjrfx heres frustrating watch woman httptcospe1vvguy7 via contgopdebate losers rand too combative mean the fix in biggest loser foxnews credibility jeb bush im gonna earn this said bush ever realbencarson thing politically correct war imagine administration dealing usrussia crisis wwiii support trump realize every question delivered backhanded manner httpt agree force httptc dealing republicans america httptcotlz8rk7jr7 we project power bankruptcy court were borrowing million dollars minute rand paul dcsoljagurl fact checking for recovering last nights httptcoauhlnzreo4 ok makes giggle httpstco4jka5buhxv believe phrase if nominee run independent uttered candidates stayin pretty calm considering assume dr carsons gonna mug point trumps really great orange new orange half republican base dementia probably found riveting when confusing tv wthe toaster hillaryclinton watches train wreck httptcolemijfkdxx best drinking games tonight wait rand paul want marry gun saying thats dealbreaker me still is joe flacco elite sign crashes republican debatestill one knows httptcoypqvomx5ne id vote hologram calvin coolidge moonwalking across stage right now trump mexico rubio majority illegals mexican thats grandstanding vs understanding real issue looks like super crappy cage fight blustering bumbling old wrinkledup tuckus clinchers without cage rand paul could drop top 10 w dreadful petulent debate fiorina moves realdonaldtrump looking like bernie sanders issues httptcobzknuxxobk httptcodxx official debate lineup lr loser loser loser loser classy loser loser loser loser loser weve got clip mike huckabee number 1 dial clip entire 2 hours http gopdebate madness last night dnc morning httptcoqkkpnkx0c4 saying httptcozqcaonpakj hey let us rep digest allow debbie wasserman schultz trash gop htt trump2016 illuminati want out win httptco2kvlxwb9kd httptcozycvny4noq hey want check constitution right philly ill keep bridge open y foxnews web stream mobile app fail during surprised httptcotkpesooezt jeb bush promised families fallen troops died vain victims gun violen theater madefortv amp web drama and duh reality tv via httptcolt httptcowrmbjkvhnrcandidatementionedinequality not one love cruz if join isis signing death warrant go ted go anyone joins isis loses citizens blog god made cameo appearance last nights were sure come httptco01llp donald trump drunk uncle httptcofcn61e8e3w watch strong closing statement the video httpstcokqlgcbav7p hey guys women allowed vote what thats impossible build wall around uterus ronald reagan one summed better than httpstcojl65pkp3ua retrospect usa needs someone confidentrespectfully listens arrogant says maureenjohnson based tweets im slightly thankful skipped yesterday evening hardball_chris hey chris file workmans claim smashed last night realdonaldtrump ur complaining much targeted u think ur president u targeted last night gop faced yellow peril watched httpstcorofwhaox6g fair balanced dear scott walker prolife would let woman die rather receive abortion lol dm straight unbelievable sexist misogynistic amp racist tones repugnant sad state affairs httpstcoawbmptmpum ted cruz looks like someone put suit sigh obamaagenda umduring the derp unlike well talk race activism 1 http gop 0 candidates deleted 30000 subpoenaed emails usa waking up grew poorest vote me realdonaldtrump treated like little gnat is black activist censored httptcom6affskjmc moderator httptcournkz69fnx looks like fox news needs taken back men could become pregnant whoooo wheeee answers would different remember bullshit picking president httptcohhsotdzxil watch last night today got wake still liking humanity general rt twitter declares winner httptcolx0rkahzmq the jam seems appropriate httptcof2ul333exo caller rush limbaugh showi lost respect fox news won did you httpstcoiylggdhzej trump constantly looks like hes trying push fart second mostretweeted presidential candidate tweet httpstcorybdnpfypw boys imagine oval office god help us all realdonaldtrump think big problem country politically correct oh absolute disrespect gop candidates disgusting shame making first primary debate win voters lose httpstcogs5eodhvhu love seeing movie preview the seen next 24 hours the military social experiment purpose military kill people break things huckabee sa fact checking for recovering last nights httptco8ibacpcs7d gopdebate fox news tries dump the httptcomusxku53ol httptco2ha71jfrp1 this inquisition debate says sen graham fox news moderators questioning like debates like even less now keep trying aint working ppl saw focus groups amp last night httpstcofyxcfnwedp amazing marco rubio schools life begins httpstcoprklk6x4ji man wants take iran russia china cant even handle tough debate questions megyn kelly interesting stuff punditsanalysts say fox asked good questions caller talk radio said lost respect fox dear republicans grew broker everyone else hate poor much video crushes frank luntz focus group httptcoztruvofwgg cc ingrahamangle carlyfiorina ran away it httpstco8aqyj9byor committed ever support democratic nominee thanks dem even hesitates d lets pretend bar potus high now somewhere sht syphilis bernie sanders fucking national treasure wants hug httptcoiats8vyx7c rick perry calls planes aviation assets happens wear glasses improve iq kiddie vers realdonaldtrump wins 1st httptco2p8dw world leaders said put bombs away guys destroy america themselves mom morning so debate dad the democrats did kimyes selfie hillary clinton viral httptco7biqfjhmhf httptcomztcbkkgwu mind hardball questions like ambush aimed taking someone ra one summed better than httpstcojl65pkp3ua one question at spent half hour talking fences httptcov7pqn2qr84 liberals went experimenting patients mental institutions working look trumpkins hero even win steak knives last night know im sayin here im impressed by classy inspires confidence amp trustworthiness everyone saw dominate happy hour must awful living paranoid worldview presented the guys need therapy public off hate phrase i cant im pretty close feeling way god question american women take note realdonaldtrump justified piggish attacks women the 1 man sta another one poor frank taken beating lol httpstcoffkuaoettm image best sums thoughts regarding last nights httptcoko0eoisfjw everyone watching last night felt candidates gave answer question httpstcobmz0mvesea halffullhalfmt moderators prep 4whats coming abc nbc cnbc cnn willb nasty know debate definitely award best live tweeting think ive ever seen bunch dudes afraid one woman last nights debates theater madefortv amp web drama and duh reality tv via httptcoltzd4fxr8b spent night hanging rude rapper amp reality show queen whos claim fame sex video fetus dies womb 20 weeks dampc you thinks carry full term randpaul got clock cleaned last night bye bye gopdebate order take trump wonder fox news one took order seriously indepth interview former nurse scandal httptcokvl3yditda httptcowrmbjkvhnrcandidatementionedinequality not one aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand winner is httptcobmh8u80tyh let help wanted proof trump re illegal mexican criminals httptco6yqbhhngse http daughter now cant watch cupcake wars me we are sweetie are good point wait til hear serious debate httpstcoighqi3lgh9 terms mentioned tonight at income inequality minimum wage climate change voting rights parental leave biggest shit show ive ever seen everybody stage looks like got ass kicked 10th grade anyone thinks jeb bush going secure border stop sanctuary cities smoking crack gopdebate last night httpstcozh9m8bx4vb govmikehuckabee thought good job articulating issues every republican ever httptco58imcbhra7 rush limbaugh seems think hit job trump substantive conversation income inequality declining wages social security race minorities a megyn kelly would really let mother die rather abortion freaking kidding me clown show httptcouywu9jqcex i think future generations look back call us barbarians killing millions babies marcorubio jonathanhoenig thought may reference candidates bs last night 501c3 nonprofit exec legally cant partisan advocacybut demonizingmorally colleague mine handed grades last nights check out httptcomujedvszhg gopdebate ignored americas 45 million poor didnt stop candidates mentioning immigration illegal real threat debate potus comes best insulter sized irrelevant lesbians amp youre wha rubio spoken the httptcocl2buzxqyz bingo wined dined last weekendas planned https wsjthinktank rt rentamob in john kasich showed alternative jeb bush says lindajkillian oddest thing far sitting three rows ahead httptcooyfvreeiax good facebook logo debate last night otherwise brand awareness might suffered megynkelly showed biz moderator interviewer nothing else failed last night whys retweeted comment the bc truthful anything gop candidate said httpstconicl3cyjps learned cant watch bed foxnews brithume the best closing statement wass httptcowkqihlnxn4 agree oooh fox news also want trump president va gop leaders praise debate performances trumps much httptcoul5pgaq4uh gopdebate constant already committed candidate believe ox gored last night yaleclimatecomm peep them take oil amp gas would stevedeaceshow since ronald reagan definitely nominee waiting for walker kept points tight clean want see run clock longer next debate trying keep rand paul debate like father httptcocst2rrdnl7 well much krauthammers theory collapse trump lol httptcoxtmdubzgnj 2015 winner time leading 42 httptcodocks realdonaldtrump issues women 4 ex wives amp daughter obama 2 daughters 1 wife amp respectful tweetreachapp course itd cool see users ranked highest tweets too all were tweeters best moment last night rand telling christie go get another hug obama whoa weird format any1 know this httpstconp8cjqwyji ben carson says folks trying start race war talking about folks like dylann roof numbnuts foxnews dedicated lt 2min 2hr debate qs ways black america attack httptcotxmkgv9hib pretty impressed rubio kasich cruz primetime debate last night vicenews yes last night heres happened canadas httptcojwuqekdkjl httptcojaoyjutvf9 im still convinced amount sage world couldve extinguished bad energy negative vibes last night bernie sanders livetweeted httptcooz6upibxrp via finally watched the freakin hilarious kelly killed it trump definitely got showboat anyone else there looking new candidate support last nights httptcop7hnjw98fn htt hands would want read sequel david brocks the republican noise machine covering past 11 years reads early morning twitter rants there reasons recommended mix drugs a interesting nobody fact checked would candidates returned funds httpstcozirtdzlkla personally favorite moment last night httptcoaivdipqw5r watch the pray future nation america would turn back god im quite certain working for mission get elected want president shirt trump said if thats wish begin ask gentlemen support win nominatio winner clear httptcow2gxqowo4p done last nights showed true colors shined like watching bunch chimps throw shit other thoughts exactly httptcoxccj3hgjq8 disappointed not surprisingly include talk about unconscionable httptcofntnf5zenu abortion portion sure degenerated one big let mommy die off it gopdebate ted cruzs precious daughters steal show certainly did really say httptcojzlh4lrzh4 gopdebate joke hilarious think real candidates httptcoc6ulr4o8he girl hillary clinton whips nae naes like nobodys business thats trump pay come wedd fox news why smug sexist asshole people support bc hes smug sexist asshole acting like smug sexist ass predicted big ratings foxs expect theyd big httptcoijsedrculz help myself gop candidates need pageant coach httptcowj05xzksa0 httptcojpxno0jo5a megyn kelly acting like sjw repeating talking points amp taking insults feminists personally waste space absolutely terrifying httptcom2leghw8fj ugh think actually people sitting couch last night saying yes yes reasonable megyn kelly better careful tone shell called worst thing possible feminist sallykohn megyn officially charted moonbat hit parade rand paul came little petty man napoleon complex blah httpstcohzryamngsz yo im really happy you imma let finish one best tv shows time kasich making better showing far thought would combating big topic in analysis based insurgencies since wwii httptcokpq07upyrs http im fence huckabee cruz honorable mention rubio dare ask history male chauvinist expect president integrity hey trump refraining calling women fat pigs whores politically correct decent human in women less rights babies democrats watching httptcomusuto1irh used like anymore read tweets awful job tonight jeb bush proven conservative record amp proven record winning httpstcovn45hf6yem robert costa david weigel breaking neat presentation http take break reminisce awesome groundbreaking badassery of httptc scott walker forces women carry rapists pregnancies amp let men sue abortion httptcoyzivipqanx cheered shame trump responds megyn kellys questions misogyny misogyny httptc 6 seconds httpstco8hzowuufpo marco rubio plans help wall street profit college students future earnings httptcokowxcw9ibc htt donor class feeds political class govt keeps getting bigger says carlyfiorina magnificent first support ted cruz potus would support running mate potus honesty rubios ears get bigger debate kasichwilliams 2016 httptcoqddoqyx0ip first social media reaction httptcosbvy8iiruf miss last night fear ive got covered recap httpstcomdi4jzvabp would really let mother die rather abortion seriously asked presidential hopeful 2015 tajmagruder say me gop bashing hillaryclinton campaign platform icymi discussing httpstco kylebrandt fox made play womens victim professional raging b night early2000s political theater wbillionaires bush or gore corruption politics trump i buy em all god next httptcotudl2f7zs1 last nights topics merited attention ignored httptco1mbetsrsri everybody wanna jesus freak till time feed poor sums perfectly httptcod6p2w69ea5 listening donald get impression could start fight empty room miss days conservatives wanted presidential candidate was know conservative heard clip w amp supports past actionsso agrees wobama amp right someone please tell megyn her but next 10 words this httpstcoed40f1zify hate missed last night high lights point fuck last one im done httptcoqamuqbetdc fantastic statistical breakdown from last nighthttptcodbgl8gdfpb htt megyn kelly trump he cant keep going everyone attacks him yes can ms im offended feminist beeteedubs play lesserof17evils party perhaps need new party two debates one winner carly httptcopiewa1jccc john kasich rino anyone see last night httpstcoau20dydowh coming up re httptcojsliardfco im glad swimsuit round httptcotitzlo93of petition exclude megyn kelly host future fox news debates httpstcodxnjjuxele change cant debates like founding fathers httptco01kulhlxsk therightscoop well focus group certainly match todays polls wants lead country wants make decisions behalf opening case scott walker dangerous deep world comfortable there seems dangerous lets pretend bar potus high now somewhere sht syphilis so gop proud defeating teachers union even though wanted higher wages good point wait til hear serious debate httpstcoighqi3lgh9 pointed out huge audience poc ready learn learned mostly scary pundits incensed overs abortion question during httptcom8hamuusrz give flying fuck hollywood celebs think last nights know want win already fthem trump if im nominee run independent proved point bad journalists cant ev really people seem upset amp amp fox people backed trump deb_libby half republican base dementia probably found riveting when confusing tv wthe toaster election better future past agree means bimbo woman find trumps comments disgusting christie comes across bully bully reminds hurts people best interests chris christie tried wrap 911 giulianistyle the so lied twice httptcoy6mudmr66p its embarrassing brilliant stunning woman like megyn kelly uses sjw feminist propaganda attack republicans debate 2 candidates candidate moderator moderators time keepers only gopdebate politicians stick old topics prolife prochoice gay marriage let gothese personal choices mean matter questions unfair bother answering anyway go carly go carly go carly httptcopk45i5zvk0 todd palin amp rand paul closed senor frogs puerto vallarta together day rigorous jet skiing mistake think would fun seeing deep sickness us conservatism become bastardized amp spawned v gopdebate interesting watch candidates good points economy change 10 yrs debate preformances kasich a rubio a carson b christie b trump b bush b cruz b huckabee b paul c walker c man substancea fighterthe intellectual class never able understand hands person like tru donald trump clashes megyn kelly video httpstcok8h5czrymw went gay wedding applause black people too standing ovation after still twitter loosing ground httptcotximy82soq httptcocvclcb6ubm we military reason fuck shit up joshtpm httpstcoayxbtxwskr money cant buy love it d trump jeb bush refers vito corleone always thought fredo women guns people new favorite gif perfect httptcoukdz8o85av censored taking candidates actual words posting these httpt used crazygt stir pot thats unprofessional instagram took website posting real quotes wi httptco5rebyrjgck httptco mr trump next question you please explain pathetic taking stone cold stunner htt way ever treated fairly media gt httptco5wyduo9v2k realdonaldtrump hires actors announcement many pay click survey yes maam gt megyn disappointed me donald trump dear middle class gopdebate trump trumps trump biggest loser httptcoi4t3c2gmzo via want point one time real question real presidential debate what god say you marco rubio constitutional right choose egregiously flawed decision httptcou63wrh7mxn httpt scott walkers wisconsin seeing fastest shrinking middle class america httptcozopokedb8l supporters seem care hes corrupt politicians calls stupid httpstco8jnmnzszbk gopdebate carly fiorina called hillary liar 3x 5 minutes later says never know audience erupted last night re rosie line ques could want guy prez winners sen amp former ceo far best republican presidential candidates httptcov9qdpmpkk4 giant commercial president thank god chewbacca roaring every while would fit right in gopdebate field seems terrified mentioning obama negative light political correctness vile term people invoke slur cowards httptcon8pu1zovbh established afraid someone willing tell truth would shake dc httpstcomia5t8yswp knew war iraq bad idea like knew letting blind guy cut rand pauls hair bad idea yay social issues next say hail hitlery httpt hopped fb saw friends recap wins httptcotpszbvid8o shocked hour amp qs police brutality amp maybe tweeting game know lets spelling contest withu win httpstco9taliqmezh takeaway presence matters see presence blend believability articulation w edg carly fiorina runs circles around chris matthews hillarys record youtube httpstcob9p8wg3ixz donald trump bruce wayne would turned parents lived step fallen dissect 22nd amendment http ive compiled chart based polling rank versus time allotted speak the walker paul robbed httptco was gop debate campaign preview rearview httpstcon0mko8qqie joe biden watching httptco6y2axgitms american women take note realdonaldtrump justified piggish attacks women the 1 man stage called hate abortion defund planned parenthood thats surefire way increase abortion spanked boys tonight even radar now chris christie currently using case bolster campaign presidency httpstcoygmuldg8n2 jeb looks like beavis smiles needs comedy shows the meanwhile kinda snore sorry canada httpstcoqiqvue3fsr reminder family important republican 2016 candidates gay families httptcocs0usassqs ht cant debates like founding fathers less like game shows httptco01kulhlxsk berniesanders man say one intelligent thing mean none did serious hangover today 4 scariest bugs mean gop candidates rimshot httptcookc1tfczww http perfect remedy hangover realdonaldtrump got trumped debate hard ted cruz httptco9hmr7num6n black guy smart fuck trump make vp thought awesome job personally megynkelly u disappointed last nights u asked qs pertinent 2 duties president mike huckabee the purpose military kill people break things hillary clintons response the guys ok secure thousands votes illegals every time bell rings rand pauls little poodle ears keep perking up rush not one 9 candidates stage joined megan kelly going donald trump rand pauls haircut really distracting almost yelled rand get leash time walk tired shills media hillary henceforth known as ben carson gods pretty fair guy guess hes never read bible cheap tactic rand paul getting haircut poodle distract me rt theblaze mattwalshblog republicans after maybe think electing someone httptcobrx74ildwm john kasich seems like decent guy pity hes republican gopdebate bingo httpstcohkew4f0kb2 httptcopwaoz6kvop cruzs line cuts 2 core issue gop amp also shortcomings htt official photo big last night httptco9yqgzvc2qv last nights proved everything already knew white patriarchal elitist homophobic party gop is trump integrity character principles hes proud it agreed also funny constitution loving republicans structurally violate constitution bringing religion politics im radical capitalism individual rights looking heroic candidate blowtorch irs like sound that go rick httpstcozflcfhee3j favorite tonights on gopdebate fix getgofirst off question pledging support addressed directly 2 first social media reaction more httptcouh06ezxxfg realbencarson excellent job last night the class act around proud republican candidate lookups misogynist spiking httptcok7rbb12rlc trump women the httptcoyxsj god speaking looney tunes real questions httpstcofbo00cn461 skye820 were going make american century weve got empower small businesses thanks question my god named bruce springsteen go listen jungleland get fucking clue christie saw reach scratch balls picked 10th fight winner overall todays s really stood among gop candidates republicans hate gunfree zones held gunfree zone httpstco0rlayowqw1 embassy attacked woman would trust rt fav httpt political nonsense last night see httptcomocgzthbdz site httpstcoxyahgrr5vh rt teatraitors still clown show im glad head clown trump helping destroy gop httptcopry2qpcwfu must admit throws like lol httpstcoc9luq1dww3 looking forward listening tos news roundup morning you look away httptcoo8rtitvgdt last night looked httptcok2tk know laugh cry last nights theres difference politically correct massive jerk mr trump thoughts perry fiorina must replace paul kasich top ten jindal needs step replace christie im nominee well party future sentedcruz best answer night response immigration stupidity sides want it rather watching im watching livetweet it ive made right decision https interesting analysis clearly excelled conservative leader need go httpstcopve8wuodke krauthammer sorry downfall trump last nights debate greatly exaggerated moderator scottwalkerwhen rip iran deal day 1what then walker i remember tying yellow ribbons trees tell us god speaks you happening real life snl big enough cast spoof this bbcworld rt bbcjonsopel midst came big blow barackobama announcement leading jewish democrat sen schumer huckabee the military kill people break things behalf military familiesf you watching taking selfies with httptcohytsdemr64 http pre ritual httpstcoagbmc4nbm5 realdonaldtrumps arrogance the ive used laws country advantage httptcorjtjr9ioac 18 hours later looking back biggest gaffe repeatedly tagging victor cruz teamvic instead ted cruz tedcruz real scary liberals allowed 2 walk around committing horrific crimes humanity id like thank 9 candidates took trump task trying to but cant gotta love donald trump guy flips risk board realizes cant overtake asia brendohare great battle last night premier teenage athletes httptcoplgp4aai2y foxnews replace future debates maccallum much better job early debate donald trump democratic spy httptco8n9mvtkn4u 16 united states homes tv sets tuned to wow httptcotrs8vmwjyg gopdebate old white rich conservative dudes parade thats childhood nightmare mine ljcambria forget vote him especislly go independent recap the want make choices women httptcov1desifyee made hillary clinton go wedding also made best man rand paul could drop top 10 w dreadful petulent debate fiorina moves gotta say refreshing hear presidential debate everyone correctly pronouncing nuclear ig deleted dd account participated hashtag httptcojnyrnopngx via lol watching like httptcozowjcu2baz thoughts httptcobt7glnyuon love died tonight executive experience matters httpstcouca5ogut29 trump realize hes complete joke or feel though would caught onto realdonaldtrump primary voters your chances look good general election itd shame something happened isis islamic extremism doze spoke right wing christian extremism plaguing country understands immigration better anyone stage httptcoivvfcxpnn7 honor last nights id like add exclamation point end name maybe get put jeb vanity plate how earn jeb jeb going earn nomination httptcobkowyl34ft realdonaldtrump we need leader top thats going worry much tone thats going get results va gop leaders praise debate performances trumps much httptcoul5pgaq4uh we united states america divided states america realbencarson httptcoritsrz ben carson identifying lefts use alinsky tactics masterful mike huckabee broken fyi real terror donald trumps hair faces pressure coming the id say hosts next debate httptcotfuew8ugps jebbush pretty much donors lets make big deal trump said fat pig motive guys really really want get elected get hands kind money httptco still rages on httptcox791idd7lx rt kayleymelissa like trial unbreakable kimmy schmidt dona httptcojaqjwnndgb httptco4wblzpp8lj rt teatraitors still clown show im glad head clown trump helping destroy gop httptconwgx8g8jwr carlyfiorina shows push back matthews httptcodxxihajzg9 would love 2 see debate fact checkers amp u make like 5 false statements u disqualified debate without secure border nothing matters gt httptco9da0d98kdw httptco9itfsttjrk blimey httptcogtxrtj8ybn ive watched pl judge me education amp stuff prez debates class tbh romney prev yr disappointing like driving fellow patients around one flew cuckoos nest httptcolrpxqgx4 factcheck first httptcokubanat83e visually could used dancing imho cartoon roundup tweet drawing httpstcosjiz8a2zuf lindsey graham never met war hes afraid send kids to hears isaid tv interview hell call dogruff ruff httptcopyj4huhgje agree none guys ever president add name httptcoo7osxwkq98 httpt catch full last night scotts best lines 90 seconds httptcozsffbjmvx8 people really need research carly fiorina extremely impressive yesterday media whore hey bigger talking point last night makes think whole debate sham much fact checking accepted republicans lie everything fox news clearly hair dress complexion code presenters for talk middle aged men suits earlier tonight fb httptcoilnovju2a9 time trump 1140 bush 848 kasich 652 rubio 649 carson 646 cruz 646 huckabee 642 christie 624 walker 545 thought fought revolution quartering troops wartime hillary got 19 mentions middle class got 2 really would talk her bruh prolife republicans like httptcodgu7yj9iex think least 1 person shldve replaces even stage http friendly reminder focus group poll httpstcomhek8ywglh moment things got really weird httptcofco3kzpvqe realdonaldtrump shares post calling megyn kelly bimbo following republican debate mrctv httptcozaii5aqsii tedcruz i think real divide whether were going republicans actually said would do rather much easier tell us got anything right httpstcoze7eywpbmp know god real climate change isnt httpstcojmm8vrnktm first social media reaction httptco161dkwboef httpstcob3umosiq3s feel like throwing carson scraps ask real questions find policies say belief god impt truly american 69 us 81 reps 63 dems httptcoh50hgnvzll nro jed rubio no thanks i listen american people as long immigrants blacks latinos lgbtq women clearly the cc httptcowvr3qhamrh guess lesson is watch the prepared pay price second breaks bingo six empty spaces left httptco8kidhdjrvi overall im disappointed trump entertaining carson killed spoke least im impressed answers watched got good laugh httpt sd3_design sorry improv last night watch able call women pigs whores more take america back best line re i fight defend liberty family knows like lose it htt multiple shots scott walker nodding behind ben carson one best parts of real strength megynkelly thought fabulous job debate and im democrat perfect remedy hangover fortunately straight outta compton commercial spent time the civil rights issue time the httptcoys2n1uflht wrapup cruz great night trump 5 companies went bankrupt wants fix us debt ac360 hope 2 next like mess bull bring bc get horns next fox news work party republican party works fox news david frum nyer work hard replace chuck schumer vote iran nuclear deal httptco264dwh6bbi mom amp submitted question sadly got answer httpstcos7iyysmdfv candidates went 32 times thebut remained silent issues affect us httptcogwyirupoyo showed quite plainly prepared men 1 woman 2 lead nation httpst takeaway the clear winner clear loser clarifies nothing muddies everything httptcovwel501bib cant believe people writing real articles won all lost fox news keeps hammering according plan great carly fiorina last nightbut remember word said refreshing httpstcovgz4knfxk7 megynkelly results candidates at httptco paul trump the republican party fighting singlepayer decade um 75 years actually the military social experiment job kill people break things huckabee relevant song day boxersimon garfunkle ie candidates debate httptco0uxvhae4ux watching like httptcobgudpo0ikb favorite part danced snakes spoke tongues god going like copresident something early looks uncomfortable uneasy hoping would opinions regarding twitter today winners losers amp heres roundup ofgthttptcornunbpawgp httptcosfqiwda61g gopdebate megyn kellya rubioa fiorinaa christiea bushb perryb kasichb walkerb cruzc carsonc jindalc pauld trumpf rest jonahnro u look ask given 12 time 1on1 debate would b impressive far guess lesson is watch the prepared pay price need commanderinchief makes clear join isis signing death warrant heres frustrating watch woman httptcoxxch8pxagf ask scott walker hes disenfranchising hundreds thousands people voter id laws gop land year 1955 20012009 donald trump democrat assume confused thought democrats still supported slav biggest issue last nights lack of check comments here httptcoypqzm8y218 httptcoprny71shyc sherrod_small ben carson plugged llama2016 running away gop candidates httptcotintr7p9po trump rino httptcoew7bpoqd5b watching check httptco9agqnl83s9 httptcondyqvlp8dy received 30 seconds speaks volumes q would really let mother die rather abortion scott walker straightfaced im prolife future bingo wined dined last weekendas planned httpstco1s2ultnxoe lets imagine obama ate baby question lets imagine it trumpcarson ticket would win landslide clear winner last nights httptcomdueysedlr trump rino httptcoew7bpoqd5b bet rand paul consults todd palin best place service snowmobile visits ak mr_landshark saint genesius rome patron saint comedians httptco0upbqmymts tv reality star 2 1 lead gets asked tough leader questions wilts like failed apprentice cries mean girls impression could wrong httptcoubw1sfgkzh memorable lines undercard httptcoimu4r5p9wi httptcovk5uh7etyk weird gop candidates want talk billionaires funding campaigns httptcoc4vdthr3sd rubio radar belongs top 10carlyfiorina takes hillary head on httptcooon7jfurii regardless clear womens rights lost httpstcomcems58r9i reminder marco rubio abandoned could run president httptcoriqrabv3al httptcoicxwvljky8 need hourlong debate immigration give questions candidates ahead time prepare itd informati 2 names trending after amp winners round 1 winner last nights debate was loser women men end oval office handing hillary dem nod hey bigger talking point last night makes think whole debate sham gopdebate w delivered highest ratings history presidential debates httptcosy3wnqwhtb mark davis says earned promotion main stage next time httptcotynvmjc7dn httptc heres frustrating watch woman httptcogd6rvbhz4p via im saying regretting baby thats kind reads https tried get tonight realized americas sideways look like duck httptcotunvvnc islam izlam muslims mozlems get right free us enslaves us dr brittney cooper carolcnn stop stoking dishonesty head gotten big due quick rise drama queen my dad mailman kasich my dad president bush my dad gave money trump beg donald trump supporters reconsider easily influenced politically amp monetarily foxs todd starnes bashes are freaking kidding me httptcoqw7xw0awxo video httptcoxd19f7jmsi finally someone talking real issues httptcottcdktnmut wish republicans would stop saying military small spend defense every nation pl recap men said hell no go military service chance saberrattle wthe blood mod would really let mother die rather get abortion scott walker yes amp defunded planned par megyn kellys snarky hot chick routine works show place the came amateurish political debates teach marketers message audiences today direct deflect time ask president defund 352am fine give up turning dvr watching trumps crack think hes sti gopdebate one critique debate much get know candidates one q per big problems world dissatisfying economic bills amp continues 2 waste taxpayer why http jokes aside moderators gave weak questions candidates gave weak answers good luck again kid feels the httptcom8e1gwotf2 pretty sure republicans consider straight outta compton horror movie politically correct politically factually wrong everything known science trump claimed last night hes given opponents money actually one httptcoxzttcvmp totally fair especially 1st 2mins httptco6w3epmpoej ever ask rosie apologize foul abusive ugly attacks donald httpstcozxasm scott walker talking hell president just like wisconsin scary today 50th anniversary voting rights act hosts candidates it jerusalem_post hope watched us republicans condemned obama thes blistering ill fight us military feared respected amp ⁰capable fighting force world ever known biggest pleasant surprise tonights ben carson thoughts on trump much time everyone cant answer s succinctly finally called insulting women fat pigs dogs slobs disgusting animals httptcofe6kz2mmmb illegal alien deported 5 x make back country kill american woman trump cant call someone howling httptcobnv5ohxzlk scott walker prolife make exception rape incest life mother 20week abo marcorubio central americans mexicans true wants electronic monitoring systems don huckabee illegals pimps prostitutes paying fair share uhhhbrithume us like questioning everyonevery ungentlewomenly love died tonight said worried people cant get in worrying born 4a change hey conservatives friend fox news corner world gopdebates biggest winnersand losers httptcodw6irephdm latins think gop lost because gopdebate one noticed donald trump admitted bribing public officials remind again winners complain officiating australian watching the simply awesome batshit insane political event ive ever seen know runss twitter feed gawdgrow donald put big boy pants stop whining foxnews failed appeared follish rocked housegopdebate httpstcobuoye6dnll has god ever talked you an actual real question seriously hey huckabee allowed talk science related abortion believe climate change nutshell via vote true blue 2016 httptco5rfh5zbnpm illegal humans world keep calling latinos illegals social media conservatives expressed outrage friendly fire questions httptcovpa9riyca0 treating lives pawns polices stand fall merit conservativeness telling leaders lobbied prevent military commanders asking questions service members privately owned guns trump would take pledge run 3rd party disqualified get format next change make 3hrs 800 1100 candidates stage deserve this favorite moment suggested leader progressives the american people want president tell truth sen ted cruz httptcowv step fallen dissect 22nd amendment httptco4ljeug3gye gopdebate takeaway presence matters see presence blend believability articulation w edge amp track record defines person 5th amp 14th amendments guarantee person http gopdebate deadeyed walkergranny bushoozy cruzimabigboy rubiocurly paul smarmy uncle huck vp wannabees kasichcarson ampchristie makes sad see working people basic public goods like education environment no got nose rubbed dog shit standing back terror victims foxnews hard time covering megynkelly put colleagues bad spot took 5 days 2 lower flag 2 honor soldiers killed in trump better call woman slob me im little hungover david think many candidates first two ads debate denture adhesive memory pills rt dear httptco1z3vufjzlw rt dear httptcoe1smu0hn5j rt dear httptcowqnsupspkc thepatriot143 trump need lot rope completely hang himself hes embarrassment rt dear httptcot7mgjn2ver 10 men fighting wreak havoc womens health bmangh mutants democrat abortion fest thrill you last nights debate made us feel little like could jon stewart probably funniest thing whole circus were calling the real debate dump duncald yall seen tweet vote 4 u think debate donate 25 bucks u wonder hate you congress amp morons like pass bill without reading it trump better call someone slob hillary clintons reaction upon seeing carly fiorina night httptcoesd4f4arns slaying httptcoslfvbkscms rubio misstatement abortion record harm among conservatives disappointed coverage acted like giddy amateurs sporting event using liberal media questi next needs let something hair whata bunch jackwagons httpstcoanukb30eii fellow folks without cablebut still watching live coverage the httpt realdonaldtrump treat us enjoy rt rt debbie wassermanschultz statement on gop solely focused on http somehow friends fox missed took on obama hillary washington islamic jihad ohealthcare dwstweets references nh forum amp 1 14 mentioned income inequality jesusgood guy wouldve sealed tomb better cheap craftsmanship boulder rolled away tr watching remember jose take job goldman sachs did httptcochhzb49t0w gopdebate debate potus comes best insulter sized irrelevant lesbians amp youre 4 people oh one thing anyone hear anything affordable child care working families last night didnt free us enslaves us dr brittney cooper pamelageller kimkanye great examples hillarys useful idiots referring megynkelly megyn must want invited celeb parties new york bobbyjindal brags antichoice state is report 2013 said louisiana worst state women marco rubio briefly backed immigration reform privately berated dreamers httptcowe77qdt3kt httptcor406npvex5 ignorant obnoxious repulsive intolerable donald trump pure joke americans cannot let clown become president take bottle white pres obamas policies gopdebate flailingampwhining political correctness way avoid answering substantive q warimmigrationmisogyny bet todd palin consults rand paul get goatee trimmed visits ky hillary amp obama watching first httptcondnrdwrqyf oh ted cruz pudding chin betamale energy do go comedy get virg theres troubling things called facts forgot in httptco conservative thinks chris christie last night need leave party immediately stop making sweeping statements candidates policies absolutes real winner httptco5rplneyngj calling 911woth try save baby raccoons sewer find natural habitat survey tell us gop debates httptcooeccj37ndc httptco62hnzngyw2 unplanned parenthood httptcoxo1ijogj3t rt twitter declares winner httptcozffszafvug rt twitter declares winner httptcot1ldoql94l rt twitter declares winner httptcolx0rkahzmq america 2015 deserve ben carson httptcope4nrdzxog via democrats watching tonight comedy hour httptcokkrpme1xce love owned last night httptco6khqpdqpn9 drinking game take shot every time republican shames immigration planned parenthood im new kind republican moving party forward women control bodies republicans derrickbmartin standouts 1marcorubio 2carlyfiorina 3tedcruz 4realbencarson 5ricksantorum objective bias got way wonder whos agenda carr asking god violates article vi paragraph 3 constitution there religious test office rushlimbaugh rush order coming fox take out knew true 1st jeb bush knowing know now knew then idiot seem audience full lefty righties realdonaldtrump went latenight twitter rant the httptcodl4mwpnzzm http really excited campaign season googling date want stay informed nice attempt provoking attack instead focusing issues friendly reminder focus group poll httpstcomhek8ywglh rt gov mostretweeted media tweet of httpstcodv2e4jhxcs megynkellys allegiance murdock amp ailes american people understand this understand her people playing drinking game dead yet filmed murdering man cover up free bail ask job back httptcoo2psph6mzv trump missed golden opp say know else filed bankruptcy 50 cent fifty pimp sorry huckabee surprisingly impressed last night definitely moving list candidates foxnews used crazygt stir pot thats unprofessional get free tacos tonight courtesy donald trump httptcoimxpyfqrpq via httptco gopdebate searched online find crap raving debate foxnews many questions get time per thks gop land year 1955 ac360 american people going put feelings pulse repeal obamacare like playing mana card magic gathering gop candidates essential play deny existence something shaped country planning run still waiting fox ask appropriate billionaires buy elections rt rt debbie wassermanschultz statement on gop solely focused on httptcozlnhjwswyh gopdebate meet scott walkers paranoid insurrectionist adviser police violence african httptco0qhljkfngg carlyfiorina heard response clear point wish good luck moment kelly burns you called fat pigs disgusting animals httpstcovvia1nuyld via check xm103 sirius206 wed 9pm est like ha would comical alienating foreigners immigrants bashing blm amp obama bein generally white supremacist org council conservative citizens platform immigration sound familiar http rt rt debbie wassermanschultz statement on gop solely focused on httptco6wbrvlgbzt rt rt debbie wassermanschultz statement on gop solely focused on httptcokycd24hu97 poor ronald reagan stuck debate like bad group text working huge social data story interesting trends trump tweetedabout moment last night well holy shit kasich good you qtna hangembytheneck conservative amp kinds there httptco3rfi shutuphannuh convinced long snl skit look way less terrifying black males age 15 34 likely killed gun die cause debaters next xm103 sirius206 wed 9p luntz as lines go up almost reach 100 almost never happens dial research do httpstcow31ltcltfm dooley_dooley whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via lmfao find funny httpstcorhtbzsjkue 10 wealthy conservative men setting rights women entitled to would epic id love see cruz rubio fiorina debate three them httpstcos1 hope next get around stop isis terrorizing movie theaters black churches donald trump kidding said going prepare debate tell thanks influence congress slashed cdc funding gun violence research congrats 4 calling 4 is deathbydemocrat anything goes morals values respect others jerked ears chris wallace wanted trump bush throw hands httptcoq3bpysesue rush big time republican donors ordered take donald trump saw that hes good stands way gop crowd connects people like me httpstcocjwumdtdpw foxs says switching topics national security terrorism involve immigration scary touch real world republicans are karlrove think great tonight great otr donald trump like httptcoak10ihscxc seem spending cuts defense cuts indeed one jebs curious statements last night httpstcotouzfuii2h after and one question wife looks exactly like get better plastic surgeon httpstcow0kxqfx7cu rt according to mostretweeted candidate tweet come republican http noticed kept talking policies terms conservative not opposed good not realdonaldtrump shared inspiring applause lines last nights httptco5hwdkfgpxa httptco watching last night ouf tough hearing donald trump speak gonna long road republican nomination realdonaldtrump posted boy im glad good taste avoid ugly comments hair else saw 10 horsemen apocalypse last night crazy cruz got 3 mins debate the purpose military kill people break things oh is thought protecting nation someone something say httpstcogma5xojqhy httptcorj0rz1zmn2 gov mike huckabee frankluntz analysis who won gt httptcoldyp98eyzg sentedcruz brilliant principled fearless future party est rove priebus statist di im pretty sure trumps popularity indicates many republicans trolling primary democrats mostretweeted presidential candidate tweet the httpstcohdkdiziym2 king resting bitch face httptcopvos66ih2r rush most important thing carly fiorina the dem party undermining character nat heres contrast httptcolxax6wuunj realdonaldtrump repubs attack orders bc attack order regardless think real loser us wed 9pm est xm103 sirius 206 amp funny the new favorite comedy sitcom borowitzreport assesses walkers performance via httptco87p5eew8w7 far httptcoy4aphoxw6y look affirmative action letting black man stand nine white guys an open letter to late become feminist httptcotyqj9t34kg fk would actually abandon conservative values support ridiculous candida sociologists keep showing mex emigrants actually educated mex pop whole brain drain cr watching ha ha ha ha ha ha httpstcomzdc9lrdlu the asking candidates questions thought left would throw nomination smart usatoday calls debate closing showstopping zinger american women scott walker thinks fetus live die rubio thinks bear rapists b trump would put pos potus taking risks candidacy last night calls name worth it h three stats didnt hear in since 2009 us gained 81 million jobs unemployment rate 68 unins gtrealdonaldtrump spent time attacking twitter spent subject httptcol9wwpiehdi choice clear httptcoucghgu2ipu rubio budget raises middleclass taxes adds 45t deficit cuts investmenttax 0 httptco9s9nuvsaf7 httptcoz9v38vhi03 cant wait end debate wrestle angry meth addicted bear death see real yes obamas dividing country creating jobs ending wars achieving diplomacy w iran amp giving people healthca based tweets the doesnt even sound like candidates touched topics matter trump i would shut govt defund planned parenthood obamacare httptcoxiwha8kjf7 woot took 5 days 2 lower flag 2 honor soldiers killed in trump better call woman slob think fancies kingmaker winners amp losers calamity cleveland 1st gop presidential debate last night httptcojbqnxif1me jeb looks like caitlyn jenner every day httptcod41aamlnbj httpt foxnews tried best destroy tonight however workit exposed network heres donald trump channelling inner cnt httptco7athcmpmur 37 time commentators questions amp digs terrible 1st debate hosted b see marco rubio still thirsty httptcotx5hlqit2r did excluded woman field first debate ask trump part war w finally question hammers center field wall amp park donald trump insulted women one man stage confronted him none worthy president frankluntz analysis who won gt httptcofwghqvz9dg yes maam gt megyn disappointed me women biggest losers last night mention income inequality even voters rights 50th anniv democrats debate different hillary clinton debate herself changing mask every 5 mi ive known donald trump crazy ever since saw first bottle trump ice httptcovyjqt1fjyx getting excited httptcoefgro33pmo pleeeease jeb fewer peeps lots questions rosie holy fuck think did watch burns you called fat pigs amp digusting animals httpstcovvia1nuyld via shame brett baier chris wallace today 50th anniversary voting rights act question asking wealthy white men entitlement reform what randpaul gets less half time thedonald during httptcopqedcjovww httptcofuwguv5cqf destinmurphy yeah whatevs see tho accuracy mind blowing httptcoxsxtyuykwp record debate fox koch bros interviewing candidate farce vote bernie realdonaldtrump people would least expect calling apologizing im really disappointed one threw prosthetic leg last night trump lowered bar for smacked head trump shows true colors gop debate httptcobwipvdcmqy gopdebate 2004 called woman nickelampdime whore stand statement running potus chrischristie to youre committees privy secret information good explanation surges ahead candidates httptcohagmnn1tv7 http mark davis says earned promotion main stage next time httptcotynvmjc7dn httptcohxbpqiowmh someone ask jeb bush jet fuel melt steel beams please time wavering way towards done enough damage with best summary ive encountered httpstcofufean0xkw gopdebate bunch nonanswers one liners public supposed informed vote responsibly crap really marco rubio last nights debate watching realdonaldtrump put together you httptcotztk7bc1rm via listen brain surgery impressive understand able landed carson stage veribatim agreed think walker performed the disappointing im leaning towards trump debate christie think strong second favorite meme basically takeaway tonights httptcoqtyyowklng humanityread whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via optionmonster yes logos screen actual feed facebook awful support eventual gop candidate bernie socialist hillary habitual liar biden buffoon sorry theres god building debate joke american people truly learned nothing the irrelevant questions asked moderatorsfail donald trump openly admit buying candidates yes were waiting take excellent performances candidates horrendous everything jeb bush common core pearson parcc amp money trail learn fox gt http feel like whenever politicians asked economy respond make puppies unicorns app fk would actually abandon conservative values support ridiculous candidacy bottom line vote candidates last night httptcoa5oe7jfbwx were talking amp now watch httptcogs14wrcchi e news enews hail supreme ronald jesus reagan rush not one 9 candidates stage joined megan kelly going donald trump trump like obama refuse communicate saying anything like last night ridiculously biased moderators unprofessional you told contestant celebrity apprentice would pretty picture see knees omfg 5 major takeaways the httptcowuxozh5tik omg movie httpstcoj2pakc9u9y 1087 megynkelly trump simply cant harmed impolitik statements like trying drown aquaman never forget ted cruz never supported amnesty 17 candidates makes interesting change top 10 moments thursdays debate httptco1069hw6pbl gopdebate live report jeffersons httptcoflowhtliho httptcofkfyts8f23 keeping spray tan industry alive thriving rand paul went toand riot shield holding bruh nothing better watching clowns outjeebus other nothing frankluntz focus group gives low marks saying hed consider third party candidacy want rt tweets nothing better friday robert costa david weigel breaking neat presentation httptcohgtwhlqidl tell isnt httptcotj5ueuq8jm domeniconpr crazy cruz got 3 mins debate wait huckabee say something b52s yaaaayyy bennydiego unplanned parenthood httptcoc1fflfyreu cruz need commander chief makes clear join isis signing death warrant anyone wanna watch weed chips guac ignorance stupidity bigotry amp misogyny fox hosted last night laughabledisgusting amp fright boy im fan damn cant let bozos becomeshe cant worse guys trump claimed last night hes given opponents money actually one httptcoxzttcvmpli scares people break storms applause misogyny amp crazy talk made david cameron look practically sane comparison british leftie us bizarre e debates interesting questions asked whoever wanted answer did true personalities would show know graduated and but know now isis islam jfc republicans talk shit terrorist group dehumanizing every1 follows islam fu cocaine white watching russian political debate 10 candidates debating vote me rubio says wants border fence visa tracking system voted pass gang eight bill httptcoqt trump supporters attack conservative followers republicans turning fox news awesome grown ass adult women right seem enjoy treated like incompetent children schmitte indeed good source laughter concern 3pm fox news asked real softball question 2 words describe hillary seven answered conservatives drag knocked daughters abortion ampgo right back protesting pp next trump calls everybody clowns puppets believes correctly childrens birthday party goal last night take trump pave way rino like bush kasich cruz need commander chief makes clear join isis signing death warrant newsflash god real plan government accordingly new game 1 person cant win players close eyes amp try find saying marco amp waiting loser reply rubio unreleased footage last night httpstcogegoirieai hillary clinton marco rubio debating like champ candidate willing put humanity back education httptco6dtpe donald trump like sanjaya american idol know win curious see far go mike huckabee thinks fetuses rights pregnant women httptcoaimff13ktm httptco2nfkmpcpu9 carly fiorina really impressive hope get press gain steam 3 least libertarian moments last nights spoiler most slim pickin httpstc much hillary cnn msnbc pay moderate tonight http campground day first use fewer count it less cant freshman comp 1 saying person problem trump issues women respect women fb post last nights comments seem attacking fox news attacking trump ht gopdebate marco rubio asked debate q would create jobs a tax cuts 4 rich amp modify social security amp medicare hope amp american dream women means building future choose taking a half hour it donald trump made clear hates women immigrants reporters leaders joshtpm mission statement tell people u love u never know much might need c brogan fact check httptcoo3q8r8dxn4 lies misinformation amp spin enough gop hypocrisy http one producers spied newsroom indulging tonights said httptcor church lady literally person httptcoykdaiwphro boffo early ratings for 16 us households tuned in 2x old record more httptcofefioelxnl httptco4aqnyhwc64 im officially calling prochoicers science deniers single question last nights urgent issue time climate change chrischristie used families 911 victims enough times benefit dont care candidate party vote for answer point httpstcodh4ifzb questions biggest problem filled opinion last night suppose really think coincidence many fox news employees defending megyn kelly right now orders huckabee two drinks shy hate crime somewhere hillary laughing randpaul says bought sold surrender terrorists prick call death little thing trump cant call someone dog https jdelreal whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via preview donald trump tonight vine by httpstcocraevhinkb watch tonights heres looked like eyes twitter httptcoubw2aoimxh http 3 least libertarian moments last nights spoiler most slim pickin httpstco2brzknmloj im expecting guy walk moment httptcolgl8l8lmgt httptcou7jxx1awyq via accurate much root problems showed us that krauthammer the real story collapse realdonaldtrump gopdebate httptcocsm0a7ddpz gopdebate candidates like etc etc republicans watching like httptcogjy4kx4tyj police violence major issue past year america intentionally ignored black lives w defense budget httptcov5rtvjrbq1 nothing wrong tough qs applied candidates something done second mostretweeted presidential candidate tweet httpstcorybdnpfypw gop debate notes us involvement arming httptcojzdpntwb1e reached extreme peak httpstco4b6ren7jd7 yall going use 5th amp 14th amendments defend fetuses yall refuse use defend living bl like honestly one stage validate trump talking every time see foxnews focus group think maybe dinosaurs deserve another chance id say bush kasich came last nights debate quite well seem moderate compared others disappointed result certain better httptcoihn6yaaeet httptcot1k4z0vudr douchebag know talk decent people bill clinton get boy leash https fitting today went last night defeating teachers better this dream see educators amp doctors honored amp respected spor foxs lady viewers pissed megyn kelly megyn know good rw woman takes mens sexism smile amp s retweeted httpstcor4juzdfq52 walker changed postn immig need secure border met txgovabbott know more gives millions lawmakers annual budget 350m must prevent making us gun laws gopdebate okay woke up debate start guys montel williams endorsed john kasich president httptcoez9yl3uxxs leave republican party become democrat httptcoxrmlhwo1nv talks similar souls 1980 election amp real conservative answer advice candidates order think finished 3rd place ben carson yourve noticed flesh love hearing chumps whining moderators maybe worry lack cogent ideas everyone giving hard time on great job asking tough questions need thanever last time referred bottom tier candidate along with candidate comes says winner member party thats good happened immigration save trump end one follow gg allin shitting onto stage guys last nights topics merited attention ignored httptcotqxw14qzzb donald trumps outrageous lines tonight httptcotbdk1gtxnd httptcov3tltvj0 realdonaldtrump like pressing question resorts calling bimbo httpstcoz6nqmfuxhg actually exclaimed loud megyn kelly extensions fooling anyone look natural httptcoys2n1uflht wrapup know right about sally kohn agrees her definitely line httpstcojudmm4it3j ive seen far top ten debate winning thing from marks beginning end for httpstcovdbygtlzgo via depressing thing jon stewart make us laugh tears dont ask moderate bubba felizrobertson still reviewing guyana next elections mind w proved are hateful bigots lyndonjackmon dearheart never upset ppls viewsno matter misguided non issue one noticed admitting republican a an great job tonight seemed like one soul megynkelly fan mean sponsored leaders make taxpayers fund even beliefs trump cant call person disgusting animal problem need stop gun crime solution use guns deterrent sojourners whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via oh thisll good watch ten grown men channel god live tv offer closing statements screwing poor one word candidates income inequality climate change citizens united student debt httpt 1 important issues time single word r candidates blathering abortion dare fox ask proof mexico sending criminals think are sarcasm midst came big blow announcement leading jewish democrat sen schumer back andandgod holy shit summed entire republican party mothers mothers cousins brother god fiorina people american won why candidate liked already cant see obvious earn jeb httptcojkgx2ojrwi carly fiorina wrote oped us ijreview performance last night httptcoldqe8kg2zw liberals lol showing straight outta compton trailer radical liberals straight outta compton rape culture trump implode in special new edition httptcoheyhwpwuwx support 1 u like still america pls vet u know ur getting httpstcohrlwhet2x8 internationalbeerdaybecause whole world needs drink ohsoamerican mostretweeted presidential candidate tweet the httpstcohdkdiziym2 biggest elephants room last night panelists shoddy performance best httptcovhiqq states closed background check loophole police shooting deaths gun suicides cut almost half ronald raven httptcobymorra7bc frankluntz analysis says debate gt httptcoquwoclfs8q 50 amp never proud political candidate ty hope americans soon feel same get 5 6 softball qs last night conservatives cant possibly support candidate donated hillary everthis asinine strongly suggest everyone listen dennis prager today icymi at calls houston mayor annise parker controversy httptcoqxb1edqozn fact undocumented immigrants paid 106 billion taxes 2010 httptcoz1v2fvrubr yes please lets hear women bodies people women lol watching like httptcozowjcu2baz shocker cant stop giggling even damn presidential debate grneyedmandy conservatives drag knocked daughters abortion ampgo right back protesting pp next day love presenting trump roxbury httpstcoserwdl1yfc httptcok5kvybeij8 2 mostretweeted presidential candidate tweets came democrats amp wish god one moderators would ask dudes quarterback battle says helped the kasichs 1st answer night include dumbmasses httpstcoc7ffooermn sure was delivered message well https donald trump would bad president excellent pro wrestler finishing move trump card follow question to nominate supreme court justices uphold marriage equality cases donald trump shooter mcgavin politicians media seem leaving disturbing comments trump made megan kelly made veiled threat her id love body shot marco rubios ears rush limbaugh megyn kelly i know democrat candidate would treated way megyn kelly treated trump frank luntz great news ted cruz httpstcolzwvlubgnq via ted cruz reacts fox news gop debate hannity httptcob4lzaihok3 via top 3 times trump 1106 bush 840 huck 639 results here httptcoo06uczxff8 fox news must taking marching orders rnc treatment cruz trump carson human embodiment _ツ_ httptcorukxayzmbu according to mostretweeted candidate tweet come republ http hopeamptgdn enjoyed panderfest debate last night spoonfed pap taste 2 mostretweeted presidential candidate tweets came democrats amp twitter data fb post last nights comments seem attacking fox news attacking trump httptcoyulgjreyvu native american friends get kick white folks complaining illegals next get reaction from httptcowtdq8gmvel trump wants treat mexicans like white walkers argue hillary 1hr cant even talk police brutality full minute carson dont see color see brains httptcocyuqbkb3xd latinalista whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via rodney ocean city lifeguard president bipartisanism talked httptco4wj0zbzmqe instagram gaydayslosangeles gurrlll httptco5xsvtuyimp httptco2irxupixke bottom line fox news lost debate candidates integrity bretbaier named one winners gt httpstcoobsvewvo41 macgopdebate kinda like prom night lots anticipation fun moments nothing lasting glad watched un megyn could crack head open eat brain dr ben carson start debate loaded sexist question unfair amp disgusting http watching everyone complain last night makes glad watched instead mean crash burned despicable never watch show again ever hangover today much consumedbrain fried psalm 3312 httptco6hw465gten megynkelly would consider trump part patriarchy serious question quick question god personally advising candidates agree othe reveals candidatess terrifying fantasies httptcogyjq13nw35 favorite moment last nights httptcovnc4isli7q fiorina make single mistake made strong arguments details back up excellent job keder missed h that supposed read whiner donald trump woodruffbets proved point bad journalists cant even describe right would say trump appeared incompetent the nice politicians obsessed w protecting rights fetuses care nothing rights ppl alive strugglin nyc turn 7 pm see discussing nyc politics the huntsmanabby httpstcoayxbtxwskr money cant buy love d trump one shocked party whose audience booed american soldier applauded rallying cry meaner people donald trump amp hillary clinton deserve other guess parties nominate 2 phonies america deserves prime time messfest last night heres visual thought real debate 3 hrs earlier http talking things specifically complete massacre happened hands carly fiorina debate heavily biased qampa done thats folks im confused lol retrospect liked way respectfully candidates pictures revealing ted smartest articulate man stage presidential httpstcoumk17vuktj stephenmengland donald trump starting implode doubt supporters even notice yes true religions women unclean sexual distracters amp men hapless victims htt recap vs night httptcoywdf7hjgdb httptcolz govmikehuckabee haha dream on sothe show stage show megynkelly asks good question track record ofabortion position answer obfuscation from congratulations anyone watched tonights respond tomorrow starting punk rock band havent seen room white since filmed last apple product video ted cruz really looks like ventriloquist dummy im going lie freaking out in john kasich showed alternative jeb bush says httptcoqnnsctizo7 via clown show httptcouywu9jqcex practiced answers r impressive u look practice ignore say theyve do im saying regretting baby thats kind reads httpstcocjy6pqrls9 russia amp china know abouts email server congress httptcosd0cpkghw1 heres fox news streaming last night httptco7soowgiuno httptcowx5go1thnu whatever ailes you our leaders stupid politicians stupid well popular message even liked it check httptcok1hbpwgv6w fresh political perspective update constantly first gop deuschbait day ends winners anywhere theworstpartofdepressionis even results watching crash make smile think party abraham lincoln slavery would alive well left folks foxnews focus groups biased 3 stooges moderated the lose viewers proved good httptco2ff3omzjsm ted cruz debate imo early numbers suggest record audience yea people watching transcript full final text httptcowp0c9v3utf httptcowfyl0lwpol basically httptcoznxkpfq6y7 debate fireworks fox news vs donald trump httptcocc4uxdyuro carly fiorina wrote oped us ijreview performance last night httptcoldqe8kg2zw even media get it one last nights men alienated base carly star esqpolitics zygote americans winingest takeaway winner thank you sir gopdebate cruz trump trump httpstcozmrfi7bouc via fox made effort take out hope poll numbers catapult and people rose up httptcov0qxraxbq0 ted cruz thinks birth control abortioninducing drug httptco8o8fbzafka realdonaldtrump purchase relieve duties httpstcottp2x2grrc winner me make ass showing questioned dumbasses highlight video debate parties last night part 1 full vid here httpstcozaq07p8qy6 httptcowv0ivyqudh gods deck also losers dummies realdonaldtrump abort nonsuperstars like marco rubio say beginning actually even god rolling eyes responses get it super jesus says thehill hillary spent kim kanye httptcovbfnuaiaqo httptcoumgxs9lxnl three stooges hearing fair tax again find youtube compilation ridiculous things said last night still know tsunami drugs exactly sounds like great time me govmikehuckabee fantastic debate white house httpstcomyelasnpnb caught highlights super depressing 1 president 2016 thou shall take name lord vain words leave debate im cruising fergu megynkelly big fan watched show nightly lib attack won people talking picture w httptcoz6b8vwv9vc vine ofs eye roll chris christie last night 4 million loops httpstcohf candidates httpstcohb86fxzb2a image best sums thoughts regarding last nights httptcoko0eoisfjw pamelageller think accidentally uploaded pic hillary instead of alyssalardi cant remember names esp since theyre 90 white men orange foundation dying so theres 45 minutes left debate heard anything police brutality mass incarceration ra admitted paying hillary attend wedding jesus fangirl much id gone rock thats me heres really the httpstco3srdyfeh7j knew chris wallace going hack played hand couple days if think its bad now seen got there httptcoxurvny2ufe realdonaldtrump lt pay attention pesky facts behind curtain httptcohxcubsvtgl substantive vigorous revealingit probably head feminists complain temperature room form patriarchy trump cant call one slob fact check via julia hahngt marco rubio still fraud border securitynational security gt httptco everyone fucking lgbt student struggling pay bills debs httpstcoqirhkt79h2 winners losers httptcos7s6xdovf7 httptcomxbq7lblgz gopdebate trump hates fat people look mirror poor chris christe challenge him well know why trump take pledge run 3rd party answer became conservative cuz hes favorite part sting repelled ceiling delivered crushing scorpion death drop goddamit donald soul fumes heart orbits dying sun making thing interesting fuck looks good natural httptcowvzuw29m7d 29 rts truth say httpstco0riaoipykq joins fight httptcoqusaxyqqvn zone warned folks fox news commentators like monthshttptcoiz6z3apgbh relation amp trump what going rt according to mostretweeted candidate tweet come republican httpstcozobxex5kza donald trump gave master class get away httptcoliwtjlzzfd via juddlegum also suddenly became resident ny even jersey mikehuckabeegop think dad career naval officer amp progressive would disagree mil exists break things lincoln chaffee photobomb snicks foxnews id like see fox host debate cands getting softball questions oh understand now movie idiocracy actually documentary real story collapse trump debate krauthammer kasich said yesterday wants love respect everybody pretty much means career gop over heres late night hot take the short version abt trump rubio good bush bad httpt trump overrated angry surprisingly good httpstcoghfpf8movf guess bush fix gets questions httptco7eyg5ib8uk trump i would shut govt defund planned parenthood obamacare httptcoxiwha8kjf7 woot last night debate opportunity hear moderators debate trumpthe moderators lost authenticity transparency cost entry today especially among millennials teens time conservative women get loud proudstop letting hags sole narrative womengopdebate carly fiorina nailed it scares people break storms applause misogyny amp crazy talk last nights focus group picked mike huckabee ted cruz winners the httpstcoteikayjzt1 published fake fights fetuses funny hair cartoon roundup httpstco26v9hrahk2 proaborts afraid fiorina articulate smart prolife woman like threatens them supporter question whats overused word answer oh my great day at htt xjeremymx completely agree feed facebook joke well played sure fauxnews watch clown show last night chuckled v httptcok2uafcce5w trumps answer businesses far certifiable disaster night right i buy influence comme realdonaldtrump manners realdonaldtrump winning key takeaways the httptcodylhhihpdt twitter users takeover hashtag drag gop candidates httpstcolmznompfmw httptcoewez899a0c said it we need hundred like jesse helms us senate really people seem upset amp amp fox people backed trump actually life last night good news live blogged whole gt httptcopr1budbh would add walker losers category cant remember anything said httpstcorp0oeac5wg big winner httptco5xgym6ywvh american people hear guy amazed foxnewslive seriously tone deaf deliberately clueing blow back amp im fan rubinreport finally got it trump looks like boss nass from httptcoe8gzqnhk9r comment theyre unanimous re defunding womens health care amp killing iran nuclear deal prefer mi day last nights google officials warn could die playing drinking gamebut elected die httptcovfo2diau0y generations look back us call us barbarians talking americas killing preborn childr vlanda whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via this httptcox8v9vbulc6 shorter i proud embrace obama agenda amp expand government ohio know graduated and but know now next time big debate 8 guaranteed slots 2 wildcards based perf small debate mock presidential election closing statements 10000x better train wrecks photos rafael cruz eating bacon semiautomatic gayer sex wedding pledge kill amp restore common sense education family function fed function ht top 3 priorities 1 gays 2 whitehouse white 3 jesus mens warehouses biggest night gop abortion even case rapeincest support birth probirth proli thedailybeast watch trumps disgusting drop knees comment mentioned httptcoyyz21reood honestly really want hear ben carson say uhm questioning sexuality candidate mention cyber security regard china russia washingtonpost meanspirited everyone boycott show watching advocating domestic spying via nsa abandoning 4th amendment the im sure thats correct assessment record never advocated that rapeincest exception wanted say good luck candidates taking stage shortly first debate 500pm would could pull gun shoot trump clear wants watch need highlights dumb shit said like lmao candsmods trump cant run independent well lose me last pick said httptcoc2r0qzdexv saying httptcomsq6cn6b3s megynkelly debate u moderators pathetic u attempted interviews instead conduct the asking personal attack type questions to cool ben carson says important thing brain half gop field disqualified liberal media reporting debate neutral way see much bias sadly transparent 4 different pictures 4 different subjects 1 obvious similarity httptcon2yixeokow gawd forbid gop candidates win 2016 woman fear women men take power follow amp engage amp share opinion the httptcopn4d3ernnm httptcoi0igfv9nhj hoped would productive weed candidates blood bath entertainm one hour 43 minutes without drink special aa chip that gopdebate country make top 3 velvetunderground fridays soundtrack gone well existed and im pretty sure evens weave embarrassed whats happening stage right now fnc honored w appointment unbiased moderator for but played attackdog interviewer role instead anybody see trumps face rubio mentioned last night horror blacklists individuals companies buck orthodoxy offer measures reduce gun violence chris christie seems pretty chill won real question whos donald trump conservative only rosie donald trump takes dig rosie odonnell during crowd roars httptco39sqc4vtvc via something something fox news keeps hammering according plan great carly fiorina last nightbut remember word said repost repostapp last nights httpstcosottph4uty trump short casinos fail im proud ran casino ground trust make equally smart decisions c im actually disappointed wmegynkellys performanceas journalist amp attorney expected betterthat bs woul close eyes marco rubio matt damon actually person he already said would apology believable httpstco1mubzwamwu substance rand paul bested christie kreme httptcogcsszpjtht womenradio whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via gopdebate thoughts events last night tv including republican debate jon httptcopz4tiaonbl im going stroke read see hear word rhetoric one time barf great think republican party whole thing great candidates megynkelly objective bias got way wonder whos agenda carrying big twist swapped bodies teenage son chinese earthquake yesterday morning beware extremist scott walker gets schooled neighbor httptcofrkbjl5k1h benedictcumberbatch showed fleek like httptcoeadmd4rhms todays gop crazy white dude darkened theater destroy us oh yeah thats right ben carson still rosie odonnell responds middebate insult httptcohvn3g3c9kq httptcojppgqi9tbn via biggest laugh from httptcosz8xu8ebk1 cc rush limbaugh seems think hit job trump well yeahgopdebate httpstcoyrhbygjemv titanic iceberg would sink me watches me looks directly camera like im office favorite picture night httptcoggvr7fob6w time climate change came either httptcomzpvnrfmzl gopdebate candidate claims speak directly god any word god actual question posed group grownups great article craziness last nights httpstco6rwqandcfu three questions id ask the 1 nice waiters 2 gay friends 2a ok name 3 wishfulthinking showed quite plainly prepared men 1 woman 2 lead nation httpstcovemeqvlmvi like defend obnoxious buffoon calling bimbo insulting women earn jeb httptcojkgx2ojrwi guypbenson guy trump shoots messenger meagan kelly last night must habitual response his randpaul the httptco7l6xapqamu jeb bush obama abandon iraq left timeline established brother jesus christ fox trump financial practices shitty mess differ potus trump wont people there winner in clear loser women families won why candidate liked already cant see obvious first executive order defund planned parenthood thats important issue wtf course ask ben carson signature race relations question response httptcopqklctmqkq last night like oh lets see boys takin abou streamming ill bet strong opinions mostwatched debate history i httptco3krwyxtqaj what black liv lets cut commercial well move talk racial issues amewait breaking news scary russians tell us would scare people best huntsmanabby mission statement tell morepeople u love u neverknow much might need c brogan facebook logo president best best twice man could ever be httpt closing statement httptcooijj85pc35 jebbush governor florida defunded created culture life state httpt ben carsons doctor maybe check audience pulse writing for argues last night good night for httptco8te0nzqhrv brithume best closing statement sallykohn substantive vigorous revealingit probably head national debt increasing instead decreasing solve problem megan kellys voicemail going full angry messages tomorrow making friends stage tonig carefully avoided finally heard comments lunchroom work harolditz jr new graham slogan i cant wait kill yo last night could raised hands im spoiled billionaire im oligarch im racist im religious nut steelhamster heres clip httpstcox2vae3wr3m yup happenedgop httptcolsgaigj6kr manufactured hit job donald trump fox news class transparent pathetic makes sick trump vs fox news conflict quite conundrum its like personification greed vs hate root for part debate candidates pander god endorsement dems terrified bc know conservative b next president amp able dismember babies amp sell body parts public policy winning httptco2tv5m6onvo im still little sick stomach watching gop debate enough booze world handle monstrosity donald trump refuses rule third party run gop debate stage httptcoi4yywflsy2 staged one chair few loser left standing banished fighting pits mereen rare instance agree withs performance hurt him instagram need free acct legitimate convo highlighting real concerns yeah dare birch stand womens issues much respect now httpstcok7e0ttvsko made bingo card anyone wants play me ive already got four squares u better watch httptco across tv news aisle salute chris wallace smart sharp unflinching que screw look see transgender ppl serve country military this is everything httptcowrdbmfapbm watch last night accurate httptcopy3rhcmcbh cautiously optimistic feel morning after well giant depressing hot mess go carly go carly go carly httptcooheklwzarc on voting rights act mentioned the sadly shocking thats hrc took em on httpt he already said would apology believable httpstco1mubzwamwu yes marco rubio actually said iraq invasion was mistake httptcoxrowkhymm1 httptcovjmjdmbyhv whether support not shameful hillary clinton right now httptcorfqopqbzgk takeaway mike huckabees going privatize military hire vogons if elect me ill best comic book villain president ever seen donald trump gopdebate candsmods trump cant run independent well lose me last pick said httptcoc2r0qzdexv real live person first 2016 race 16 us homes tvs watched first gop debate 2012 race 5 httptcospqltqg2fw thought watching political function feel like ive church good way information visit httptco8aupr2vs6z httptcoopedgskhgp rand paul claims we create isis jeb bush interrupts we didnt brother did realbencarson thank megyn sure going get talk httptcognnn9idons whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via comment theyre unanimous re defunding womens health care amp killing iran nuclear deal prefer military solution lol trump next get reaction from httptcowtdq8gmvel i never heard word income equality climate change voting rights via 18 states done congress closed background check loophole need next president act tune in live httptcoo9s38elwo5 hey words regarding reproductive healthcare httptco4sforbtcap gopdebate donald trump hates mexicans httptcout1zaw9vk4 spends less minute police violence black lives matter httptcov2qirwdw5k lot candidates defending never mention take away rapists parental rights amnesty course constitutionally sound candidate httptco0y54wtistm remember called rands tireless defense blowing hot air interestinggopdebate httpstco6inkmv9kzw past six years weve seen results obamaclinton foreign policy leading behind disaster proof republicans need education separation church state httptcoeyjvwgxe3f ted cruz positioning fight fury trump without unpredictability smart move the women love this httpstcoxrmoid5bdk realdonaldtrump calls 3rd party talk leverage sounds like extortion pick ill make lose best post ever 10 wtf quotes last nights gop debate gifedhttpwwwnyloncomarticlesgopdebatequotes via party update im still waiting ben carson introduce twins bragged about hope said preparing amp true enuff could tell take run serious islamophobia begins realdonaldtrump whaah amp unfair ask questions say same seriously though httpstcogexpvd1vb0 advice gop candidate order think finished 10th place jeb bush get pulse hurry jjauthor whether support not shameful weve seen lot campaign conservatives were going win 2016 need consistent conservative ive picked 4 followers focused reduced cost raybans past 24 hours knew rayban bots jokes ben carson ted cruz youknowwho google search war httptcotyqvy0bhup democrats running see socialists rly disappointed questioning aimed provoking fights between rather learning candidate plan doubt stones lead country better direction watching morning incredibly clear none people care all check used annotate last nights httptcof3gu92m8pl based rhetoric assume donald trump looks megyn kelly sees miss piggy trump invites hillary clinton 3rd wedding blasts megyn kelly duringafter debate hes republican instagram shut acct posting real quotes w someone tell instagram theyre the donald trump got wall idea game thrones rubio god blessed republicans kind candidates democrats cant even find one reality show so qualified potus want know favor making masters national holiday apparently trump tell like is guy cant handle tough questions point utter hypocrisy biggest winner amp loser of moderation win app amp live streaming fail amp httptco4hspigrzta sums entire suppose httptcofbasozc54u seanhannity try lying us attorney 911 appointment u want us build wall hillaryclinton missing jon stewart already h jebbush amp valerie jarrett dinner together rupert middle httptco2ofh3ipytv gun violence costs americans 229b annually sometimes like s character hes still candidate calling like is gopdebate marco rubio best zinger night how fortunate many good candidates dems none candidate speaks mass incarceration would hard vote themgopdebate bernie sanders livetweeted httptconosdlxybm9 via inklesspw could take cues the leaders asked god spoken them multiple shots scott walker nodding behind ben carson one best parts of real strength of watch last nite well ready this united states monday aug10 1pm et know makes pushing 6lb vaginal canal seem less appealing men telling duty woman ultimately liberals unhappy means gop something right httptco08nrvgesra guess bush fix gets questions httptcozusrbs8qta plz google education ohio get well educated education longterm prison costs people commit assault homicide using guns costs 52 billion year politics stomach republicans admit science real even news night signed killed 2 birds one stone need comment marmel wondered thing trump mention firing one recent diatribes surprised diss sam dubose tamir rice john crawford died kasichs state dodged police brutality question carlyfiorina at im running president gtgtgt httptcophngdbyksp httpt governorperry heck ronald raven focus group actually likes donald trump person businessman candidate httptco instead fighting among ourselveswe focused tells post showed enforces republican orthodoxy httptco3rnri9cbvd httptco6981eqojzn tune 1145 talking and gronk bus llc dream jobs yordano ventura the billionaires amp bankers lost rest us httptcorfpnbtsow6 httptc interestinggopdebate httpstco6inkmv9kzw gatewaypundit megyn new candy crowley blundered badly fox exposed themselves trumped rand paul gets less half time the donald gop debate httptco9wcidg100e genuinely impressed by thanks thoughtful questions women foreign policy race thats all httptcojr7p3o5xhx frankluntz analysis who won gt httptcofwghqvz9dg trump say i hate concept abortion hell never need one want finish trump feed troll fox news fed troll fivecourse banquet marcorubio winner book stopped 10 fit clown car ben carson wants proportional tax system based biblical model tithing final question whose jesusisest on central americans mexicans true wants electronic monitoring systems trust solider protect freedom day httptcozn knows doing name opponents weaknessname strenghthsstate wanrtsask average cost us taxpayers single gun homicide nearly 400000 agree with marco rubio helped most httptcok7tgoym8bi helen lovejoy voice somebody please think christians fact wasnt even debate all literally pundits saying remember time said x bish bout msnbc chris christie rand paul feud tense national security faceoff at httptco7ronblx7ys oh yes got right httpstcomyenlefbnf gop candidates going klan rally debate im surprised many people already picked candidate im still listening amp playing field good field conservatives possibly support candidate donated hillary ever asinine gopdebate take warmongering last nightwalkercold war trumpspanish american allstates rightscivil waridiots shawnsbrain66 im liberal ecstatic hands best reality show ive ever seen imo targeted biased attack choice 2 b defens could offer real subsatnce amen id like culture life too like getting shot police montel williams endorsed john kasich president httptcoez9yl3uxxs reads early morning twitter rants there reasons recommended mix drugs alcohol hawking hats ran pauls eye roll point httptco9h8udtnrjw hooray fox newss take the httptcoc4jrx2mnjd 2nd tier next debate muggles joke criminals felons including domestic abusers take advantage americas lax gun laws arm themselves fear amp loathing httptcowzoudisfgi httptcohw9dqxnfwp huckabee we need banish department education cant voters educated says sake of means amp one better loved exasperated look jebs face during like kept thinking am one taking seriously anyone voting chris christie httptco2vxu3v9g4v im different kind republican really needs show contrast instead panderi someone photoshop album cover chris christies smooth jazz masterpiece hugs remember 2016 wide open heading electric opening debates httptcooroblj66rk httptcowfy89wxkzd kelly last night stopped clocks candidates asked heard god even american citizen mean come on down epa ben carson may brain surgeon performed lobotomy himself gop debate charted word word httptcoutuowzivj6 yes true religions women unclean sexual distracters amp men hapless victims httpstcoix20obgo2p bush obama administrations proposed law close terror gap fought efforts close it climatechange nonissue primary season httptcoqicyhopamw great read input foxandfriends thats zinger treating women like human beings political correctness megynkelly goingronda rousey s posterior childish comeback where when momentgopdebate interesting alarabiya coverage httptcofgpb32dlh0 wrong attacked start nothing fair balanced ht perfect remedy hangover past 10 years us military endured suicide epidemic among troops 23 deaths involved guns jindal pledges sign executive order specifically protecting christians gays httptcocr56g8szmr rt took full 15 minutes figure channel fox news excellent michellemalkin wow httptcoe8uwgy4chf consensus seems blew chance hosting a moderators blew w questions mornings recap elephants room best recap time httptcomc2wokuwi8 immadocates whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via cruz trump trump last night httpstcozc1kx9ypy7 via andrea mitchell brings someone la raza express disappointed the news dog bites man trumps flaunting wealth literally nothing good ideas good leader gross whos post debate fuck hood chevy talking god p l c l debate peddoc63 kicked butt amp looked fabulous it terror gap means terrorists pass background check buy gun licensed gun dealer online gun show must rein wall street call every candidate commit four principles httptco makes mad moderators intentionally turn debate personal attacks gotcha questions loves hes mind fro wheres ted cruz fox news unfair softballs rubio kasich jeb getting unfair questions gop candidates discussing illegal immigration pure theater except theater creates jobs scottwalker instead picking fights republicans bring fight back to httptconhr gopdebate winners result debate getting boring someone bring gays harpoon something marcorubio i believe every single human entitled protection laws whether vote come candidates arriving httptcokk6xbkpajm serious q civilized interpret will nations allow elections turn circus clowns wessmith123 foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut bush know happens low education standards this thats what 1 news like soundtrack lot riot police saxophone turn back protesters httptco8rwu8pwrid media treated barack obama liked fox journalists treated donald trump httptcouhunkexepx nyt assesment ofs performance made matter again httptcob54cr1kx4q winner tonights two debates all httptcogdgwasxwdr conspiracy guy id say fox wants hurt trump asking questions hurt cruz asking questi like satire relations sketch comedy one thing say last night pretty much screwed chance becoming president deny existence something shaped country planning run democrats httpstcoxjqcqet2nm chrischristie lie us attorney startappointment date during easy fact check waiting trump declare god ignorant obnoxious repulsive intolerable donald trump pure joke americans cannot let clown become president we first state choose life license plate yay little jeb want gold star come give mommy hug real voice was mad hes parroting ha tried watch last night kept hearing farting noises like senator realdonaldtrump view buffoon schoolyard bully cant function normal society new amp w post discussion ondemand httptcojrb4oxcjza promotionrelegation like fiorina moves premiership walker goes debate championship retweeted amy mek amymek conservatives people without network much cnnmsnbc hillary pay moderate tonights debate httptcoj keep changing to im surprised rick perry either debate thought ankle bracelet boundary tickets circus check last nights entertainment needed thanks isnt bash trump debate destroy trump debate trump still standing watch last nights because cant even anything civil rights climate change okay im listening now amazing last night shit son got told stfu hahahahaha someone tap anger mean create right fightweary dividers top giving credit due thought three moderators great job took candidates loathe faux nooz kudos ms kelly going da donald misogynistic bloviating xenophobic carnival barker sure gop stage looked nice amp polished america tired shining rolls royce wno engine we time tonewe go get job done donald trump httptcomiyhipdkqs trump absolutely control someone please send clip sharing what saying moderator clear boosting ugh one even likes him realdonaldtrump hates strong independent women im shocked tell daughter put dick mouth amp hush hot mess amp gets blame setup crush ignore amp prop up weve seen proposal plan from watching today feel proud american amp champion amp leader hear explosion the worry crazy meter blowing wall http incoming hot take httptcop1goalbt67 never helped latinos httpstcou7yzlgl07l debate pushing trump down lifting common core jeb silencing cruz always thought average intelligence watching last nights feel like genius also sad glad people finally appreciate honesty ive got honesty handle battle scars prove it last nights debates movie popped head reason httptcosoznmunltj govchristie big loser last night unwavering amp unapologetic position violating constitutional rights winning msg hillaryclinton easily last nights even there want trump run third party give supporters reason feel aggrieved opportunity blown democrats wrong grow economy create jobs httptcodwgvs5zjq7 debate moderators unprofessional handling debate act like and when find mush push agree jack great motto life from last nights angry enough go polls 2016 local state federal elections httptc the im all httptco2vryvxptgu starting get serious trump amp co drew nba finals type viewership for murica wins again realdonaldtrump posted video arriving httpstcokmtarey88s get warrant attended amps announcements assure mentioned illegal immigration priorit chris christie rand paul feud tense national security faceoff at httptcolseitog0nr getty im getting lot hatemail tonight needs trend re phew tuned time httptcobivfrzkaf4 really think alliance order would political powerhouse seemed want cult personality ratings substance trans rightsno education reformno minimum wage reformno police brutalityno healthcare reform war isis johns standout performance httptcouc6zgujyvm httptcopnpfowv7ix gopdebate cruz trump trump httpstcopuixp0vm8i purport christian love thy neighbor yet verbally eviscerate opponents lol course do rtsallykohn think won lmao country fucking doomed candidates evil hope get work barn instead of think single candidate distinguished last night amp think trump expectedmore same shocking photo taken sewers ohio last night httptcovzd9qtcyz1 rt tuning in httptcoxx2bp5qkcy httptcorgjjszqdrz god hope field gets smaller soon httptco9vn7q9ae2k httptcofveho govchristie gave intelligent answer entitlements last night got 65 right it utmost danger society make religion party political disputes gop prevaricate prəˈverəˌkāt verb speak act evasive way synonyms evasive beat around bush hedge governorperrys response chinese hacking options would consider httptco1wsgqnfdbp cut wider shot see charles manson calls men fat pigs dogs slobs disgusting animals get back me httpstcojl4mxq2j hear about let alone infrastructure tell us plan investing really impressed dr carson senator rubio tonight remember gave respect candidate sick the told realtime sketches httptcoxo0jd1mn0c pointed out huge audience poc ready learn learned mostly scary best tone deaf new ideas offer last night gopdebate think donald j trump minutes candidate change httptco1qpscjviku best closing statement realbencarson photo endeds presidential hopes httptcovbvvfpxspo debate anyone really cares http think came surprise bobby jindal jv squad opening act puddinstrip live tweet feed fire govmikehuckabee we clearly know baby inside mothers womb person moment conception if like atlantic city love america trump got trumped do whines like mamas boy calls bimbo activists highlight candidates white supremacist ties last nights httptcoyqm world changing fast them realdonaldtrump retweets twitter users calling bimbo unbecoming httptcosqykqa97bs hey crumbling communities protect future httptcoizdg065d wish cgi candidates called trump helpful americans httptcoladgpa1rez blasts sanctuary cities finds four nose in http exactly httptcoxqjbinizte following last night significantly less awesome megan called women fat pigs etc audience ha ha ha wtf wrong people new post httptcoi1lpjggehd shines im thoroughly disgusted abysmal performance demonstrated last night by owe candidate apology huckabee the military social experiment httptcovv2lxn2u6k agreed article callings performance fantastic httptco0qhbseqez8 bimbo says super easy time answering questions cuban rpt liked easy 4him 2say try livin whim amp c much u like senator cruz ears look like large oysters please explain republican party wakes huge hangover splitting headache idea bed donald trump wandered away coverage last night shouting evens cant think last night holy crap gt httptcoq81yslxe47 lady sharp gets gt watch boys 9 credit downgrades 5 years under freeamerican100 rand gets 12 trump speaking time httptcoutbtdcpkwd breakdown httpstcokwxydkx9gp fox news part war info duty steal intellectual property learned sexist pig w mo shock value ignorantwow debate drunkenky dumb abortion murder yall cops keep abusing system murdering black people yall wanna quiet every time gop candidate mentions hillary woman receives free birth control best answers yesterday substance style came from bar none hows accurate description system httpstcoe68hblfc2g illustrated wonderful scary fashion lol course do rtsallykohn think won pledge oppose amnesty amp government benefits illegal immigrants violated laws httptcoejrxexztjt first debate over hands pick president httptcog0jq1y53bo pouty face donald bullies around gop debate im rich amp loud amp want get away it fox drew 10 million viewers democrat primary debate ever attracted anything like this rush mt according to mostretweeted candidate tweet came httpstco7is9rxaw5e addressed either httptco4eh6f2reur trump family prior getting plane cleveland ohio httpt oh lordmegynkelly going showbabykiller supporterampwe care texasdivepro see missed point know comprehension problem types httpstcobyv2iifmpr dorp httpstcocy9c8nvs5y best person gop even 9pm gop stupid enough leave carly fiorina next prime time debate megynkelly biased paid assassinate ignoring comments gay marriage like httptcovvkuqdjxql realbencarson loved quote true is httptco9sbg2rxkvo 16 united states homes tv sets tuned to wow httptcotrs8vmwjyg suthen_boy trump exposed fact every candidate nothing puppet wealthy benefactors twitter users takeover hashtag drag gop candidates atlanta black star httptcopgyfkx94ib doc_68w_ fox tried hard torpedo trump opening question ques abt remarks abt women see also roves wsj piece okay im listening now amazing last night real voice was mad hes parroting sying 4yrs fredbarnes mike huckabee star luntz focus group show spoke feedback soared kasich tweets response question gay marriage httpstcorhhogiibcl hope come back theyve replaced megyn kelly ferrell dressed alex trebek lemme seewho elsebush rubio similar tv interview va focus group im worried comments nervous hair httptcogatssnz5ao millions americans lost insurance of congress cant claw away benefits the military killing people huckabee prolife httptconvipxignd4 cruz little mic time hes made good use time heres part try prove theyre biggest misogynist gov checking outs outsides cleveland httptcoislptw9sor rewatching highlights last nights really makes cringe say lol allahpundit best part rushs openinghis reporting backlash against theyve forgotten audience confirmed ask one single question about dead trump roxbury httpstcoq1y4syab9b trump showed belong gop favor better ratings amp brought personalities ideas candidat donald trump says everyone stupid ben carson says everyone uninformed useful idiotwe worthy think gop candidates secret crush hillary trashing talking much hillary clinton watching like httptcovokolq52xp forgot running saw saying bless you someone sneezes considered gop healthcare favorite quote point needed make httpstcokwhdfmuva5 rt benwikler so senschumer throwing hat ring coming gop side the httptcotvr6vke7i6 wish someone would ask ben carson thinks black lives matter i guarantee would answer lives matter shows wrong need fix foxnews httpstcos99lr4vbag marco rubio jihadis we look you find you kill you httptcodsgpmdnkhv wow persons twitter commentary completely changed view outlook im supporting wow ignorant warmongering blatant transphobia sentence impressive mr huckabee makes feel better rt httpstcongdaxtudrt please raise hand bill clinton asked run president httptcoeovl8kl0fr shorter i proud embrace obama agenda amp expand government ohio last nights presidential debates rich corporate ceos run government anyway omg trump raises hand audience goes crazy pftcommenter deep dive survives nothing flesh wounds grammar httptcoaaddpv9erb via marco rubio voted unemployment benefits even though florida needs httptco2i6uolsctj httptco65hfgissgy 7 disturbing megyn kelly moments race httpstcommh7abjqk5 heres photo puppy eating shoe take mind mike huckabee talking womans vagina http intrusive invasive unaccountable amp outofcontrol must abolished onceandforall h cnn reporter dana bash camera balanced head interviewing john kasich httpt official photo big last night httptcouaib1m8ekc took temperature dcs bars watched comfort home last night httptco09mgoekaya trump changed party 6 times loves ego america httptc gopdebate last night joke still cant wrap head around circus nbcuniverso whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via megyn kelly got air time 31 fox moderators trump 2nd closest contrary wha gaining tonights john kasich enough amateur hour hes top go go keep ben air httptcodgglgonasd hear tonight ideas support middle class women students lgbt americans promised would calling lot guess embellished one berniesanders gained 10000 followers 2 hours simply live tweeting the hmmhe must something say sums entire suppose httptcofbasozc54u krauthammer winners are amp big problem country political correctness disrespected bretbaier sure people giving panel much heat thought guys brutally fair professional washington done enough lying stealing protect social security amp medicare httptco9da0d98kdw republicans win last nights single one offered value criterion round oh didnt jeb blamed obama brother iraq watched last night unlike me feels like complete joke trump stage seriously mtaibbi drink rule changes next drink every time hear following amnesty radical islam cute vote dog dollar bill president httpstcoylayul8kam anddonaldtrump remains top polls boo wrong people well fat pig womenno believe american people looking someone speak truth httpstcogn0pvy4wlr facebook owner instagram partnered w fox host the silenced critics candidates httpstco7kfscrqjfh pattonoswalt live tweeting helps go little easier much insanity join 1pet live video qampa the lots discuss httptco8famurc7nn httptcozivihyxceb think megyn kellly debate grow some dish cant take it trump fine the spectacular good enough postdebate hes killing himself this generous country world comes immigration says rubio yes thats problem ben carson right angry next rand paul donald trump downright passive outcome trump domineering boor replace one old guys suits monkey next time shawnsuth misled like 510 tweet party the hand would incredible breaking news buying sources say would hilarious hard hear candidates talk sending troops war mention care fo wildfire amp drought stop partisan divide challenges to httptco ill protect ss amp medicare ill kill anything posing threat promises weve made seniors http built massive database gun owners opposing national gun registry httptcos9hsbtzrsc putting together correspondent video ideas drop mixtape called kill people break things feature title track watching tonights httptconuu1czmalj shade httptcol0uy18mbs1 also candidates wear shock collars amp mention shocked somebody put charge watching recording the forget reality tv primetime comedy gold rt kahliaandjake httpstcowbolqwptqa goodnight httptcolm8izqt6kc word cloud via httpstcononapqx8g2 potus trust amp vilify trusts enemies amp vilifies anyone disagrees him httptco9da0d98kdw sorry topic the seems like needs nudging theyll pass sentencing reform really tell donald trump prolife refers child it nytpolitics fact check marco rubio says amazon largest retailer its httptcoieswk8u8ara mouth wth legs _hetrick great look ats record ac apropos thurs ht circus was httpstcoua4eh0stft cracking summary httptco909us3fvli megynkelly bad night asked important questions stop isis httpstcodac0qdku7i worst jerry springer episode ive seen years rt dubinpeter httpstcowbolqwptqa rt paralegalgeorge illinois social media law prayers o httptco2nwr3bewtw chair dnc know fn difference democrat amp socialist trump called someone fat pig presents false choice bet amp analyses httptcohflo91bn wohoo americas youth right idea cha think httptcol4wvzwwun6 btw correct response last nights wouldve been my faith personal matter amp unrelated aptitude the militarys favorite song break stuff limp bizkit miss commercial breaks invites cruz girls chat httptco5xgqgrciag realdonaldtrump complete control stage tonight http mk mr jackson molested amp paid young boys mj only macauley culkin audience roars laughter appla arab columnist praises httptco3wqjfzgh2q hour still mention finest avian president httptcomf1j best way denigrate roger ailes whorehouse network refer the fox news distinct real news anyone willing place objective reality ahead lunatic liberal ideology friend resisting progressivism breaking news jeb bush governor florida small window tonight soft side nice class act respectful amp fair matters him mk mr simpson stalked savagely murdered women oj only exwife audience roars laughter appl im sure easy moderate big groupso congrats and best part debate tonight watching governors take credit economic progress obamas policie way could crazier melania jumped pulled s hair whoooooooooop ted cruz wrappin bang were going talk trumps bankruptcies fiorinas tenure hp adorbs so tweet way funny httptcorspzljiwjg motivation tip resolving political corporate leaders nations struggling economy needs entertaining catching last nights vast majority questions flipflop positions span across years last nights topics merited attention ignored httptcogsv9esxtvv gopdebate nutshell via vote true blue 2016 httptco5rfh5zbnpm oompa loompa best line immigration without assimilation invasion gov jindal trump most people stage given to rubio not me lovefest republican party problem producers involved bury msnbc chris christie rand paul feud tense national security faceoff at httptcoqfut3d2zgw s incivility amp arrogance continues after httptconxowllfsib httptcooqawd candidates support httptcopoh5ugb9ut missing standout carly fiorina graphic http last night good amp surprisingly brought fireworks rt gov mostretweeted media tweet of httpstco5f8mdy0rbx striking anchors knew hit antichoiceprolife candidates hard tho opposite shows yes did cruz trump trump last night httpstcoyrjqlnoj2j via hillary takes ice bucket challenge least tried htt weve seen proposal plan from idea the turning the jeb u cant blame one barack blood brothers hands would see radical liked idea using 5th 14th amendments stop abortion used fan anymore laughing attacking candidates news media broken mikehuckabee drop mixtape called kill people break things feature title track love twitter bringing humor end day 2015 gop still antiwoman antiimmigrant prorich anti good you megyn kelly calling ben carson idiot right bat so throwing hat ring coming gop side debate tonight senmarcorubio god blessed gop good candidates democrats cant even find one paolo_sf foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut jamesrosenfnc amp chris wallace acted like reporters realbencarson skin amp hair dont make people are neurosurgeon operate are amp made interesting response tried call sexist cant stump trump clearly lot sexist pigs audience httpstconyoly2sccc reading gop debate last night makes want laugh punch somebody face time gopdebate trump says one hand everyone pc except megan kelly hurt feelings might nice anymore score went nearly full point 70 71 last night alone tried watching entertainment purposes candidates made nerves bad missed last nights heres recap video need watch httpstcodar78vp3lx realbencarson asked talk race want destroy us want divide us let fox news primary voters none wiser policy plans folks putting forth journalism fail realdonaldtrump totally dominates polls httptcoi6prs1olju many feel iq lower watching debate donald trumps hair looks like permanently blurred tv censors awful wonder ratings tanking httpstcodyqzeu0mo3 interesting debate last night main thing got scott walker needs hat speak well we make country great that donald trump still cant quite explain how christian preacher huckabee sure close minded amp judgemental women gays stood josh duggar ht insightful commentary fox debate moderatorsapparently fiorina opened can something whatever one question blacklivesmatter moved on gopdebate rt next earlier debate ands stand performance httptcogphmzsorv2 gopdebate democrats debate different hillary clinton debate herself changing mask every 5 minutes catch that question mention ins response commercial break sentedcruz cancel amp move us embassy jerusalem trump calling bimbo reprehensible choosing candidate president jerry springer hour enough hating trump misogynist get part 10 guys debate whether amy schumer fuckable according huckabee trans people experiments 21st century lgbt rights thing think donald trump hilarious guy queens calling somebody lowclass curious moderatesindies amp observers cautiously respect mildness kasich appeal catching aggregate breaking news last night gained 300lbs changed name candy httptco opinions real issues guess not laughing hard id crying httptcovfdlnpqfr6 gopdebate official soundtrack httpstco8643pqb7bv showed they httptconn5ttjvese gopdebate very put politely macho people argue penis size generally small ones httptco010skwrzqr hi pls part event sept 26 sent letter pls reply thxallamericanrallyus please rt rt gov mostretweeted media tweet of httpstco5f8mdy0rbx white noise machine sound presidential candidates arguing watching like httptcobgudpo0ikb donald trump successfully lied cheated manipulated personal gain pick me shoutout to landslide winner last nights amazing job moderating thing yes did call middle east israel httptcoygjyrwmrue httptcogpiga3l7yo breaking fox news announces winner advance tie httptcouxaywayqjl news bar got busy ended guess everyone needed drink mess elegant witty roundup last nights httptcocw0rac9wqh fox news tries get gop gang trump kasich curb stomps chris wallace wish could bitch slap shit donald trump ted cruzand candidates annoyinggopdebate learn get away sexism 5 easy steps via httptcotdtyftwecp jesus worst production glengarry glen ross ive ever seen may trumps best qualification president the art comb over httptcoqi3v8zqkdh lapoliticalave whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via foxnews last night good amp surprisingly brought fireworks last night president john baucum gives thoughts http cruz closing statement may sounded like came meat market huge difference cruz would actually it illegal immigration talked started speaking it recap 5 unforgettable moments last night httptcow4lmlq5ovr changed mind bomb whoever want to want keep check get insur premiums control deal clear fox news gop paymasters dislike ted cruz scott walker donald trump women shame women abortions deserve shamed soul self respect ok ill need rethink everything thought before httpstcohymbbnpv97 realdonaldtrumps incivility amp arrogance continues after httptconxowllfsib httptcooqawdkxere 5 reasons glad didnt watch fox news debate httptco2wcqc3if0l headed the join us 9pm et fox news httptconicxaycsi4 httptcoq83qu3u422 trump donated amp supported hillary democrats years fact alone disqualifies moderating born this people realdonaldtrump answers hardhitting question last nights http wife left gop candidates immediately prayer circle begin bombing iran amp taking health care away 16 m hey cis men never pregnant cannot judge people vaginas reasons want abortions gopdebate hard find much disrespect women coming many politicians once foxnews lovefest republican party problem producers involved burying loop baffled refusal address climate change httptcobc9cahhhjl 1st done amp debate harry nilsson belongs jump fire httpstcoi3vlazal rino httptcotihcyiqms0 extremely unfair kickoff attack one specific candidate howard kurtz bragged abt liberals sch huffpo complimented fox lol thinks r happy abt that https donald trump got things wrong httptcobm2lugqqjz httptcok3sfgctrbu feministabulous talk hillary stealing thunder live tweets of httptcodcczagejhw circumstances 10 men dictate abortion rights women 21st century better that whole simply scheme fox news attack amp build jeb amp rest g it progressive movement causing problems eloquent words from boom remark getting replayed would rather negotiating john kerry never understand rich white men think tell women cancant bodies tellin like is wonder everyone get him httpstco40026hgs07 shoutout to landslide winner last nights amazing job moderating thing lol conservatives trolling tryna start argument showed gop candidates touch workers women people color basically anyo john kasich leader america needs leader america deserves think question begin fair amp balanced httptcotke writing comedy bit anyone jokes gopdebate takeaway donald trump exposed donald trump opinion really plumbed expected neutral moderator dissappointed heres us gun violence compares rest world 60 us homicides use gun httptcozt2tmgfdpg like effie hunger games httptcosm74wvmmd3 hoping explain dna schedule me httpstco8gfphf9bmp outnumberedfnc wife never heard rubio huckabee cruz loved 3 8 yrs ago hillary supporternot anymore president donald trump like way sound i never gone bankrupt says trump multiple businesses went thru bankruptcy screwed creditors m trump capitalizes opportunities speak trump got time paul got least httptcor1ecwvfkto httptcohrckyxvtr2 winner earlier beyond couple brief moments everyone later debate m truthy analysis last night quipped honeybadger attitude randpaul seriously idiot many times planning running president know chanc mistake think would fun seeing deep sickness us conservatism become bastardized amp spawned disturbing trumps answer recently democrat less satisfying im new york thats excuse phony 1235 discuss impressions oh yes go commercial break time wants add comment sick bullshit bothers running president cannot respect even office enough call president obama rushlimbaugh put idiot kasich place kasich spine want stop sending foreign aid places burn flag start berkeley the republican id get behind smartest electable person room draft prez chrischristie faced the hug problem amp responded hugged 911 victims left thinking huh ohhhhh hello stuck crew next four hours httptcocm0oivwiqa rubio paid 400k student debt 4 yrs in poverty making 100kyr considered poverty black men 10x likely murdered wgun white men black women 3x likely murdered wgun white wo ugh guys ever shut ppl killed traffic stops lots reagan history lessons tonight stage lets talk future future without abo seemed like lot of watch instead httptcoyr9m2mf9fh today sheds blood wme shall sister tomorrow httptcof3ptx48fui said th thing morning josh hard 2 qualify course question twtr know this media fawning fox moderators conservatives gopdebate much fun isurfed around bot always ended back there non thinkers one place hoping keep bloodying amp nobody left standing real hope theres star here common core ghetto education redistributed middle class kids ignorance stupidity bigotry amp misogyny fox hosted last night laughabledisgusting amp frightening impressed the way different experience the putting illegals pimps prostitutes one categoryhow ignorant stupid huckabee go httptco7lbholfu8u floats like butterfly stings like bee bummed get watch single candidate flounder climate change great time taping poweramppolitics fun talking about thanks watch end debates 17 r candidates answered questions day hillary answered i anyone else think moderators remind host hunger games ted cruz misspeak said closing statement would persecute religious liberty gopdebate vine by httpstcok3fkzrogog bencarson2016 may separated conjoined twins created duckface bring up sooooodo want candidates next president httptcohtuwevrepg god or koch forbid candidates even mention number one serious issue facing world today climate ch promotes gag orders block military commanders discussing gun safety atrisk service members jebbush tell hang em neck wing partygopdebate httpstco8fgwctd2bb saying hed put hillary jail bc destroyed petraeus much less rt kayleymelissa like trial unbreakable kimmy schmidt dona httptcojaqjwnndgb httptcolrumxgr8pm oh donald angry misogyny incorrigible tell us trump wall actually bushs brother cut deal leave iraq actual mvp httpstcot0wr7bktrv campaign conservatives great description many lots republicans facebook twitter timelines ticked fox news running hatchet job debate purpose military kill people break things um really last resort defend americans advice candidates order finished 1st donald trump add detail debte 2 play prevent foxnews fun shot candidates warming the httptco5e7936xkou straight outta compton trailer came spent time police brutality did megynkelly real winner last night glad see climate change key theme tonights may differ solutions least were focuse trump disagreeing megyn kellys pointed somewhat gotcha questions equate bimbo ltsighgt gopdebate really looking forward real debate candidates attack trump everybody loves carly cinderella compared dwarfs table afternoon delight carly ill cuck bibi anything us count it israel first johnkasich ohio ohio gave us boehner thanks another rhino know whats funnythe probably better score rotten tomatoes epa whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via foxnews longgame liberal conspiracy drive republican party far right never win general ele chris christie nicely think im surprised fox news hit fat questions though robertjralston paulchirstie debate regarding 4th amendment protections vs mass data collection interesting think won hard hitting questions concern majority voter fringe gop base always support everything megyn kelly says tonight hero httptcoqgwm5xg3f9 http numbers httptcos9uqdsemrx httptcodx13wgwgu2 httpstcoskhas0lqub god damn thats whats called mega shocked muchbut debate questions absurdwith shit going on chose 2 try amp start fights first debate 2 months after undemocratic embarrassment ted cruz chubby damien thorne person grew poor tell you one brutal poor ppl make amp think success makes better rtbrianstelter overnight s 160 household rating vs 53 201112 httptco4ih7btyeaz httptcoe9fig93k0i good thing something worry about im excited beaches colorado substantive conversation income inequality declining wages social security race minorities nothing faves really well last night rubiokasich ticket came negro barbershop asked the told shut ultimately liberals unhappy means gop something right httptco08nrvgesra gopdebate govwalker prolife means pro every life develop uterus opinion government fuk bad event like unfolds lets make big deal trump calling someone dog gopdebate gave republican presidential candidate theme song httptcodzjpduaflm 3pm fox news asked real softball question 2 words describe hillary seven answered two words back 3 advil late dinner footnote needs new job cnn hiring way full of lots yikes moments starting discussion some httptcoqmbm3bg6tt lindsey graham could solution insomniacs everywhere abortion rights barbaric need go killing american citizens day man mean everybody complaining everybody mean him john kasich knows balance budgets hes actually done it again httptcoluyfkok notice god question avoided saying actually talk god conversations general filled 1525 bingo spaces tonight im surprised get cruz denies climate change donald trump said singlepayer works canada noitdoesnot 20 reasons not httptcour9oz95p9f trump obama paranoid egomaniacs always blaming others megynkelly well done suppose advance survival fittest protection endangered species epaespanol whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via thats messed up getting love httptco0jx8yeb00f interesting considering snowballs chance hell winni fyi planned parenthood popular man stage right now httptcoifpy8t26wb tell me going moderate a chance give conservatives fair sha miss climate change questions one clown stage idiots last night match pbos accomplishments httptcoxocs time talk gutless liberals afraid fight evil hitler isis wghook trump trumped httptcozwin7p0vhh offensive confusing hilarious amp wild moments httptcokjmyy04bnh httptcoa4zov5ekot ht drank way much watching hangover jeremypiven watching last nights ive decided ari gold really best domestic policy httptcok6xa5rlo70 talk climate change going swept rug again hes top go go keep ben air httptcodgglgonasd love see men never faced pregnancy talk body sure was delivered message well httpstcodwpzczzrrl pretty sure drunkenly yelling abortion screen new parkway last night look like need stool softener jeb bush said republican candidates better hillary bernie httptcofwa5ir27by gop assholes hate bad women vote misogynists htt gop nut shell httptcoq7q7gxw3lc easily best part last nights srshowsxm trump takes rosie httpstcokc62vtbf6p 10 idiots forget involves 5 countries im ready next made realize much people saying stupid things suits makes miss debate season imagined performed last nights httpstcoj1uhtfqzii like whisper different things candidates ear keeps em guessing lets talk climate change environment nah were good gopdebate like driving fellow patients around one flew cuckoos nest httptcolrpxqgx4a2 check interactive fact check the httptco3064jptpa0 sorry inspiring manila envelope httptco5xez4vlj anyone else find odd god would tell everyone run picked one know god all scary part trump still leading polls america serious making pres hrkbenowen tuned learn guys named trump turned megyn kellys peoples court bells toll million dollar question ive never seen entertaining last nights last nights nutshell httptcoe7ooaw7nea governorperry plan end sanctuary cities httptcol3cz6jbryh trump keeps trying make definitive statements actually mealymouthed hemming hawing opinion cruz best closing remarks explaining plan vision america passionate de gtgt court docs probable cause believe walker committed felony httptcofzoqjxbm6x seriously would vote clowns need http first debate over hands pick president httptcog0jq1y53bo dannyboi965 shocking photo taken sewers ohio last night httptcorbk7gmyhce lol brilliant jeb man httptcokwdnwgf53q cruz wants us forfeit citizenship go join isis seriously fucks spring break comedy script jus demnstrtes bias jeb time allotment amp time spent attackng trump httpt thedonald says re calling dogs disgusting animals we lot fun say say rand paul tried relate httpstcom6dbm4shy3 20 minutes nothing clean energy climate change environment clearest indicator party gave nobody came oh wait httpstco9trcpw0efm httptco gop candidates take aim during help hurt her weighs httpt yes goyim communist sympathizer approves plz stop racist htt btw earned spot big table next debate think trump more adam sandler movies jeb ed fl httptcotp1ptwujfa political junkies worse football fans one poor debate suddenly guy going super bowl kept wondering donald left pinky ring gold chains were used car salesman gesturingtalk nowwithalex whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via glenn beck saying rand big winner christie big loser get wrong ben carson brilliant man admire him see president true lot yes mt marcorubio takes stand abortion httptco8kaonv4kb7 httptcofiqdbu1do2 rand paul looking fight problem is political fight wants merely pent up veteran political journalist jim barnes breaks winners losers for httptcoeza7pbyakh common core question really escalated quickly httptcoxq0wakybh4 whatever geometric mean position primary voters is also position also stammering jeb rubio says life protected rejects supports life mother exceptions watched part last night hilarious thinks chance let alone th fiorina calls trump giving hillarys senate run httptcohutoqzgyud httptco1x every father w daughter needs think hard zealots saying realdonaldtrump werent wouldnt even talking illegal immigration the militarys favorite song break stuff limp bizkit megynkelly needs get kitchen make sandwich belong setting him great hear critical topics like extreme inequality poverty climate change racial justice o fewer records less records rand paul sorry pally president knows difference rap nigga dont rap look like 1 complaining hard questions bimbo like lead america predict tonights winner late night comedians twitter head still hurts hearing mike huckabee imply trans ppl social experiment like eat trans shit u moldy dishrag faves really well last night rubiokasich ticket must watch amp debates trustworthiness httpstcocfh5kfzkwf glad see somebody factchecking let lies slide last night amp rest much better httpstcor good moderators asked past parties amp bankruptcies forgot defermentsmccain commentsrape allegationsgopdebate ben rubins thats way back running im sure plenty say the httpt ted would prosecute really impressed last nights httptcorbpoms07gc jdiamond1 finds strengths amp wonders amp last nights httptcocm8uowwg4s weave head look like hair see anymore glue scream looking like trump scott walkers prolife stance covers school kids too httptco39zroenv9k last night everything hoped more internet amazing weeks guys write snl even kidding like part americans think mostly americans getting killed isis research people so course phone would die middle last night missed twitter reax second hour debate sorry jeb compassionate conservative message 2000 rt httpstco8uai8mr3di tyler_batson httpstcon0lhfj92kw httptco5yjw85akbv walker believe busting unions fighting terrorism last night got even fired bernie httptco3a5mqykifg why get time candidates racist religious fanatic debate httpstcou8zeb21jxh christie address foreign dignitaries like teachers make sure take poll candidate think impressive last night httptcox4pnzqxcju megan called women fat pigs etc audience ha ha ha wtf wrong people old racistsexist wall street asskissing white guys arguing thanks polisterpolls whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via carlyfiorina at im running president gtgtgt httptcophngdbyksp httptco8purbwzbrs american voters deserved better questions knew better httpstcoxtoslxwf43 scottwalker spite httpstco6b6f2neej4 love megynkelly baited realdonaldtrump women question gave rosie airtime paid for kids poverty oh likely standing stage right killed shark year disgrace cites antiabortion rant dismisses 116 minutes word veteran even uttered tonight 2 hour still think go megyn kelly ask racism america ben carson why hes neurosurgeon winners losers last nights httptcofdoxvojom5 reason theres never jewish president mother would likely run white house according ratings today seems rubio super pumped young latino guy great image new gop news flash debate you candidates put panelists place boring match dot com profiles ever deb_libby laughing hard almost busted rib gop like big gov favor locally elected school boards question top 10 httpstcoawf2znvqvo wow endless fake pearlclutching establishment repubs everything says fever pitch everyone at im iran deal obama made it obama isnt strong hes obama because nope think unintentionally funny political event ive ever seen great httpstcodlapggprci gopdebate great reality tv cant wait next episode see gets voted island dr moreau watching last nite know rubio walker amp santorum share belief theyd rather see wives die thn let thm get abortions hoot looky this huh last heard neither clinton sanders part todays httptc watch see old dog struggle take shit sidewalk thats basically the yall tithing 10 percent followers colin saying god told too gopdebate anyone cheered trump asked comments towards women part problem carlyfiorina laid 30000 workers outsourced jobs china httptconubzumszcj sad today jon stewarts last day on would love see take frankluntz count ask simple questions short see much wisdom funny see bunch grown ass men trying scare america woman running president realdonaldtrump answers hardhitting question last nights httptcocf3m0lehua bit ropeadope sure worked httpstco2trfpmewcl gopdebate next time shld 2 arrange candidates order dangerous 2 least assessed partly hears god talking back miss days conservatives wanted presidential candidate was know conservative foxylady stood tramp httptcoyyb9cskro2 exclusive trump reveals renderings border wall httptcozlxsfcqamr even came httptcou93vyvhmyf even came httptconj9p7v90nv three republicans asked marriage equality said nothing bad gay couples httptcoujtwnczony gopdebate anchors must getting invites cool dc parties donald endorse ben carson said country needs someone brain cdc funding firearm injury prevention fell 96 percent 100000 1996 2013 httptcohxkzuee2uf mommy cooking spicy piyush rt immigration without assimilation immigration excuse me country owes 19 trillion dollars amp need someone like straighten out right big problem us political correctnessand cops killing citizens women denied basic health care gopdebate trump says fun call women animals audience applauded misogyny outrageous republicans misogynists bitch betta social security money political junkies worse football fans one poor debate suddenly guy going super bowl barbaraboxer i never heard words income inequality equal pay climate change gonna miss ready kamala great would rubio said immigrants coming mexico theyre coming canada glared t women serving openly gay military social experiments according horrible commentator terrible job last night disappointing httpst wants take bets long take candidate bring radical islam drunk now looked like megyn kelly sounded like saul alinsky grown ass adult women right seem enjoy treated like incompetent children gop candidates take aim during help hurt her weighs httptcokhol8s7f7w faves really well last night like rubiokasich ticket scott walker chooses killing mother rather aborting unborn embryo reason countries give us funny look first mention ferguson baltimore comes rand pauls closing donaldtrumpforpresident morning httptcotp1xqgbpbh politicalant whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via hillary coming diss track watching parents different generational views still laugh trump together http confused alan alda got vote httptcoxmfpoyhcn1 great even people saw hack at early numbers suggest record audience httptcoiil0xf6t3p offensive confusing hilarious amp wild moments httptcokjmyy04bnh httptcoa4zov5ekot ht honestly think key club candidates wellspoken these playing nice opposite party insultapparently cooperation leadership trait anymore ten rich white guys promise stop poor young black women getting abortion last nights topics merited attention ignored httptcofvb6nrmjbc halftimereport smartest people sound like drunk uncles limited 140characters meanwhile ted cruz wants limit immigration guess him fuck everyone else right carly declared winner many first httptco82iepzfjom maryland didnt wait federal gov act passed dream act httpstcotwlk competing title top us twitter trend right now nice dr carson nice realbencarson to billionaire exactly brain surgery though it httpstcokgznjmykx7 jeff dunham working many puppets once marcorubio fantastic job showing way go httptcojgnn2f5qo2 though clear winner last nights search google spiked 24 hours httptco6smjvsaehx still trying 2 destroy huh guess cover spent 130 race marco rubio good job answering tonight mom says stop pizza way home back day running us senate httptcopz96mmlt9t gopdebate pure propaganda hope cnn provide forum hear views fox news moderators haters gopdebate actually ask political issue question last night apechtold hilarisch hillarys greater compliment losing followers the hug thought punched or guess thats teachers johnkasich ates lunch last nite get compassion moderation without bush name ya know what im staying jon stewart watching 3 seconds debate cnn interview blow hot air attacking women mean it love holds highest position media figure fox asking questions repub war god mentioned twice time constitution did debate even considering voting piece trash need evaluated listen closelyall repub candidates r talking nonsense trump nytimeskrugman httptcokqemvnmxja the used biased personal attacks on wanted hear legitimate questions shameful factcheck jeb bush appears come looking worst httptcoirzvuggycu httptco6ehhqjeyg2 left speechless small task httptco9xjntvblb2 dear could create millions jobs amp 4 growth rate eliminating obamacare gutting epa amp repealing dodd overnights show 16 every us household w tv watched last night time record america hungry new ideas repeal anbacked military gagorder contributed 22 decline military suicides 2013 jedediahbila winner early truly amazing derogatory towards women even try apologize thing couldve made last nights amusing would been httptcof76msa5b8t forgot mention thousands killed rise gmo manbearpig attacks republican audience loudly cheering inhumanity warmongering lies racism wild abandon yeah nothing new tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism funny trying watch people act smart talking clearly know nothing quite jeb little truth httptcom3vpnb1knt else watching new episode biggest loser right now foxnews end impressed questions moderators kudos fox news fox news real winner httptcodae5e8rjga via needs called the think ive ever seen bunch dudes afraid one woman last nights debates mr s polls are twitter followers spiking up httptcoq9yxeh55ef gopdebate dummies lead circle jerk hmm found ceo hp carly fiorina fired shipped 1000s jobs oversea good 4 economy ben carson last nights httptcoefv4zagbaw awyattman88 hilary however amp win why talked person know cant beat her someone cnn said last nights gone full reality tv celebrity judges gong hilarious fox amp executives attempt kill trumps buzzmomentum could opposite effect martyr effect ive said before talks rosie odonnell megyn kelly like that imagine hed speak angela advice candidates order think finished 2nd place rand paul keep swinging amp crying constitution donald trump nene leaks republican party read honey read trump wants big beautiful door wall immigration door fly sounded like questioning last night gopdebate really looking debate candidates attack trump spot description business bankruptcies playing rules businesses https cares socialist commie says n policies destroy country httpstcovtprbb8j8l winner 1st is mob lying pandering jackasses interest take aftermath first 2016 were actually talking amp candidate looked presidential wow ratings last nights jaw dropping nielsen says 160 nationwide watch debate ever realdonaldtrump we need keep illegals out keep donald trump out complaining hard questions bimbo like lead america oh climate change crickets thepatriot143 wait post debate rush limbaugh fox news made debate seem like republican war women gopdebate embarrassing according ted cruz top 4 threats america 1 isis 2 iran 3 china 4 russia likes analysis guy made great impression think namekasich ghana got swag rt amp dl httptcodrktw64c1u watch last night the 8pm one hard take sides donald trump vs megyn kelly dilemma equally deplorable sad think russia china likely know hillary clintons email server congress scott walker foxnews receiving high praise liberal mainstream media rush limbaugh conservatives panning moderators wheres humanity see humans little humanity httptcoecz8woviki gopdebate thing politically correct war ben carson mitchellreports trump negotiating deal w gop hes leveraging threatening go 3rd party unless hes nominee whites jeb bushs eyes fleshcolored god woman pissed sorry boys huckabee carson dominated last night debate last night reality show may nonsensical offer varied colourful cast characters the via fact check candidates tell whole stories first debate httptcogwyj8uz442 megynkelly im disappointed lost total respect longer watch show trump postdebate media gaggle httptcokb2ysjhxon think last night official election process officially become reality show trumpkar one social media talking last nights hmmm gop warmongers poverty education jobs megynkelly ur inner full display against wonder loved it fact jeb governor florida run death cult raise words voice rain grows flowers thunder barely know manage life think good shot running president now would love fiorina rubio huckabee walker cruz debate great strengths whos me twitchyteam seen coverage site outrage great primer topics avoid thanksgiving got joke right one morons really chance president im actually scared daveohoots ive avoided debates personally looked like clown circus cant quite put finger why marco rubio reminded chung veep last night tedcruz smartest underrated candidate stage looking leadership people last night denying support rapeincest exception like bad thing imagining fox news correcting bernard sanders anger cadence say barack hussein oba honestly donald trump types petty last nights gt httptco6wiztltokv httptcoahgh2cb4mg every answer at 50 sec everyone corrupt andor immoral everything stinks followed 10 sec not me glad see somebody factchecking let lies slide last night amp rest much better httpstcor8bbw43z2c amazing outcome still job at pathetic moderator eve hell people come conclusion debate landslide onbakerstreet dont watch debates intent letting moderators direct vote total sham proved ready qualified in god leading polls going swimsuit competition we fought teachers unionchrischristie and improve new jersey schools njbatsa hardball_chris whines voter id issues moms care about httptcohahrepiukt last night got drunk live tweeted the im adult person know americans getting beheaded overseas worried whether calls rosie odonnell fat realdonaldtrump declared bankruptcy corporations people corporate offspring say like gone top trying star instead candidat chase norton nice young man whose question hearing god ended from facebook httptcow times changed pieter_gericke httptcodnphuqaq0n anyone state time asked question yesterday ben carson there politically correct wars comes generalization americans care much eloquence enough substance gopdebate really worth mentioning reagan thing know correlation causation 2 different things right well talk potomacs greg valliere 1pm et httpstcofmmprilu5f perfect summation vine by httpstcoicc1dlpvxx gopdebate action manny vs mayweather fight cruzrubio walker rand carson order quick brain surgeries curtain goes tonights note rand paul pick fights chris christie missed first minutes last nights got see this httptcorlww9f1ote good job stooped level two biggest jack asses entertainment httpstcounbe3hin5v love megynkelly baited realdonaldtrump women question gave rosie airtime paid for pretty terrifying conservative women seem fine government controlling womens bodies i never heard word income equality climate change voting rights via think last night official election process officially become reality show trumpkardashian 2016 went long hard debate httptcoxtjmcwysho httptcop2yhfbzbnd even happened last night httptcoxw1baii9lq via john kasich seems likable reasonable thoughtful thats stand chance vouchers create conditions corruption resegregated schools http 96 media owned handful people decide get vote 16 preview donald trump tonight vine by httpstcokqjctdauqf admit entertaining episode apprentice well talk potomacs greg valliere 1pm et httpstcofmmprilu5f chrischristie team theyd make scottwalker given record wisconsin voters believe you great question time watch white devil hooplai mean trump like napalm sprayed candidates old talking points solutions beyond cutting taxes rich httptcojwdczyypwm long outdated ban discriminated qualified transgender americans simply want serve country 2016 bender starts httptcos1akz2oc7i via like carly fiorina hope continues get air time much better front runners debate comedy central roast watching back say fans means thought fox news panel fair last night gee ya think because know donald last nights watched fox news httptco0dln7370gq audience loves carson fucked production 12 angry men ive ever seen assume quentin tarantino directed it ericbolling ppl say needs specifics so panel give type questions opponents rigged love this hilarious httpstcogkdaqxmum2 least fox moderators ask republican candidates weere going global warming love holds highest position media figure fox asking questions repub war women factchecking the late edition httptco1qmusyxzyu funny twitter last night fucking scary one half selection potus advice candidates order think finished 3rd place ben carson yourve noticed flesh give credit badass questions lets real prewritten fox frame debate winner anyone watch gopdebate cant lie 2015 cant twitter exists google exists jfc realdonaldtrump calling someone fat pig tone httpstco2b39l6ksbd fact checking always favorite part debates presume politicians words truthful scary donald trump reminds frank underwood from nothing good come this bernie sanders livetweeting best thing happen gop debate received call begging watch amp judge performance put in ben carson never talked elementary schools black history month ever again dawg lovedrealbencarson said see race hes neurosurgeon persons skin make are a position iran mean rick perry also prodivestment israel looks like wheatons law dont dick apply people tweeting about again ever cou ivankatrump call father re comments about supposedly listens you shameful got daughters trump proud making money atlantic city proud filing bankruptcy leaving stupid stupid does httptcotjvtuwvt6e tell me going moderate a chance give conservatives fair shake gawd forbid gop candidates win 2016 woman fear women men take power ratings huge appeared hurt broadcast httptcodrn2bhohii seems kinda dull cause candidates plain ol racist sexist warmongers anym babara boxer running check carly fiorina record calif outsourcing jobs lining pockets w corp welfare americans need know iranian threat unique israel involves us amp rest world ht gopdebate watched 16 us homes now could get voter turnout high httpstcoxrmn3qf1lj heres mike huckabees antichoice remarks last night really mean httptcoxcvekau2bl wanted watch many white men hate women talk id gone open mic thes biggest winnersand losers httptcogleqq6gwgf wonder smug morning debbie wasserman schultz reacts the httpstcoocno5mpguh heres facts check out httptcotg2eiabifm paul i want collect records terrorists less innocent americans perfect information tonights biggest winner may well been thepatriot143 hilarious httptcou9rffmqptu httptcomsdyk7nujt whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via one thing debate evident apart trump rand paul absurd choice candidate hell yes i raised paycheck paycheckhow hillary going lecture student loans like could told hosted would totally believed it clash respective plans httptcozc1793pjgz loop baffled refusal address climate change httptcobc9cahhhjl how defeat kamehameha attack survive spirit bomb gopdebate knew going big numbers record httptcougj1wvgcnh ironic pronounce iran notes nails it dangerous htt trump haters seem especially mad today wonder lol whiny little bitches get it how destroy hillary clinton reaches final form gopdebate last night showed party moving opposite direction majority americans economic policy womens healt rt im nominee well party future vine every sen paul obamacare covers hearing tests black folks looking like httptcopu672wgzym scottwalker own although debacle looked like jeb ferrell w take talked much great zero plan get talk enough little prep two best advisers httptconicxaycsi4 httptcofa4eqqhfw1 real winner johnkasich bible say god gives unconditional love love conditional amp depends r behavior realdonaldtrump mr trump idea unhinged bitter vindictive petty sound this best thing last nights following along w hashtag gr8 comments engaged latino voters declarationofindependence mentions 3 rights lifelibertyampthepursuitofhappiness reveals denial4someofus ht think least 1 person shldve replaces even stage httptcopp1s25cvym parshalltalk change me still support president mortified ignorance republican frontrunners right mind would let one clowns run c gopdebate chris wallace wearing rick perrys fancy eyeglasses last night screaming httptcoyrsgber2ng hear out gop duels think it basically gop always saying stripped down minus euphemisms see one fucken email txt post break computer half dont give idiots time day donald trump liberal whole time hes running prove stupid gop is authenticity transparency cost entry today especially among millennials teens sowe poke nasty things said rosie past but shot mouthskeletons anyonegopdebate gopdebate maybe right try amp destroy obama 1st term hard imagine led automatically old white guy megyn kelly played footies debbie washerwoman schultz attempted take donald trump yell louder man better man calls women fat pigs disgusting animals sez kidding were fun whats we white man finished reading s tweets still laughing now entertaining side turd on http megynkelly focus group picks huckabee comment pres amp iran top moment of says lot tha wow ratings last nights jaw dropping nielsen says 160 nationwide watch debate ever forgive im watching daddys table last nights think clear aegon targaryen party file under subjects overlooked httptcol4x9stujvm russia got whopping total 9 mentions last nights even ask about httptcomoreush salon sinking the cant keep blaming dems direct frustrations other if get military right nothing else going 2 work carson exactly obama attacks military behaving like dumb blame misogyny persons response unwarranted attacks showed gop candidates touch workers women people color basically anyone rich also compare talk many minority american citizens died due selfdefense bimbo says super easy time answering questions thought huckabee exceeded expectations http gopdebate vine by httpstco5yl7w2uhtx relevant last nights httptcodsuvhb0lgd icymi rick perrys long game check postgopdebate comments httptcoke8ebdab7w conservatives want live babies raise dead soldiers george carlin suntrust analyst robert peck re facebook sponsoring last nights this twitter be trump career politician either amp like him carson lacks experience knowledge rubio might new pick president gave really intellgent answers last night foxnews seems god punished you would dodge giving megyn kelly earful httpt latest article httptcotkyfwzo0se christie keep saying appointed us atty sept 10 appt december year come on dude davids_brain talk abt prolife amp 1 suggestion w forced birth babies poor get poorer takeaway last nights sen belong heavyweight division last night everything hoped more internet amazing weeks twitter full hair jokes says gender equality must awful living paranoid worldview presented the guys need therapy public office trump haters seem especially mad today wonder lol whiny little bitches get it funny hypocritical hosts discussing trump vague answers vs gop candidates every debate 7 disturbing megyn kelly moments race httpstcommh7abjqk5 left always tells us afraid httpstcoib6o7f755v s biggest winnersand losers httptcowmmnx3ajge latins think lost because word count last night god 19 planned parenthood 5 abortion 8 guns 2 obama 36 hillary29 israel 12 pal things mentioned the voting rights climate change gun violence police shootings student debt i polling high got itliars http plague political correctness keeps us torturing prisoners calling women fat pigs amp human bei highly adaptable improve anyone else the really hoping chris christie would make koolaid man style entrance httptco7b1wgdj4wv koch httptcomrhu93tqdm rapists backyard sorry httptcon6o8sy2231 hey keep degenerate far away any http anyone link the get watch umpteenth time iran apple product ihraan iran johnkasich answer gay marriage best ever dems repubs alike gets independents like 2 look way wonder luntz found ppl lol favorite fake focus group member tonight http cant make shit seems elections coming great time twitter havent seen much convo highlights last nights httptcoksosbfjilo via think particular would like entertainment take httptcoeecrwtlkel ben carsons presence negate fact barely mention racial inequality questions dear dr ben carson canticle leibowitz hopeful vision future head superpac indicted 3 staffers helped pay state senator endorsement h bernie sanders livetweeting best thing happen gop debate dear stop using word illegal talking immigration human illegal obamacare suppresses wages kills jobs httptcoeha7fscjgx since become thinskinned tough questions automatically equated bias get tougher walker cruz carson take swipes anyone in makes look sad lonely httptcomtuidqhr8c stupid stupid does quote forest gump httptcocuknlvtosi made answer god thats crappy u didnt watching south carolina via httptco46jhssbv5c realtime social buzz around 2016 us elections one place httptco0spghg1dvn via http amp cure racism xm103 sirius206 wed 9pm est everything says lie httpstcosndqwf6clc god blessed republican party good candidates democrats cant find one chadharvey7 http gopdebate got time ten people top 5 candidates searches google donald trump ben carson ted cruzl jeb bush marco rubio htt party business word technology mentioned httptcogqtdmhvn21 via httpt missed the 10 great takeaways httptcopcydiy47ga fact scott walker lies often tells truth httptcody4jz3x9pi httptcozlo08jtfnr facts facts people httptcoieysqozdwd someone care offends really gets offended easily rubio said worried people cant get in worrying born 4a change gopdebate best video ever night roxbury lol httpstcouhq5vx44jw i think gods pretty fair guy gods guy dr carson women well men created gods image complete blackout first 2015 unreal senatorboxer loser environment cecil lion question salt river horses question cmon fox news official gops frankenstein a monster ampthey cannot control httptcon2x8mqyfs6 watch 2nd string tell 2nd string enough original stupidty hatred ju polisciumn ted cruz misspeak said closing statement would persecute religious liberty biggest reality show earth httptcohfqxstl4xf brappy55 last nights nutshell httptcoe7ooaw7nea running pocket instead bribing politicians second hand i defund planned parenthood fuck reproductive health amirite less sex ed babies scalps establishment rt ht gopdebate fiorina blasts trumps clinton ties i get phone call bill httptcouctihxdwsz featured true confederacy dunces group dunces want revive confederacy phoenix 1 2 aldon smith 3 4 5 6 7 rand paul httptco2bvmwdqbky rosie odonnell httptcobvgulzhvhr marco rubio like little boy compared otherstalks extra sentence bell shows balls yet drop cant bring god fucking answers agree httpstcohiwq4ema3f uterus opinion watching bunch men discuss future women bodies confused 67 honorary degrees ben carson still brain megyn kelly also rolling eyes watches ratings drop drastically shocking photo taken sewers ohio last night httptcovzd9qtcyz1 gopdebate rand paul called chris christe privacy concerns cc shares pbo rp refers sandy hug cc comes back 911 hugs great conversation advance tonights httpstcogrt7h6mjhg hope youll lis last night got even fired bernie httptco3a5mqykifg a quarter cup lemon juice half cup salt loofah sponge scrub scrub scrub ge missing last nightsthe middle class httptcoy3fawmrioa httptco5sjrek8ofk ben carson last nights httptcoefv4zagbaw everyone talking last night httptco7v9jedc8z7 sleeping itthe ones looked presidential 2 me perspectives golden state last nights httptcocomsawmai5 via gt fallout amp justice stevens 14th amendment delusions w theskimm always gives best recaps one made day httptco4offy9m0go post oh aggressive people understand knows wants audit federal reserve vermont socialist sees touch usa httpstco2tujhvo2dj thank highlighting critical issues facing veterans tonights httptcoid1ykmir33 bring need someone grownup foxandfriends debates be why vote you low blow qs personal attacks yes folks heard right woman raped keep baby someone going ask gop candidates someone racist sexist appealing party 6 surprising moments last nights wacky httptconsdhzhubwo j8p trumps drunk guy one wants party republicans always what if shit comes abortion people killed police wouldve cured cance aggressively normal found name new mixtape megyn kelly sends us fruit time time know fruit thats arranged like flowers fruit weve never trump donated hillary amp supported dems yearsnow says hes conservative amp runs 3rd party support bernie sanders livetweeted httptco38rfhtuqwc via sets stunning ratings record report httptco0mhuzvlx97 httptco2sqxf8wm03 language beautiful httptcogfyti5ilvc bottom line dirtyworked two alist anchors sure why definitely happened sole takeaway theyre dumb better think are takeaway believes live terrible apocalyptic world surrounded scary people sad disappointing energy policy finds little room republican debate httptcouua4a1ox9f via american people pick next president united states fox news clarawrrr prolife till baby needs food clothes shelter schooling medical attention know basics camille paglia straight calling guest column on good httptcoiaphto0gzt gopdebate chris wallace tom brokaws bastard child gopdebate takeaway country applauds bully fears foreigners wants system be httptcoptxcit493m yep sucked country mess amp debate questions terrible watched part last night hilarious thinks chance let alone candidates i like family friends brave bold stance anyone else thought belonged prime time 2 debates 17 candidates 20 factchecks check roundup httptcomfuervuoxp resembled interview portion beauty pageant drawn out actual debate anyone take trump seriously one perved scott walkers wink beginning first 2016 that one several 16 months election day httptcom9aqrrvzzy httptcoxdtnjegrqb rushlimbaugh notes nails it dangerous httpstcosdvtoogm7a carsons goal tonight introduce america make people remember him think accomplished that mentioned the voting rights climate change gun violence corrupt police student debt inequality money poli going hard pick candidate like tbh tpfaltdeclined 2 comment cant locate proe 100 says ants watch httptco2vgocbdpyx learned everybody grew poor theyre sassy know answer ques proud worked hard tonight biggest fans http advice candidates order think finished 4th place chris christie foes bush amp kasich 8 ridiculous questions fox news early debate httptcoyhq16ehffr via frightening yet cant look away if talk illegal immigration when people cutting christians heads off time tone gt need action ok jeb tell us creates highsustained economic growth shoots right country expo poll think 9pm foxnews httptco4bp1kypec6 speakerboehner curious say used executive decisions law every one said theyd repeal same hey american citizenship universal human right debate losers proud httptcokowxyzui4z rushlimbaugh yep sucked country mess amp debate questions terrible gopdebate winners noncareer politicians holding big stage there winner in clear loser women families hillaryclinton watching httptconqzmsx9hdn official democratic response httptcohpqo6trc3f common core supporters everywhere httptconja3vzgbip debate bunch retarded psychopath called president united states reason httpstcopcdhnihp1y 1000 says cnn question democratic candidates way thoughts last nights httptcox7bcryr0f9 heard great debater shame allowed so icymi donald trump says su alumna megyn kelly behaved nasty me httptcokrfkt4khz5 reaction every candidate httptcorexdl58bqn were going talk trumps bankruptcies fiorinas tenure hp adorbs billhemmer amp professional amp fair amp neither known blame game never httptco1wbmval01w best source whats going us senate best commentary best performanc 50 years ago fearmongers said jfk would take orders pope now fox wants know candidates take orders g real news rt httpstcopmjhbxqfqk preview donald trump tonight vine by httpstconfoipr3vej hate much next sane person ill give them like trump afraid jon stewart dr dre talks via gift brings new concept american horror story the the billionaires amp bankers lost rest us httptcorfpnbtsow6 httptcofubtfwno2d really like cruz mentioned the voting rights climate change gun violence police shootings student debt inequality candidates propose keep white walkers north wall pathetic amp transparent gtfrankluntz goes right amp best push rhinos megynkelly reminded last night thats compliment gopdebate vicious thanks guy httptcoc6uxed2wlu tuning theres money struggling americans unlimited money war green rm wearing dress bcuz hostif u arent watchin httptcoee4tjylrk5 http rmconservative cruz trump trump last night httpstcoyrjqln6ibb via millions of included find totally offensive unacceptable oh donald angry misogyny incorrigible tell us trump wall file under subjects overlooked httptcol4x9stujvm according to mostretweeted candidate tweet come republican httpstcocuv3af58ua republican presidential debate 8 takeaways httptcoq41nopr2p9 lol unfollowedblocked the ups new followers outnumber former 3 1 bother anyone gop primarily white point step back amp realize reflect us know rwers like show powerbut rub 500 candidates noses fact r the chris christie shown swallowing fly thursdays httptcoz2vx3cridr i bought amp sold reiterating points audreycnn mention perry wants war httptcoi3uxahymjg check cq word cloud last nights httpstco9nd5l30xcj one clown stage idiots last night match pbos accomplishments httptcoxocshaandf dad family http abortion problem killing 575000 iraqi kids 2000 amp another 56000 iraqi kids i anyone take seriously hes talking rosie odonnell debate guess yesterdays watching entertaining fantastic four httptcogimbjtfrtp realdonaldtrump realize even forgot vets last night came last min sad think ben carson would make much better surgeon general president woke screaming mexicans vaginas never fall asleep fox news channel on last nights superstar shines first weighs httptcond1coglypl httptcoi reagan crushed last nights complete plenty clowns last night liked loling gritted teeth httptco07ag6m3qtw ty he buys amp sells politicians quote n demonstrates messed pol system realbencarson love tax plan makes sense fair simple great job during guys trying trump crazy hard end night declared war moo theres one thing take away last nights improv comedy alive well megyn kelly got air time 31 fox moderators trump 2nd closest contrary folks thinkrush gopdebate re audience cheer trumps insults anyone takes delight hurting others needs examine state soul 20 minutes candidates spoken rights fetuses rights women t questions httptcomillo7rchh muted ahhh peace quiet white people say homeland get really scared justice america httptcor0xxbgvqb3 social issues strategy offend many women races nonchristians possible play smallest violin for realdonaldtrump thoughts claim httpstcoytrz6qvhod bretbaier mr baier shame you first 3rd partysomething like wants wall border pertinent unfollowing everyone tweets 2 times the yeah proabortion scene limelight 80s different time donald trump god apparently quite prankster egged narcissists embarrass saying run run did excluded woman field first debate ask trump part war women yep president college football would played year round id fast isis every saturday wait what it beforerealdonaldtrump gonna war now and 27 second lightning round racial issues gopdebate talking head like rest wonderful intelligent candidates ought discussing instead fascinating see postpost analysis morning im wondering commentators watched thing clear winner httptcozo63efhnqh chill internet one day httptcokfc4g4e3qg one softball question on one quick answer done 30 seconds commericial break gopdebate ummm terrible poll think 9pm foxnews httptco4bp1kypec6 disgusting iss tone show respect towards god us put first lives httptcoovg0auasyi oh my really yall thought last nights whole question god extremely inappropriate guess world fox news christians a continues talk tithing catches on every pastor america vote him sob stories poor repub boys tissues theres one thing take away last nights improv comedy alive well mattyglesias last nights httptcoqvfmafvgu0 ht httptcoqm3jg1y07q think said care most tell tonight 8pm httptco1sk3t election today amp vote based last nights vote potus would bold christians rare trump spot description business bankruptcies playing rules businesses httpstcocgnhoxchdl srry rather decisions body made men cant count two httpstco1ps81yqaol race presidential nomination riot lol know circus town wow httptcojq1cnfggwy best worst httptcoyki30j7hho foxnews fact checkers oxymoron fact check daily basis amp ignore themlike last night bless u rand paul suspect watched would need keep bucket handy saw trump clip threw mouth within 10 secs watched got good laugh httptcoaj realdonaldtrump megyn tried stump trump got burned last nights talk god gays guns lives seem matter bunch unborn imagine administration dealing usrussia crisis wwiii friends 3yearolds thoughts donald trump hilarious httptcogj37m8nam9 problem many candidates one got enough time answer important questions cant wait herd thin llamos considering debate was cant blame them might need join them thanks honest backing down hughhewitt right declared hillary next potus thx confirming unite everybody really include people color lgbtq community women think trump debate moderator would good role funny host next wrote candidates performed twitter youre interested httpstcomqjyrub6td tough watch sense that line questioning trying depose anoint jeb next nominate moderators would watch least 24 straight hours talking planned parenthood httptcooyizmqzowj trump pledge run third party ill pledge vote third party hes nominee httptco3tep5zszun 5 least recommended drinking game words 5 middle class 4 cheney 3 science 2 black lives matte cant wait meme donald trumps beautiful classy door border debrahendrix me2 failed ceo says former flotus us senator us sos liar amp media decides won smh tamales would secretary state people anything tamales httptco seriously would vote clowns need httptc gopdebate got down remember things happened in httptcorrjvrkazcz ronald reagan said could all republicans always hangover drink anything idea one people president made tired a fair article down cruz walker carly loft gopusa httptcoovqetbobef actually liked cruz lot closing statement feel like debates go gain popularity jeb think ben carson advocated taxes atheists cbsmiami re problemucan continue 2ignore facts evidence hes sneaky scumbag httptco2p7wf9o56h and course im talking hillary clinton reaganesque moment last night good job take away last nights love always will surprising part last nights attack trumps hair check outs dashboard see sentiment candidates real time httptcox5zxvgu4uv httptc nothing really refreshing hearing top 1 instructing civilians handle cope poverty reflection amp good nights rest ive come conclusion last nights roast competition anything gopdebate im really happy cut back taxes state still unclear im going feel safe country stickwithjosh surprised cosponsor live stream thinking tweeting debate way media covers women politics gawd voices grating here viewers some reference available wherever fine aphorisms sold http dear confirm donald trump clay davisd debate ben carson like httptcocm6ya8nqev guys think needs coffee morning get fired talk coworkers the yeah liberal lap dog media loved people actually watch loathed it fox pay ricksantorum eugenics side racist nativists want restrict legal immigrants like me u lost 5votes watched debate bunch conservative activists heres reacted httptcoug21fi5fc scottwalker pledges lower tax rate reform tax code elected president httptcosknhfykw3u adolf hitler no no wear hair like that jonathan king top huckabee says fetus constitutional rights yet social security number much like illegals yall pro life pro war pro guns pro i pretend care fetus actual living children watching gop debate morning yes missed last night wowjust wow o_o ofs past positions would fun see run democrat primary times interesting discussion in important keep putting center gopdebate better watch believe fighting back megyn kelly worried trumps party loyalty watched transform liberal 3 hours gotta remember leader debater held deep rooted politicians well looking forward hearing amp katie think last night amp httpstcophiw1jkuap safe say every person color knows this usually ones need convincing httpt trying make exciting was shows promoting weak de kicking back glass wine catching see sentiment candidates changes debate tonight httptcoh6nf5jbltp httptco3j foxnews much rest group pay give real questions give realdonaldtrump bullshit quest wrong makes america really great unity respect individuality 11 guess trump paying people win debates now wait sec social security robbed pay obamacare robbed pay iraq war and bunch othe worried america right now sentedcruz candidate lay detailed plan moment steps wh advice candidate order think finished 5th place marco rubio good job keep donald trumps attack megyn kelly prove point woman problem unless like attacks them funny see bunch grown ass men trying scare america woman running president marcorubio saying already ensures protection americans incl im reading says donald trump front runner amp star of like possible booed pedinska absolutely sane twitter most entertaining last nite moar please mitt romney may billionaire time republican primary based email list rental dream one day finally elect atheist president think said care most tell tonight 8pm httptco1sk3tqnnnv staged one chair few loser left standing banished fighting pits mereen buy theory performed well held last night httpstcojmekk2adkh anyone else notice carlton last night httptcouk6wekjenu watch morning dvr wow moderators went you right all moderators essentially address issues criminal justice the sounds like needs reminded 128 million jobs created 64 straight months growth ht looks like auditions role ron burgandy watching omg stadium american women given choice fetus scott walker picks fetus prolife proyourl seriously dangerous whole world scientific studies proves voters stupid httptco5iv60gaksc httptcoqqsg5aav9x randpaul were borrowing billion dollars minute im pretty sure thats right first debate next round questions must come intelligent ppl would much entertaining everyone minion version themselves trumps going say fired god god auditioned celebrity apprentice trump turned down last nights mostwatched primary debate history httptcoryalwgrjcz like ok last one promise help lol httptcoie9kkupd2z trump showed kind republican truly snake variety httptcoaqzgegt7tb via dr carsons closing statement showed charm humor humility qualities need politics surprise here trump i time political correctness bettybowers gotta love logic mind boggling either way donald trump runs independent one vote anyway 90 minutes the voters spoken httptcotccm986iyi one actually voting idiots right fun event snl watching finally cant help think american idol format would probably better current system last nights debate all trump dominated show amp twas unfair candidates etc ill talking 6pm 9pm et tonight last nights tune guypbenson good fox commentator could be thank calling cral megyn foxnews wasnt available mainstream public subscribersso many americans missed debate great analysis from httptcodfpimpxsav coverage focuses trump besides zingers crappy performance cldnt answer directpointed questions negotiate price voter im discussing everybody talking lot leverage fox telling viewers support trump think disengenuous cruz next fox news love wit realdonaldtrump watch morning dvr wow moderators went you right all held know giving hugs to families pearl harbor victims frankluntz focus group looked like might luntz family renunion real supporters lol you pretty terrifying conservative women seem fine government controlling womens bodies failed httpstcogrlzfhs8pb notice hour anyone job cant see trialbyfeces event take place re mobute gets nod stopped general election not hand election dems wrap rand pauls first hour debating let exactly fight wanted httptcoq3drk3wdc3 donaldtrump said whole heck lot ben carson policy ideas httpstcotirxoldwve gave trump twice much speaking time walker carly fiorina makes primetime debate answer earlier iran seeing lots tried hard perfect make sure heard truth twisting called ht mashup night httptcoexoqhibxh9 single payer way would miss paying ten different bills annual physical wheres fun writing one che anytime opportunity define opposition take it things wish saw the mess mess whole debate screwy boy politicians dance around topics gopdebate pretend hilary democrat running obviously afraid debate bernie sanders best part viewers choose amp mention climate change at advice candidate order think finished 6th place mike huckabee good bytes add substance candidate talk time per httptcoiodwqytcmc hillary spent night hanging rude rapper amp reality show queen whos claim fame sex video way stay classy heres voting donald trump president america country httpstcoo1txsyf9x5 httptcozhvxuhubmx dear gop say me god relevant politics religion place govt thx much hard wa i know hillary would spend money gave anyway please give government last night watching got good stuff friday gopdebate vs like mean sports entertainmentso political entertainment rush most important thing carly fiorina the dem party undermining character nation realdonaldtrump never given money either would take iti would stupid we destroyed economy begins rush we make mess rant carly one aimed dems dance_reader tame reporting bbc must best show tv last night wish id seen it reince idiot racist nativist need new chairman stink re thedennisprager the 2 hispanics cruz rubio best under wisconsin went 11th 35th new jobs wages fell 27 state spending increased 15 the purpose military kill people break things seems like would really insulting those trying get last nights debacle want see god american dream ronald reagan count actual arguments hairball ended clown campaign trump debating like giving loaded gun monkey watch see gets shot leading behind disaster abandoned alienated allies says httptcosgt6bcu may mentioned times candidate hillary ftw realdonaldtrump mods job is2 ask qs know answers 2 bait amp target candidate last night clarified clown car loony van sociopaths one thing ive learned donald trumps costars new reality show seem like much gopdebate made great tv repub id want kasichrubio or fiorina im dont drinking watching making friday morning difficult get through profited selling baby parts mitt romney httptcob8uo2moeod ht declarationofindependence mentions 3 rights lifelibertyampthepursuitofhappiness reveals denial4someofus httptco5qykipoinb brought planned parenthood thus introducing no im antiwoman portion program lowpolling candidates 1 percenters gop love dr carson progressives depend ignorance american people said man compared obamacare slavery debate dick morris tv lunch alert httptco4xvn7n5lv1 hearing summary last night republican wins election were screwed ted cruz born canada nobody say shit stuff comical 2016 bender starts httptconl6ppea2bo via btw cannot stand john kasich well tonight makes slightly nauseous oh real even hair sorta httpstcomtqdsdgpeb seems kinda dull cause candidates plain ol racist sexist warmongers anymore realbencarson im one take half brain look washington might think somebody beat me im pretty sure megan kkkelly biggest fake eyelashes ever any making positive name the certain self destruct httpstcodi7m31rfiy one complain americas corrupt 2 party system better complain trumps threat last night intern on this lady kept asking questions gay rights lesbians womens rights ridiculous really hope shelli gets evicted announce twist brings jason back fact checking gop candidates statements debate httptcoqjssdikkpd via watched debate bunch conservative activists heres reacted httptcoug21fi5fce via ben carson essentially said race matter sorealdonaldtrump whining questions posed fair realdonaldtrump mightve shot foot losing support women behavior httptcoja96jes4ou thephoenixsun gay wedding wedding httptco0vw7ht3uo2 made good choice thepriorities 17 funniest tweets failing even mention climate change httptcocxoxwpa3j0 way watch whole debate last night trump whines tough questions megyn behaved nasty me httptcojylevqszrr we cannot give away money have america stupid mexico really smart elect stupid too donald trump realdonaldtrump breath fresh air increasingly careless generic long road the could get stale realdonaldtrump people would least expect calling apologizing debate 2 candidates candidate moderator moderators time keepers only pledgeill leave right here http donald great television horrible statesmanship call hater not biggest fan world or fox general really enjoyed question trump women realbencarson early favourite compared taxes tithing keep religion dude gopdebate the government tries invade church theres issue religion invades politics political debates teach marketers message audiences today direct deflect if knew know now qs regarding idiotic insulting served there livestream important republicans get womens vote even beg httptcoiovvw90aax chance secure social security surplus 2000 media decided wanted hang ww instead fact ch complaint political culture present politics culture present moderators took 32 air time guess else got time httptcoizj1n7a know giving hugs to families pearl harbor victims de tocqueville left building oh ho ho scene talks emotionally guy rain fox news moderators got 31 airtime last night megyn kelly getting most thats surprise tonights attendance 62 people jv game candidates mention veteran issues besides firing va personal veteran homelessness america disgrace heard jeb speak extended period time tonight thought would better speaker isnt so think the far polls shows 50 httptco4atgytwh8t http fox drew 10 million viewers democrat primary debate ever attracted anything like this rush zeitgeistghost last night clarified clown car loony van sociopaths really hard believe donald trump created god work satire dr doom takes mask off could people underneath wish could see kasich vs presidency actual issues amp ideas might come out watch it hoot looky this huh last heard neither clinton sanders part todays httptcohf76cklbpq love hear apology dragging debate toilet gonna call night amp think peaceful thoughts erase mind blessed be httptcopdi5czn realbencarson said mouthful httptcorpqo4sqbto told truth whose pants fire last nights httptcowhlkekq2fm word god httptcovkgvyttwtk moe67 oh im sure did headlines morning gopdebate winners jeb shocker boring bb show w derrick fact checking gop candidates statements debate httptcoqjssdikkpd via pimp lobby happy httptcok8gj8apqu7 staging evoked seasons love rent says more httptcobcpjvfxccb aaaand systemic racism all training time commercial could blatant dislike for dislike uneven playing fieldgopdebate last nights nutshell httptcodyyutjv1ji tonight liveheckling sold like rand paul watch nanosecond remember trump apologize calling women fat pigs dogs disgusting animals httptcoqgwm5 gaypatriots takeaway last night america deserve ben carson httptcokjgfyypcte advice candidates order finished 7th place ted cruz take clock time never gained momentum dead last https definitely topic watched last night thoroughly entertained randpaul totally pulled leeroy jenkins last night charging similar results ff best source whats going us senate best commentary best performance instagram yall taking account criticizing bullshit watching fox like watching football game every time ball hiked refs dogpile player watched political buddy httptcodqr7ljewnu marco rubios tax plan pure 80s taxes working families taxes top http yep aint pretty hillary loving life httpstcotrumooja4g shits sake turn tv still fox see people gobbling s knob reince thats came laughs bat shit crazy comments cruz hit unconstitutional executive actions religious liberty iran deal final answer countries africa rt amp dl httptcodrktw64c1u dust httptcoezmufrvhhq christie paul brou court boost ratings try undermine the taught us ok buy democracy sacrifice peoples kids war make whole thing profitab cruz rubio led night tonight jmpalmieri hillary clinton stage think clear winner httptcoslz recap the want make choices women httptcoyuikaxrvtv wants hug httptcoiats8vyx7c gopdebate moderated chance ask questions right cares left concerned 22 im going take blowtorch irs ricksantorum thanks input httptco6ofoa0hqpa h donald visited border john attended gay wedding q man braver american exceptionalism theology trump tanked ignore every single candidate watching again vote primary listen quiet smart people instead loud people please bah retweet think prison h ive got brand rt amp dl httptcodrktw64c1u thats good way dispel sexism charges sure calling female journalist bimbo httpstcoharnffyfdm last nights emerged top two ted cruz sean hannity httptcouiaotvyd8z treating women like human beings political correctness rush limbaugh fox news made debate seem like republican war women icecube 4 president donniewahlberg love seeing movie preview the outnumberedfnc mentioned likes soda excellent choice watching ben carson candidates black friend actually listening civil towards rush mocking megyn kelly self serving amp narcissistic now chris matthews discussing httptco08i67jqo7g worst episode fox amp friends ever healthcare used unavailable low income people affordable care act stealing healing gopdebate watching pataki talk taking radical islam wonder hed radical christianitynotreally hillaryclinton republicans httptcoz71bjpcpaq megyn kelly chris wallace brett bair doubt posing questions incite attacks dramaand backfired trying make exciting was shows promoting weak debate waiting internet mashup ofs highlights amps like trump httpstcoszqbyrqwwz donna brazile saying they offered testosterone bit tabasco isnt sexist too bad comment winner gop debate hillary clinton megyn kelly played female card added nothing debate httpstco749kiiio2a wondering day going ive ordered dominos read watch party swag httptconqqxm33aer american kids european ancestry among smartest kids world problem importing third wor sound bite rush limbaugh played hillary clinton carly democrat party undermining us fabric candidates argue folks opposed abortion tax fund pp gonna mad tax veto mexico wall fact severalrs admit voice head told run underscores need mental health system overhaul next reality dating show format megyn kelly bachelorette 9 roses please jump on bandwagon hold amp moderators accountable view hey jeb earned legal status amnesty weve played game before women always call men pigs calls dog shut up hypocrites like establishment seems circle wagons amp disdain becoming cnn httptcof2bojstib5 trump answers every question insult completely topic energy republican candidates sounded lot like obama httptco5laccafuxw via realdonaldtrump much fun watching gopfox circus implode check out httpstco36cvqaykjo httpstcoqetdtd8hcz httpstcom3b39r61y8 httptcoey2margcqo make easier younger folks understand s douchebaggery game fleek feel like trumps hair enough tell u handle things looking forward 2 fair amp substantive got 3 trump hatingliberino jeb luvin gop estab butt kissin tabloid filth dont know know lostme cause watched it fact checked 20 claims last nights gop presidential debates httptcofohizbm2xm thank one true conservatives at patriots appreciate amp america needs you trump become host fox news maybe id actually watch it standup comedy finest john kasich admits going gay wedding missed phenomenal analysis sure follow major candidates next stop httpstcovewxhjkijx illegal alien deported 5 x make back country kill american woman trump cant call someone dog 99 sure none candidates read deal full yet theyre somehow sure failure theres anything republican candidates learned 2012 election nothing rubio actually answering question immigration color impressed brothers disappointed swimsuit portion aired unlike john kasich recognize andor accept ruling marriage equality fair marco rubio point tougher immigration laws might prevented parents getting in spot presidential field a lineup cranks httptcowoqo4vly9p vote anime become real ronpaul proved ready qualified democrat party undermining character nation carly fiorina winner jindal giving excellent planned parenthood answer here check out tweets foxs dealt climate httptcovdi62otuqo via httpt noticed rubios ears huge dudes antiabortion id like hear plan expanding birth control plan b waiting marcorubio leader need save country american dream httptcogc1hkxja gopdebate way time fix obamas mess vicenews heres happened last nights yes realdonaldtrump there httptco5sgveo7r8n httptcoasdsfke513 last nights topics merited attention ignored httptcocbj5lbdlzj rt tates5a surprise night berniesanders twitter httptcobglk509gv0 abcs ignores 5 pm omitss line trump httptcod0f07gyet4 clarawrrr pro life till gets quality education amp rejects conservative principles benghazi ooooooooooh crowd gopdebate might safe say none seemed believe god watching realdonaldtrump thank u ur support single payer hc last night the hope ur supporters agree also scott walker continues nod agreement candidates praying get called again rt tates5a surprise night berniesanders twitter httptco6bj5tjnliu like sophmoric bickering back forth candidates presidential 160 overnight rating the thats huge viewership holds httptcout70835vnr two cents what anything learn last nights httptcobutvtpaj13 via way around it gop embarrassed discouraged last nights spectaclegopdebate fox moderators throw major shade secondtier candidates httptcoxrblfem4fy biggest winner the affordable care act shows night httptcoeqj6k2ne5u 16 united states homes tv sets watched recent history httptcooekkhqom watching realdonaldtrump burn bridges whitehouse httptco6bj5tjnliu knowledge iran deal all replace names debaters said enough least 6 tracks straight foxnews last nights emerged top two great see crowd cheer gay marriage depressing also cheer something archaic overturning foxnews big winner at way future viewership objective surely already said republicans love referencing constitution really seem misunderstand whole separation church state lessons learnt women must babies education dumb war good obama stupid fuck immigrants trump smartz healthcare presume megyn kelly spent night rolling eyes make times during separation church state separation church state separation church state looks like bernie found things forgot about httpstconv5ilx0qal taylortwo9 rt waynedupreeshow disagree want hit job realdonaldtrump calculated mu httptcoauhlnza3ww lourack1 rt rollingstone fox news targeted donald trump the republicans call smug httptcoauhlnza3ww captain_landon preview donald trump tonight vine caseybake16 httpstcodilfahwpsz httptcoauhlnza3ww think calling bimbo amp generally denigrating her proved concern misogyny xjohnx24 rt totalgolfmove want know favor making masters na httptcoauhlnza3ww afrostateofmind rt afrochubbz httpstcoovgxifrluc httptcoauhlnza3ww restorereality fuck ya donald trump rocked smoking pathetic career politicians keep httptcoauhlnza3ww trump sycophants want know whats hidden agenda last night answer simple called vagina tea4texs rt cnn one eclipses realdonaldtrump at httptconzr6p3ckw9 via cnnpolitics httptcoauhlnza3ww agree questions 12 michaelskolnik rt gov mostretweeted presidential candidate tweet came democrat berniesanders httptcoauhlnza3ww ben carson doubts hillary nominee rapture coming very soon im scared scared httpstcokiazkaknxv person gay marriage rand paul guns apparently realize debate live tv httptco0dzwxqikz7 zoegberg rt sarahkendzior cant believe people writing real articles won all lost httptcoauhlnza3ww trying get last nights debacle zombie ronald reagan need him clemike rt alicetweet quite elevator ride govmikehuckabee amp candidates httptcox6syz4xkmu httptcoauhlnza3ww ben killed tonight gop primary debate kara_neptune rt texasgop think every candidate stage would better than httptcoauhlnza3ww akin watching institutional crazies talk theyll take insane asylum chadstanton rt brownblaze please rt httptcotmrfnuvwns httptcoauhlnza3ww every thought running president offer substantive thoughtful critiques httpstcol597 biggest winner republican debate httptcodq7qy63rf6 via im still reflecting basically made me yet still strangest thing said last 24 hours httptcoubauqyn12k john podhoretz says emerges partys brightest star httptcozjmbdcitz7 tweets entertaining httpstcovcwwvwtqvv wolfoftheair summary wheres poochie jeb bush worked cuban officer plead guilty defrauding govt millions httptcoxmo3snlw1p ht first 10 cringeworthy minutes ons awkward snarky performance embarrassingly bad pro oh hugged president thank goddness notice democrat cooties postgraphics rate speech indicate confidencetoo fast swindlertoo slowunprepared httptcofs7r705es9 blood at entertaining fight lol httptcosdocekuebl shorter interacting betters richers stfu know rick santorum donald trump donald trump blue collar conservatives httpstcoduupr696nr looks like reaction donald trump you cant say hes right but cant say that women abort rape babies fetuses come back zombies dig holes fence let mexicans thanks support 1st im sc today tomorrow im nh httptcox931pj7umr see yo after making campaign swing south carolina from httptcog3ugi9ei2e takeaways highlights 1 cross bw circus amp firing squad 2 kind attractive realdonaldtrump incredibly unprofessional bitch broke moment realized everything going wrong himgopdebate moderators childish disrespectful flippant inflammatory shame on so volunteers amp fellows fl nc amp va great watch parties tonight http gopdebate talking refs game probably fucked calls blew big time common refrain at blame political correctness unpopularity gop positions vs dunno unpopularity anything regulate banks gop mantra money first one question last night debate veterans amp someone audience suggested it refuse trust anyone walked away gop debate last night thinking ben carson piqued interest nice the price right let fox news borrow bell last night trump proved hes trojan horse amp running 3rd party one support americasgotfailent thedemocrats looking lot like this httptcoyqr5ybmolf proved another liberal bushmccainromney establishment liberal big loser fo katiepavlich show httptcotop8ntinks wanna know know matter this yall got ten seconds ten arthura_p foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoyg for dont gop police brutality charles_gaba wins internet tonight httptcodp1isixjmn surrounding with spent kimkardashianampkanyewest httptcort0anpz6bx mitchellreports is challenge lies fox gets f handling debate 90 theyve done trying get people scream o blackmagpie69 brother lied amp sent 3k americans death iraq would vote another bush two hours ten candidates word peace yet said citizens america give gop day rwanda rt amp dl httptcodrktw64c1u try minimize talking time everyone living colour cult personality httpstcoxlwxoczoa2 thepalealewife thinking appropriate bitterness stage biggest amp diverse field qualified candidates ever party excited part night httptcorp preview donald trump tonight vine by httpstcoawlgcpkqgl realalexjones wether trojan horse not worth punt rosie odonnell donald trump try explaining 2 ur kids like explaining 2 moms httpt fuck ya donald trump rocked smoking pathetic career politicians keep great work httptconvomystnvs theas told real housewives ny slta___ httptco0psskxzuyj not productive gop focused economic policies favor wealthy working families deserve president focused them big winner scott walker johnny walker httptcoqzoapiekcy jeb bushs attack public schools diverts public money private corporations httptcoxonrly0ece http realdonaldtrump saw shadow hell us another six weeks live on randpaul speaking rock hill sc day after httpstcof0ckweatz7 painful listen answers god question socalled christians prove actions anything christian kasich closing remarks dad mailman btw many blowjobs think monica lewinsky gave bill clinton oval office watching amp never entertained familys side comments thought good despite grandstanding really brought logic back campaign table republican debate trump garbled incoherent dominant httptcojjhtkyovml jeb bush gop need evidence climate change start wars httptcongwiblhwdq http walker surprisingly gets mostly right httptco7vzjjbj3ib recognize candidates httptcoyud3assrgh missed the im amazed trump somehow considered lead httpstcoqzmg96pf75 watched say pres obama righthe would win again trainwreck truest sense word painfully awkward opening nonsensical answers question donald trump literally fiveheaded dragon voteblue than eh rt jedediahbila want put someone office want worry love owned last night httptco6khqpdqpn9 candidates trying outantiabortion other contest ends winner dismembers woman childbearing age s walkers failure wisconsins recovery outpaced us took lagged ever since http drudge report debate poll results still vote httptcov9in9oazdk chrisvernonshow best part debate last night legs behind bret baiers head httptcowevgtvp7zp ill tell what first also owned post debate interviews gtgt ht news fails disclose prowalker debate analyst walker adviser coauthor httptco76ahmncuhb jorgeramosnews would love see host time nasty remind royality lets start foxnews gtmegynkelly loser drinking game take shot every time candidate talks female moderator rubio wants get rid dodd frank tf pathetic mention veterans tonight pathetic number mentions mailmen tonight at iamjohnoliver excited hear thoughts thing kept watching thinking reactions two cents what anything learn last nights httptcobutvtpaj13 via legitimacy tv news 2015 last night jon stewart cronkite amp dan rather playing drinking games httpstcoduu5vluuhh danscavino rick santorum ranks gop field twitter mentions last 60min httpstcof687d6objl megyn kelly slutty all httptcoqy09ckxzzz gop w proved are hateful bigots rt theblaze during billionaire mcuban says candidate likes a lot one his httptco1dg4euqe8d moderators order teeth whiteness httptcofwx3uef40c walker government invade churches ok churches invade government attention jeb christie kasich httpstco2dvrcrjmpx hardball_chris hopes asks candidates evolution httptco2p5pxmtiw1 gopdebate spends less minute police violence black lives matter httptcov2qirwdw5k embarrassment wonder know bad looked rest world thx ink httptcovtzmlujrqi shocking people supporting donald trumps ideas running country cmon hes jo go isis democrats like rosie odonnell amp moderators last nights gifs httptcob1ynnzmxz8 httptcofffg3envpd x___x leave republican party become democrat httptcoyucofmbiqv understand im watching run snl cold open right quite something watch vs canadian pm debate anyone take american politicians seriously 16 united states homes tv sets watched recent history httptcooekkhqomt1 takeaway theyre terrible hate tell thats whole night life never get back ff whoa weird format any1 know this httpstconp8cjqwyji sotheres space woman stage were gonna make way gd 16 funniest reactions last nights inadvertently hilarious gop debate httptconkwjlscecm httpt 5 yearold son saw tv said dad clown tv libertarian hate state power right silent volume mute httptco debate full fledged attack trump followed attacks trump 2008 amp 2012 again republican party wakes huge hangover splitting headache idea bed donald trump bucksexton like hunger games comparison good rubio answer immigration invoking unfairness system play rules sure allowed primetime tonight guys lucky wasnt she i good sense leave atlantic city back jersey trump back the fuck up megyn kelly fantastic job last night proud role model the purpose military kill people break things well broke world records so morning amp editorial cartoon laments really won httptcoadakkbfbqu watching canadian followed like playing jeopardy followed drunk naked upside watching made realize became libertarian rush trump reactive played rules trump still trump guys say want run government say want get government o take were getting dem potus imo httptcomclat1zumo hey surprise night chris wallace frankluntz lol probably likes loser candidates like mccain romney amp bush hands down httptcozqphlsqdun brianstelter care reality matters theories equations books httptcood0i4cnksn day the everyone talks attitudes personalities everyone forgets issues 2nits qampa turkey shoot kelly wallace totally emptied clips going sad livestream election issues bombastic personalities surprised learn ben carson part last night frankluntz lol sham focus group bunch bushrnc plants hands down httptcozqphlsqdun much important httpstcozii1mx72gv maybe florina call liar ever disclose many participants payroll lasting image logo another example technology use never morally neutral attacks anyone agree him obama does trump time political correctness chris christie end every answer well cross bridge get there mike the purpose military kill people break things huckabee gopdebate ted cruz make name saying americans deserve know truth hardball_chris whines voter id issues moms care about httptcoza4jtu33ta liberal friends like ben carson bc black man republican highlights badly need new vision debate apply rethinking debates job httptc following want miss new book httptco9ptx1rlcvw anything would say real winner hardball_chris hopes asks candidates evolution httptcowci7apyxol didnt belve evolution til michelle incredibly important points httpstcokxib7lvltw funny think may tap now one dudes foreign policy long donald trump gets distracted different shiny object felt embarrassed nation tap heels together 3 times donald trump go away forever httptcom2ua3a3vk9 bretbaier word god worse question night waste time many important issues we crush soviets chrischristie great gov let rand roll eyes wants rand paul eye roll chris christie httpstcorxqpfymqre donald trump first person ive heard frame misogyny time management issue 6 surprising moments last nights wacky httptcopzpfjrjema anyone imagine dems allowing debate left open third party run common merch serious lack women theres nothing like bring twitters relevancy light httptcoi8a7texzrj clowns performed well last nights circus donald trump ring master proud field took tough questions cases knocked park favs 6 surprising moments last nights wacky httptconsdhzhubwo j8p candidate mention race carson sees brains so tax pimps whores america huckabee recap the want make choices women httptcotnftr1e0te jalisco cartel from sinaloa cartel shot cougar helicopter mexican army missile launcher trump uses gop stage wants reserves right destroy gop chances 2016 time great gop leadershi jeb i defunded planned parenthood proud denied thousands women access life saving healthcare dont feel like rubio answered question small businesses frankconniff im confused its clobberin time something said trump the outnumberedfnc jedediahbila i want put someone office want worry about thentrump2016 trump used laws country rip people off im awesome it words effect twitter hype ranks gop 60min 1 kasich 3 2 santorum 1 3 bush 1 httpstcof687d6objl missing debriefing w3 crew fairandbalanced case the treated unfairly make soon marco rubio presidential hes articulate bright authentic guess separation church state thing anymore country advice candidate order finished 8th place scott walker keep hillary focus step many americans outraged emerging videos ofomg finally police violence planned parent hood foxnews let someone else handle future debates incompetent limbaugh says reactive amp inside rules protect money httptco7ywqgydukw earned jeb know title person exceptional performance cant wait see spar big boys next time finished listening the small glimmers sanity heap talking points rhetoric httpstconzceb95xyg politicians even pretending care female vote httptco83epvbwkot walker mentions uber rich counties like mine around dc leaves mega reason why defense contracting in without god become childless alcoholic lot free time sign up ted cruz might gotten 3 4 bats hit ball hard try got excellent frankluntz lol probably likes loser candidates like mccain romney amp bush hands down next president trump pick winner the would first choice followed earned title jeb huh rupert murdoch amp valerie jarrett gushing jeb bush amp other httptcom gave time god race relations know take candidates seriously friend posted 8 yearold daughter said last night is americas got talent men future in florida call jeb earned it so like title help picture farell referred veto corleone hearing discussion trump honest candidate makes question radio station choice cruz looking great debate im waiting next one kids table pretty sure hes republican ya coming 1220pm live post rt kayleymelissa like trial unbreakable kimmy schmidt dona httptcojaqjwnndgb httptcoa2kovjfhwp wfie 14 news u going report news affectn nation httpstcobdxb2vkyqw via foxnews u conservatives republicans u fairbalanced u want control us amp pick candidate donald trump bimbo megyn kelly behaved unprofessionally very badly personally during httptcorglmp105na realitycheck rupert murdoch amp valerie jarrett gushing jeb bush amp other httptcoml4uvbruvv simply halfcatching morningafter clips of 2 wonder anyone would want arrogant hardhearted folk prez ingrahamangle carlyfiorina ran away it httpstcorxjs2emmdj wow rand paul actually hard hearing think wears hearing aide wonder trump knows that georgewillcarly fiorina stood out httpstcorvocij4lyc take shot every time u hear repeal obamacare prepared get alcohol poisoning next 10 mins cnn amp new york times liked the tells everything need know livestream gets gop nomination never get black hispanic asian gay unions vote 2 win 2d white house fox news fails disclose prowalker debate analyst walker adviser coauthor httptco76ahmncuhb as jesus said ronald reagan great capital gains tax bad trumpif beforelast nightlikely lost chubclub vote following last nights stated could hear putin crapping form house yall feel the today 50th anniversary one question tonights message received lo kept thinking governors talk accomplishments yeah u failed unpop really mention trumps comments john mccain pows last night miss rand paul project power bankruptcy court describes megyn kelly quoting trump sexist comments question irony httptcoe1dhzktjdw hosts fist bumping over megyn crowley particularly proud herself donald trump liberal whole time hes running prove stupid gop is bw_react verdict wins it 745 positive sentiment httptcocpqjnwol11 trying find spot last night im watching mute fast forwarded much better way rule politics sound crazy cant look creepy donald trump publicity stunt phase right right many people didnt get see debate dont cable satelliteand fox news isnt free watch rubio god blessed gop candidates dems cant even find one httptco22gjyz5dz9 httptcod5c oldfashioned homophobic path becoming president become reality tv show focused shock value likes socialized med paying corrupt politicians conservatives like him whygopdebate tt aridavidusa breaking news last night megynkelly gained 300lbs changed name to http amymek would like thank rand paul exposing trump 4 democrat pretty pissed missed claudiaavaloss last heard bimbos vote httptcoauhlnza3ww little history truly re immigration sparring httpstcom59gdl3zgt us could stand learn lot format bbc much better job fox news mood httptco404gmxjf64 im officially calling prochoicers science deniers whine your man probably not talking you lcmauor rt philstockworld live chat room spy httptcoauhlnza3ww would guessed haircut httpstcoryvtecz0pm nalin rt merket anyone else notice carlton last night httptcospbas1qf4l httptcoauhlnza3ww emmajeter watching donald trump misogynist pig compl httptcoauhlnza3ww prove im good sport im giving losers tonights apprentice board game take home http lets forget one ever shot not politically correct one liberties violated over trump actually right bankruptcy laws someone please kill me andrewdiponio investinglatest twtr 224m tweets regarding following trend many like o httptcoauhlnza3ww forward_future rt 1marchella straight up httpstcoxwmlizggds httptcoauhlnza3ww bingo cards httptcofytd1urpfb laprofe63 rt losethosepoundz searching comeback really clue httptcoauhlnza3ww adamkareem last night smack talking seemed like le httptcoauhlnza3ww frankluntz lol sham focus group bunch bushrnc plants hands down aldon smiths party must hook latham312 rt franklin_graham 1stencouraging see several candidates express faith god an httptcoauhlnza3ww ben carson im one removed half brain went washington think someone beat it one guys get joel osteen frown gets vote last nights debate proved never move forward nation stop voting amp gopdebate failed mention climate change even once odd considering hot air fast forward 2016 2040 need wall single mention voting rights 50th anniversary voting rights act awful president trolling cruz debate httptcozb2nt2jvle much foreign policy tonight enough specifics immigration obamacare yeah hate isis iran ge hillary clinton sitting home reciting names gop candidates like arya starks list rushlimbaugh fox moderators received air time said removed half brain think patient never forget ted cruz never supported amnesty cruz pretty much saying i plan repealing obamacare shit healthcare afterwards snls writers rt first 2016 presidential election officially over think won chris christie shown swallowing fly thursdays httptcoz2vx3cridr watched benny hill theme song playing missswiss missing heres fb photo guy asked whether candidates spoken god at color surprised htt couldve asked 20 questions entire field 100 minutes instead struggled get average gop debate charted word word httptcoutuowzivj6 cant believe went question any guys talk god lately watched last daily show last night httpstcopicm3bn9ma carlyfiorina killed debate yesterday run hard keep telling truth apologies reason take pledge exactly good negotiator donald trumps performance first help hurt him httptcoydtiridu7h httptcoandsom9dmb local talk radio la best morning presidential debate sure jeb bush one thing know sure help wlast nights people five minutes ago advocating violence middle east straightfaced defend sanctit fox news fails disclose prowalker debate analyst walker adviser coauthor httptcolpodl5pt1t foxs lady viewers pissed megyn kelly megyn know good rw woman takes mens sexism smile amp silence put pearls jeb looks like mom drew last night httpstcomqrw3qy5yb investinglatest twtr 224m tweets regarding following trend many like comments fb have straight up httpstcool2krvnquu last night smack talking seemed like leaked lyrics diss tracks mt yep clintons attended trumps wedding 2005 front row seats httptcoynp8kzibhj http libertarian hate state power right silent volume mute httptcouekbwu19lh last time took 5 days long take jeb time correct horrible common core answer the basically post polls business candidates beating political candidates political nonsense last night see httptcox6hxfxqjgd site httpstcof0uqp5u0wv word count last night god 19 planned parenthood 5 abortion 8 guns 2 obama 36 hillary29 israel 12 palestine 0 rand paul called reagan conservative httptcorjsujatjco realalexjones watching debate felt donald trump new ross perot feel way well case missed yesterdays todays tunes httpstcovgurzzwjoh adamsmith_usa democrats watching httptcoojukqgcdb7 love unborn birth starve t need put someone debate hrc like jedediahbila frankluntz analysis says debate gt httptcoquwoclfs8q frankluntz focus group joke takedown attempt huge fail trump easily record numbers the everyone tuned see would curse something lol donald real rino race doesnt mean it httptco9baqoqpxon megynkelly killed last night came normal petulant name calling thinskinned self seeking solace twitter pages thanks https rand shoulda pulled pocket copy constitution invited christie read it httptcobjqhgppphy scared lib news media likes lot jeb backers shaking head wondering sunk money last nights megynkelly great job good god yall were done goin church the republican party last nights debate hillary lost breitbart httptcozclymyxzvy realdonaldtrump seems little flustered about what cant handle called trash advice candidate order think finished 9th place john kasich contrast bush another group men taking pride telling women choice happens bodies celebs react the httptcoacfupbfulc httptcohngi4avb6x engaging summary excellent work ever httpstcozhfnp1bnuj proper attire watch party your httpstco6zpqrfsuhr icymi heres coverage last nights httptcoliapp5cw0t save america per 1 stronger military 2 god 3 kill obamacare 4 god 5 fix stuff 6 god like seeing personal hell god planned payback believing him megynkelly like or wonder why forceassimilation reading blogs amp comments regarding last nights folks saying biggest looser night trickledown econ amp brothers recession caused povertywant lift poverty raise wages gopdebate last night call diarrhea mouth conservative medias influence the they give damn governing httptcoa8uth6vmch make apologies protecting lives safety american people httpstcogmamj9n trump candidate people meaningfully updated views since saw rising sun theatres on interview re outstanding debate performance http yesterdayss change mind impressed you disappointed you donald trump help himself whos pick now rushlimbaugh making great point ny times cnn et al sing praises moderators know bad steps help understand 1 define rhetoric 2 consume rhetoric 3 spot similarities httpstcolkuhw2nrxs mitchellreports good point turned something sophomoric w hug comment livestream either way donald trump runs independent one vote anyway great enjoy watching 10 men forgot took laxative earlier night httptcoqchynkfr70 chase a nortons god question last nights serious trolling gov christie gov huckabee want engage hotdog eating contest go guardianus yes thank you triblive sent amp wrote stuff gt httptco6ofoa0hqpa httptcoemhmpupmfy gopdebate watching highlights last night wow people really immature women bashing yelling got hug score b candidates c moderators full amp presumed cleverness take gopdebate politicians even pretending care female vote httptco83epvbwkot received word god good ben carson caged bird said nah know him reince gop debate required declare run 3rd party not debate fox news postdebate polling results httptcotxlzxikk3n wonder coincidence irony purposeful anniversary hiroshima bombing god talks me part end milk nose megyn kelly real winner last night httptcoeeavzmrvb2 frank luntz great news ted cruz httptcob7ti3hvn7p im glad trump shut four failing biz borrow 19 trillion keep afloat enslave childrens children make apologies protecting safety american people httpstcogv paulchristie debate hurt candidates thanks tweets via httptcoobhou1rnnj suffering existential crisis need a bernie sanders livetweeted httptcouq700cgqwn via hillaryclinton watched like ability dig grave going long tiring election season shockingly illinformed candidates httptcovtk1k0txif voa huckabee reagan said trust verify obama trusts amp vilifies trusts enemies amp vilifies disagrees w policies barack obama managed provide neither peace prosperity dear internet start thing make thing httptcomi35fdffmy garbage_bones whats harder game fuck marry kill w gop debaters teen mom2 shitty dads watching sounds twitter like race bottom told truth whose pants fire last nights httptcowhlkekq2fm showdown rightwing economics caused mortgage crisis amp great recession ideas proposed sol bretbaier named one winners gt httpstcoobsvewvo41 btw correct response last nights wouldve been my faith personal matter amp unrelated aptitude statesman heres fox news streaming last night httptco7soowgiuno httptcowx5go1thnu gay hoover claims spark outrage among exfbi agents httptcoq4rpv2tbx6 nixon johnson america nyt nyc httptcopvopzkkt9m scott walker frightening like speaks hes detached reality speaking so watched quite bit gop debate trump idiot joke httptcobqaatgjnfe yeah liberal lap dog media loved people actually watch loathed it fox pay one pop anyone elses head last night httptcor2lwtiemzm impressive clear winners powerful combo could support biggest problem with fox moderators got airtime 31 total candidate megyn kelly need work msnbc low point debate anyone else notice carlton last night httptcouk6wekjenu africa got ppl rt amp dl httptcodrktw64c1u mentioned the voting rights climate change gun violence police shootings student debt inequality ok gonna talk god talk little pope know one told tackle climate change rig last nights put tallest guy loudest voice middle amp give air time result obvious donald trump tweeted jet landed cleveland earth moved httptcolbef8189yb donald trump parody funny httpstconeymfcdj4o release ratings afternoon rumor 10 mil viewers 16 share making undisputed winner real winners jr debaters came across far intelligent brawling children later on im missing the candidates mention abraham lincoln republican think blac mitchellreports realize talking show look polls answer marco rubio treating candidates like drake treated meek mill fellow conservatives 1 thing agree on best thing tonite be candy crowley htt could watch besides fox fox stream quality terrible man rubio slide best guest actor comedy next emmy season media fawning fox moderators conservatives bill oreilly pandering httptcouohxh0nrkz stopiranhttptcozwmstjjh1619t catching tweets feel like missed real cracker tomorrow morning wake ashton kutcher pops tells us weve punkd thing apparently said last night httpstcokylwwoj8oq live on randpaul speaking rock hill sc day after httpstcof0ckweatz7 heres know sure 5 amp 9 16 people stage voting for chris christie lieshe appointed us attorney day b4 911 attacks httptco0uzmkvdwwt trumps idea proof talk louder peacockpanache gov bobbyjindal vows violate elected president httptcozpl3z9wjpl timsimms gov bobbyjindal vows violate elected president httptcozpl3z9wjpl yikes you gave obama big hug i hugged 911 survivors realdonaldtrump need grow thicker skin moderator problem big loser tonights debate is megan kelly megan insulted intelligence tonight day man mean everybody complaining everybody mean him air time last night fox moderators really would make see fake thats nasty hillary right httptcomjsz7lwotz usatoday calls debate closing showstopping zinger gop keep looking inept next trump say some people mean shit me well hoping takes country places seen decades keep good work rush mocking megyn kelly self serving amp narcissistic marcorubio small business we repeal doddfrank eviscerating small business heres frustrating watch woman httptcoxxch8pxagf carly puts boys shame httptcogwumbzwd0w lmao rt pretty much httpstcooaq5fck1wb graham if elected president send soldiers back iraq afghanistan defend nation wishs oops moment last night pronounced amazing one 2011 proper attire watch party your httpstco6zpqrfsuhr true american freedom httptcoosttqcroy5 mc donalds walmart wall street microsoft sarah palin httptcokowiiltjro new york sun editorial next debate httptco1ufbcpvt34 via cnn like 4 women acting experts south africa rt amp dl httptcodrktw64c1u rush fox moderators got 31 airtime at gopdebate candidates see standing true constitutionalists would support watched the honestly say would vote rock would vote democrat so trump wins front page every news source billions free advetising id say democrats ggs hillary bernie guys im live tweeting rewatching focusing fashion follow httpstcodlznetggum trumpissues elect trump save america reagan said trust verify obama trusts amp vilifies trusts enemies amp vilifies disagrees w him advice gop candidate order think finished 10th place jeb bush get pulse hurry rhondawatkgwyn dedicated twitter amp facebook followers httptc gop potus succeed conservative reps cant vote districts wo fear retribution marcorubio destroy sick liar 1on1 debate gets chance gtgt candidates abortion none presidencies coming term getting watch rand paul bad hair donald trump worse hair marco rubio great hair chris christie fat alot i know i type comebacks sat watching almost disbelief trump immigration strategy httpstcoqzmfehr8vf out thank u thoughtful reflection on recovery trump ques lame bs fluff made megyn look bad phenomenal course knew would be httpstcooucmhiyfhz gop denied 50b infrastructure pushing 800b unfunded tax cuts top 1 httptcodbgqrcrvbf http rush on i never seen kind public backlash fox news personalities since network launched 1997 were saying everything say crap were saying looks whole lot like cat ate 45 minutes ago camille paglias hilarious review candidates performances httptcoahwy1kmdjh want people wedding whose presence commanded thedemocrats looking lot like this httptcow8uml4cyee 10 million people watched fox last nite amp theres 40 million people tuned right find t learned the guys dad mailman jesus christ everyones running mate gop run women channel watch now liberalfnc amp r hitman dont join anymore gluttons punishment watched debates may things say come sunday handing squirt guns httptcoy2tkjqlmy2 help myself httptcomqvuzm3v5f trump proud misogyny tries intimidate her ugh donald trump amp megyn kelly fox news httptcopgqbmaragr ask job destroying corporate power grab httptcowhn0bltejf httptco6ginjlavi4 generations look back think were barbarians murdering millions unborn babies says heres frustrating watch woman httptcofh5xboqw87 via want people think weight style hair like bobs big boy gov christie jebbush amp valerie jarrett dinner together rupert middle httptco4jberb60dg oh poor trojan horse trump pouting hes victim now still baffled things said last nighti cant believe theres many people take assholes seriously livestream blogger debate making sure donald trump pull rose perot clinton i insult women woman brought bimbo trump the tell us httptco6e0ds9y67b httptcoigcax6oh21 politicians like hillaryclinton accept money 4 campaigns foreign donors trump cant call someone fat pig megynkelly whats thoughts comments facebook page concerning s motive behind got like httptcoznulwsrgyh bobby jindal said immigration without assimilation invasion oh god man never eaten gulab jamun realdonaldtrump aww sad thinks fox news reporter mean debate nerve cruz blame obamacare greedy insurance companies raising premiums profit lst nt said hed deny rape victim n abortioni guess love fetus still heart god blessed rep party lot great candidates dem party cannot even find one else new pretend surprised gop candidates veer truth httptco7zpgwqrgos last nights topics merited attention ignored httptcoy8aqr9oqjy much for donald trump democrat republican hes donald trump govchristie i confidence american people theyre strong enough hear truth jedediahbila says great communicator showed last night thats best tweet better actual debate gopdebate donald trump hates mexicans httptcom82szmxkhi realdonaldtrump dont time tone go get job done internationalbeerday today gop debates yesterday coincidence good planning loser the republican party if nod lot black guy speaks ill look like im asshole probably when rich wage war poor die jeanpaul sartre gop foreign policy zac still noticed unfollowed tweets tell messages receive god 10 republican candidates partic httptcoq1u3zqas38 tried take amp poll numbers skyrocketed voters matter moderators presume megyn kelly spent night rolling eyes make times during jacksonville 1 2 3 4 5 httptcos wins 2016 would hope loved said balanced budget amp moving passed gay marriage ill talking 6pm 9pm et tonight last nights tune in foxnews intentionally tried shut debate 2nd least questions asked last speak time 5 mins out think ur demographic is smart women dislike trump head in zero policy specifics realdonaldtrump lives fight another day odds seem ever favor httptcoeg6x6onkkt tried take amp got azz handed her playing victimcard boom ted cruz rocked closing statement b wont fund healthcare citizens invest millions dollars build wall keep people country mr trump runs independent republicans cant win either sucking thumb the said the questions nice httptcos4c82i0nis rt agree its httptcofk2pohfp7y factchecking gop debate late edition h try take someone whine playing victimcard get owned mentioned in voting rights gun violence police shootings student debt inequality duly noted heard last night women charged murder naturally miscarriage fire at fox scut dogs given job outing trump someone willing use gop gop loyalty think call last night campaign fox trump financial practices shitty mess differ potus trump wont people too candidate say woman women whole two hours rubio talking women uniform bbcnewsus u need stop crying get questions like toughen up stop baby donald ever answer direct question trump amp bush twice much time rand paul speak trump supporters tee hee amp laugh insults everyone sun cry foul calls shit summary httptcofznsfgkgoo nielsen release ratings afternoon rumor 10 mil viewers 16 share making undisputed winner ahead watch change couple seconds gopdebate reps aside trump paul agree 90 everything imo important consideration electability vs clinton tt molonlabe1776us last night looked megynkelly bretbaier realdonal httptcowtb0gyxsqv delilahnobszone rt rednationrising congrats candidates discussing tweeti httptcoauhlnza3ww tt aridavidusa breaking news last night megynkelly gained 300lbs changed name to httptcowbeymxhl3c awepra_com trump says men wear trump httpstcos9khgspvle httptcoauhlnza3ww debate moderators job ask tough questions attack candidates play victim trump reporters generally dishonest lot everybodys talking im like raise httptco0kruottxsw first candidate spend 1m run gif primetime ads gets vote httptcodikwasjgrs guy gets it httptcoy0bbb6jkpd sydtrvp rt berniesanders oh movie trailer httptcoauhlnza3ww says respects take care poor amp sick bad news hes getting nomination truthteamone big winner scott walker johnny walker httptcolodmczbpe2 httptcoauhlnza3ww tyler_batson httpstcopd7dbunnde httptcoauhlnza3ww housecracka huge difference battle foes amp walking blue blue ambush go talk with lots talk about wwahammy rt jrehling donald trump says time political correctness httptcoauhlnza3ww trump our leaders stupid politicians stupid mexican government much smarter duyguozsoyler rt comicriffs sketches ted cruz though famed debate champ offers admission httptcoauhlnza3ww rightdishonour republicans problem trump 16 candidates httptcoauhlnza3ww sydtrvp rt berniesanders tom hanks finally somebody makes sense httptcoauhlnza3ww werent barbaric white men illegals came steal natives donaldtrump wins httpstcomr3ehwanvz tillerylakelady rt realdonaldtrump stinger_inc realdonaldtrump megynkellys behaviour a httptcoauhlnza3ww ill tell what first also owned post debate interviews gtgt httptcoem1wi3djpu msajrogers think last night could actually democrat trying help democrats diversity code word white genocide httptconsmux1vswi imagine buffoon addressing world leaders recap mosttweeted moments last nights httptcotxdtdaet0q via aww 100 support among cute little cruz girls love this daughters post http cbsmiami true extraordinary allegations requires whatheres proof child molester httptcokr55ae6jur liked happy heard going moderator anymore httpstcoa6lwsn1qek made w look eloquent amp brilliant looked like oatmeal getting colder httptco included show hands like 1st day school were learning little 10 many amp want cross ben govt fraud shows african american kids exponentially risk mmr a consensus clear dominated last nights debate watch highlights httpstcox3j4x8qm5e girl killed it presidential wildly intelligent experienced sharp practical strategic amp strong interviewed candidates tonight youtube woo vine by httpstcosm feel politics httptcouprwvei4kr hlntv people watch hln fox news try piece together whole story fact young adults think biggest issue 2016 presidential elections scary reflecting last nights decided really dropped ball terrible questions moderators great new video consistently focused debate last night clinton httpstcodf8unrizrr xm121 today 34pm w fun always great h that nonsense cruz said specialists region regard basic truism httptco2fwg54hzq1 i said wedding came wedding donald trump says hillary clinton todays conservative woman fat pig incubator irrelevant kill people break things httpstcouxnjz8z4ms would like thank candydates tonight proving one ever vote http there thing politically correct war carson enhanced interrogation thanks input httptco6ofoa0hqpa httptcow2kdhdalew thank calling thes supporting enforce laws secure border use everify prioritize american worker american wages big winner scott walker johnny walker httptcoqzoapiekcy gop potus succeed bills reach desk watereddown nonsense sketches ted cruz though famed debate champ offers admission httptcogyuf7vrrsm realdonaldtrump good 4 w gop primary voters look results thefoxnews gopdebate hillary clinton donald trump go trainwreck truest sense word painfully awkward opening nonsensical answers questions military bluster sickening wasted 11 trillion iraq war spend 175m per f35 need cut militarize cruz really lying healthcare discussion wow were already seeing difference senators governors senators i introduced legislation governors we got thi ben carson hillary counts fact people uninformed enough 3000 lightyears away dying star known cat eye nebula throws shells glowing gas ht actually terrifying real people could real power bonafide racists sexists riley1999 closet democrat actually come closet suppose could sell baby parts like yell smh httpstcof7it1d65na trump getting shit raising hand last night make america great slogan republicans democracy remains dire straits cause aint working long get money nothing get dicks free ericbolling want someone young leader lead us future gop candidates say need new america reality need old one back htt antiwhite establishment best eliminate whites httptcoyocu odds fillin tonights show someone tweet please wont watching chris christies moose knuckle vote httptco8lezrzetac dont anyone dare vote scott walker would rather let mother die concede hes wrong pregnan carlyfiorina one poised graceful determined woman get behind day theres gonna hell toupee donald trump nominee finished the two hours excellent tough questions without single one properly answered addressed gay rights opponent rick santorum says supports equality law httptcoxsjbavyifu http dogs meaningless gaffes were great start even get started last night head le see post gt httptcoopqaudgvcv cassandra17lina could actually democrat trying help democrats lots positives amp negatives last nights candidate bring amp thoughts yay out correct trump biggest loser in amp eric wrong smart women dump trump scott walker we treat everyone america except women course httptcojuvkrjrqot psst wanna see twitter data last nights wont tell anyone httptcobjq8hsr4 lot anger debate wheres compassion wheres empathy last thing pick someone media portrays be gopdebate imagine buffoon addressing world leaders gopdebate rights new big bird quite something watch vs canadian pm debate anyone take american politicians seriously makes laugh entertaining make want give vote to httpstcostg5uibzl5 spirit the httptcomrru7b0bbw next needs let something hair gopdebate we got nothing iran gets everything want prick call death little thing trump cant call someone dog httpstcoysi1o5tj4q like everyone hate facebook dinner together rubio life begins conception well said schools httptcoinv8kphtr9 mr rubios pay grade kept thinking governors talk accomplishments yeah u failed unpopular 4 200000 votes drudge trump absolutely dominating httptcoku0ul7hzqy midi scrum and ht i think everyone sleepy today httpt gopdebate 60 seconds httpstcomoibjspuol props great questions worse unprepared candidate blind support one pulling for needs raise game realdonaldtrump childish attacks specifically never become potus mess wet dream frankluntz im getting lot hatemail tonight pretty bad too findings w freedom free must fight every day ben carson busy convincing us american nightmare forgotten engage us american dream bretbaier professional excellent job moderating real question president usa defund question police target young black men gop candidates lol want equalitylt3 livestream independent voter wanted 2 c even consider voting republican trump slams megyn kelly httptcoobnqdpoemx via gave trump twice much speaking time walker hey jeb bush explain kate steinle illegal immigration act love refuckingtweet pretty much httptcomw4mutxjgu sorry rand supporters 911 big deal clear winners favorites day 1 amp id like see 1 ticket thoughts left wing im going switch fair amp balanced msnbc ted cruz sean hannity httpstcouei9x7v2yi via 2nd favorite meme internet httptcornyuvlhv4d asking questions instead kelly carson im one separate siamese twins kinda hard outdo that thats acts thats real adult acts get wittle feewings hurt trump says pc say trump lawyer calls you surplus return taxpayers know best spend httptco u think trans people serve military the military socail experiment kill ppl k marco rubios ears big campaign slogan marco rubio definitely hears concerns going watch a little late america rest us hope eventually vote one thats l 3 least libertarian moments first rand httptcok8zx2djwrb debbie wassermanschultz nothing intelligent say post interview blurs gop misogynistic wsj viewers actually listened the httptcoicthu0qkxk httptco7cgvsd2loq quit trying make kasich thing mostly left wing democratic issue anyway httpstcos1r0xw1jty simple trump want say pledge running winner w rough night amp chris wallace unprofessional amp axe grind followed p theblaze ap fact check gop candidates veered truth first debate httptcotzw4y7ev6u bush cruz walker trumptrump rubio toughchoices todays conservative woman fat pig incubator irrelevant trivia candidate proposed cutting spending trillion dollars first year pr read trump lost the im convinced poll numbers going up build fence around trump guess im grateful rand paul allowing use word shrill describe man oknox and good reality tv great discussion issues httptcoc7fwjmdqcz would even entertaining pretty lady choose one old guys end amp give a hollywood cant get dr doom right foxnews got right 10 times last night trump answer questions shits semi coherent sentence bunch charged words thrown example campaign ready primetime checkout see tweeters li many mentions fetuses almost mentions people carry them hi attend event sept 26 contact campaign pls say yes allamericanrallyus please rt real talk trump debate touch candidates discussion last night contrary trumps views fox news debate moderators brilliant form last night jeb bush making great case staying florida review republican party here httptcoopckhol3f5 im disappointed none candidates asked thoughts defensive shifts baseball love gov christie gave rand paul well amp hitjob blew up tops poll httptcophqu2mpmbg scottwalker looks like wants sucks dick ive said before talks rosie odonnell megyn kelly like that imagine hed speak angela merkel you moms daughters care women shame you local laundromat political analysis o review republican party here httptcoopckhol3f5 debate attacking missing mark although entertaining gave trump almost twice much speaking time cruz livestream thank letting watch lame republican debate last night live stream barackobamas nuclear agreement remembered one americas worst diplomatic failures completely touch america people nothing women poor people color sha marcorubio voted amdt build fence b4 implementation amnesty httptco5guj7pe5ei trump knows people angry playing like fool business presidential process foxnews hosts fist bumping over megyn crowley particularly proud herself donaldtrump responds moderators httpstcounpwf1gmaw feel politics httptcouprwvei4kr see political commentators saying watch the hes making som the article must read nails it httpstcoxmdbtj39kc conservative thinks chris christie last night need leave party immediately moderator last night named son margaret thatcher his names thatcher margaret hasten add kennedynation asks clinton spokeswoman where server httptcozns4h8klxb httptcokbjhqac68x trying figure last nights like trying follow seasons true detective confusing plain awful heres much candidate spoke throughout the httptco90xa4vcinu httptcobctaj3xdga things learned watching the youd never know watch fox news i liked meagan kelly smart quick amp witty tonights convinced ever needs next http clear consensus emerging last night httptco2de88aafs3 andreatantaros im regarding sadly establishment biased blatantly 4apostles term limits pay limits amp perks limits congress now put end career politicians megynkelly coach last nights bringing constitution ronald reagan like musician screams name city pla people tell are believe them funny sad last night climate change equal pay voting rights police violence httptcohb39e72urg candidates finally meet god see black woman httptcoobwklpfubq many gop candidates hope skits featuring primaries miss america style 22 rights women indigenous people amp people colour people practice nonwestern faith cr frankluntz think anyone failed note amp afterparty intended derail trump fair n balanced ass bernie sanders livetweeted httptcoqqndj3bcsl via justify comments women amp threaten one candidate stood kellyo biggest loser last nights environment meanwhile canadas leaders debate last night heard megyn kellys question trump comeback w rosie odonnell appalling predictable 2016 bender starts httptcot2q5a1zfja via 4 years booing gay soldier crowd cheered lgbt acceptance httptcok7wakz1g5q httptcoqe2tputvw3 9 gifted politicians one broken party trump httptco2pddvlim2u via jeb bush underperforms whens last time heard someone praise single payer like trump last night oh recall httptcoiamju separation church state never knew ye candidates support watching ones showed hatred fortrump gopdebate typical plan make life better plenty increase pain misery im hosting watch party bob evans anyone wants come theyre staying open past 9pm gonn excellent cant take heat get kitchen bravo to donald trumps points immigration lack evidence like ever stopped republicans believing claims beforeg hey trump hes man cant lose it nobody can well actually u showed losers legit huckabee wants pimps prostitutes paying fair share tax via fair tax oh trump announcing hed run independent exposed democrat going megyn kelly hurts that carlyfiorina runs circles around chris matthews hillarys record httpstcokgwexwjbsy trump says ability buy politicians an example broken system chill internet one day httptcokfc4g4e3qg yes were waiting take excellent performances candidates horrendous job by fact wasnt even debate all literally pundits saying remember time said x bish bout now party sixth graders twitter account httptcokrxlrbzge1 httptc realdonaldtrump donald horrible the talked lot said nothing question ben carson racism thing ben no fox news may go now ted cruzs embarrassingly simplistic kill em all view insurgency makes completely unqualified commanderinchief hope america httpstcomp1yw3e respecting women politically correct complain bullied questioning ok woman knees clinton desk accounts seems gone expected trump uses gop stage wants reserves right destroy gop chances 2016 time great gop leadership read the convinced party becomig onionproof satire cant compete real deal good point rejection hiding political world watches httptco compassionate conservatism died if ever existed even hold funeral last nights carly puts boys shame httptcookkm20ua94 bernie sanders livetweeted httptcoctpfxvefqb via scottwalkers real record taxes amp jobs wisconsin gtgtgthttpstcoouytrd7vik httptcop9 yep horrible stuff said shows low sunk disgusted revolted them disappointed me sure stone cold steve austin would make surprise appearance cage would come down 12 hours still cannot believe gave national broadcast time question httptcoea gop insiders donald trump biggest loser httptcoi9zcqsoku4 really say moderators professional sunk megyn kelly called last nights debate historic im depressed ok trump one brought immigration national stage sure lets go makes sense kasich enough sociopath kill useless eaters type gop nominee skip crap next time rick perry carly head amp shoulders others govmikehuckabee reminds still american hostages languishing despite deal big fail last night digital arm of httptcok2c6axrecl megyn kelly like httptco76wfc1fzyo hes great business man would donald trump make good president httptcotbyo1wwvis everyone looks like evil dentist 10 million people watched fox last nite amp theres 40 million people tuned right find thought itrush want whiner potus httptcosfwvh4ky44 prenclb little accountability terrible results enormous gaps gopdebate justice america httptcor0xxbgvqb3 east coast canadians looking alternative us watch instead trump jeremys newspaper nytimes good newspaper beautiful story saying won httpstco fiorina got traction last nighthope capitalize today wop eds ampsocial media book well httpstco0jzu3hdh3j poll drudge report agree httptcoqiuwgxnqak truth bomb dr carson http itsmeblueeyes rt huffpostlive last nights nutshell httptco9rd7gdzagg httptcoauhlnza3ww donald trumps performance first help hurt him httptcohluf1iu3qp httptcodcss6kwqne karl_sans_marx rt carmengoblue like miss america meets jerry springer httptcoauhlnza3ww prolife nonsense amusing notion that could come alpha asshat exposingtpgop loudest messages the real amp impose a httptcoauhlnza3ww took 115 minutes get racism course ask person color race issue all if trying destroy country heres do really precede everyones answer regardless que take stage last nights watched next one watching the ben carson trump even insubstantial thought kasich impressive httpstcodlmwquazby oh boy time see thinks costareports hrc became 11th candidate last night amp topped field httpstcogol1jgqp7j eiseontheprize rt sobertacious defunding planned parenthood something proud httptcoauhlnza3ww great coverage httptcobryjh5epif lungtawellness katyturnbc biggest loser last nights environment meanwhile canadas leade httptcoauhlnza3ww hilltoptxlege rt walterolson reaction catoinstitute colleagues last nights httptcoauhlnza3ww getting exactly deserve richierichbor rt diabetesheroes like disney movie looked frozen megyn kelly amp tr httptcoauhlnza3ww least double speaking like politicians httpstcobrcvpwufmh takeaway last nights basically this cleveland sucks httpstcoi3eemyv9xd entrepreneurship party believes winner last nights gop debate governor jeb bush followed john kasichgopdebate trump born im awesome one abortion ive seen substance michael bay film whole entire randpaul different kind republican amp candidate make party bigger better amp bolder gopdebate best moments httptcocdm3art29f gopdebate congrats kelly liberals loved maybe tune show httpstcot358in0vyh watching the earth america favorite picture night httptcow3grrycjri in rand paul goes offense httptcoawd9ut0qvw via donald trump prove known years presidency purchased democracy illusion foxnews meghan kelly awful last night getting big ego annoying winner american capitalism fox news ratings amp brewers beer drunk entertaining s trump nutshell we cant anything rightvote me still chuckling entertaining circus last night bbc breaks well httptcovyykkqe8sp trump leads among male voters also leads among female voters hearing republicans talk illegal immigration like httptcogbaxdfy0fg tweettw88036790 rt redstatejake newsflash need knocked peg 3 megynkelly httptcoxv7tj6ywol presidential mean politically correct world need that far fiorina given detailed answers questions solve problems ie chinarussia cyber attac jeb bush performed like wet sack mashed potatoes really exciting stuff dude god httptcogtl3eozkl3 1015 carson rubio definitely frontrunners foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbav beginning end for going anywhere begin with httptco3ej2ohlpsl gopdebate ok questions irrelevant ppl concerned feelings getting hurt making america great again bush says states call high standards want american kids need compete httptcomh9msh3874 john sinunu wrote book jebs dad like trump fucking shock republican must say marco rubio made good points relatable last nights amp back n forth made want donate money keep christie within borders nj thanks fox news raising s ratings rubio wins msnbc pandering amp propaganda alive amp well everyone running right othercatering 2the trump got ask 5 questions attacks first debate got feet wet still leading everything says lie httpstcosndqwf6clc chris christie rand paul duke debate surveillance httptcostrjkabqo8 decide scott walker looked like someone playing snl nicholas cage httptc cant count many times obama amp hillary evolved trump evolving big deal really amazing guys blaming obama making peace party fucked scrambled whole re cares u wear hair like excitement u bring back american blood h donald trump conservative andrewbreitbart saw political science teacher news talking the college cool gopdebate winners losers httptcoqs4o70zxby httptcojm1zvd5qyd gopdebate iran deal benefits who httptcotl4vurohdt im trying watch morning trying mean im gouging eyeballs steak knife advertising everywhere sells sex day long trump cant say women would look good knees best moment of rogue scotus decision santorum says gay marriage constitutional basis httptcoa star herself foxnews news who think last nights me delphine cormier obviously oh wait really real life interviews caesar flickerman im surprised racism still exists im surprised allowed run president congratulations amp entire hard work last nights moment sanity httpstcozlu3twhngz watch surprisingly great fox news republican debate recapped 60 seconds httptcooyhskyktd1 5 frighteningly sexist donald trump quotes httptcocwyuul8jkn via hillaryclinton spent night the httptcokh8jmutbdb httptco9ib5ygpwk4 rt focus group actually likes donald httptcotiwloaaoj8 lt riding trumps coattails head republican party recently said party longer win national election tonights confi jeb bush outdone kasich and everyone else first republican debate httptcotx6t6ttmzb simply incredible httptcoapxm8ao8jf last nights doubled previous record mostwatched primary debate history rick perry rick santorum passionately weigh immigration debate httptcoaunjj0rm71 point debate get participants to know debate rand paul bc america need isolationist president amp seemed little bit negative toward israel foreign policy health care new constituencies blah blah blah blue bell ice cream elegant witty roundup last nights httptcocw0rac9wqh liberals poor victim incapable anything career politician success hes got vote whats really disturbing thinks people like would treat fairly audience trump wins report poll finished 2nd httptcolxexpfyi4v via shorter dismantledefund fed govt let wall street run amok destroy unions war govt forced childbi still reading tweets id faith twitter friends running country selects lets see question stands true for whit 90 americans want lawmakers close background check loopholes gun sales candidates agree were sick political correctness killing heart soul country httptc reformnetworks morning buzz addressing american dream httptcop4dk0lmn2q foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptco lmfao httptcoguip1ni8m7 like magic mike white moms shop chicos libs know ever put marco rubio stage debate hillary make sure wears depends cause d msnbc realdonaldtrump reacts to im sure fox fair httptcom79lmhsc7h shut fuck rubio aint gonna win raise hand ever felt personally victimized donald trump httptcos90v8yq9jh lied said never advocated exceptions abortion bans caught last nightand lost appetite watching debacle good figure hangover worries little hair dog you httpstcowwghs1tryv someone sense humor scheduling hiroshima day troll job last nights masterpiece internet political metamockery httptcoi83mhxnu9g invokes questions remarks however think reporters coddle anyone httpstcooajsaadeyy watch debates nope better things watching paint dry ny times say rand paul matters again httptcol9z2jmkfrn alright gentlemen time closing statements httptcoyol6hrkhqv rt gop debate took awful toll ted cruz httptconcu94rgblo yet mention the nearly 6 million acres burned ca httptcocaw6jazwpl httptcoeatplfx56b carlyfiorina beat snot and httptcocpg7t80dsu much steam necessary vr world players blow steam rather bleedscifiwriterproblems que one mention voting rights voter suppression environment socalled oh wait were talking republicans difference world betunaccomplished newbie senators amp one actually got big things done httptcobed has god ever told anything thatd talking myself rand paul cares upholding applying constitution candidates realdonaldtrump worry person stage hearing voicesher ego talking trump slams megyn kelly httptcoobnqdpoemx via rick santorum des moines register soapbox httpstcohfqvxaiqph boatrocker got things done god men worship money carlyfiorina questions tough candidates httptcosghsiok5r5 via foxnews total failure canceled fox news cable done httpstco3z5pr1ue7n really looks like fox going after leave real qampa without single item debated koobaywhaa httptcoeamdvsgugg best recap last nights gt and ted cruz mike huckabee too httptcogdoeurunld last nights topics merited attention ignored httptcozu0qgfjbsq give national security questions watch rick santorum new hampshire nsas httpstcoone wonder trayvon martin feels culture life jeb omg hey dad living walker am says wishes time talk last night httpstco9eqnw2wcld pretty funny night men childish pres like smack high throwing shade think winner reality tv show amp im trying get back day im obsessed hilarious memes generated megynkelly lost alot admirers last nightwe republicans going beat ourselves again kind debate going on meanwhile were debating best drum solo time hot teacher tom sa wondering going fit everyone in set looks great httptcot1afrr7tj1 first question 3rd party run give disadvantage start hillary comes every angle striking ground pound arm bar unstoppable thinking wr realdonaldtrump wins polls debate tell u r sick ole politician song amp dance great graphic partners at httptcoifcygwmw7j httptcofpmmjmravd white people arguing retirement plans amp black people cant even live long enough retire damn country rnc responsibility denounce misogyny saw last night new guardian column on the shoutout given lasted less minute httptcoemdcbvjwqd fox news declared fastest gun west still gunnin fer outlaw josey trump megynkelly someone needs 2 inform hes picking wrong moderator 2 get mouthy with well done none 9 men respond name calling question thats abhorrent name calling pales next isis sexual jihad fact check gop candidates veer truth 1st debate httptcoigiptifeua httptcohp5v9gy9kf progressives unable reconciled interest it fight win need conqueror placater megyn kelly real slacker last night even one question fox war christmas rt got drunk watching last night so won httptcoyv2ghj1z79 shocking twist debate trump brags much money guys guys god going debate next breaking exclusive pic trump meets press httptco3ufqss2hnx mivasair never give leverage negotiation starts donald 2015 bernie sanders livetweeted httptcoww483zw323 via nobody won trumps fun colleagues take httptcoeipqiw2053 cmon wants get sickening httptcomsbzobk0g3 question abortion women issue woman gets pregnant humanity issue becoming parent one biggest economic decisions woman make want make decision gave no fucks httptcoiuwkyludmg thing the watched way theyd watch trashy reality show thats big problem jebbush good communicator last nights sounded like charlie browns teacher me show watching republican presidential candidates debate blonde keep laughing look foolish unprofessional fired rubio god blessed gop good candidates dems cant find one httptcom6kevwuayl httptco8fjt3f hillaryclinton takes selfie with httptco6jys4ivvke httptcoe8jh6tilts gopdebate americans fed lies lies benefit politicians httptcom3ssk2lyxm whats really disturbing thinks people like would treat fairly audience gopdebate veiws stood mainly health department rt agree the big problem country politically correct httptcoliugl1haa3 new jerseys credit rating downgraded 9 times since chris christie became governor httptcom1i4edf9pq rest debate embarrassing enough god question rest world laughs us gopdebate practiced answers r impressive u look practice ignore say theyve done matters bright spot hilary might enough galvanize democratic base defeating trump certainly is billhemmer kudos bill amp martha excellent moderators prime time team awful comparison solutions tax cuts 4 rich yawn httptcocvl6e the purpose military kill people break things huckabee said that hes violently tra candidate stood way was even unhniged lunatics bland colorless i mizmanning1 httpstcom2zi6acgno rt newyorkphotogal right said ignorant iranians cul marisol_bello wht missing journos concerned abt poverty howr voterscandidates expected 2 be rubio exactly right new immigrants come asia latin america httptcoiohepevlvb well carson actually air force 40s came wwiimichaellucchese need president wholl defend constitution restore americas leadership world httpt nobamanoway httpstcom2zi6acgno rt annebayefsky govmikehuckabee trusts enemies vilifies friends take christies performance last nights came irrelevant amp peripheral tired people fall asleep debates watching taped version now excuse fact tweets gopdebate one mention disability last night need educate contenders parties value us cant believe theyre showing gwars opening set ben carson hits homer httptcot4n6dh3pzo when become republican mr trump winner one loser mankind posting pics outside unwittingly came across know is onto debate now billy graham said god punish america apologize sodom amp gomorrah pray banned baby p timelapse face entire httptcotarwsobik0 huffingtonpost says photo stole thunder opinions love hear httptcomuwuzw9smd bet politics clearly stick sportsgender next presidentfemale httptcotb7xx3ezqs httptcob9bcthybvv bunch fake tanned idiots say opinions one cared for basically the disappointed never got answer god question every country something embarrassed amp ashamed of americans republican party one left handed candidate everyone common core but ok child left behind bush 43 joebiden godfather american httpstcovzvdfoe6qr donald trump border last week httptco6uuibrw06t instead asking pledge support gop nominee ask candidate support constitution winner anyone watch httptcoavirsm1hvm 10 straight wealthy men suddenly authority lgbt affordable hcare womens reproductive rights basically httptcoel5jj9hoee realdonaldtrump best thing happen history mike huckabee transgender people social experiment due respect fuck sir tonight make fan of sure take moment like facebook page httpstcoabunlgighg tko keep using word think means think means im recipient im barely getting get month gop snap cuts would cut many l please note lie world 533 years oil reserves left hello anyone listening 5yearold kid access porno woman gangbang trump cant say woman would look good knees randpaul trying please everybody succeeds pleasing nobody httptcojhegp7d9wa httptcouvrdvb5yod trump personifies money doesnt make happywealthy amp incredibly meanthat meanness come happy persongopdebate think biggest problem country totally politically correct httptcoh berniesanders last night via arguing this sooner later start but wanna eat vegetables rt httptcon34suh0qho alpal_23 wins snapchat httptco1xwxeygyic johnkasich back away ohios expansion last nights msg oppose expansion based ideology really want someone like office httptcojb53bagnhn cant believe comments trashing s hair style stage people 1st episode new reality show whos afraid billionaire world laughs us rgay thank service democrats abroad loved coverage trump beyond teflon could cut pieces amp feed mike wallaces disappointment amp s would go up hope buzzfeed comprehensive roundup read act like i political correctness aint nobody got time that know what fine fuck it time vote for trump told god come wedding came anything debate way many stage make true debate possible 100 ratings nots probl jebbush personality stage keyboard player usuals right on httpstcovkavjz4hjh cbsmiami pray everyday meet scumbag ct lawhttptcokr55ae6jur httptcounwacnyevt support amazing father proud you httpstco9bqju4zofb lots creepy plain clothes cops body men protecting went long hard debate httptcoxtjmcwysho httptcop2yhfbzbnd not support sponsored dc politicians want enforce immigration laws dispelled fact objective moderator love show moderating much interesting exchange start rudely insulting nonsense like kids schoolyard httptcoowb3nessil reading tweets id faith twitter friends running country selects trump looks like oompa loompa made something himself big night america alcohol poisoning govmikehuckabee its time recognize supreme court supreme expose now clintons problem ours httpstcomm2dvmcqqb wheres stage killed earlier miss tomorrow 23 gutbusting tweets httptcojeche5umvk httptcosae1uohr5t horrible seriously hate liberal alive today check out wrote national league cities response last nights gop debate httpstcoaeed7ikr0j peddoc63 go carly go carly go carly httptcomkoxvdxopz lindsey graham call donald trump one top ten biggest bastards planet httptcoihqsgk3bgx four takes republican debate httptcogrizqwn8qx chris wallace need one horseman rick santorum standout field gop httptcoddb0lujw2cs why httpstcotixslf5ooz merica check back out please httptco6kkaltcuta economy httptcohyajkzwsgo would talking abt political correctness referring poc instead women lmao quick update rand paul httptcosy4agvqiu0 god question end god learned watching the people care candidates religiosity ability govern funny even latino republican presidential candidates last name means blonde foxnewss cruz turned solid performance jeb brother made child left behind 12 years must defeat social security last night httptcobvf2ntrauv great coverage httptcobryjh5epif excited welcome amp great palmetto state great last night supporters saying treated unfairly yea right httptconjrwoyrrzm whos staying trump show candidate promises cancel deal liar would destroy american diplomacy across board note huckabee given chance hijack santorums 2012 talking points last night john mccain despises rick santoru finally got read coverage craved gop debate httpstcofllzrayalp via got crying httptcousfbancb5f due respect pundits get tell debate thats decide larryoconnor gives download ij dc saying last nights httptcoxmypbmbmaz donald trump admits national tv bought candidates past oh joy saw of weird seeing people cheer dude saying i let raped women abortions frickin minister doctor 2 business owners walked stage last night made sense me httptcogly4myqxyw changed mind going watch weekend nothing could bad that tamronhall single question environmental protection biggest failure last nights ignored media mean tell stream infinite amount free porn need cable subscription gop debate breaking rick santorum wins straw poll wide margin 34 trump 17 sure seems based debate b course sponsored efficient method share right wing lunatic fringe statements extended family biggest take away chris christie scott walker even insufferable gave credit for long take stupid party trump does call stupid journalists amp statist butt kissers wplain speech first republican debate candidate report card httptcorbfomgtyku via http dare candidates elaborate complex policy specifics debate limited responses ncaa sho new hampshire poll paul leads hillary 2 trump losing 10 httptcovxszukmivb thats right call terrorists are islamic cant beat enemy identify are live on analysis httpstcomtaeuntiiq donald trump scary man watching last nights clear id republican party stunned unprofessional moderators were bullshit questions for sure long up full video last nights primetime httpstco9hm7sp8dcy happens call httptcobvk megynkelly thought worst 3 moderates last night trolling saying legitimately scared gop candidates think president fear country christian churches israel burned jewish settler leader says httptco0pvzeotkv7 httpt finally got read coverage craved gop debate httpstcofllzrayalp via lets forget one ever shot not politically correct one liberties violated it breaking jesus finally resurrected due 1st words oy vey wants apologize sane anger bear stayed late throwing things around bedroom video games today httptcoqrazyjwzez bashing candidates devil says okay kill 7 lb baby seconds birth carlquintanilla sayingim getting lot hatemail tonight would fix police problem donald trump police problem foxnews gives er fox speaking time first debate httptcouzbf58fg2f via amp really want someone like office httptcojb53bagnhn realdonaldtrump point response when become republican important thing see tonight httptco40gjtbjob5 spent 15 minutes reading feed laughed hard popped blood vessel murica funny hell amanda mary jewell amp husband tell gcmaf mms amp dead doctors httpstcoqrqcym2k3d basically televised circle jerk avg 72 going opposite progress finally righ name httpstcovwbifkzefo drudge poll shows 45 say debate comes second 14 httptcojkschfji9e woke thinking hilarious dream realized watched last night way making fun democrat debates toodebates easy mock anyone says anything dumb jeb bush i support culture life also passed first stand ground law prefer culture d good news ofgopdebate is hopefully beginning end dr realdonaldtrump took advantage chapter laws way welfare fraud committed gaming system disappointed hostile questions fox news or msnbc at especially directed trump anyone voting chris christie httptco2vxu3v9g4v add snapchat morning analysis republican candidates politics bea httptco0lkex8jjv1 greatest snl sketch alltime realdonaldtrump debate despite hatchet job mks unprofessional questions brought quality n 2 dirtliterally far tell gop bunch unhappy people cant even agree unhappy about speaking unlocking potential people sounds like reagan sounds like great leader watching republican party implode within magical twitter mentions last night ht httptcogkkvkkkkpa man caught guard httpstco6vf7cjqbod over howd trumps hair do much say martin shorts talent one recognized character httptco planned parenthood abortions keep political bullshit away health vagina going know see attack unqualified frightening 5 frighteningly sexist donald trump quotes httptcocwyuul8jkn via 2015 amp were asking candidates specifically supernatural told do want pres hears voices megynkelly like 10 candidates stand me httptcotsgxhilpy2 epic twist irony trump seems turned fox viewers gopdebate fact check httptcodfx1dmtm8r heres candidates claims measured reality httptcoj8wboetvzo rt theblaze pundits incensed megynkellys abortion question scottwalker during httptcofnm90hgs3f particularly agree time or fox news matter point new statement on debate embarrassment httptcojwzqoaf75e summed one pic httptcod3mezo1btj realdonaldtrump says gives money people wants need overturn fox unprofessional far posted 2012 lost amp still true httptc govmikehuckabee making postgopdebate trip south carolina from httptcoqxjv2sbrmz honor last nights gop debate flashback hw hangin out httpstcok1opxc8aqc never thought follow comment resist theview discussing last nights i think ppl america understand people government creates job rand paul the dncs top target read here httpstcom31l4veqdf the military social experiment says huckabee point to kill people break things lord mercy america horrified santorum taps rage tried 2 marginalize wsocial ques saw like driving fellow patients around one flew cuckoos nest httptcoz hard wonder spoiler httpstcolgtcnx0dra rubio shouting chapo cruz calling washington cartel maybe theyre wanting new zetas hating things impunity new combover russia china probably know email us congress father puddle water mother apple raised goats im president goat people shall this httptcogflyudoqzx well done foxgreat questions climate change koch brothers campaign finance reform amp oh yeahnone th hillaryclinton takes selfie with httptco6jys4ivvke httptcoe8jh6tilts omg best thing ive ever seen life httpstcosvfjclmzla foxnews best put theater substance worst acted like kingmakers little substance much defend this choose or even askjeopardy way ltmd11 need fix systemall 10 candidates combined spoke bit 59 minutes half time what piece for john kasich winner round 1 performed opposite poll rankings httptcotqkalafl8j marcorubio lied said never advocated exceptions abortion bans i would like definitely stuff different like whatever happening make happeningtrump frankly time total political correctness watch zingers httpstcoey complaining last night im 1 conservatives supports rinos like bush huckabee rubio amp santorum looks like amp big winners the agree httptcog8fyumfxun marcorubio need even tax code small businesses lower tax rate 25 again trump substantiated answer people things give money stuff watched last night heard funniest thing since dog barks every time doorbell sound tv last night lot barking left always tells us afraid httpstcoib6o7f755v america bettah money httpstcodxrmdwqvbe realdonaldtrump need shut up sit down close twitter account speak worse gets pack swimsuit billy mama taking white house httptco6t2pwpyix1 guys making joe flacco httptcoefeaxexh0v lol calling unprofessional which todaythe pot kettle well embarrassing seem even candidates praised sticking question still kind run around it rt think outcome set long last night donald trump responded megyn kellys accusations misogyny calling bimbo true httpstcolcipaybjz9 httptcolbvg7br91k id say httpstcojohkjzljqr comprehensive national security highlights from httptcos8oxpaaniu according to bill rights hot air httpstco8wpp6e80jn trying figure donald trumps logic like httptconwaotwvejg rt kayleymelissa like trial unbreakable kimmy schmidt dona httptcojaqjwnndgb httptcoxin4gguvve randpaul talking hyundais buicks ill vote whoever mentions four door aventador bring dancing democrats cant take hard questions get out soft questions go liberals scottwalker right last night feckless incompetent china knowss emails better glad covered amp last night oh wait didnt surprise theyre like ronald reagan cargo cult id agree heres gained faltered remained unaffected weekly standard httptcovweopruvgm when actually become republican forget the need show called toupee wars and httptcoz8g1mteelg saw early overnight ratings the stand by httptcoegu2ziueqh great comedy show last night looking lot like this httptcolnlguay4op exist would existence httpstco7qrzazponz wheres evidence mr trump hey look shiny thing expected baby last night jesus cry fucking pussy acted like last night coddled them hell no get dirty laundry great debate one word environment disappointing questions climate change voting rights make showing friend want stay friends watch rand paul given least amount talk time yet said most loved smashing christ rand want gun marriage registered washington agree but know marriages registered states r rand im one leading hillary five states obama lets play whats worse game whats worse 1 calls rosie fat 2 clinton sleeps wintern rt u pick httpstcovttzii0rq6 carly fiorina the clear winner first with images tweets carlyforamerica storify httpstco0imjc0k1ki everyone everyone shut up trump say something fffflllluuuughhharrrghhh httptco0mamocu5ye seen many opinionated white men room since well guess since morning common hes losing debate we need build wall trump taking key policy george bluth srthe mind boggles icymi john kasichs gay marriage response wow httptco1ey3lq2hpq bernie calling lack higher ed talk among issues httpstco27h90u6bau donald trump wants build great wall china in america fully equipped door less 24 hours took stage analysis pouring in noon amen gt compromise convictions compassionate httptconpi9jyzgvf pretty much thing could focus gop primary debate httptcoilwggeynqd carlyfiorina country party pledge away option may need done 7 takeaways like httptcor03o07fkqn gopdebate moderators asked as genuine christian give jesus christ 2nd shot justice giving retrial last nights watched history w 16 share means 16 million people tuned in could hate directed towards women stage tried wow floridamep rt impomag group knocks trump ahead httptcof3kh6lvjjn httptcoxy3tbz78dd going know see attack unqualified frightening donald trump border ethnographer but went thats people told me johnkasich really impressed last nights httptcorbpoms07gc gopdebate pc police attacks gt actual police attacks being called useful idiot ben carson like called pervert by ben carson believes vaccine mandates next fox fix in online winner viewer poll 2012 afraid viewers pick standupforuourselfandforothers make believe enough gopdebate cool graphics httptcojttfuldsmz rand paul tonights infamous hair makeover httptcotl8b5qa0ho liked donald trumps contention literally enough time make fun rosie odonnells weight shockedshockedso much analysis style performance nothing policywar rape exception cut cut cut right said ignorant iranians culture huckster crushing tonight suit coat looks way big somethingwas always wide foxnews joke friday favorite caught eye posted three hours ago httptcopcii2mxhaj refuse live country elects president living idiocrasy rap genius goes mainstream cool collaboration annotate httptcoxpqlgzoxqb ht alyssaphucker rt huffingtonpost real winner the megynkelly httpstcokmrn9bv2fm httptcoauhlnza3ww at largest audience yet chip 3 help us keep up httptco megyn kellys performance every bit biased obnoxious candy crowleys 2012 pe agree annoying moderators terrible quite unfair focus candidate good httpstcoxwatus8a2r watched last night send 5 morning httpstco8fmw19ewp9 many executive orders passedn many bombs dropped syria populace glued 2them talkin picture boxe strange creepy letter f screen spoke subliminal grading system courtesy zuckerberg httptcog rubio god blessed republicans plenty great candidates give democrats single one im sure endorsement ofs piece lead accusations rino whatevs ht takeaway httpstcoy4x4bz4tdy gopdebate happened dignity polish manners debate forum got drunk fell asleep started ron_fournier hes puling ahead polls go figure scott walker looks like asking and would like enterprises insurance 899 day remain 1 thing amp 1 thing only amp clown places far higher plane politician c chaplin anyone really want guy runs miss universe also run country yikes perfect remedy hangover way moderator would ever asked dem candidate questions tough last night moderators asked questions related oil energy environment climate etc unplanned gop parenthood going trump httptco6rzmowrg8u cartoons httpstcopkuln2wzbh aandgshow help myself httptcomqvuzm3v5f kasich good governor get ohio gonna nominee confused republican make jokes republicans watched informed candidates welcome fact check friday show us news media lied lied even more thank fair gop front runner love wed like hear from constitution touchstone adamsflafan foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut asked bob moderators last night fantastic job started awkward actual questions terrific rt new httptcohnsm8i8cxe httpstco nsa spat indicative broader substantive party divide httptcosstwy5flji rt presidential candidates mentioned total 0 times httptcosw8indq9sj 45 us believe causing us change ways like httptcovmiqtmh0ds kelly great job asking tough questions politics usa joke need rim shots comments hook amp gong absofuckinglutely reduculous turned reality tv show icymi santo rocks h ppact sell baby parts profit whatever want call it trump cant call woman slob overall big winner yesterday expect see prime time debates next congratulations ricksantorum gr8 job 2night httpstcolf4chprf7h change much beginning end for httptcolfaoi7qnig 21 policy highlights first 2016 republican debate httptcowaiui1ijr7 via john kasich says support big federal govt welfare programs god disapprove pearly gates gop bleague debaters rated bleague fast food restaurants httptco0nfnx9gnuw via oh god clowns saying i cant bigot 1 gay friend god brought surprise guest know hes sorta busy postdebate discussion without clev last night proved democrats choice middleclass americans 2016 http facts mentioned in 13m jobs created longest stretch private sector jobs growth history httptcoa6fa0zwfyh chuck schumer cowardly released statement during announcing willing risk war iran opposing welcome the httptco7nahmgi7sz i time politically correct time aggressively awful donald trump paulrieckhoff yes entitlement candidates excuses lack debate amp thank fair gop front runner love watching last nights ill vote whoever pushes for aka downfal substance talk issues matter rich failure political process https donald trump funny dog barks every time doorbell sound tv last night lot barking oh fuck ted cruzs first answer brought shitsmelling face completely disingenuous jeb there establishment bush retirement httpt fact checking say truth set u free perhaps stage httpt trump spoke 11 minutes last night rand paul spoke 5 a reality tv thoughts via httptcoh4qbm6w3yi unlike hunger games minus jennif carlyfiorina shows push back matthews httptcoma5onthrio featured 10 candidates 7 brain cells hey whats censorship please rt httptcoyccobtelyi gopdebate jeb bush wants nominee better kick notch bc far weak candidate gopdebate pretty much republicans view kim kardashian make sex tape tv show amp promo pose hillary trump cant call women dog next well need trumpire thrown flag wheres ballcap says that ps mentioned schiavo there crucified rightly so care well compare ronald reagan promise us uphold constitution please would pay money see debate hillary clinton donald trump know donald bring monica gopdebate showed politicians great liars smooth talkers obey doners vote trump reason 2 lie 2 brief mentions amp bush support keystone xl oil energy climate environment etc played role internet fun httptcohadmnm0o2z httptco5y3hh7pcml candidate truly ready start reinvent public ed end rule htt donald called famed pollster low class sloblolthe republicans giving us entertainment babygopdebate im sure misquoted tonight hillary clinton god im trying answer accusation sexism megyn stop interrupting me theres man talking one taking seriously intend increase minor league hockey salaries camille paglia trying spike saying kasich won simply liberal bias talking lol reagan made deal behind carters back know it one question last night fox news radical enough for foxnews breaking arm patting back today embarrassed gopdebate interesting say least im turning the ill leave here httptcomoa3vxg5w6 mt learned last night talking heads lots common politicians talk ego touch httpstcofe54h9ckay donald trump john galt chew it keep mind one thing politicians experts telling voters want hear trumps message resonates antiestablishment folks always obnoxious boorish sexist fool omg watched need 15 xanax amp case purell delusional slimeball sen ted cruz as conservatives keep winning elections leaders keeping commitments realdonaldtrump the bad lady bestest friend mean fair presidential fox news trump lost viewers we longer blindly believe everything say fox news oh god thats whole business mod shocking would let women die pregnancy complications bc mothers rights people use twitter keep celebrity gossip use see roast think laughable prospects are remember george w bush twice httptc skin literally crawls every single time someone says an illegal taught damn hateful last nights mostwatched primary debate history jebbush distinctness pic from so httptcokolwwwgdp1 good night america hope sleep well nightmares future cand pretty sure ted cruz one darrens bewitched watching last night help myself beleadershipmatters ricksantorum great country httptco3xbdxllceo colleague amelia hamilton tracked best comments last night covering httpstcohbbnofeisf special edition httptcok1a0cpuorg check outs take revealed divisions deeper donald trump httptcozv7wllp9fc hillarys httpstcotprgqojiyq oh my reasonable answere gay question applause crowd maybe new gop seems candidate actually saying hes going get things done donald trump responded megyn kellys accusations misogyny calling bimbo zachhaller snapchat jeb says people way better hillary bernie couldnt help laugh ppl complaining issues covered the relax 1st debate unlike dems many come dear donald trump twitter forever httptcosrwd9tnodo republicans pro life makes hard people 21st century take seriously avabeata gonna get kick last night lemme know think httpstcoongnbnnypg recap babies money guns matter women black people merit discussion trans people social ex heres much candidate spoke throughout the httptcolyod8hsysz httptcouc6lkzqni9 frankluntz what people dont realize hes everybodys 2nd choice httptcoq one thing 2 recognize winner america recognizes one help america win ht donald every bit gracious victory defeat great comedy show last night gopdebate fact check httptcoqtzejscxas heres candidates claims measured reality httptcoa8b8tqel39 megyn wins via httptcorp6q741ijj im going take long way bridge closed well played chris christie well p rap genius goes mainstream cool collaboration annotate httptcoxpqlgzoxqb ht believe americans 20x likely shot killed developed nations trump runs independent clinton president httptco1cwhhafg3z donald trump admits national tv bought candidates past oh joy ltmd11 yes watching def fun deep field start cutting number candidates prolife include lives school kids fetuses support public schools httpstcoqjg1hsvqd1 learjetter point dingbat commentary on disappointed coverage acted like giddy amateurs sporting event using liberal media questioning tactics jeb bush defunded planned parenthood florida ranks last womens health httptcorq6zkuqk7b heels piece httptcogzypukqxbm maybe ull learn rude drop mic delivering awesome line the care is im an joining next httptcoem9wiskvpe please tell difference honest verbally abusive asshole record yes jeb bushs brother help create isis httptcoezrpmnog35 httptcogiq81yjyuk people promote amp encourage 8yearold boy gay pride parade trump cant say word disgusting animal lets honest bully womanizer hope make blr video concerning people want man president httptcoqs56lymv78 watched every candidate insincere door door hoover salesman delusion followed lies donald trump believes countrys biggest issue political correctness amp incorrect politics httptc vote complete ass httpstcokiza8kmzdl dr carsons pov race class brilliance personified everyone excited excellent job moderators weofthepeopler1 exactly trump won your biased media hack job work theblaze dispelled fact objective moderator love show moderating much gop candidates favor god very bold fox news asking tough questions sen marco rflorida winner according to httptcoyjq4heds4p barf emoji fuck barf emoji watch feel like missed everything like now billmaher cant wait get take on planned parenthood iran deal trump tonights supports 73000 iowa jobs amp 852000 across us candidates must keep jobs secure going forward law brilliant trump never apologizes anything says mean everyone loves bully right missed got info need rubio basically life sacred important topics like amp werent mentioned in httpstcobxtzrvfkdb blahahaha fix democrats side even bigger hillary democrats bob dole hillaryclintons reaction watching the httptco12motkc3va presidential material looking forward seeing surge highpoint ben carsons political arc wasand remaindissing black president national prayer breakfa bencarson2016 thing politically correct war amen make happen capn responses spot on thank you chance sleep it winner losers last nights agree withs assessment donortopolitical class relationship get results in gopdebate reviewed claims arguments made gop candidates last nights debate httptcoazjf6n4jax still love httpstcoriz6aungru govmikehuckabee making postgopdebate trip south carolina from httptcoqxjv2sbrmz watching th ill catch highlights monday jon stewa ohh welcome roast hillary clinton college debate coachs perspective won last night httptco3cafylqojk brilliant statement made the httpstco9cdnol3tm7 jeb marco 2016 seem like possible teamgopdebate cbsmiami 100 sure behide banging ex secret httpstcoswec9ggcf6 reality is pat would booed stage last night last question does invisible man talk you so say watch example argue broadcast anyway public politics nerd moment vacation lost chill looked bar tv see missing reading play plays might fear toxin talking internal voice wonders trump presidency would like httptcoealq1ylv7y im sorry ted cruz looks like son mr haney green acres real winner kids table dick cheney httptco13lskg3aa3 httptcoe8jh6tilts throwing therejon leaving time jump 2016 race get hear bunch high income men much theyve done restrict health access low income women thats zinger hillarys email russianchinese hacking great clip thats getting lots play today the unexpected part gop debate seeing commercial straight outta compton fox news really enjoyed everything say last night husband turns on asshats begin asshattery yell tv yells tv stop minute 4 realdonaldtrump maybe see get vp lock women vote cut cord fox debate comedy channel jon stewart still living on im answering questions story hardships parents faced fox prime time debate huge hyped shiny httpstcowmdlugl9nd got leader friends abe hollywoods secret conservative group analyze first httptc this biggest loser last night came across condescending cat show https jotted notes last nights ranked them httptcoijymud0nv4 destroyed electibility pitch bernie sanders would beat one shower detailed policy proposal got ben carsons idea destroy america seriously thinking voting donald trump ignorant arrogant best thing wiping floor w jihad enabling policies well done beg donald trump supporters reconsider easily influenced politically amp monetarily gopdebate u new fan u showed america chump really is bully w class billionaire w substance safe say darwin used protect hide httpstcooklua3zppc rfs reduces need oil imports hostile foreign regions helps keep military middle east conflicts looks like amp big winners the agree httptcog8fyumfxun gopdebate another past poll general election httptcofuapqthmzg keep focusing shit like dumbfucks 4th wave fascism basic bitches anyway trump paul youre hard time tonight old playbook httptcordi2tgnbjz sure may entertaining lets remember presidential campaign wwe summerslam httpstcocbmpoatgx0 trumps bad hair day again httpstcoltjmbxc1c8 michael savage warned megyn kelly long time ago httptco6cstnzhxxf realdonaldtrump misogynist ignorant xenophobic greedy another proof money buy class dan_bernstein debate call joke biggest one donald trump definitely way much today googling lies told the hours day feel like episode who wants millionaire really think anyone won last night people lost rise polls nobody stood overmuch unfortunately wasnt able take candidates opinions seriously penises got way perfect remedy hangover foxnewspolitics 1 clear looser last night fox new fair amp balanced reputation hillary called the epitome secular progressive movement bahahahahahaha lolololololol lmaooo need antacid created wilfully ignorant monster conspired 2 destroy the failed rand paul round chris christie completely irrelevant line though right merits megan kelly angrier tonight rosie odonnell diet randpaul get free pass raid nj pension system much like bush raided social security nobody talking proves medicaid expansion works foxnews megyn kellys performance every bit biased obnoxious candy crowleys 2012 performance per trump believes merely politically correct morally right treat women equals veers two subjects httptcoinaxyk7rom rt rather vote doc httptcoelcoxlphav trump said country needs brain basically saying vote him its job elect man observe him would think this httptcojb7z stopping talk today tune noon hear say well over minds aliens watching orbit human species 50th anniversary voting rights act one question vra voting rights 1st scott walker wink me like it httptcoqnbpuzgeqa wo moderation shapes policy debate httptco7mbjn53vut 2016 presidential election comes id like beer with toast zero gravitas disgraceful moment last night huckabee bashed venerable war veterans b52 stand w extremist gop feeds violating fundamental rights ht thoughts via httptcoh4qbm6w3yi unlike hunger games minus jennifer lawrence poor marco rubio laughing jokes me real winner last night was first question the how hamilton reviews media sticks 4 n rips mediais missing crash n burn megan set trump up govmikehuckabee stopping talk today tune noon hear say httptcof9291v7jgp right trump you talking dumb shit said painful that embarrass americans shows u gop dumb even know biggest th last night realdonaldtrump gave master class get away sexism httptco36sdqby52a via jebbush us responsibility provide options countries wont handle welfa theory trump campaign secretly funded saturday night live writers provide material sho so refusing politically correct or correct general chris christie gave obama big hug president bacon bits pocket heard creating time zone kim jong u rule running independent campaign 2016 drudge_report trump took megyn kelly church last night dominant showing caption puuuuuuurfect httpstcoluqdtgv4fb livetweeted using hung amp donald trump last nights httptcozhtjorprqb made 10 donation zero mentions last nights everyone atlantic city went backrupt even cant believe thing comes rubios mouth deut 113 choose ur tribes wise understanding amp experienced men amp ill appoint heads httpstcojqvoq4miq6 chris christie say us attorney 911 wasnt httptcojgdzie6cwz via wait rick perry thought 3rd govt dept yet maybe ask ronald raven megyn kelly never tough illegal alien guest jose antonio vargas despite think person httptcocw6wh5tfi5 pe could probably drop whole album responding last nights now live picture warm up cleveland httptcoxjtnrv0udk tiffinit love your assume guys boo gay soldier time opportunity arise httptcozvr7qxxdgh watching see trump say finished the two hours excellent tough questions without single one properly answered addressed focus group post liberal eyesore focus groups disgrace justice big wigs know big wigs are good job today httpstco9ilmnxdeib last nights gop debate made clear cyber security new national security httptco3wxf9jcp0a hilarious coverage last nights colleague al perrotta ten guys walk onto stage httpstcoqbimm8aow9 saw tears jon stewarts last night daily show pretend laughed hard cried watching the carlyfiorina why im running president httptcopy84newrvt vs social last night httptcogyio65djss via oh didnt ye shall know fruit use law ethics god get donations peda last nights outdrew womens world cup finals httptcomxuqd2990j debate dick morris tv lunch alert httptco4xvn7n5lv1 biggest winner tonights far away hillary clinton due respect pundits get tell debate thats decide confused john kasich showing last nights turns camped box office rush tickets war war war unison gop candidates chant iran with slight variance rand paul take word award disingenuous statement last nights goes doubletalk know whats missing this garbage collectors cause see stage trash httptco67atobs gets called woman demeaning women trump calls bimbo win movieshoote rt bipartisanism forgot mention the httptcoio1yd58md3 master useful humor httptcodmwcggcwmy thats wrap blessed able apart httpstconfwjvlpt96 christie 5 minutes worth talking time far god speaks gop candidates make atheist dont know will perfect remedy hangover republican strategist s focus group ended decidedly liking trump end debate kim kardashian make sex tape tv show amp promo pose hillary trump cant call women dog donald trumps unwillingness pledge run independent immediately disqualify every republican nyt lib take support4 trump audience ny beer hall in room full progressives u better believe heres much candidate spoke throughout the httptco90xa4vcinu httptcobctaj3xdga gop general session post httptco8wd0pzwmfd twitter declares carly fiorina winner httptcofha3t6uy3u rule thirdparty bid look httptco45f7u5ulkh httpt please note lie world 533 years oil reserves left hello anyone listening roryontour quick turn much faster turn im one stage handle iran anyone understand persians guy lives gold penthous weve got unite country stronger united john kasich something bold pandering basewonder gets points couragemaybe gets respect t agree 90 s assessment httptcobxunx9ukdf imagine 10 women hoping run country vowing intervene mens decisions bodies orange kryptonite gives superpowers animal touches it httpstcol9nilaumlr last nights thats future lot worry camillepaglia sadly agree says httptconrugsn3xiu via get world deserve gets candidates deserves like trump look mirror lol realized people taking trump run presidency real bad wsj heres much candidate spoke throughout the httptcophb2pfyiww httptco7memw9mkct perfect summation httpstcop2d2sewvvl donald trump feed world tacos httptcoqhuiegkdmn favorite moment last nights httptcovnc4isli7q biggest takeaway from rs love us see greatness ds nothing full greivenses gopdebate fact checked results are httptcopltpudhnkt dust settling last night becoming clear helped most jeb bush swapped carly fiorina next debate line succession clinton b perfect summation httpstcor2unc6fsht nothing says republican populist fighting everyday workingman like arriving goldplated 757 htt realdonaldtrump explains campaign finance lat night insightful piece httptcolostdaifan retweeted jk rowling accurate last night httpstcopjpszkpaa8 gods making appearance cool liberals love promoting sayin httpstcocjkbdxzyot the five clips httptcoswmokmqzte from explaining dad missed describing snl skit basically laugh analysis entertainment thats all moderators amp candidates odds uttering cuckservative next slept 10 hrs last night right judging tweets beneficial health back dc today amp post talk w noon et absolutely refuse allow speak me ill draw conc gopdebate called potus stupid make him 22 me its like priest get married kids ohh tea party person me yep pretty much geese break transcript use words as related ecosystems oil climate environment0 energy 2x bush 1 walker if guns kill people strickly forbidden anywhere near http fiorina presidential material looking forward seeing surge megynkelly slayed asked thought provoking questions else tweeting it perfect remedy hangover loves video recap the httptcoikp4m4haad listened amp got different feel tv pundits smartest racist misogynist stage also left collapse obvious bias unprofessional amp childish https last nights nutshell httptcoyqw1hmwgx8 megynkelly live reaction attack obvious u so took screenshots results foxnews the surprised results http gopdebate spell disappointment megyn kelly president would make face httptco3ov2pv8ugl gopdebate republicans say rainingdemocrats say sunnyrather go outsideampsee themselvesthe media reports controversy perfect remedy hangover kobradovich trump amp bulletproof far race thats unlikely change httptcohfvzjixxjy sex talk thats little less crazy last nights heres on http trump alienating every single woman us retweeted gene mcvay genemcvay proved another liberal httptcodz scott walker say harlot me panel last nights seem little snide foxnews last nt like first session summer twoadays ballers get used it final four gop candidates 2016 picks rubio jeb rand amp fiorina httpstcowi3h7qwrij after a democrats love keep people poor confused order make slaves party liberals chaos cnn breaking debate fact checks good see media actually holding candidates accountable fund schools prisons httptco32ehuqdekf gopdebate ers vs trump gloves stayed on except for kicked curb like hp employee i created culture life state jebbush former gov florida executed 21 people term offic good explanation surges ahead candidates httptcohagmnn1tv7 httptcowokhf3su88 donald trump megyn kelly bimbo asking misogynistic comments httptcopsezgvldfr http republicans telling america tonight httpstcojgqaraeku4 horrible commentator terrible job last night disappointing httpstcorhscuz5b9e gopdebate enough said httptcozh6kotoiif poor ignored tokenized getting cut off treated debate likewell like black man thi ive heard clearer messages charades portion hollywood game night apparently candidates arriving debate site httptcogexsjxrct3 perfect remedy hangover dickscuttlebutt tldr blah blah politics blah blah whiskey blah silent weeping blah christie fat often times person knows cant win allowed speak freely jon stewart 2004 foxnews court boost ratings try undermine gave shit poor people theyd let watch presidential fucking debate wo paid cable subscription guy grey shirt open carrying know is httptcom05rao00ky perfect remedy hangover watched last night damn trump went offpolls showing people think interesting goin fwd now addresses movement learned last night moderating debates came snarky biased lol sad true decline conservatives abandon big business media elite bandwagon http always watching current gop crop candidates feel encouraged democrat depressed americ realbencarson congrats crossing 2 million likes fb missed heres highlight reel httptcolyd7sglgrb take the true debate except handful onstage battles really people answering questions far best part hostess yes jeb bush wears spanx hillaryclinton took selfie kim k bonafide shit show jon stewart air weep america love takes hair looks great big screen httptcotq7ezqefmm last 15 min invoked many times reminded watch tv get 1954 analysis 10 gov kasich rising star republican politics shows strong leadership definitel analysis 9 gov christie come back kid powerful knows punch great points ris dear republican party broker donald him pony up bitch aaronblakewp carlyfiorina versed everything httptcorljz1qos8c substance talk issues matter rich failure political process httpstco3nmnxwoyhh nice america elects another entertainer chief office httpstco3lvleiukoi one candidate willing take hard line rosie odonnell shameful read twitter feed real talk jebbush first httptcom0ygq0jjml analysis 8 rabbi dr carson soft ideas needs major good moments zero l failed httpstcogclqy4kaq5 savviest analysis campaign news progressives get free subscription thes daily gopdebate made think whod want listen amp see tv every day walker carson kasich huckabee yes hillary carlyno trump schooling chris wallace reminded scene back school dangerfield schooled nerdy biz professor yyyyy non conservatives get coverage promotion httptcofhoi6aoswf aliseeeeb captured perfectly httptco3unfah5r4a thank goodness whacko interviewed mean clearly visionary httptcotsuq5nmznl actual picture trump last night httptco7oggap9ear show httptcofo3d5ad0ag analysis 7 sen paul nasty personally dont like tone show leadership hover jeb bush obama fault brother obama clean mess brother made gop candidates grilled hard expecting softballs dem side httptcolu2h8mspy9 megynkelly like or wonder why forceassimilation great great list idea localization election coverage httptco3yrrqf7axl lmfao rofl hahahaha give see 1980s shit lord ron paul stage least make laugh hope americans see beyond that trouble paradise orelse httpstco0dib68mbjn hearing summary last night republican wins election were screwed analysis 6 ted cruz true reaganite strong principles great moments politician ris gopdebate trump gotcha questions enlightening anger provoking disappointing amp much better funny shares mocking attitude w europeans towards taxpaying americans the ones save aes war rhondalevaldo brought initiatives journalist moderators follow w him ted cruz carrying ar15 says right bring stage breaking rosie odonnell responds trump snapping angry selfie httptcohf0vzjfod3 fact checking the late night edition httptcotuhduuj83r via foxnews longgame liberal conspiracy drive republican party far right never win general election to honor people diedyou mean ones brother sent lie wanna sure sa interesting look 2016 candidates calculated slow thinking vs emotional fast thinking httpstcoc3f1n5c1pt gopdebate takeaway httpstcoy4x4bz4tdy well course else get quality stand comedy httpstcol9zav3awqe would bring back water boarding carson broadcast were doingtheres thing pc war candidates discuss planned parenthood roe v wade abortion httptcosquep9haf1 httptcon4rsy5vpcp perfect remedy hangover cant group likely truly restore culture life httptcocnn0r1q2nf come fox wants third party if god perceived greatest need political stability would sent us politician da carson cnn fact checking last nights awesome looked watching httptcoaygm megyn kelly chris wallace brett bair doubt posing questions incite attacks dramaand backfired billmaher things call dr ben carson neurosurgeon idiot certainly one them curious coach last nights debate christie w 911 nonsense showed patriotism surely last refuge scoundrel samuel johnson smittymybro publicly stated beliefs alone enough prove moon howling batshit crazy skin jobs are analysis 4 marco rubio strong leadership great answers real ideas amp solutions super presidential i made lot money atlantic city exactly want hear come mouth presidential can dwstweets word could come sum misogyny seriously johnkasich says economic growth extend lower class really think god role running country httptcofcl1hdyxgn notable quotes httptcogyaqedbv4s put together took stroll hashtag spit loads coffee laughing good form progressives djmorrison man republicans really hate women seen 10 people looked orange since holland lined third place match brazil first republican debate mess gop embarrassed httptco9chazbh9mn gopdebate think megyn kelly succeeded primary goal last night people talking today protect business get writing contracts unprepared like gop candidates free 30 min consult undoubtedly want questions humble beginnings important part candidate country becoming goddamned candi one people might president httptco60op6npdmv analysis 3 scott walker expected charisma ideas amp solutions still strong chance might last night fox watch ten old white men ass go balls deep big bowl crazy gravy together perfect remedy hangover debate over hands man httptco2plnkf7zi0 analysis 2jeb bush saw uncomfortable moments him could use attractiveness needs g trump may fancy hotels cruz god speed dial never forget this frank luntz ted cruz great news httpstcocos4pgnmpd lindsey graham could solution insomniacs everywhere im calling post debate the trump attack awesome job taking everybody inc join isis sign death warrant signed next president us moderated perot debate mr perot u r ugly disqualify u president sucked last nights topics merited attention ignored httptcoofpk4g0shj gopdebate trump idiot brought important issues people like already brought up said like ass got publicity sheriffclarke glad ou came yes nailed at travel safely thank chris wallace amp team guys put tremendous amount work tonight megynkelly call donald sexist photos like women httptco9qgldrugng scared of httptcouxyoct6ckt moment graduated high school watch realdonaldtrump makes mark 1st moments right here httptcogcxal2e3iq via httptcogrw9ck3xcb 22 clear winner anyone watch it essence gop remarks family no father even bigger loser his zeitgeistghost foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut real loser debate jeb establishment begging us vote amp showed us sh im going share postdebate analysis robcarpenter2 join me prowrestling teach everything need know httptcobrlwgxxkis target audience going asked questions soon freedom free must fight every day realbencarson even vote guy appreciate buy s stale rhetoric successful looks root causes radicalism amp adopts longterm solutions say want gop ratings roof single handedly thank ben carson politically correct war aka hell violate international law think nothing it recap httptcotsuiksjeeb perfect remedy hangover this wasnt debate inquisition foxy rowdy republican debate httptcogi9kakuee1 donald trump elected hell toupee gopdebate alot speakin time pretty much used make mockery presidential campaign cooper seems losing interest httptcofwqsaiebkr rubio good job last night trump loses rubio cruz others triumph httptcoynseyzrrha clearly means toucan sam planning take america fruit loops rainbow colored extra scary perfect remedy hangover will anyone protect right discriminate people based arbitrary thing decide fits religi perfect remedy hangover hey america the sums up httptco4m0mskr83h vnewscd pundits incensed over httptcoshojcsdzr8 httptcorb0mhuci69 the nope httptcoqsyj19jw8h im really hard time thinking ways could successful shenanigans appears word gone fox rally around moderators of seeing lots staff tweets trying defend perfect remedy hangover trump megyn kellys sexism question was nice question httptcoq7bhknxwie trump roxbury httpstcobmujvo7u83 s rejection medicaid money costing wisconsin nearly 400 million httptcowvcilozkpf reminder common core created federal government created natl governors association good morning america ya native son teeing best sound 5 amp get debate discuss liberty security hour please coverage dow 6 days maybe 7 now wtd 152 httptco bet never guess gourmet delicacy snacking last nights really liked many candidates people much future presidents scott walker amp droopy dog definitely related httptcohccdkmv1wg notable quotes httptcogyaqedbv4s put together camilo fires crowd outside slymans httptco2mlt8kwdpz whos marginalizing women lingerie model glass houses httpstcohmkmm5uona perfect remedy hangover sex talk thats little less crazy last nights heres on httptco4djcc81a5m megynkelly insults everyone misogyny throw first punch feud props great job asking hard hitting questions last night gopdebate fills mild dread this biggest loser last night came across condescending cat show httpstcogln4dwvcpn begins tell difference gop kkk take quiz httptcog6xlqqikj1 johnkasich really impressed debate hope see pole numbers increase at largest audience yet chip 3 help us keep up httptco9hrn1f0vax right lets get angry topics bring like care cant penetrate bubble last night saw bunch rich old despots zero solutions nations problems vets politicians afterthoughts squeaky wheel got attention though perfect remedy hangover talk prolife fashion everyday debate httpstcoivgagred2a good luck everyone competing blaine weekend yes need listen mr kasich trickle working here httpstcojjabl8 good idea colleague set 1on1 vs id watch httptcoxi1dsibdsv debrajsaunders donald trump self proclaimed winner ladies agree fact americans danger threat white men domestically isis internationally safe get social media yet everyone still posting writers packet daily show built wall 1491 httptcotvstft9yk5 watch last night saw 1st 90s morning feel exactly like sim show donald trump rosie odonnell feud slams amp fat pig video httptcovdnbhh6i7p thing longer two hobbit movies combined vanjones68 jebbush looked like oatmeal getting colder zinggg congratulations making presidential discussion knew important noticing stories social media regarding last night about realdonaldtrump said best last night time httptcoxno4ycfziv since much oil comes middle east war cars effective war terrorism goodbye oh hello sc crushes campaign continues http wish hilary carly fiorina passion spark take lessons hergopdebate early numbers show record audience first httptcovms287kxgm we currently experiencing master class art political stupidity httptcohzmglphbl2 via befores and dont believe liberal media sign msnbc httptcouuommvv8zn didnt really gain anything tonights except even greater motivation elect democrat 2016 a wonder presidents latenight tweeting might look like meeting angela merkel nyt assesment ofs performance made matter again httptcob54cr1kx4q watch the im going wait watch jon stewarts coverage next week oh wait wrote nostalgia time politics kind boring httpstcouipoaigi9a scottwaker ropeadope strategy brilliant apparently received order code red donald trump candidates marco rubio emerges partys brightest star httptcottg6geg3se tiny part really wants donald trump us president mean would hilarious would horrible buthilarious remember attack tonight httptcourtvbe9ekd hotairblog modern day herbert hoover well pass thanks silent majority based last nights paul v christie 2nd rd match tourney httpstco6b0n5iij18 way stumping for find interesting left amp right bashing hard college debate coachs perspective won last night httptco3cafylqojk yes said best night fast kasich track gay person invite wedding decided run president favorite oh mean carson carly trump say opposed iraq war july 2004 invasion march 2003 foxnews good job fox news nostradamus predict village idiot would rule world if bush all judging people tuned last night id say shaking pantsuit ppl tied dems consensus from several big winners real losers yet everyone holds placeexcept fiorina what whats math there smshow gave no fucks httptcoiuwkyludmg ben carson amp marco rubio biggest winners of donald trump amp rand paul biggest losers httpstcoquwbtdthms marcorubios god generous to generous allowed lose twice give 17 candida time machine id fast forward 100 years show people presidential debate mention climate change httpstco2vjdgml3g4 chris christie last night interesting 2 see isnt worried alienating latino voters is httptcoslz2bl851o asked amp last night clear questions negatively baited amp lo first gop debate httpstcotd0ha5lzfj perfect remedy hangover notice last night nothing climate change minimum wage gun control barely got sex marriage interesting every one gop candidates hates govt amp yet theyre applying job join it missed last night anyone give cliffs notes disappointed media ampafter think htt dr king says dream became nightmare httpstcofswfvawkh0 governor walker youvesaid want make abortion illegal even inrape incest save life mother tedcruz talks hard policy first days presidency including prosecuting illegal activities abortion giant yep like watching political equivalent of httpstcoautzytwnv7 irony ending speech night first escape us sad megynkelly last night watching anymore its me queen kelly poor fashion show debates insight unknown god agrees httpstco8xadp0wwtq perfect remedy hangover new statement on debate embarrassment httptcojwzqoaf75e drawing heat facebook attacking sexism narrative http trump asked evidence dumb accusation makes secondhand testimony anonymous border patrol agents fantastics ranked winners httpstcoegp67couzh httptcodaxrrvqbba need check source seems like something logical would say httptcoev6cta nobody talked illegal immigration trump said bunch dumb stuff it right megan kellyyoure fired ok gave us lot material tomorrows show 36 et fact gop candidate ever seen ratt crowd boos trump hillarys stalking horse one refuse pledge support republican nominee donald donald trumps world donald trumpiest httptcoe2rboz1zwy nation knows awful jersey is practicallypoliticallyfinancially speaking facts bret rattled still disbelief last question last night god much separation church state shut repdwstweetsgttypical lib tries 2 convince americans r victims 2 advance overreaching pub policies amp secure vote check donald trump amp rest believe years song summer its trap queen httptcougqnvjbhlp deep personal debt marco rubio bought 80k boat leased 50k luxury suv httptcoqtn4mpf3e2 ht nice look yesterday debate a foxy rowdy republican debate httptcorf40cci35x abortion greatest civil rights issue time 17 classy photos thursdays httptcossmeqwdqqi httptcognsxwcx1yf waiting ats jewish deli cleveland day httptcog7pnafwtp4 true hillary clinton wrote paper saul alinsky college wrote paper keelbilled toucan gopdebate boring irrelevant group people wsj heres much candidate spoke throughout the httptcohmybrzcevk httptcogrnb1dorg7 chris christie done nothing promised us trump joke outoftouch jerk mk mr jackson molested amp paid young boys mj only macauley culkin audience roars laughter applause great trust you u fired hp fired thousands americans amp sent jobs overseas nytimes it compels write cluster words never imagined writing hooray fox news http well watching decided voting candidates need watch another gopdebate reveals candidatess terrifying fantasies httptcogyjq13nw35 stop saying prolife life antichoice seems appropriate perfect remedy hangover think everyone bashing scared death bold honest unapologetic truths lets change racist usage word articulate describe republicans well spoken leaning toward get kick a corporate woman fix mess well see dudes change line night switched votes for according postdebate fox focus group httptcoaj maybe ask borrow this httptcochnjqlqmbn republicans always hate welfare benefits big govt especially grew relying them http debate ep american idol randy doooooooog perfect remedy hangover hoping get better sense of liked saw wondering many friends did mrtrump pay come wedding hes rich gives lots money democrats think the join live plan giving priority working american families wages antiunion gopdebate john kasich answer questions night sure maybe plays republicans bernie sanders livetweeted httptcoesaxemqyxk via gopdebate also someone please tell fuck voting jeb bush supposed polls one know is fuck him foxnews thinks time a3rd party gopdebate offers quite show httptcovyp2yecrka wheres presidential debate gopdebate reassured affinity republicans kurdish militants elected president jindal said hell arm kurds ie pyd c presidential debate like yesterday party level national level but trump wins awkwardly pursed lips battleas always https dr king says dream became nightmare httpstcozmmwpr1izh dr king says dream became nightmare httpstcofswfvawkh0 dr king says dream became nightmare httpstco72uvymn4u4 dr king says dream became nightmare httpstcoybo1weii6u know put debbie wasserman schultz tv scaring tons kids right bed want entertained everybody wants tweet politics httptco2onxwhrhay trump asked weigh idiotic god question fb maybe god purchased property yet gopdebate cruz trump trump httpstcoloctzi5yqv via spot on levigolden agree carson compelling given chance people realize huckabee campaign moneygopdebate megan asked scott walker would let wife die save unborn child smh trumps twitter tirade megyn kelly bimbo frank luntz clown httptcowywlcgtczr president would send gang border build wall would matter 7 things donald trump said would destroyed gop candidate httptcoxrw4zisxrb candidates represented clear superior choice hillary bernie elizabeth uncle joe sorry china sounds like may decide pay you words gop lose economy improving none could beat pres obama httpstcoycf think arthur anderson could run honest without glasses looked kinda dumb them looks like might better vision oops httpstcojq9t7fb9xm facebook logos stage debate potential leaders nation chillingly sinister blata spot take 2016 gop field following not good party makes excellent tv httptcoxtrt1mbcl3 randpaul reminds evil land developer trying bulldoze neighborhood every 80s movie ever guess laughing now httpstcokbt4ltzyhk still cant stop laughing rand paul freaked chris christie gave black president hug real question many minutes fox news questions seems like waste airtime really theyre going say race one question one guy stay sober drinking games take shot every time someone tells truth httptcov1gklmd rubiobacked insurance market covers 80 people obamacare covers 16m fl alone httptcowhgcid8ee7 httptcoy1awqcpfnw make planned parenthood pay wall mexico winners gop debates kasich fiorina clinton sanders odonnell kelly last nights hilary clinton long shot last nights was unsurprisingly complete circus ringleader httptcobigyh last night 4 blue ties 5 red ties 1 striped tie 7 blue suits 3 gray suits bold men discuss randpaul rolled eyes mentioned hugged 911 victims goodbye rand lost respect him never laughed much debate anyone else notice times up buzzer sounded like price right sound theres httptcortkzren0pk disturbing watch applauded admits calling women fat pigs disgusting animals pretty much sums first httptcof6gadlinpn im baffled people still intending vote one them gopdebate score httpstcosisbsjpubf gopdebate loved walker nodding along carsons responses carson speaks common sense sadly uncommon trait heres much candidate spoke throughout the httptcoaqbdkvhnmb httptcobycui5nkix what hardesthitting questions the jasonbellini takes look httptco4zxywlib2i looks like saddest reboot oceans eleven schwarzenegger make presser httpstcosz7lu417b2 republican presidential debate donald trumps performance may stall campaign httptcoslcaguepis megynkelly remember scolded candy crowley exactly tonight httptco0s bencarson gets waterboarding really ms kelly man brilliant made moments great president trump joke hate people supporting him so remarks make front page every newspaper in httpstco5h5prwi7ju gopdebate really like dr ben carson sure really takes handle foreign policy ppl could better this democrats killing country dems http whose tweets lol mosts think with ever thought idea deserves golden st big losers the terrible great good heres vine dictating tweets during httpstcooejx7 canadian leaders debated trump producing wildest show politics httptcomejxxpzg1v fyi ill live tweeting teen mom 2 this night great tv icymi scorecard breaking via httptcotwqfwv60gu trump proved hes got balls weild us power hell assemble killer team amp get done etammykim 5 questions shld journos ask candidates comes reporting poverty last night got 15 rating last night triple highest debate 20112012 may good new please leave this god hey jeb dumbing children trying fool really distracting little foxfacebook panels height real winner kids table dick cheney httptcozmwolh7vwe fox news knows full shit donald trump know hecked up scott walker amp droopy dog definitely related httptcohccdkmv1wg ready httptcoqzwlcjcie2 15 yr old son watching news heard jeb bush act love debate asked was gave w 2000 elec marisol_bello 5 questions shld journos ask candidates comes reporting poverty take the entertaining least still want learn lot candidates though httptcoi6cyu0nw0k waiting ask when stop beating wife httptc deray discuss issues racism cuz thats racists do honest answers play well w voters taking long ted cruz renounce canadian citizenship httptco6d6xvafpf1 httptc focus group actually likes donald trump person businessman candidate httptcogn6vdezxtx russian chinese govts probably know hillarys email congress does says things want according do needsh luck irithsh httptcoyjjpyzuuue stupid mexico smart america stupid rosie o pig trump id sober now pass tequila notaxation thank thoughts the long would think round 1 candidates hang around saying cold war vet like saying player really big game got rained stop world want get off httptcozqysesat8j scott walkers security detail slymans httptcovsvv00rjjs going finish dvr remembered early coffee want keep soul fight republican party httpstcolzi7erbxze know someone finalized amount time candidate speak send pls col allen west 2016 gop debate greta 8 5 15 httpstco5j8dqvapmv interesting friday analysis contrast natl chattering class amp fl politicos far fewer mentions outside fl fox news made loud clear core conservatives welcomed cruz snubbed tonight poor megynkelly ppl say needs specifics yet u gave type questions opponents leader integrity country beg god for get one upright obama negotiate terrorists sets free finances them much better follow twitter last night actual wed elect one tweeps 18 republican candidates based last nights peoples mindset brought up answer d christies closing statement destroyed good towards him hillary clinton getting lot free pr candidates today the 2013 kasich signed law budget rape crisis centers lose public funding counseled rape victims abt abortion we need president cant say extremist islamic terrorist cant call dylan roof white terrori yay money brown people gays bad haha women terrorists god when government tries invade church time resist randpaul certain not rare moments seemed pres elec middle ages seriously u r welcome 21th century plz come in fox news tries trip trump 1st gop debate 2016 httptco8yqyzacdit speakerboehner lie mr speaker thats like omg seeks approval liberal quackgt debbie wasserman schultz httptcozjrbnu gopdebate omg dream ticket would ticket care potus vice chris christie loser wish putting dudes especially trump christie places htt seen far better political debates last nights winner john kasich looked presidentialperception matters oh shit guys chumps place quick build wall around the a media continues praise last nights fox news hit job specific candidates httptcoqd3lbg4vdf 16 us homes tv sets watched last nights 3x highestrated debates 2012 election httptcoele3lmeoxo would think wed get left wing msm httpstcobjnbmynpuw gopdebate got personal stupid questions total establishment hitjob disaster sad one reason watch trump2016s healthcare answer actually made sense kind grossed christie using 911 help cause feels weird amp wrong something way hes doin mk mr simpson stalked savagely murdered women oj only exwife audience roars laughter applause trump must something right lamestream media fox karl rove news come swinging him rubio blamed doddfrank wiping banks chronology disease memento guys watching great show male psyche amp created violent greedy cruel society realized the im still for reminds jimmy carter n bit like fine need tuffer tedcruz leaders dont want enforce immigration laws rainbow wigs fire floppy shoes thrown asunder never slow gawk car wreck unless am today 1pm et httptco0ml1p6dqq8 httpstcod3fmrouyyd amen lived promises made state http people care saul alinsky paranoid conservatives even one liberal care alinsky model keeps reince priebus night httptco1j0csjumc8 live reaction httptcodlq6l3apif paul collect records terrorists less americans 4th amendments warrants mean something abcs ignores 5 pm omitss line trump httptcodl5mbjhjug christie huckabee walker get top marks score well last night httptco3afiekcitk obvious got rupert murdoch wants fox back coverage httptcoao0zzfzep1 fox news ask trump real questions still know hes good people think is gov_gilmore foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut can introduce son reagans vice president stupid cons saying comments fuel rhetoric yeah bc libs needed reason 2 use baseless accu 7 ridiculous things said httptcoj4op8gealf summed up httptcofkysdrwzs1 decided wait recaps analysis last nights even leave bored annoyed disgusted gop donald trump butt plugs available httptcomkescv5bxe httpstco3yhxs69kae well watching last night know like hated country repeal amen illegal televised debates pertain elections available free every person c hey jeb bush know prevents abortion contraception planned parenthood provides ghost ghost reagan ghost reagan catching morning got like httptcosqmqpnhdh5 frank luntz great news ted cruz httpstcozqjnczdlyx via biggest losers chris wallace cynical arrogant condescending gameshow hosts john kasich got louder applause q arena cleveland lebron james gopdebate made good points unity freedom needs elaborate plans put effect one candidates would come done pregame baby powder routine debates tingled chris matthews wouldve watched sadly football consuming soul atm ufcw protest scott walker slymans httptco7j0xybppmw gopdebate best one ive ever seen tactful informative little humor great trust you ur website u claim u lost daughter stepmom bush attempts dodge common core first debate rubio deftly hammers brutal truth httptcodowgehdbgl blacklivesmatter activists tweeted highlight racistpolitical rhetoric httptcoctiznnaczg via im normally instigator help texting choice conservative family member re megynkelly though great job questions debate trump ass amp really shine light that marco rubio consistently gave strong substantive answers wins main event httptcobdqt6tc8w1 httptcoguk0mjuph7 sentedcruz brilliant principled fearless future party est rove priebus statist dinosaur realdonaldtrump need ahole president another one could trump take megyn kelly serious debate moderator httptcoxbbnos5uv2 great even people saw hack at early numbers suggest record audience httptcoiil0xf6t3p realbencarson talking race define us amp separate us humanity unites us got popcorn ready rumble httptcoddcuw1avqu realdonaldtrump says attended wedding donation httptcoagsz8yypt5 iranian mil budget 10 billion us mil budget 400 billion democrat republican says theyre threat wr president obama gop sticks n stones may break bones still president chris christie relevant box doughnuts jenny craig meeting brithume fine wow running blatantly running bigotry war torture addressing problems home politics discuss public ableg community careing kind hospitable christian faith hateful httptcomgsu7vmaio omg favorite thing httptcomgzo0xhamj realjameswoods loved it face people trying get conform obamas mideast policy supp httptcofincbj3pos stopiranhttptcozwmstjjh1619t get debate floor soon need something wash taste word vomit mou marisol_bello maybe give journos cpl resources foundations borowitzreport walker emerges leading candidate run enterprise rentacar branch httptcostos8p4shb thought were recaps the messy display conservative ego id http the donald trumps rivalswill millenials friend celebrity post current revolutionary httptcoveyck9qrif via solid field httptcoukykkvemy0 via hardball_chris hopes asks candidates evolution httptcoc0ipqzptrp fox longer trusted grubering viewers clearly format needs change moderators vs trump amp cheerleading jeb productive amp robs candidates time course comes the donald trump gold last night watched bar httptcox38ctjaxwn heres much candidate spoke throughout the httptcokzkdyzrq6d httptcouqwywsw5dg chat httptcobkls8c0tzl two picks marco rubio amp carly fiorina dream team repdold disapointd candidates adrs last night alz 6th leading cause death us commentsalzillinois questions like attacks on u get upset got tough u j gopdebate candidates handled well considering awkward intro hostile moderators amp questions designed 2 bloody candidates knowing know now going place presidential debate republicans watched the strong candidates clear winner interesting see wins feud facebook manipulating voter turnout 2012 httptcohtwqozlegb sponsor creepy post rubio fiorina cruz carson rising stars bush trump fading walker huckabee christie holding steady icymi crowded field embodied one photo httpstcor2akyirxib reminder family important republican 2016 candidates gay families httptcocs0usassqs httptcofmafdubmfb gopdebate well ought interestingdrinkinggame anyone donald trump real winner httptcoivgi0yq2tb anyone keeping track many times lincoln rolls grave tonight everyone morning post drink every time mention jesus game put floor rt wsj hardesthitting questions the jasonbellini takes look httptcoaowpvpotvr rain sleet shine bitch better money httpstcoxnusyq28nm anyone else watch might next leader know them planning win election without women minority votes know theyre old white men nj credit rating downgraded record 9 times chris christies leadership httptcotce2dneucy htt loved said god gave unconditional love thats give children probably one friends watched last night trump turd dreamdefenders someone attacks defend yourself boom finishing answer httptcoaxcsmluzfl megynkelly think far best thing debate rt watch tv get 1954 fact checking the httptcookcegl3jr8 rt tells lacks substance htt clear winners last night circus continues httpstcowsw9mstnrh kasich won jeb underwhelmed rubio meh christie tanked trump wounded others worth talking about trying recover last nights drinking game making word god trigger good idea donald trump wins election well know were biffstolethealmanac timeline via yes repeal doddfrank reinstate glasssteagallgopdebate trumpians first question trump said would gladly get hillary elected getting this bush lame way around it hardball_chris whines voter id issues moms care about httptcorpnz9nzuy0 rthrc time ending militarys ban transgender service long overdue omg ben carson really talking race war httptcodhju2h9pi3 far one questionmention about shame on pulling trump like minions candidates fox gives trump er fox speaking time first debate httptcomhtd8ypwlb last night phenomenal ratings prove that watching biased news sources spin sound bites ridiculous may missed it dissapointed lack conversation marijuana ben carson vote vote for preliminary ratings indicate upward 10 million viewers tuned fox last nights httpstcoqj0aohxkoz its better sporting event wisconsin dems gather watch scott httptcoetaghxfs2l loved said issue planted create discord first 2016 race 16 us homes tvs watched first gop debate 2012 race 5 httptcospqltqg2fw kasich knows nothing working class tired fing mailman gig http knew cant believe came said httptcohaandikfd5 jeb bush lookin like president movie president villain 20 years now ill watch nostalgia snap our strength nation comes unity united states america divided states ben car ted cruz lied telling truth best reality show earth hear gov kasich ohio supports fracking including past attempts frack public parks gopdebate trying make whole process reality show one hatred filled tweet time still awful watching first time lmfao votetrueblue2016 facebook cliff notes version debate httpt wonder donald trump still leading polls tomorrow gopdebate vine by httpstcoygrnilseuj political correctness rightwing mainstream media empires refusal call trump racist misogynist amp fascist know finish really good book wake next day wishing wacky adventures would never end the republican candidates get identities complaining cleveland lebrons thing charlotteabotsi maybe asked it sooooo hard watch last night watched need seeknow tonight on uncle communicator amp body language analyst extraordinaire versus know httpstcoxvviad5bvh correction thinks worse rosie odonnell httpstco9oxc7vgk45 see anything particular want ask him theyoungturks anyone mention 50th anniversary civil rights act day httptcoit5ivdufwa megynkelly deserves big thank you im glad someone asked tough questionsto candidates gopdebate turns spectacle leaves top httptcocdty790rbb marco rubio told face hes candidate yesterday antigay bigotry httptcoa4eiuettlf httptcogjghtfodto gopdebate trump trumped bush bushed walker weak huckabeecruz looniesasusual carson insignificant rand sucks fiorina hysterical over go back reality disheartening row ten tall men wheres ainslie hayes need her httpstcodhic3hwtyh reguardless political stances hope took time see love seeing genuine interest us politics jeb bush snapchat after mighty fine ppl stage better hillary clinton bernie sanders the purpose military kill people break things actual thing mike huckabee said jeb prolife made stand ground law possible wish mentioned the tweets made sense httpstco2tja5orrzs great becuz great gop candidates amp great questions wins top class http last nights debate damn well better time kick ass forget politics usual asks abt crude remarks towards responds petty insults httptcoa8apfmccpe 17 funniest tweets failing even mention climate change httptcocxoxwpa3j0 jobs numbers contrasts dystopian view america in also nostalgic america roads paved gold never existed datechguyblog tania gail asks question candidates at httptcob6yudpqwqp realdonaldtrump gave master class get away sexism httptco36sdqby52a via facebook cohosting fox news people still use facebook watch fox news huckabee reagan trust verify obama trust vilify anyone disagrees strong answer iran de guys thanks unfollowing masses last night bryboone ignoring fb feedback mornings live programs happened tofair balanced mt lessgovmorefun the american people want president tell truth sen ted cruz httptcon4ntwnobnl sept 16th next cnn weekly debates like networks 2012 primaries 2016 bender starts httptcortqdx57ll6 via way women hold monthly funerals periods like flush goldfish love it fox news found one young black republican facebook ignore pundit blither biggest winner last nights was full stop im following conservatives sickened names call women politically correct showing respect janellemonae summation feelings httptcoysfen4uk89 gopdebate failed httpstcogclqy4kaq5 cbsmiami hid secret sex life da america pplbet got sneaky deal wiran httptco2iedjhem7f jeb bush continues act like person wandered election wants part of spoiler alert every candidate thinks knows wants jebbush distinctness pic from so httptcokolwwwgdp1 disappointed ins extreme antiwoman stance stated last night honestly cant stand seeing christie feednews etc worst thing u say abt hes fat educate marcorubio admits common core suggestion govt might one day mandate whos winning the according preliminary reports anybody whos watching foxnews amp best unravels candidacybut trump woke like httptcoe10ugkskwm got caught hype yesterday catching gopdebate ready for women find trump thinking fat disgusting dyke pig offensive think shes fat disgusting dyke randpaul defend 4th amendment eloquently last night article good mediator httptcovlt68ymse2 stood struck tonights focus group here planned parenthood bit httptcoqc8z8kkye6 members know women sometimes televisions rt kayleymelissa like trial unbreakable kimmy schmidt dona httptcojaqjwnndgb httptcoeqfo1j5ezw early nielsen ratings suggest thursdays mostwatched primary debate history httptcodbzkk realdonaldtrump dont time tone go get job done see anything particular want ask him career politicians work washington guys sure talk lotta shit career politicians work washington oh gosh really fantastic httpstcoh3dss4dxmo brianstelter reports 10 million watched the first 2012 gop debate 31 million httptco7msazb megynkelly candy crowley railroading job trump used hold u high esteem thanks securing white house democrats 2016 liar bully dice trump similar response students asked provide citations well talked people amp said megyn kelly comedy show go nov 2016 considered journalist nono only rosie odonnell donald trump realdonaldtrump said best last night time httptcoxno4ycfziv over go back reality realdonaldtrump showed lack tact respect during hes politician certainly isn jeb bush talking isis created psst brother culprit someone told hed camera cat fight last night good look omg screaming httptcogu6bjc1lg8 gotta say chris christie said first act president would rename washington dc suplex city usa won white supremacy partys 1st debate reinforces fact many people country really believe us expen may getting new california lifestyle watch the really feel like missed much ifs disapproval ratings high now wait till trial fall httptcor9ctplw5up trump sounds like bully republican voters love it sounds like strength them worry zombies conservatives become walking dead eating other gun deaths us expected surpass 33000 year issue raise gun control well like truth fox focus group conducted httptcozk4ajhqvxc thought well last night idea talking about fool loved watching last night need reset brain check newest video httpstcogosnzvoetd lt people watch s see realize holy crap effing man expectation ever prez rehearsal reaching wallets someone else pick tab httptcoaeajgm6aax reading lot pollstweets lastnights gop debate one winners logic fuck the dr dres new album out fox news loves loathe trump money bank ratings demonstrate cnn working overtime maintain momentum tsunami sound bite memes begin lindsey graham never met war hes afraid send kids to via hands down jim gilmore debate impressive resume httptcowjcpql2jor 17 candidates 2 debates 1 donald trump plenty factcheck httptco4n6wgnunhn seriously look single candidate stage see president scott walker staff sent racist email ferguson officials httptcozvzmubfbbk httptcohgqti01htg ht ummmm discussed took opponents in took celeb opponents public feuds httptco3fpxjvf7w9 httptc marco rubio vowed take away womens abortion rights at home amp around world httptcoza4fgay10o ht read twitter feed real talk best thing announcement none friends talking more britney spears moderating last night fox news actually asking tough questions im surprised httpstco9popya1qrv oh fuck social issues next time play im christian nana na booboo didnt watch amp watched couldnt play social media last night gopdebate watched knew going greatest circus actshow earth r laughing stock world repost this httptco4navxgg1pd incredible amount people angry the fox news amazing before think would change presidential debates begin gopdebate thats exactly feel about hardly worth discussing wow megynkelly believing fans say amp losing touch wreality sorry woefully unnewsworty moderation job marco rubio constitutional right choose egregiously flawed decision httptcou63wrh7mxn httptcoyefojmjxdo constitution written 1789 back priests induced miscarriages women caught cheating so true disrespected cruz eve httptcow7xiptcj3g 1 mention last night busy saying nasty things amp breaking with still better love story httptcoath06nrse1 important questions asked faux news climate inequality cut 4 vets dems let slide vote today would be saw ceo panel the first debate question party loyalty could rephrased raise hand follower now a straight up loved it last night news commentators saying trump strugglednow see headlines like trump dominates debatewhat happened were borrowing 1m minute gotta stop somewhere httptcos7ukcfcefb ever ask apologize foul abusive ugly attacks on httptcozycg0ixwru thrmattbelloni naturally praised debate right adamogdenceo 7 ridiculous things donald trump said during httptcofpkw9ylzqw the purpose military kill people break things first time ive ever agreed mike huckabee streets talking people debate afterwards word street inside much credibility lose last night fair balanced choose be funny donald trump never mentions ted cruzs canadian birth certificate httptco6wlp6q0nom httpt going host literal wedding ceremony god state our military small country whose military larger next eleven combined loved made reference 5 oclock debate discussing wanted repub win great statement carson race divisions america gopdebate vine by httpstcocnkz8ywoow markmelin watch example argue broadcast anyway public service ridiculous icymi break candidate fared via httptcorow7t2poxz woman amp offended needs say women rather sensitive liberal women word god got 2x amount questions race relations skewed sampling httpstcouiiqidifzt foxnews nothing extension estab last night trying sway opinions amp news org physically repulsive dare ask question like have received gods blessing debate gopdebate voldemort donald trumps toupee reminder 70 new jersey voters approve chris christie httptco8b9oszkp9l httptcofzkxvltcf7 really like videos watching anyway gopdebate swag lets go trump lolololol so happened last night nothing say u feminist vote gop paycheck httptco0hcftesuix hey dick cheney maybe go quick hunting trip weekend saw highlights last night saw new found respect reality tv easy say we need high standards evidence shows r solution httptcoxbridsyhep s shut go one best lines debate history nope hillary spent kim kanye httptcozybkq6s9r4 httptcohowmsj2hmm donald trump showed next full kiss makeup costume might actually switch take close look pic amazing everything httptcolaonllalwo face morning the httptcorkndh7xbuo gopdebate asked bankruptcies maybe file court 4 us amp country walk away debt im man jeb bush says walks shadows father brother really want leading country httptcofa9w5lhars rand paul video admitting opposed 1964 civil rights act httpstcoqzbazmv7iz httptcorpjmie8buv recap the want make choices women httptcov43ynztrr7 watching im wondering americans think biggest issue this i defend right this every candidate gunman storms auditorium opens fire lol i see color moment spoke key christie disagree add tweak bit thats rands get job need great resume except job is according to debate learned last nights becomes president first one move country _edman_ shook httptcosgnkjmetqr fun idea take shot every time candidate refers old fashioned donald j trump side show represents accurately circus become theyre httptcofpftx3nfcu trump system fucked say literally anything people cheer im combative though twitter fun still party exercise bashing poor women teachers immigrants latinos trans well stated alec owned tonight always speaks truth always has always will https mike huckabee looks like mr tweedy chicken run chickenpies httptcoplvdwlmars wheres logical consistency rocks hes right stop funding enemies allow ind huckabee wrong again httptconsd4a6ayzg httptcowt7xkhvoaa trumps entire performance hate player rules made me love it lol people huckabee couldve mentioned went pimps prostitutes frustrated much hes probably perv wait wait wait guys wrote horror story people actually going vote men end less half speaking time trump boy carried night spectacularly httptcownbkt randpaul want collect records terrorists less records innocent americans half way see scored points gop debate according google httptco4sxle8ysks trump got double speaking time paul httptco2wndaiiikc httptco1naioxcln9 remembered actually election year weve got fourteen months this folks realdonaldtrump makes mark 1st moments right here httptcogcxal2e3iq via watching clear 2 many clowns need eject httptcopw8m0fhlv4 anddd huckabee correct transgender military service armed forces social experiment republican debates certainly proved one thing never true separation church amp state us i last night happen wish could reading recap fun best coverage far thought watching last comic standing turns 2016 bender starts httptcorvikjdf10v via reading many articles general consensus best performance came rubio kasich cruz order carlyfiorina go carly matthews asshat nice job httpstco1vmncclemd dr great presidential candidate proved last night httpstcoizasjz9yex rollingstone 6 surprising moments last nights wacky httptcor01n1dy7ft httptco9uy3tq5otn sums up davidaxelrod outrageous support abortion rape incest cases trump said gave money hilary clinton demanded come wedding w funny americans worried iraq iran amp russia canadian spent 24b shutting us govt htt hardesthitting questions the jasonbellini takes look httptcol0iblgezyc loved pointed ronald reagan evolved hei think like last nights debate super disappointing comes it way many turds punch bowl last night wait watch presidential debate last night roast real dems making women feel must vote worthless turd hillary simply vagina mattmackowiak megyn definitely bimbo standards last night horrible the first question unprofessional designed put bad mood destroy stop saying prolife profetus care mom care child born parts insightful amp necessary rt mustread analysis last nights httptcocigdffu8sz cant shape debates decide winners too sorry freedom says people pick winners takes debates yes debates s liberals cnn agree fox great job know a httptco1dnkp6ghkb via are connecticut democratic party httpstcovpnjdro82p gopdebate really stand debate left clueless veiw america already think narcissist look twitter feed apparently thinks went well carly fierce amp prepared theres visual evidence ofs thoughts last nights debate im posting pic dog crap 816am yay made happy friday folks enjoy weekend rocks httptcomzc49jrkq8 whole debacle insult every american common sense idea historygopdebate repeal doddfrank let refer 1929 2016 bender starts httptconylilkeckr via claim conservative support trump theres nothing conservative him the never forget httptco3erppylhib yes republican voters still mad chris christie hugging barack obama 2012 httptcoaju3eeihyf comment much gop know bonafide shitshow reasonable options rand paul jeb bush the article must read nails it httpstcoxmdbtj39kc dust httptcoezmufrvhhq christie paul brought obama hug stupid cons saying comments fuel rhetoric yeah bc libs needed reason 2 use baseless accusation prime example young people turned politics unmotivated run office marcorubio clear winner last night polished well httpstcod1amg1fwiw one feels like hangover drunk last night impressive performance governor huckabee httpstcoykoer9zg45 if hillarys candidate doubt well played dr carson gopdebate im sorry insult people r completely embarrassed party live reality real donald trump skin thin spineless say thinks someones face httpstcozrwmtmiokm trump america you suck scott walker said penetrating southern base borders running president gov kasich repeatedly noted father male man kind swipe kaitlyn jenner candidates think bad blood music video lena dunham kinda ruined huh all nod vigorously wont get nomination john kasich spoke whole lot sense donald trump needs shot despicable human pretty sure directly responsible massive drop workplace productivity today grneyedmandy walkers comments letting mother die instead allowing abortions scary people nuts may worthwhile thing came last nights httpstcorchxaxikpm crazy turn tent revival end gopdebate men insane climate change httpstco6xqhwqf2nu right question about commercial straight outta compton movie airs cant help sm last night many candidates get get political version auditions tweets hilarious aka trump biggest joke 2015 thanks laughs republican men sleeping women qualify people too arrogant pressaholes thinks right 2pick next president not ours https wait invoke 14th amendment fetuses refuse gay fully developed humans 17 candidates 2 debates 1 donald trump plenty factcheck httptcoqfedzq4q5z via oooohhhhhh hillary watch the bet feel like donating democrat right now httpt maybe keep bringing immigration notice hairs real donald trumphs inner monologue serious question the candidateany them put forth vision resonate voting majority no debate shot job trump manufactured gop cartel via fox news scott walker forces women carry rapists pregnancies amp let men sue abortion httptcoyzivipqanx well im lost words finished httptcoalvesdmubf ive picked 3 favs rubio amp rise show tanks fox surprises everyone w substantial httptco96wvhct07e true fox news team hit park last nights moderators firstrate job https ben love ya man think went like nailed thinking isnt wasnt httpstconuczhphlvx wow megyns voice seemed catch asking rapeincest exceptions ive never seen larger collection nimrods one stage marcorubio came gate like true leader look forward hearing plans better america the completely missed it wish men valued blackfemaleimmigrantimpoverished lives deeply value clump cells says doesnt support abortion womans life risk httptcosmq2sx8qlh httptc im gonna leave here httptco46qiyxf6oy httptcoxyy63q08xr rand paul given least airtime last nights trump given most httptco5zsfilaumb httptcocqkkksk0n8 realdonaldtrump said last night time httptcoxitysjflrj gopdebate field eight senators amp governors billionaire businessman whos famous 30 years also doctor hybrid christies assholery rubios naivete cruzs lack reality scott walkers derpness r u pushing schools amp vouchers httptcol1b6nng6gc hollowed middle class stagnant wages broken political amp justice system were talking unborn babies anyone see last night httpstcoau20dydowh fox news integrity showing frank luntz crap say abandon entire network disappointed moderators last night come find talked 37 time moderators anybody watch roast last night handled pretty well well like truth fox focus group conducted httptcozk4ajhqvxc marcorubio debate last night even close well done fiorina clear winner terms google searches far httpstcoev802sqthy httptcosu6vl5v8rc gopdebate bunch squabbling force american people accept uber conservative values keep dogunder gopdebates hometown candidate gave touching answer gay marriage httptcoqtn8echb29 guy got real shaft tonight that httptcozw8jupqp11 theres one thing it donald trump bringing attention republican party needed franchise2205 eating popcorn last night tooth broke stop war women httpstcoxt57f0hm5y last night lmao this httpstcofmkgubk2bb ben carson obviously nervous cuba gooding jr play the received message god saying dont play drinking game want see tomorrow eighty percent people prisons addictions problems one moments made sense pledge support gop establishment sold obama nothing known universe larger marco rubios ears choose puppet carefully chubbies please take picture last nights photoshop mericas candidates unlike well talk race activism 1 httptcoxsrg0ct63g heaven help us new pres httptcosv8cmcgarz ted cruz said intends instruct department justice irs start persecuting religious liberty juliaturner time admit something truthfully would call it also notable 1 candidate really even trump went bush realdonaldtrump giving to didnt know money would used private jets going world spite go httpstcoajaeucqloz think donald hillarys biggest paid friend huffington post instagram did anyone else notice last night httptcos7utox2lvf dwstweets good luck that 3 old white north easterners donald trump issues httptcokztztudxpv every political leader every issue graphics show washington post great again httpstcojile7vegzj httptcoptjwxu7imu today international beer day conveniently scheduled international listen republicans talk two hours day realdonaldtrump cries preschooler cant stand woman brought down hes disgusting pig miss questions answers infrastructure govt create jobs help economy rs say fox conservatives complain media bias reconcile fox trump last night combating big topic in analysis based insurgencies since wwii httptcokpq07upyrs httptcokgkyijrww9 might favorite two httpstc think one best comments made debate httptco8xgtwk7zui donald trump elected entire cast jersey shore sums haha 2016 bender starts httptcoc4d62692iq via johnkasich like if turn gay ill still love even daddy doesnt httpstcottbhqikpm8 hey america the sums up httptco4m0mskr83h rt molonlabia67 rt icareviews wars israel funniest thing read today httpstcoou6bza7or4 but take either party seriously gop dems racist team wonder the facebook sponsored debate even stream live video disappointing creates bureau vital fetal organs rt httptcochz5pj6rr8 http much love always governor bang job the thats two cents destroying isis 90 days sounds like movie id pay see let trump speak know leaving reason want speakafraid hell say uproar invited tonights debate demand reason i radio contest here john kasich thats great dr carson separating israel west bank washingtonpost httptcojgebihaenn fact check team httptcopui53epdsg via get debate floor soon need something wash taste word vomit mouth last night wow governor huckabee fantastic funny see many calling avoid watching ive saying decade im 35 past bed time mean allowed debate httpt disappointed in treated different would have dictating vs repo need bring representation everyday americans billionaires back govt http meaningful but necessarily sillier discussion last nights httptcodqbkveyzco last night gopdebate asks candidates whether god told president basically wants protect life bombing shit globe names call women politically correct showing respect biggest travesty last nights joan osbournes one us stuck head jeb bush we cant succeed dumbing everything although climate science totally ignore http think candidates afraid debating education monster monster needs vote httptco light check poem majority httptcoissjfq9ysn room full liberals playing drinking game httptco61a8iwv3bq kimguilfoyle debateit effort bring down see would pledge shame shocking extreme bias httpstcooh7wnjm0wc hee hee hee watch partys debate talk word games good times good times clear winner last nights httpstcon7h3t7hxsz applause empty audience debate sounds like concert national organization 4 women not fan ben carson went right amp trump beginning socalled foxandfriends would nice u would let 92yr speak instead interrupting her scott walker cut answers short last night finishing allotted time marquette u weve seen before elonjames wonder cnn address issue next gopdebate said country needs straighten financial mess support amp vote you 1stencouraging see several candidates express faith god son jesus christ httptco6zjwbxbpse gopdebate ben carson first use halfbrain removal brain surgery evidence capital hill someone beat itha fox keeps congratulating great job media using power slant usual real media real education whens next guys give so saw conversation tithing coming the donald trump polling last nights debacle washington cartel ted cruz really loves exaggerate point blatantly untrue dial lines aggregating close 100 rare happened comments iran negotiations httptcoatxpub4xea back dc today amp post talk w noon et family like john kasich think good asked trump god said anything cancelled expensive internet slow could watch love httpstcokyq3spoe9t bullshit needed hip high waders get first httpstcow1qvowu2cb yes does confident well composed httpstcohhruhe6lte bbc_chirinos whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via kasich says faith teaches accept gay son daughter crowd cheers httptcovgfp98zjqs lgbt veteran believe military budget slashed https might thought would pinata think again says john mcdonough httptcop91druxic4 wow awesome dr carson race answer https fought george iii think need bush iii although nothing jeb twitter easily crowning fiorina winner second tier debate change mind immigration httptcornmcnekqmn donald clown single payer failure crony capitalist poor people voting democrat 50 years theyre still poor barkley ht species created also this httptcomrb9n4qrvo wsj hardesthitting questions the jasonbellini takes look httptco8ydtkkyr9c gopdebate proves media becomes focus instead moderator better computer moderators insert focus god making appearance the good little much fun watching come nurse postnight woes nice pastrami a i went gay wedding new i black friend gop hopelessly touch whats going america httpstcoy spare 170 ill donate 1 every gop candidate trust presidency surprised candidates criticized prez obama abt foreign policybut shocked cruz chose 2 kick gen martin dempsey around round two recap knew going fireworks got big surprises httptc regardless vote for lets honest dr carson meaningful life people god ble gopdebate pledge ballot miss tonight sure watch strong closing statement httpstcokqlgcbav7p choose puppet carefully gotta say chris christie said first act president would rename washington dc suplex city usa votegopdebate megynkelly thought great job last night asked hard questions kept candidates toes disappointed moderators ask important question what favorite dave matthews ba marcorubio the httptcowzgyi37ffl little much fun watching come nurse postnight woes nice pastrami a best part realdonaldtrump telling we aint cool real amp dont nice yo ass new drinking game drink entire bottle liquor sense oncoming war military fetishisation amp another amp another notes republican debate gibberish httptcoj7zipvptxk giving free hat away random first 250 rts go httptcomgwmsslrdp they call vito boreleone dr ben carson rt take stage handing account staff follow along httptco1bk9bcij7f chris christie bill rights constitution never heard em tnr went watch party dc found unicorn 24yearold black gay republican httptco9srohf9yte one last debate question trump trying lead gop cliff smartgopdebate icymi crowded field embodied one photo httpstcor2akyirxib really enjoyed everything say last night gopdebate vine by httpstcowc8ouoq2vz anyone mentioned vets nope httptcodjit72ghx4 interesting 2 see isnt worried alienating voters amp is httptconhfg2yic6c anyone unhappy last nights debate cheer up httptcob9mupzutdm built wall kept gop us thats wall would support funny male candidates seem think opinion female healthcare actually fucking relevant blame feel morning pony amp approve hungover message theeconomist pulling punches today then httptcoad1rihjsbz voting for without question lindsey graham never met war hes afraid send kids to via orange new president httptcogk9xktw1db megyn kelly comedy show go nov 2016 considered journalist nono nearly 50 walker house parties sc tonight got back httptcoyupjdhwxjh could pundits wrong usually are httptconb3btm8ffd alyonamink unpacking really great panel right on im enthralled we one nation god mike huckabee preview donald trump tonight vine by httpstcoqiim2goibi nice 2 mds 2 surgeons hopefully trend encourage take close look pic amazing everything httptcolaonllalwo carlyfiorina fire runs circles around chris matthews hillarys record httpstcodfmixp48nj facebook know ironic censoring speaking out misss questions rand pauls fathers legal problems walkers lack college degree see scored points the according to httptcox9hboxoddf httptconb9khf3dbm many pouty screechy faces httptcoo5ajvlqjn7 httptcow7bwjqmlsx photo says all overconfident shit dont stink we win anymore lose china lose mexico lose everybody trump preach it sir preach it donald trump latenight angrytweets megyn kelly httptcooqao3th0im httptcopircinlbyl hey debate last night biased hit job anyone want open borders hillary campaign trolling lol httptcooreeee5hfq gopdebate ballet along candidates let people decide miss httptcoqwnsk4sctm hosts next softball questions jeebus n walls shit matter real questions first postdebate analysis for stole show tonights debate httptcothijliy3tl and campaign announcements print bingo cards httptcouz450znfnk frank bruni calls last nights inquisition httpstcovlkzpki8cm another debate passes again solutions offered nations greatest problem ohio drivers think enough made fact scott walker recalled wisconsin w 900000 sigs incumbency chris christie says country get 2nd job dairy queen use money pay national debt 1st question proof himself spoiler guaranteeing 48 years hillary hell heard god said care american politics foxnews realbencarson race relations country the httpstcoyjmfdye6x4 wise words really impressed last night backing egomaniac kind fuckery last night serious its still stupid people book im progressive pushing country wrong direction httpstco4apv racebaiting genderbaiting problem racial gender inequality is white problems proved beautiful women certainly debate moderators great job martha amp carly belong top 10 htt mainstream media would never critical democrats amp socialists running president fox last night gopdebate everyone stage specifically asked direct questions track recordsstatementswere also ambushed chase norton wants know received word god vote challenge kniw whats even disturbing agenda mysoginistic narcissist polling frontrunner facebook says top social moment chris christierand paul interaction nsa trump railroaded fox one said yo trump may ask thirdparty intentions going sa cant wait impersonation donald trump fox news treatin donald trump less like the apprentice like dateline predator officially turned forever mm praises past time jump ship h losers conservatives hand success 2 establishment rinos bite hand httpst megynkelly understand gave trump twice much time others rand paul got 5 minutesthis right master class get away sexism courtesy httptcoot8etxtujc via kenchapman46 must admit much better relevant content answer what god tell do the problem country politically correct trump amen sir amen wow beyond delusionallike think literally zero people even conservative would agree https important question asked this attn httptco trump gop sanjaya americanidol know hes worst contestant keep entertainment donald trump butt plug available httptcomkescv5bxe httpstcok0hqncdjdx come drink colada feel like run president too impression httptcoqxcudns1aq q common a theyre shit show leading candidate of say good luck you men uptight humourless mean spirited pickle arse bunch fools without redeeming qualities awkward moment realize trump nothing coiffure spits sound bites httptcoiers8m2sar trump knows nation needs someone like knows file bankruptcy bad attacked moderator even respond question whats shocking donald trump looked relatively normal stage virtually every candidate ridiculous him the purpose military kill people break things thing huckabee actually said disappoint expectations got least talk time debate candidate httptcoram2sitaa1 amen pray 4 amp family every dayhe spectacular 2night https instagram larger audience fox httptco kkk rally seen eyes native americans africanamericans hispanic americans http carly fiorina 3 time loser httptcowngldhxpop retweet believe bibi israel pulling election http biggest scam ever carlyfiorina donated 9 rock on carly lady bomb httpstcoeubfioxqzc think feminism exclusive gif giving feels httptco8bmbxw7h2k cbsmiami men r apart secret criminal famthats met ex wifeamptheir secret affair started i bribed politicians worked thats vote me trump winners gop debate include bush trump httptcoome5bnryjm httptcodmhzlkvobs wtf religion question presidency trump president talks like anonymous internet comment episode bachelor weird last night hope someone asks candidates blasphemy fundraising materials matter reason lot people tuned last night wouldnt otherwise good think unfair to called bs trump like it grow mr trump glenn beck saying rand big winner christie big loser oh veto corleone vito corleone get now kilmeade boy thought could 2brian 4 fair analysis fair debate we country facing hard times watched primary debate history 99 viewers say drinking game ht part huckabee started screaming fetuses spraying chrome paint mouth intense insulting rosie odonnell women bravely speaking unwelcome truths piggishness hillaryclinton spent night kardashians httptcos0w1h36n4q gopdebate losers conservatives hand success 2 establishment rinos bite hand httpstcoidzywkqpwt uscis whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via tweeted last nite jebs real name john edward bush john ellis bush net net jeb made name plenty punches knockouts httptcosonsxzzwqn via mom used tell getting big britches think happened moderators last night im sure im pretty sure american people lost last nights doubt corporatocracy rules early figures show tv ratings fox news huge httptco8i7tgocc7c woke hungover find dozens strangers mentions fox news tv hell happened last night tonight on uncle communicator amp body language analyst extraordinaire versus 27 epic tweets completely summarize last nights httptcobmcur1zf1x httptcof3vxtface5 discussed this httpstcopdevw0qly6 cant rt progstoday yeah ppact still beats kids table httptconjtda6r5qy carly fiorina may debate one video clip 5 things rand pauls kentucky couldve spent 73m instead fake noahs ark httptcos1gkhsy1bf http debate moderators job ask tough questions attack candidates play victim least speaking time theand still said fewer words cant fucking leave school curriculum decided states south abolish biology lmfao got watch first half im going read transcript wish luck retweet agree candidates better clinton http shit bullshit scott walker keeps saying turned wisconsin around state poor poverty stricken riddled bullets favorite moment last nights not endorsement httpstcow53nmimi83 jeb winner last night huh httptco3vimaozbti gopdebate believe made valid points last night bringing different facts imformation flordia best line tonight russia china know hillary clintons emails congress rewatching earlier part the gopdebate losers conservatives hand success 2 establishment rinos bite hand httpstcoctbk93v0ho oh trump slay me httptcoyhfktwap9z donald trump showed next full kiss makeup costume might actually switch republican party omg hope none think theyve heard god could without schizo office donald trump refuses rule third party run httptcoepzqdetjv2 another from top head still repo httpstcoclqzqebor7 httptcorg5znmwflp 2015 year earned rightful place megynkelly strike 1 bullies name calling nothing politically correct disrespect kasich needs stage next debate amp carly needs in clear winner even pri when passed bushs patriot act said potus could whatever wants never meant black guy http clearly watched youtube recap the want make choices women httptcorv90krhkmi ted cruz knows words hes willing say them loved said reagan negotiated he place strength 3 biggest issues country zero mentions 1 income inequality 2 campaign finance reform 3 climate change if monitor mosque ill monitor mosque declaims sen lindsay graham thats rhetoric wins gop hear impressed questions last night s dress rocked pretty sure drunkenly yelling abortion screen new parkway last night george w bush sitting back debate quietly completing first sudoku bernie sanders livetweeted httptco9ebtdrkunk via expect chris wallaced 2nd worst partisan pontificating asshole moderating megynkelly could handled better one questioned read attacked personal levelgopdebate point declare hunger games open dudes run cornucopia gopdebate faces httptcoxxidjlj355 via donald trumpted cruz even repulsed not a inquisition httptco6gt58ahdof 1st day cancel iran deal move embassy israel jerusalem disappoint unless hoping actual debate archon foxnews tried take gave big win find extremely disturbing outta everything last nights one questioning who god mor carson hillary feeds uniformed depending votes useful idiots ouch one interesting thing note questions asked nati obamas war women record 56209000 women labor force httptco3hvthnceeg watching the httptcozmbfmbaour voting anyone discussing demanding discuss liberals cnn agree fox great job httptco4dgij1w0gs conservatives uproar against mykanow rt bothers runnin president cannot respect even office enough call president obama candidates eating other tea baggers hate fox host donald scores twice hillary lmao watched 15 mins spent rest night figuring dedicate life getting hrc elected omg realdonaldtrump slams mainstream media already trying discredit him media control watched the kept thinking this real answer 2 americas problems httpstcodjcj7bhgzb republican would mad hell party turned three ring circus one mr trump hardest questions httpstco7e8ixl6j3l would good time remind mexicanhating friends obama right reagan amnesty bdemoree nah man blocked total opposites macleans ran professional organized debate gop ran media circus props giving shoutout unionmade httptcogxspz9kqj7 debate voted cast vote honest source not watching the candidate endorsed nashville mayor lost badly rick santorum brings full crazy to compares samesex marriage amp abortion slavery httptcodhtkpvvycs donald trumps brilliant entertainment inspired hilarious memes httptcocpaav407zt httptcoqdqqpziyhy im happy family turning trump watch last night posting risk enflaming situation worth read httptcompfchuirt6 bush defends position amnesty httptco2un6wqlxlq httptco6ytevyqnc5 realdonaldtrump buy fire thinking could trump trump httpstcoj35iwihbce aunt defends trump death facebook also lives one gated golf course neighborhoods book im progressive pushing country wrong direction httpstco4apv2w39a9 marisol_bello thanks source doddfrank hey stupid making fun debate go googles selfie kim kardashian gopdebate recap httptcotsuiksjeeb beyond disgusted trumps misogynistic comments women props asking donald trump think last night never actually answered questions rename fox news the john mccain network gopdebate new hampshire republucan bush looked like adult stage good job missed great know rockin cbus w team dublin and thes sign night thats moldy manna masses jebbushs milliondollar donors updated thx httptcok3bcdnutm0 httptcoqdiwcwnqy0 long realises bad party narrower narrower becomes thought would last place id hear oh yeah lets squeeze quick final question veter me guy like me going run president republican better seat debate reports cdc destroyed autism vaccine data congressional hearings http miss httptcoqwnsk4sctm marisol_bello whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via enjoying panic cratering polls people support pandering sneaky unsympathetic politiciangopdebate enjoy the share emojis candidates with download app httptco8jzxxb9l46 httptco19xpnnv2la shorter support policies amp principles work never worked never work please vote us reading coverage wondering watched something different biggest attacks coming right listen morning cannot stop thinking ofs words bullshit everywhere excited see personal favorites continue last night and lets play whats worse game whats worse 1 calls rosie fat 2 clinton sleeps wintern rt u pick 2 megynkelly megyn candy crowley kelly enough said foxnews politicians call immigration reform dont want call making illegal immigration legal making connections clear httptcoioyyzrrqzd president get tough china soon ive accepted delivery next shipload shirts ht scott walkers abortion ban allows rapist father sue emotional distress httptcorhmvgumuir megynkelly crazy day fun night exhausting week moments megn like got u gopdebate proved beautiful women certainly debate moderators great job martha amp carly belong top 10 httptconp0vngnotx carly fiorina needs secretary state ticket vp least extremely smart sharp someone tell gop iran making connections clear httptcoioyyzrrqzd good quick analysis here republican candidates spending increases httpstcobcr3nvr9bk world fact check lie point winner losers disappointed talk called fk hair httptcodtyax80rnf httpt 1111 and please let better future leaders country watching not sure trump detrimental republicans makes anyone standing near look like cicero lol httpstcocio5ie0nsb gopdebate ahem httptcohd1ukbursz candidates honestly terrify one actually elected country fucked hillary clinton barack obama wrong grow economy again httptcoaviaq6flkf rand paul antigovernment candidate actually makes sense ben carson becomes president people address dr president instead mr president idocracy finest httptcoi4iv4uk5jp know anyone else think last night big flop without amp gopdebate took place quicken loans arena says everything media left right want shape news way see it thank goodness people see thro drawing heat facebook attacking sexism narrative httptcoki7wcmiqar retweet see life httptconvyeiwazib about stupidity everyone named trump went httptcorinb8kwt6o scary think close could get finish line httpstcon8jafqcegg favorite quote night freedom free strongly disagree saying isnt presidential candidate didnt look like one praying interrupt one httptcof9qwvlhb3z understand politics understand wrestling know watching trump cuts b gopdebate hmmmm tough choice httptcohl2qnpqvgj thefixs highlights kasichs gay marriage defense jebs common core defense think know like debates but take either party seriously gop dems racist team gopdebate cruz trump trump httpstcocpaxggkjbk via berniesanders rs touch foxnews went like agenda care called fat httpst attempt listen driving might impair judgement 2016 bender starts httptco549cmb3zs6 via great summary last nights httptcokdeags3iee watching anti abortion im ashamed gender thanks spokeout us in3 htt exactly said httpstcog know anyone else think last night big flop without amp huge fampking httpstcof30t6fbe6p video httptcotaph65klje rocks 1st round httptco3l7yimjxdl marco rubio why vote someone successful like hillary clinton vote me years later doctors tell donald trump iq 48 people call mentally retarded donald trump gave master class get away sexism httptcofwrq8mkztb gopdebate weird clear winner amen gentleman definitely vote love stands for httpstcoanzmdiorve disappointed one said churchillian think wall think communism think saint ronald reagan would like this httptco2j7mt today international beer day conveniently scheduled international listen republicans talk two hours day wish would talked httpstco2jwvq51byk trump twitter rant megyn kelly bombed tonight httptcosbpiwom0jj media left right want shape news way see it thank goodness people see them since wants talk campaign donations lets talk httpt randpaul got least talk time debate candidate httptcoram2sitaa1 debatesgopdebate httptcooezz6jtpo8 terrifying say is 2016 httptcok8fkh4pnjr floyd5689 loved watching last night need realdonaldtrump to ritzy_jewels rt redstatejake hey foxnews keep degenerate dwstweets far away any httptc nominate best comedy special emmy 2015 parody political debate outstanding know tonight im certain america lost governorperry elect president united states secure southern border httptco 6 surprising moments last nights wacky httptcojjsn7kit37 httptcomzds5vt9zg httptconi5c0olntf donald trump latenight angrytweets megyn kelly epic httptcosoayxrxptl immigration without assimilation immigration invasion reaction colleagues last nights httptcoxi1dsibdsv heres lineup anyone wondering httptcoom8osfgkhe anyone unhappy last nights debate cheer up httptcob9mupzutdm scrolled wow wow havent heard him personally addressed god many times tonight watching this post edited best outrageous oneliners last night httptco2idgnyd1dx hardesthitting questions the jasonbellini takes look httptco8pwethb5ns comedy central mention god last time checked constitution said must separation church state dare hug httptcofs behind scenes fox anchors slaved debate questions candidate httptcow1ls6yzb pledging allegiance party bcome standard practice i dont recall ronpaul asked tht q last night think know want president gopdebate wo moderation shapes policy debate httptco7mbjn53vut indeed flaccid want hear say democrat debate https truer poignant words never spoken debate stage well done httpstcoxulzpglh rand paul leading fight defund planned parenthood read here httpstcopupwnglaot httptcoi fat pigs dogs slobs disgusting animals female victims trumps sexist insults brought httptcoras5sfcnig nj 9 credit downgrades 5 years under obviously captured white vote sensible americans make sure never elected who loudest indoor voice contest debate mainstream media wants limit options establishment puppets know won httptcouyeqy2nh7a talked what if terrorism happen country again white supremacy alive well loved spoke repealing doddfrank champion of uh climate change eh guys httptcovnkjjioqgj obamacareaca barely registered thes john mcdonough explains why httptcop91druxic4 absolutely need long winded questions know topics aint gotcha game check interactive fact check the httptco3064jptpa0 hell empty devils here shakespearean guide 2016 republican primary httptcoujot8n7uzx discussed 15 seconds later commercial back borders abortion walker16 unprepared uninformed uneducated httptcoldbglzna8g instagram larger audience fox httptcowlz5rd7muk rand paul reaching black vote like httptcosobmy09qdd roundup trump ranted carson eventually allowed speak bush said stuff kasich sense theref cnn 8 things take away one about shame clue silent majority thinkingyour mindset comes frm 2 pop touch h way real professional moderators laugh jokes like that tedcruz include deporting dreamers httpstcojdcmrvnjww need answers race women immigration amp sexuality candidates httptcojm5carypat via gopdebate winners cruz amp carly also rubio walker jindal extremely disappointed chris wallace ok hey donald trump gave shout out mheriveaux_ogs photo httpstcorfektbk0cb hilary potus theme song next dope show hope teaching children bully would us elect bully httptco last night sure watching sketch absolutely hilarious trump unpresidential childish kasich made gains rubio made gains positive bush harm specific walker harm specific jayandsteve foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut on this strong gutsy woman iss guest 2pm donald trump viewers attention the though probably debate httptcoftggl1zg1c top strategist on specifically i saw destruction presidential campaign httptcoxj5cqgrsth fritos free true gopdebate hangover drink bebstyne cynicism wienies rife grandstanding stupidity rt gop debate took awful toll ted cruz httptconcu94rgblo gopdebate latest news reality checks amp analysis httptcoo3g8cqdkpa httptco5p2beageup bo my son age 8 figured out trump president mean hes so http hard take serious last nights faux eyelashes kept distracting me why megyn why went bed speechless woke pissd went attacking marklevinshow inquisition disgusted moderators especially amp wallace mediators awkward cartoontrump httptco5k3bvihwmx amp hosting clear biased opinion like amp kindergarten questions httpstcoagn0zxchx9 need brain httpstcou77g7opuky marcorubio say god gave wonderful candidates god must deaf dumb blind one word civil rights mentioned slogan subject police brutality httpstcomwscmjwm1w gopdebate anyone else notices church lady face explained sucks megyn kelly its over ben carson i guess so gave shot somehow friends fox missed took on obama hillary washington islamic jihad ohealthcare good summary first httptcomv4h4jibrj bro donald trump stay race long possible entertainment purposes want see ncaa tournament style debate scoring based truth policy ideas style mahakylie exon mobile chevron corp want new candidates spreading truth bought grading candidates won lost coasted httptco3afiejui1m shoutout fox running straight outta compton trailer right asking police brutality africanamer got leader friends abe hollywoods secret conservative group analyze first httptco7g6du4ewb8 at largest audience yet chip 3 help us keep uphttpstconzync1jrxs httpstconbvksjo0dw like trial unbreakable kimmy schmidt donald trump jon hamms richard wayne gary wayne watching last night wow trump fire first 15mins says thinks new popular breed politics right u think survivors fox massacre debate realize that httpstcodtvsb531lt megynkelly earned title last night bad take high road httpstcoy4rhotpvnr people 1828 debate invoke george washington like guys pull ronald reagan wow good watch make chris matthews look foolish im liking amp more httptcokebn during suffering delusions dentist was morning tl taught 3 things 1 ronda rousey 2 bloviating hack 3 twunt many pouty screechy faces httptcoo5ajvlqjn7 early numbers suggest record audience first httptcow96zq1aruh via loved said country needs straighten financial mess scott walkers world arent mad abortion rape incest theyre mad yall arent compliant rape amp inc know young people 1830 range watched full last night middleaged seniors huh good question chris wallace cons better learn battle stereotypes gopdebate moderators asked hasnt become obvious god himself humans resolve conflict god damn presidential debate childish know narrow shit down httptco8vqg6xvjyc seeing lot different opinions outcome last night watch one well nothing really needs said httptcofubcs0trzl ronald reagan switched parties once switched 5 times anti2a proabortion last 6 ye ansonmount seems debate questions simply function incite personal attacks among candidates wo clarifying issues theres lot going picture httpstcodnk4df46jx truth military social experiment mikehuckabeegop says wants 2 legalize prostitution amp drugs amp tax hell them thats ive saying yrs fear tried shut message he republicans focus future despite others said the always past httptco3rgjadnyri nice work asking tough qs in speaking young reps hearts war war primary message heard last night remember known party of miss days trumps truest best line if werent wouldnt even talking illegal immigration ben carson qualifications worldfamous neurosurgeon also qualifications powerful man planet loved watching last night need to interesting absence perhaps climate denial used be mention climate enviro ted cruz reacts fox news gop debate hannity httptcob4lzaihok3 via shovel cow manure httpstcowmnt3c3lab jeb forgot big bro destabilized iraq creating isil could even think potus ar im sure im pretty sure american people lost last night think commanded stage harm good america gives fox low marks last night httptcoroehwpn3y5 govmikehuckabee it utmost danger society make religion party political disputes we need aware china russia using technology attack us like isis carly fiorina watch last night think winner loser change mind candidates won people could care less like them want civil rights topic lgbt rights record experience governorperry im ready potus httpstcottnl12dlmn gopdebate stand stage together looks like cabinet meeting people cheering trump booray ben carson im megyn kelly think total idiot response hope rand paul knows country denies domestic terrorism comes specific groups committing crime icymi frank luntz great news ted cruz cruz president httptcoqko1ltdfbp jeb bush the if really want find much damage one family country httptc donald trump becomes president im moving country again far far away terrible comb over winning presidential debate dumbest concept supposed discussion ideas pissing contest odd gop upset obama openly limiting irans weaponry reagan secretly increased it http loved said country needs straighten financial mess you credibility frank crazy republicans losers diss hillary clinton like every two minutes lmaooooooooo think need see birth certificate verify agehis tweets last nite prove 13 gopdebate audience laughs man publicly calls women derogatory names afraid vote libcrib hey way going fool nonsupporters change history cuz say so httpstcournygw9dcv men deciding women cannot bodies world history nutshell historic first republican presidential candidate actively trolling female moderator twitter waters waters rising fast history catching last thats nutshell aldon smith king yes fireso proud boldnessconvictions shining through https last night the someone asked candidates knew nwa stood for the told realtime sketches httptcoxo0jd1mn0c donald trump gave master class get away sexism httptcofwrq8mkztb lame question trump megan kelly son mom stay talking abortions me power want women gopdebate rightwingers general problem dismissingignoring oppression marginalized ppl perry adviser rob johnson trump spent 14 years saying fired perry spent 14 years saying hired huckabee transphobic downright disgusting go donald money going drugs coming in problem w legal immigration gopdebate gt jeb lookedsounded left horror movie showing stunned stilted frozen jeb want president loved said hes made 10 billion dollars america owes 19 trillion activists amp others highlight candidates white supremacist ties during htt sadly theres many lowinfos look kk kanye hillary httptcopjorqqira3 said day every time carly speaks hillary pees little still true know grandpa says something embarrassing christmas roll it last nights disappointed media ampafter think httpstco2dw9wcytwi im basically tears keep yelling separation church state tv httptcoxkjlfivwba oh lordplease help make mashup tonights best one yet amen drudge report trump running away debate gt39 cruz is almost 14 kelly dr carson unqualified misinformed idiot fooling im paraphrasing here ben carson also want follow gods law nonvirgin wives stoning front fathers house looked like fun though think missed swimsuit talent contest rounds htt starting 11 am est join us tweet poverty topics failed address httpstcoutic jut playing 3d chess room full checkers players watching dublin columbus interns supporters rp httptcooomoesnmho fox news last night revealed many us already knew were bush apologists yestrump audience hilarious call women fat pigs tell get knees laugh aw trumps response i think biggest problem country politically correct donald trump uncouth misogynist another thing common bill clinton trump done last night end story gopdebate fun fact carly fiorina one last nights debaters ever given woman orgasm maybe way compete trump bring one duck dynasty characters primary trumps entire performance hate player rules made me love it pictures httptco3wysq41yak running pope president would end political debate asking anyone hearing directly karma httpstcoowsu2wfkm4 jeb bush speaks debate feels like band plays something new album closed captioning actually cat walking keyboard httptcoxpjjoeligm someone crowd ran moderators break suggest it httpstco14at9qpk74 spot believes attitude would enemies reality hits httptcoevs0zzhto5 loaded lol httpstcopywbcnrkn8 katebolduan news reporter care hear personal opinion disdain candidate last nights crazy pretty entertaining think candidates showed presidential stature shame them watched reruns apprentice take notes httpstcolbyjacikkk think single question science conservation climate except maybe would you recap the want make choices women httptconcalkxyw5c trump packed fucks separate suitcase never made ohio best debate ever definitely there massacre fox deliberate attempt smear rs im back perfect time talking tonight 8pm httptcoz5yujsujmg think cthulhu pretty solid choice well really strange political moment brazil us says lot leadership places stop censoring work pointing racism candidates httpstco opinions abound last nights gop debate america starving authentic leadership someone c theres difference policies candidates stand for theyre singing songbook bad son gop think u stay tl ps f amp sockpuppet endorse earth aint you httptcoyxhy6fqkww nyt winners include httptcogjc6r46avi went well masters soon choose candidate carry agenda http fact checking first gop presidential debates washington post httptcoz0mee2wix0 gopdebate trump trumped httptcozwin7p0vhh loved said lenders killers chris wallace exceedingly disrespectful hillary campaign trolling lol httptcooreeee5hfq gotta give props saw ambush calling it ht prioritize attributes produce qualified electable candidate abandon whatevers stuck craw rude throw valium someones mouth theyre talking asking million friends dare try show fruits ted cruz peggebeen fraud gets cooperation true american people fraud impeached watch 2nd string tell 2nd string enough original stupidty hatred standard levels good debate even notice moderators brithume i think clear winner carly fiorina httpstcosqs7sot7su good eyes randikayecnn spotting patriot btl ons show send reward httptco0wr4jcusvs considered opinion winners tonight ted cruz ben carson marco rubio balderdash favorite word describess presidential campaign run many dons two donalds trump duck quack ben carson wants americans tithe federal government think heard hunger games cannon rawstory foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut crickets key youth vote issue last night hillary readies student loan reform rollout httptco huckabee im actually boys gd hes telling say guys photo selfie life mr amp mrs httptcox5l81b1rkv send troops and bets country next gopdebate would nice hear candidate address childhood obesity promoting amp harboring growth youth athletics gopdebate facts httpstconsd1bebdoa possible know going ask questions commercial longer question answer big hit me nsa closing statements real winner is viewership tanks weirdestscariest dream last night thinking messed subconscious 10 men talking planned parenthood many given birthemilyslist tweeting hard thought broke finger nope dislocate it comparing to think canadians big winners tonight insults candidates awkward stagingvideo httptcoydljhghuvy httptcoj1sagvx8ku last nite im amp know luntz focus group means jack lots new cruz voters crew nytimes it compels write cluster words never imagined writing hooray fox news httptcozdj3ligtay wow even saying using everify coming dems side establishments framing election 2016 begins w republican debate httptcoo4frt2fn4i treat everyone equally law great idea lets elect make reality im surprised trump use air quotes says president obama liberals democrat debate interesting me yeah two 70 year old white socialists going it pretty inter get watch last nights sounds like would made mcavoy proud sort proud theres visual evidence ofs thoughts last nights debate im posting pic dog crap 816am last nights debate says several people several reasons httptcoif0rchh2hk pftcommenters national recognition amp hair best thing come httptcokcjlyxbxvq httptcoqm68cvqmve thats broken system that ever benefitted still think awesome bheartland thoughts on httptcovenhprmury still understand hype rubio want marriage guns registered washington 2016 bender starts httptcoxyjnbf0ymi via think made cry proud httptcojxfyammxho only18 months now debris crashed republican party would wash beach somewhere personal front runners aftermath im inclined say stage impressed thought except trump ride ending made donation democratic party middle last nights amp claim party affiliation republican politically convenient moment httptcoo think gop voters would demand asinine im mans man grab cock screw wife amp love jesus dcexaminer hell no think 5 gop candidates cant beat nobody fears anymore thought done wname generators httptco47drztl2q4 httptcok5iarx9idw press release donald trump crowns self winner of unsurprisingly httptcokqcbckbjki httptcoc6qmagevf3 spin room signs necessary know are httptcojocbyoy2xp jeb needs reality check brother messed iraq dont put obama that playbookbreakfast yesterday what well see tonight ison every issue theyre same correct about believe traditional marriage believe samesex marriage too kkkorgop httptcogrw9ck3xcb 22 giving free hat away random first 250 rts go httptcoy4twjwewit big man child donald trump mad megyn kelly calling garbage httptcock0vdcwbzw mind day amp chris wallace terrible job last night losers night thank donald trump httpstcocw81op2bt4 johnkasich hitting nerve country johns standout performance httptcouc6zgujyvm httptcopnpfowv7ix gop decide moves varsity debate goes jv debate she mean me tried calling sexist sure mansplained women behave httpstcofuw1m1u2f9 franklin_graham watch the pray future nation america would turn back god bernie sanders livetweeted httptco0bcp3dhfyq via psa police killed unarmed armed americans isis dont spend 20 secs talking fiftyfifty the stupidity american voter realbencarson httptcopkyjsglvfr tried watch debate instead watched 10 millionaires play grew poorest dr ben carsons closing statements httpstco0fqaljoz3c via now poorly fare amp stopped httptcooc22zjurqm tamronhall takeaway last nights isits pseudorealitytv full idiots lol republican love carson racism loves black man submits lets stop makes laugh httpstco03yplnfagb topics left of 5 debate gunfree zone loved said 4 occasions hes used laws america advantage neither defend tntvote httpstco7vlvrnx8sp things god take care of asked word god yet httpstcoqnzd1e5znb frankluntz think great job panel great see hard questions put forward mannie watching teh dey iz actin liek dum goggies neither moderators yests explicitly refd mvmntno candidate ackit httptcodry03tmgq5 rivaled grand production ringling brothers amp barnum amp bailey circus 10 mudslinging elephants pa donated name the httptcoxdjzv1tr9n florida graduation rate last bush left office httptcoq6zby liar ted cruz liar httptcowilawjohmq cant believe actually happened last night the jut playing 3d chess room full checkers players hangover blues august 2015 edition httptcogytgz2pt43 posted hangover cure drinking game 1 s 4 ht gopdebate econ falters exaggerates good idea httptcorjk8s4hd6f rhondalevaldo one poorest communities country correct whats life like them brother guy almost plunged us great depression telling guy fixed problem amer fox failed statistics explaining gop debate decision httptcojbzchd34wa ht fox news second rate last night fair balanced needs replaced agendas pandering terrible job fox terminate iran deal day one put even crippling sanctions place convince allies says true contenders are and really making case vp nominee though im back perfect time talking tonight 8pm httptcoz5yujsujmg proud americans seeing bias setup trick personalattacks favor 2016 prediction clinton 430 bush 375 trump 189 millions vote bc bush rino httpstcobdsp6ig77v brithume i think clear winner carly fiorina httpstco3jmydidcdf truth set us free donald trump made one shockingly insightful comment money httptcosb4jrvrvmu v winners losers gopdebate gt marco rubio rehashing past florida campaign speechesdont fooled owned gop olde guard needs real job last night want hear clear answers women education taxes immigration you told contestant celebrity apprentice would pretty picture see knees 2016 bender starts now httptcofhpfrhvkje via facebook let people go thanks gave life exact moment killing me arsamandica sexist made sex instead getting white house democrat announces during join republicans making easier iran get nucl longshot republican nomination chose running mate hed vote vigorously defending savaged the great want take positive step state nov 3 please attend httpstc resemblance uncanny httpstcosc4ovc5rsf topics left of 2 50th anniversary voting rights act voting rights mentioned once perfect gop candidate great performance 0 truth rating via touch several important issues trump gets time httptcotvrixug666 speakerboehner time evolve sir httpstcop9fkquzmj8 yes real too thefix wow amazing country live rudeunprofessional elicits praise clintons sat front row trumps wedding score invite chelseas anyone heard god yet jon stewart quits day the feel like going miss greatest comedic election time know last night horribly run liberalscnn say well organized debate winners losers jokers impressed flopped flailed last night httptcof0v7mubkkg gopdebate pundits political analysts wrong people share true political feelings via polls scan social media asked question policing america civil rights movement time walker gentle reminder fired 18000 people hp took 21million httptcoltvjngxobe trump uses money like uses race whats difference like watching bachelorette without rose ceremony i believe people looking someone tell truth social issues section debate httptcooc9cgr7h2z add accomplishments selfies ks httptco1r1lenunu1 really hey donald face face less day ago cast shade twitter httpstcordu8od3tec gopdebate unplanned gop parenthood going trump httptco6rzmowrg8u smearing opponents nazis libzis perverted weapon guarantee genoci brilliant last night always lovecruz cruzcarlyfiorina ticket win h mom sees similarity httptcopem7e9drx6 topics left of 4 entire conversation around lasted total 47 seconds carly fiorina would make phenomenal contrast dilapidated figure dishonest corrupted hilary clinton mt trump stupid rivals highs lows from httptcomylc6y51u6 foxnews opinion trump loses rubio cruz others triumph via httptcoq13vkulp3r httptcoqocnoixedn marco rubio emerges partys brightest star httptcokggnwj9gc4 good point could know lot foreign lands since sends american jobs there htt johnfugelsang nothing new old song dance ben carson end polarization removing health insurance 17 million americans gopdebate stop wasting air time chump waste carry conversation w world leader jokecity fiorina get phone call bill clinton fox news republican debate video httpstco9y3b5zejp5 last night bad tv game show fox embarrassed like wipeout without rubber mallets water hazards donald trump disses megyn kelly shes cxnt httptcovsaqbtkxgk news hey go bringing facts the httpstco0ed8hlhua1 clear conservatives yet going win primary fair treatment media sallykohn somebody slept last election cycles mention complete utter lack enthusiasm left fox news moderators ran show last night exactly way rnc chairman instructed httptcoie55txbvnp kylekulinski cant wait video new hampshire poll paul leads hillary 2 trump losing 10 httptcovxszukmivb think rosie odonnell needs explain anything fat ugly pig children httptco6yknybxlw6 cool shared last night httptcofactlsxf4g httptcopsynbuelhy biggest loser tonights foxnews please stop using 911 get kind bizarre street cred hillary clinton lied about job amp need help the minority community guess said it live chat room spy httptco0k06sf81rq httptcosinu1astps bad job reporter never scold amp say things like you mean tell me better fox slurped hard establishments slurpy got brain freeze offered award conservativescorecard showed colors waiting announce vp subject bloodsuckers httptcob0usrmkb67 thought compelling moment httptcoaq1wazv2s8 topics left of 3 despite centrality many important issues economic inequality mentioned once donald trump democratic debate too check recap last nights httptcofmpcxrrfn3 nytimeskrugman is fundamentally absurd figure rivals httptcoj9mrflrzs6 what saw q session nothing exciting old old thinskinned feel sorry fool us sallykohn last nights doubt corporatocracy rules fox assassins boomerang selfinflicted irrepairable damage httpstcokm9maqd4s8 seriously wish one tonights moderators carlyfiorina ignites interest rivals seek postdebate momentum httptcof5vda4ye9x httptco expect chris wallaced 2nd worst partisan pontificating asshole moderating thehill hillary spent kim kanye httptcoxrafwtxlpz httptco7ugpdcpnon time top candidates discussed facebook 1 donaldtrump 2 ben carsoncarson 3 rand paulul 4 mike huckabee 5 chris christie hope ben carson says using taxes tithes batshit crazy thing said night republicans talk reagan like cowboys fans talk past championships save babies except killed unsecured guns supporters saying treated unfairly yea right httptconjrwoyrrzm paulbibeau never give leverage negotiation starts donald 2015 last night cared money god fetuses greatest takeaway format stinks eliminate moderator questions let candidates actually debate eager see next polls say cause hammered trump hard slow know wil best thing ive read today im forever thankful wit humor willy boy httpstcoovkoims5ty can not god megynkelly completely embarrassing unprofessional last evening true httpstcoajkv9flhpg donald trump latenight angrytweets megyn kelly httptcooqao3th0im httptcopircinlbyl lower attendance national spelling bee opponents probably less qualified httptco tedcruz brilliant last night always lovecruz cruzcarlyfiorina ticket win httpstcoqe4ggapqc1 trump funny unqualified nasty wrongheaded funny gopdebate really thinks us manufacturing competitive laborintensive industries god usual sadism seems telling multiple gop candidates his vote donald trump gets award entertaining alexisinnh fox clearly forgot entire issue someone audience jump in fox big loser last nightgopdebate donald trump always looks like business end fart taste httptcokeb7echcse uptight humourless mean spirited pickle arse bunch fools without redeeming qualities new york times thinks fox news good job matter candidate is trouble wonder 14 people audience way henley concert stuck around walterwhfla absolutely refuse allow speak me ill draw conclusions professor freemans jbf1755 oped perfectly sums last nights state us politics http 100 voting democrat matter what spent night watching could tweet jok carly fiorinas accomplishment i ran top 50 american company ground amp got fired httpstc get uterus well talk agreed well said httpstcon0k0vahzg6 well 14 months this elections consequences lets forget november 2016 believe hes gonna win republican women support attaching last night bad tv game show fox embarrassed like wipeout without rubber mallets water hazards hey media ignore trump maybe hell go away hint gopdebate hugely entertaining sadly learned almost nothing httptco1gt4lreepo realdonaldtrump wild card 2016 presidential race good underestimated httptcobnbpbz82o6 took stroll hashtag spit loads coffee laughing good form progressives djmorrison01 nice job scott walker thinks iran effective antiisil force tied isil candidate consistently talks ampplans cutting forms immigration quickly gain electorates supportgopdebate anyone heard god yet topics left of 2 50th anniversary voting rights act voting rights mentioned once feelings candidate httptcolllpagv2jj megynkelly crazy day fun night exhausting week moments b4 firing big event httptcoo9nfdtytpr ben carson gop depends uneducated voters the purpose military kill people amp break things huckabee route wildly transphobic ive never seen whiteface minstrel show before well kasich gay wedding whats next huge news the huckabee going name 3 black peopl stinks far donaldtrumpforpresident proves hes neanderthal httptcobgysqoiv3k young conservative friends feel awkward support gay marriage decriminalizing marijuana choice so carly fiorina httpstcon1ur11y1gz via think everything could derail the newsflash failed everyone go watch story on needs snaps somewhere white house president barack obama hes even watching httptcoyr doctor worse ben carson bill cosby balderdash favorite word describess presidential campaign run tried watch debate instead watched 10 millionaires play grew poorest foxnews listening radio station calling ab gave tonight everyones drunk kinda racist uncle posts jesus memes facebook x___x leave republican party become democrat httptcod3wg jeb needs reality check brother messed iraq dont put obama that somewhere world isis member telling jeb bush you lie came power brother america could trump serious contender lead country media failed ceo calls former flotussenatorsos liar wins sad httpstcokwnktgkbm5 made donation democratic party middle last nights amp claim party affiliation caucus republican insiders calls first debate disaster httptcoubw0txlvwv came back us time maybe bill watterson well httptcokfc4f8okyd finest httpstco3vyuksnrwe got like httptcoq8xvmzu0fd gopdebate said others said said daniel drezner v david frum httptcohjsmezcpni were long nomination fight one political pundit tells after httptcocxg2q6ooyn gopdebatetrump ignorant presidential class money clearly money cant buy u class amp skipped dignity too well going ball weekend last nights possible know going ask questions yall want look criminal activity planned parenthood police force ok what first thing defrosted im disappointed never bothered ask candidates believed guy httptcotouqqtdxzy democracy led us maybe head back trees definitely noticed definitely appreciated definitely acceptable httpstco1v4tvjla6c ask presidential candidates god sent message drop w tardis well gopdebate politically correct nothing bad manners btw earned spot big table next debate think scott walker brought harley reason president new american exceptionalism suck everyone better us theyre perfect post hangover cure the washingtonpost collab w pretty awesome httptcoy7hxub2yaz annotation cool httptcow biggest disappointment time spent talking gay marriage improving economy recap the want make choices women httptcorpqiu6ulvo spotted american rockstar turns around youll know right away httptcoerulgfolwz asian success debunks liberal debate httptcowfcpvvp5l3 sorry get political makes sick httpstcon3azl0wa gopdebate yes everyone ups downs really debate 10 candidates enough time hear individually put lord grantham charge donald trumps finances disappointed lack respect fox news moderators towards candidates look jeb coming throwing gwb bus iraq war needs often recap the want make choices women httptcohxhahglayq realdonaldtrump insult everyone amp call stupid cries tough fair questionsgopdebate embarrassed news forway conducted giggles snark amp fangs blatent bias unprofessional going vote trump ill definitely let guest write burn book loaded lol httpstcopywbcnrkn8 would also prefer uterus registered washington loved said insurance companies control politicians summary candidates last night mouthbreathing pasteeating poster children banality evil im waiting day donald trump pulls face revealed character performance andy kaufman recap the want make choices women httptcogndrtlfsnt talkpoverty dems done poor last 60 years trapped them time realdonaldtrump see httpstcopsn0asmewp know won abraham lincoln lost last night photo think me httptcotodpctjjbf combover hair needs perfect physical representation denial rewatching gop forum interesting candidates answered questions terms inclusion vs exclusion spot about httptcoig0r1lasko httpt theworstpartofdepressionis u self harm things like watch dodges media state fair hours first httptcok7xm1gybsu ha respect women recap the want make choices women httptc marklevinshow no sell souls httptco1ijlcmqlh8 realdonaldtrump says fox news anchors fair him httptcodgav1xxbn0 httptcouqq5sqlbyi donald trump latenight angrytweets megyn kelly epic httptcosoayxrxptl facebook during 75m ppl us made 20m interactions likes posts comments shares related the purpose military kill people break things thought military national security whys for one explain vision next 4 years yet clear choice ted cruz gop debate cleveland god speaks bible httpstcoehkqwoe2cy this worst miss america competition ever seen thejoemoses awkord correct suppose mean talk hand aiiamericangiri holy cow smoked chris matthews skipping the somewhere important be prepping future organizing america with hey feel left lies gotrumps hair smallest yes lets cut congressional pensions trumps big beautiful door httptcof2cr23uxfl gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcoh5xbibvgst httptcof9yh5lafmu gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcookoqzojxfj httptcoytusgmoclg recap the want make choices women httptcozkqdhtkqhs top issues discussed facebook 1 immigration 2 racial issues 3 economy 4 education 5 abortion thecrazyones completely thrown away separation church state watching last night made donation planned parenthood httpstcohwbfq67b6c last nights topics merited attentionwhich ignored erichaywood got man ben carson like httptconcwnw9jttt recap the want make choices women httptcoygm8arcwzo ignorant close minded stupid fuck prerequisite joining last night really happen kind collective twitter fever dream marcorubio make happen capn responses spot on thank you sure long up full video last nights primetime httpstcozhuac3yflv gopdebate winners megyn kelly carly fiorina hopefully hillarys bernies finance teams watch party trump debate state democratic headquarters last night great show httptco2h47tkg2lk candidates wrong httptcoefp81zsufp megynkelly ask candidates commit defunding light videos chuckwoolery im hoping opportunity vote time ca primary cones around obvious last night wants bush win gave softballs night long lizclaman taking step back among gop candidates stature stand next totoetotoe with say putin thank you finally rational analysis httpstcohyeysm3zu9 ever think hear pimps prostitutes drug dealers taxpayers gop debate mike huckabee made happen marcorubio part luntz focus group report received consistent amp highest favorable ratings gopdebate cant help think smith matrix theyre multiplying looking forward potus whining amp trash talking twttr summit meeting holds world leade think question begin fair amp balanced httptcotkeadpd5mf didnt see the heard entertaining democratic debates om unless im mistaken admitted would rather allow woman die get abortion first question god gives unconditional love im going give people around me someone stage recap the want make choices women httptcomixjekcsa4 thehill ok also running story live tweeted gained 10k followers shown republicans answers futuremore interested turning back clock progress good people us fucking dumb possibly be httptcoad1lxazugq respecting life include black lives taken police realdonaldtrump dodged questions like first 48 suspect lol smearing opponents nazis libzis perverted weapon guarantee genocidegopdebate gopdebate reps r like minions searching 4 guy acts evil 2 make boss could learn movie gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcofcdtvmr4k9 httptcoveyi4rwlq2 chris christie using classic tactic debate strategy httpstcop3kdzhzak8 amymek status single broke last night goodbye amp chris wallace httptcoyeoe8fze8a sure long up full video last nights primetime httpstco9hm7sp8dcy chewbacca roaring every while would fit right in httptco5phvkdbkrs via gopdebate went well masters soon choose candidate carry agenda httptcox8uwh4kowv entertainment finest cant help wonder reacting lack there another performance like that political operatives sides digging backgroun seriously want know messages sends gop candidates mean telling ted cruz every day crickets key youth vote issue last night hillary readies student loan reform rollout httptcof9dfwmqt2o understand statement correctly mike huckabee believes fertilized eggs able vote woman vote donald trump no dems would never agree let fox host debate bc bias business answering tough qs gma the last nights gop debate piersmorgan think pursuance yday total waste time or gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptco8pxivxhnxb govmikehuckabee tell truth tonigh norahodonnell honestly think much better questions asked governor kasich disappointed supporters stop whining questionsand tell trump next time actually prepare instagram need free acct legitimate convo highlighting real concerns its blood jesus christ cash koch brothers sins redeemed scott walker c christie 911 happened state running collapsing south tower day idea nj gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcotdlf7jc3ig fox news kills momentum amp may made stronger httptcoujagblg1uq trump says time political correctness questioned negative remarks women chairmanl watched debate know say something often enough must true gerrymander gerrymander gerrymander sorry bitches im going broadway rather watch httptcog4abpfagzg gotta give props saw ambush calling it httptcoqtnxztdjis cant wait see lannister kill next episode httptcol6wv7vkmk0 via watching last night made afraid politicianseven donald trump candidates honestly terrify one actually elected country fucked gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcov4wnjcy9sw somewhere whitehouse httptcooyzwnvvplv john gambling right debate group interview controlled moderators get time stage one youth notes moderators feed questions candidates fit talking points want marriages registered federal government either whats difference moderators cookie monster cookie monster haves arm gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcox9otkzly5o people color audience im asking friend wait guys conspiracy get liberals drink death elusive words pretty much forgot say middle class httptco0ezyv77wmd trump railed lose nominee back party cant said general election back country remind were obligated import third world welfare cases wreck schools httpstcox9rqvsil at others treated like treat cranky toddler nice stay calm know find new toy play soon one white woman killed illegal immigrant law black women die police custody all lives matter find funny candidates claiming victory last night several strong contenders clear winner gopdebate results fox cancellations httpstcox4qbvogqwi trumps evidence mexico sending baddies talked border patrol agent confirmed it never able tell debate moderators support really blew yesterday heard rumor several republican candidates used prepare first democracy ever sale w gop debate accessible pay cable tv bernie sanders president watching weak ass last night everybody propaganda puppets im looking debate like httptcogeasg40bqd coincidence killed another 215000 jobs day the look dad poor piece shit so know get it foxnews one goal amp one goal only profit american tragedy is one whole political party guinea pig marisol_bello news anchor asked millions ppl remain assistance get job facial expressions couldve entire segment something completely different gop primary debate doubt fox throws heat clowns rt think carly debate line go home now true winner is gt hate concept abortion evolved trump common sense leave atlantic city us common sense never go first pl are httptcod6ptfwe7n0 postgopdebate results republicans watching covina httptcopie8ujpda1 resemblance httptcowamydoulqs recap the want make choices women httptcowzktuumia5 and spinman perpetuates establishment narrative httpstcot5piokhd2z 1st done amp debate harry nilsson belongs jump fire httpstcoi3vlazalep probably go check out feed the quality stuff httpstco2rk59aihzi foxandfriends look progressive liberal media outlets praising performance nuff said cbsmiami deep r skeletons15yr scam made m 2007 prees ads httptcoijf80eooet like live world people think ted cruz ever president expect huckabee white paper pimp tax okayall really learned republican debate bell means absolutely nothing george bush take heart httptcocsagybaejh gopdebate 1 b potus however see really great cabinet choices donald trump meltdown megyn kelly fox news cut pieces debate httptcof7ivridmu9 loved first super storms raging fires oceans rising anyone remember mention global climate change the totally think tanned trump gaffe presidential candidates mind john kasich next president mike huckabee the purpose military kill people break things everyone right now http megynkelly awesome thought professional pleasant watch great questions btw huckabee says military killing people breaking things reaffirms prolife totally makes sense hilarious watching usual shills trying undermine morning ahahahahaha nhgop built this httpstcogfl7ihpzkf donald trump like dirty old alcholic uncle somehow got elected mayor linnyitssn ace hole ohio republicans must win ohio billionaire donald trump made msm cannot taken msm rush limbaugh quote httpstcouknljpkwwf know bad trump comes looking like champ situation jindal wanna come here legally learn english roll sleeves get work gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcoybba83gtmy gopdebate httptco1cj3zy1u4w alexhalperin thanks made donation everyone needs donate planned parenthood watching x___x leave republican party become democrat httptcod3wg0dmyyb divisive question httpstcogzzocpgsyv what going veterans god loves us all thank you gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcox9otkzly5o gopdebate httptco3ewf8wo8cq trump megyn kelly time political correctness neither country rand paul cornering smattering applause demographic gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcop8qau5ovow gopdebate httptcodg6vjjvbev gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcoihtva9rv9y gopdebate httptcopiygozgenz gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcotdlf7jc3ig gopdebate httptcoiu9ibu36zy saw limp balloon made think last night alexandersoros obvious last nights sealed deal amazing shande 4 democracy summary im best worst httptcodgnzp2lpgr soon many us realize every person america obligated believe believe must learn to straight outta compton commercial during fox news viewers across country call police tvs awwwww poor donald trump on the questions nice httptconpznjv5sti httptcomdqp4owhdo realdonaldtrump well pot calling kettle black know is mt peddoc63 times changed pieter_gericke httptcokj1xkusmlk postdebate thoughts never thought ds would like megyn kelly much rs hate her id want watch fox news candidates absolute disaster abortion rights kharyp nrabacked bill enables people severe mental illness buy guns httptcopsfpch5wnh holy crap republicans amp facts go together like opposing poles magnet no stupid debate best experience life tough race sure also get sense actually competent executive hillary clinton pretends be neve willneal001 definitely there massacre fox deliberate attempt smear rs watch heres list faves thus far walker fiorina rubio everyone else heres camille paglia camille paglia kasich mensch party parakeets httptcohxyjouzmje via problem politically correct many americans antiintellectual ignorant arthura_p foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut winner is twitter glad see jesus got shoutout las nights debate candidates pushing envelope protip watch drink never again i remember got bed varneyco confrontative conservative feel represented him closed captioning best part httptcod0ndrmoa91 httptco8jz2u7vt5o award disingenuous statement last nights goes doubletalk httptco76tpcvsjwd cant stand hearing politicians evade questions use question asked to instead give spiel megynkelly successfully made intention wanted destroy backfired foxnews ask rubio gang ocho hear anything talking points marco gopdebate watched primary debate history 99 viewers say drinking game httptcoubv8z4m5q8 3 moderators 6 days intensive training trill r rubio tonight everything said aca total distortiongopdebate httpstcop8q3ukmez2 spectacle thinskinned petulant misogynist bully took center stage at trumpet man reveals lit really captured schism bt fox news professional production design team amp intellectual dimwit but someone really needs convert last nights play esp good boys school 10 angry men httptcosqe gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcop4lntsuxkl httptcouarud3sk0f google search report last nights reveals people idea issues facing us httpstco2lh0lmj5lo 24 things guys totally look like httptcoqgguob2kf6 httptcom5fqw7vvjf realdonaldtrump whine whine whine boohoo got hard questions gopdebate sitting local laundromat listening people talk about one grandma says this country backwards wit yeah im sticking independent tough words donald trump way obamas gonna get reelected now yes ridiculous that sentedcruz spot wish understood terrorist threat well do gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcot0k3ookwm0 httptcoypsx9rov1q drudge_report_ dominate speaking time at 317 httptcojsx9gbxg0j strike four mcbyrne trump threaten megyn kelly drama queen lets pay teachers less somehow making teach better jeb bush props anchors asking tough questions usual debate last night republican candidates avoid first debate httptco2jru5jnujs im sorry tweets im dam pissed off smethanie sure god told run tooth fairy agreed teletubbies voted yes am the bragged defunding tell many abortions action responsible for 1 year 3months guys lets get together they call jeb uh yeah name cheers audience aftertrump defiantly named woman called fat pig voices gop constituents need brain httpstcou77g7opuky thank you exposing donald trump fraud is thank you master class get away sexism courtesy httptcoot8etxtujc via quite entertaining read countries headlines vs american ones sensibility elsewhere giv anyone point one substantive answer given last night 2a apart come up 100 vote donald trump if end this looks directly camera shouts the aristocrats trumps platform essentially everyone moron winning primary might prove point wondering got bigger ratings ors farewell babies products sick httptcomnhkeppmo9 rand paul jealous httptcogwnboq9zj4 funniest reactions httptcobhgmkw8qsc via clear federal government involved setting education curriculum states that lets admit it best showman thats takes win show like saddest part said large segment crowd whooping said gives damn christs sake toughen buttercup sick politically correct bull chyt httpstcoasquafnubu cnn no watched couple kids argue better birthday work figure went similar way last nights felt like stefon sketch new yorks hottest nightclub in florida call jeb httptco9ft0fprk5t jebbush living proof privilege guarantee victory put ball tee yet failed hit ball gopdebate bunch uncivil human beings spewing vile lack respect other want one leader fashion politics httpstcohvdnlwytc3 imagine saddened rosie odonnell must be diversity code word white genocide httptconsmux1vswi blacklivesmatter activists amp others highlight candidates white supremacist ties during httptcofymwbqshll scott walker cut answers short last night finishing allotted time marquette u weve seen before got sent screenshot sister mean come on httptcoc3nt about megyn lets get ahead ourselves thats long way off ask folks theyll support wi actually dont sucked last time checked u hurting httpstcowxsm51afti last nights topics merited attention ignored httptcompfrhtjumg greatest thing ever httpstcorkkuhet4js gopdebate moderators asked do believe conflict root cause terror usas priority gopdebate made pumped politics next year evidence ill ask again evidence have americans think probability becoming president less 50 gop debate news trump shocks gop faithful httptcofiu8xexfzh httptcod5seyjnd7w gopdebate really captured schism bt fox news professional production design team amp intellectual dimwit but entertaining hosts gopdebate display people proud ignorant gopdebate shows clear winner firing squad went although dismal past performance records clearly display neat 2see realworld events like impact search volumes many canadians followed httptcowvgc2an9pt johnkasich ive always underestimated donald trump summarized words im perfect everything say perfect even disgusting insults aimed women thing heard last night jerry jerry jerry jerry jerry jerry jerry jerry least canadian debate eyecandy it httptcomlww1ivpuh check out tweet storm foxs httptcoq7choikd7l httptcowrlf1sndsa cnbc u bother mention misrepresentations the trust ur summary financials watched piece shit bother saw true colors gopdebate winners trump cruz carson kasich huckabee fiorina megan kelly tweets say httpstcocvkzqinxu1 httpstcokihafycss7 gop setup fail changesbenefitsincentivesbreaks govt parents choose to be hillary clintons response the guys ok secure thousands votes illegals watching 2nite place 2b httptcofabiesqyeu gop establishment might like trump base nurtured surely do httpst last nights topics merited attention ignored httptcos90ginhwom last nights topics merited attentionwhich ignored httptco5xre9owpq0 cc recap outside always best part tbh httptcopilrfpa6hc takeaways rubio cemented damn good candidate christie reminded everyone hes legit kasich stood w time given gopdebate never lose focus truly important issues amp httptcooxiow3yjs4 media trust nyc steeet kid trump playing money going out drugs coming in maybe make drugs legal tax em bro bragging bc dad organized security still many candidates living today yesterday npr im sure immigrant song came pick trump likely start war county personal insult kim kardashian kanye wests selfie hillary clinton important anything said the kasich waffled marriage equality foxy rowdy republican debate questions long amp loaded debate candidates informing httptcorrqntaak3x but but see donated to hey pot met kettle httptcodeleaasxh6 watch ted cruz were going win 2016 need consistent conservative httptcofkxcz7a6 militantjd anymore negative setups questions jesus thinks jerk httptco4kfjgznymx bell last night like doorbell made dogs go nuts watching now repeat kimkardashian really woman supports people would dad hung streets really hope white hetero cisgender men get marginalized groups work dismantling tonights igno scottwalkers line ons knowledge emails pretty good huge local ratings nashville last night 143 show nashville yesterday got 9 rating media call carly fiorina female gop candidate democrats one anyone white rubio man right now wellspoken impressive newsweek priceless favorite picture speaks volumes amazing man literally cant tell snl not lots calling trump big loser last night goof sure anyone anything shake numbers watching ask trump sexist stuff easy crowd roars misogyny want carson operate me likely emerged winner sharing second stage shining brightly first one want know say commercial breaks mitt edward everett compared httpstcoot0urekl43 hey megan kelly little snarky any word god question cute clever commentary needed last nights ftw mr trumps questions tougher anyone elses get center stage gotta able take heat the 10 7 white men talking making america great again part history going back t the arose ashes cuck america marxist left again httpt facial expressions couldve entire segment liberals care rosie odonnell actually watchin whole gop going crazy carly fiorina thats surprising gop loves people knows crash economy made clear probirth prolife realdonaldtrump country mess mods attack personal hate makes sad americangopdebate becketadams way dems ever much fun realdonaldtrump bimbo because media bias no lied like rug least lied coherently cant even that turns word sal gopdebate horrible tag know im going vote candidates fact white america ok them chrissy tingles matthews gets ass handed carly fiorina httptcoh5p56xx2rg are father bristol palins baby httptcocokkks1ugj gopdebate pre r vs w visited friends hospital home abortions young pale rendered infertile forget httpstcof5noffa8uy howardfineman verdict on trump trips trumpism wins httptcojapp3pbi8u gopdebate may mostwatched primary debate historytwice big previous record httptcon9klq6ujjf wonder wanted cheese whine whined night long like big fat babycurtisellis wow apparently trump got even whiny defensive debate class big mouth yeah great presidential material question walker nothing race criminal justice either guess fox gop know white audience care floggermiester get wants honest one wants arrogant unethical president reviewbush kasich ehhuckabee christie ok wanted morepaul cruz rubio trump walker carson overallgood group mrtrump called women fat pigs dogs slobs disgusting animals only rosie odonnell laughter applause howard kurtz bragged abt liberals sch huffpo complimented fox lol thinks r happy abt that httpstcobj8s48rk6b early numbers suggest mostwatched primary debate history httptcoweyg5zlnsk mike huckabee seems like one guys would get caught twink airport bathroom issue isnt guy w 16 followers issue trump agreed w enough rt httpstcorrlllvatet rarely say it props 2 asking tough qs at w special link conservatives could amp thank fighting for sanctuary cities major issue texas nationwide someone go give ben carson pep talk seems defeated mean ever win sounds sad now us respond vladmir putin see republican candidates repsonse httptcoki38dkysct memo constitution united states protects womans right choose country runaway money worships popularity surprising gopdebate failure httpstcooamvkffo5q radical islamic terrorism really cruz cannot talk wealth disparity last night tax breaks rich httptconmqgeyup4x gopdebate struck jeb saying humbly urged people vote get chance great leaders humble lincoln reagan move gents two debates one winner carly httptcokuevblsugk via ought depress every patriotic american men stage best candidates billionaires could buy iamrobineublind foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut ill admit ofs commentary quite hilarious paul brilliantly got christie admit would violate 4th amendment course one building cares audience like woo yeah constitution rocks stinger credits rhondalevaldo working poverty issues ted cruz looks like poor actor prosthetics replaced crispin glover back future part 2 actually trump live least violent time human history god mes hair letting people outside us see this right lets clear nerve donald trump hitting white supremacy thinking getting tickets next months birthday wanna chip in donald trump wins election well know were biffstolethealmanac timeline httptco6f7jebmo9k nwlc whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via thought copd bad woke morning bad case gopd hope xlax kicks soon chris 911 christie 911 mentions 911 every 911 911 minute political 911 reasons crystalprebola made fool herself lost lot respect many rt even ready watching tonights debate rt lot good people running thats takeaway please tell anyone playing obamacare drinking game happened first half com note hillary launch student loan reform package monday something discuss resonates ladies gentlemen boys girls ages 2015 httptco6r6olwtqts gopdebate results httpstco3jlaqxzfaa trumps platform essentially everyone moron winning primary might prove point ben carson moved draft board sneaky quickness reads field well personal view guy httptco1alj9cpicg please ask democrats god debates audience boo totally stay tuned god megyn ignore would know 6million people httpstcotevcpjqeia please stop talking ronald reagan way ronald reagan talked abraham lincoln via httptcozota3qu9qc cnn watch last night 8 takeaways event httptco3ni1gb0sqi anyone stop isis 90 days thats setup question choosing presidential candidates based much entertain us politixgal never give leverage negotiation starts donald 2015 ohhhh honesty beautiful soul make us love larronb overall candidates demonstrated competence command issues amp shared optimistic vision thts mttrs speakthequiet carson polling 2nd disproves despite yrs calling president n word since went get hair done last night miss new comedy show err mean theso it wait anyone bring climate change green energy debate last night trumpratings overnight numbers seemed surpass everyones expectations httptcog3aawdobpd regular reminder republican party values fetuses highly people carry them live im one taken 12 brain u would think someone washington h got 15 back talking iran isis killed 685 americans police have entertainment finest cant help wonder reacting lack thereof citiz4solutions solutions based science solutions republican debate newspaper front pages httptcohbnsjancgp huckabee the purpose military kill people break things thought military national security debate panel make think this httptcoeq8d6audqm newsweek whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via gop going crazy carly fiorina thats surprising gop loves people knows crash economy realdonaldtrumps narcissism got way outrage voters found appealing httptcobqrolmrwre get bunch facebook comments bitten radioactive spider need expand need unabashed it httptco5gvkan7xwm one question climate change environment gopdebate when guy hillbillyville kentucky pointed fat guy huggin black guy lol lot god going last night used admire back actor politician hes white privileged asshole alldigitocracy little the closest got kasich defending ohs medicaid e looking sift bulls jon stewart put well httptcogaloiw0dvy gopdebate men stop trying control womens bodies laws hard teach no means no meaningful way low bar set mostly impressed withs ability act like sense stage learned ronda rousey knock someone less time takes politician answer question think im one liked the im glad tough questions bat know stand issues mikehuckabee really good career prospect open mic comedian rules used require audience stay silent trusting audience boo applaud genius http answer important question yes joe flacco is fact elite quarterback way handled debates last night would fair wairtime amp appropriate johnb631 jb fun watching hope pick good one amp trump run 3rd party excited see personal favorites continue last night sane person thinks 1st matter soulless pittiful assholes who chris wallace megyn kelly bret baier spoke 31 minutes 53 seconds roughly 2 broadcast 317 time demagogues megalomaniacs machiavellian words kept coming mind watching maybe definition winning debate different trump answering questions providing credible answers hmm news father first person ever graduate college in family missing alldigitocracy little the closest got kasich defending ohs medicaid expansion last night paul show us face donald beat many times possible watching the might well hand election party bencarson2016 believable funny guy great hands polls show increase lead winamerica trusts httptcogka0v49alb blaming misogynistic attitudes absolutely ridiculous proved ridiculous anyone campaigns public office becomes disqualified holding office all thomas more utopia okay top two three things read listen debate last night that is and gopdebate ratings fox news reportedly draws record audience republican debate httptco8hpdus1kud ricksantorum brings full crazy gop debate compares samesex marriage abortion slavery httptcoohxdllknvx future gop debates hillary clinton http cant take questions based history wo going off inability take heatproblem us axis evil httptcophvvbb7cfc wow megan kelly bombing debate ask questions cant handle it anyone watched probably go read neil postmans amusing death asap ridiculous megan kelly thinks show her biggest positive audience responses rhetoric actively killing people ampor letting women die im taking poll think debate last night rt answer gopdebate one looking real smart bunch ofstill em showed wth good spirits amp smartness donalddonald kinda liking prez slightly disappointed bring many opportunities puns single question s penis last night httptco7a6fwkam8k one watch something else 9pm move back spot shoutout six hour turnaround beast mode made mockery last night look forward megynkelly really awful last night hope one lets host awful ugh awkward bentonlee1 rt drmartyfox wins drudge debate poll landslide httptc gopdebate winners yesterday carly ben carson marco rubio and sadly big govt mike huckabee carly knock christie stage looking ats liveblog im proud livetweeting play play par with httptcospz56hetpg candidate rejects common core without legitimate thoughtful alternative taken seriously guys thanks unfollowing masses last night guy hosting periscope stream im watching took bong hit sane th think everything could derail the newsflash failed guys weve cured racism realize now congrats all greta last night jumped top list record audience last night record numbers people call sick work today sdblanke bush cheney raped plundered pillaged whole world b4 left office obama killed one really bad guy black huckabee need leader believes one nation god separation between church and state cant accuse bigoted token woman amp token black amp hispanic watching the garbage opression prejudice debate httpstcolqdsrbjml4 realdonaldtrump pretty much eliminates need political satire mans walking article im noticing none republicans give straight answer tedcruz lets get rid every executive action ever get rid everything believe despite popular belief ive nice you trump told kelly although could probably maybe be httptco1bcqcmlfry wxyzdetroit whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via police divide us policing black communities violent way giving us different realities re police violence spot on httpstcotrefevibwu scott walker video highlights httpstco1ybwuamd4o via realbencarson class act meanwhile writers room tonight httptcoqvm1vc3bz3 im ready fire politicians summer fun im quite sure feel fact august politics makes worse waited candidate jump comment say one speak women like that would have summer fun im quite sure feel fact august politics makes worse common refrain at blame political correctness unpopularity gop positions vs dunno unpopularity positions correctrecord foxgop party hunger gamesdemagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut quite social liberals last nights stage jus saying gopdebate early numbers suggest record audience httptcoasons3bsg6 clue silent majority thinkingyour mindset comes frm 2 pop touch httpstcomnvfxqevmk rand call reagan conservative lets remember many times raised taxes nice making joke fill void honest heartfelt evening rubio cruz carson top dawgs last nights debate walker huckabee also great mmentsgopdebate wanna know rally generation care next presidential election get watch west wing billoreilytv bill detests jeb shows program fairgopdebate lost lot respect amp treatment soi working last night watch the anybody issue solid call and im really impressed s ability roll eyes right u think survivors fox massacre debate realize that httpstcodtvsb531lt fking entertaining illegal httptco9johdui7m9 via misogyny ugly even uglier cheered unchecked httptcotrr03fxfzg i know someone decided abortion new i black friends candidates start talking upbringing roots always reminds this httpstcomr38nehahk factchecking gop debate late edition httptcovyjl9fkxx6 gopdebate looked like fun though think missed swimsuit talent contest rounds httptcoot7dafq8hi next september 16 cnn rules fox news debate top 10 amp alsorans think fiorina makes main one whos out fox2news whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via would thought silly social media site called would one day sponsor martha maccallum gets credit asking whether christians religious liberty doublestandard muslims theeconomist clear winner evening carly fiorina httptco7ktiqpddot httptcon3tkqx2ka7 agree disagree and thats hes one lead the httpstcormd1pfxxnz foxnews debates hands down lets talked her since journalists point out one mention voting rights gop debate 50th anniversary vra ronald raven character created gop influence children sidekick klu klux klam unlike republicans vote based solely gender unreal articulate compared ive never huge christie fan hes made point mention entitlement reform one rt cheryl_now amen gentleman definitely vote love stands for httpstcoanzmdiorve looks like last night highest rated primary debate history httptcovjrfupgvqn nothing really matters world going better place need total sea change human condition the purpose military kill people break things dreamdefenders black activist censored httptcom6affskjmc jeb bush says key defeating isis voting the iran fighting isis andykhouri never give leverage negotiation starts donald 2015 candidates best lines first httptcoi6hvhfv3az republican debate 2016 full republican debate video gop republican debat httpstcozk56t7go0s case missed it repealing doddfrank wise basically taught us need address climate change god bless us forever clean planet bentonlee1 rt drmartyfox wins drudge debate poll landslide httptco6lz5psafms borrowed someone else true least good laughs httptcojxjn0mjqby watched clip trying bully got rear handed him ironic 2 strongest candidates attacked silenced now msm httptcowhnkokbwlh surgeon generals warning drinking every time candidate says something stupid kill you seriously http remembers much made fun w primaries remembers taking white house twice http still recovering caddyshack amc proportionate response plutocratic bologna missed driving mother road take satisfying bowel movement bushland texas h comcast even live tweet internet slow world lesser msgdannyret never give leverage negotiation starts donald 2015 mess httpstco93sdctvcq9 trumps obamacare response dumb defies imagination 7 candidates better job talking issues related poverty last nights last night watching httptcorzkxfgu9sr tpm huckabees right cant cinc site mlk praying jefferson lincoln car keys him true avoided livetweeting the indeed stop watching appreciate talked hugging comedians won america lost failure political process age im sleepy last night exhausting might need beer wake up h ppact uses strike back gov walkers remarks httptco0xunyhicfj httptco6rym6w4v1e psychotic huckabee cruz walker pick probably cruz given day 1 goals presidency wants watch debate spoon fed little baby questions gopdebate person worse kasich last night megyn kelly gopdebate proves gop impressive pile shit voters saw thru loved asked rhetorically how hillary clinton going lecture me rands performance looks even worse contrasted dad used stay calm used substance debates bombast fact people saying won first gopdebate speaks volumes gops chances 2016 watching the candidates simply zero understanding international httptco0p808jghri megynkelly megyn candy crowley kelly enough said foxnews missed driving mother road take satisfying bowel movement bushland texas httptcoe0huw70rrr factchecking the late edition httptco4uvt0ktlxz httptco3xfxlefvbr megynkelly remember complained abt exactly tonight httptcotx many rhinos pack audience with candidate issue httptcock7xvwzzsx 6dodges makes u electible would u beat hillarydemocratic rms rick vatz says got snookered by httptcoyetxhn47xo foxnews gt raised hands too jon stewart america needs you smh at guess logical thing attack democrat way go republicans smethanie sure god told run tooth fairy agreed teletubbies voted yes am happened education last nights debate hardly came httptco15srswwuee even perry mentioning his secretary state running httpstcobcqso1az29 httpstcopp6uzvfqql ive given plenty money mess httpstco93sdctvcq9 hsmselfie looks like presidential candidate watched amp httptcow1v7phcoph meanwhile hillary clinton leads example pays women less men httptcopdjp3qe4cu anyone noticed trump zealots like old ron skilled stacking polls too hsmselfie looks like presidential candidate watched with httpstcow4ivyzql1u gopdebate questions good delivery professional the vampire rises dawn scarborough matthews blow ons debate night coverage httptcosxrwfvd6bg whywearealaughingstock gkmtntwits new statement on debate embarrassment trump responds question misogyny misogyny httptcopb5cgmo3v5 httptco8pfdgltnaw fox proved msm belong antirepublican media group dumpsterdiving questions set bad tone foxy rowdy republican debate really disappointed me biased much httptcorrqntaak3x gopdebate wants hopeful optimistic message like war iran attacking social security tactics voter suppression gopdebate well wins latino voters vote democrat while they the american people want president tell truth sen ted cruz http thank goodness old quips platitudes slogans obamacare without those many questions would answers httpstconhvrakpt8t please join congratulate success 1st debate httptco7am5odcbvw we need build wall httptcociyednftrh watchign knock self righteous fat half wit f worth it great reality tv whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lf conveniently candidate received word god president look poor sick amp disenfra republicans respect rights unborn fetuses respect rights living women disgusting guy vote httptcoyq7hu3uv7s jeb bush somewhat impressive unlike trump surprised megopdebate hey stage names enjoyed last night think trump stumbled rubio solid retweeted comment calling bimbo last night man hates women front cant put donald trump place deserve potus take away could better much better time w worst stage play ive ever seen lindacohn belong people like 9 puppets running country ground years cnn whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via baxter bean 19h19 hours ago if guns kill people strickly forbidden anywhere nea you failed american people tonight tried make history destroying little history truly re immigration sparring httpstcom59gdl3zgt miss worries heres doodled recap via nation httptco6tf5eiocxq htt mad moderators candidate cant handle tough question maybe reconsider wonder fifty years now republicans still blindly cite reagan justify everything do s tongue loose prostitutes vagina ok sure scott walker interesting candidate httpstcoqrbqcmebuf republicans still republicans watching tbh id run far away party possible boy itll awesome president trump calls angel merkel bimbo hes cool kijivu gorilla prague zoo reacts primate aggression displays us httptcosmmtaq0kjg going find enough ppl snl sketch joke say verbatim quotes hila wow forgot chris christie even there smell desperation flop sweat salami would tipped off top picks grapesfrog see last night hard time finding live video here think wanted visible crying mean him bunch clowns trump antifragile last night full honesty clarity full jokes watched yet cause busy persianing im kind scared anyway conservative attila hun amp im not sternnschool whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via perfect httpstcor5ozztaeab chris christie wants collect records terrorists may suggest httptcoxtd2pmyfcf rand paul manner fellow turns every town meeting led away podium she yes megyn believe killing mothers id kill mother get elected gopdebate give trump chance answer important question still winner donald says no1 thought abt immigration reform came along true trying figure deport big mistake wallace questions business tactics never question trump business completely thrown away separation church state check out tweet storm foxs httptcoq7choikd7l httptcowrlf1sndsa would suitable drink drinking game httptcollspafhla0 littleredblog foxgop partys hunger games demagog foodfighter httptcoygmgbavqut knocked park first debate night who fuck john kasich nytpolitics really focusing on nothing important say the key takeaways s secondstage white house debate httptcod7lf5hpwfy _hankrearden knows either identify as kaisch tanked one point justifying government expansion ohio sounds unionish isis we time tone go get job done blahi hangover debate last night god forbid fools win white house well overdose thanks trump shattered viewership records many voters introduced candidates know ex rand paul looked woefully underprepared came armed zingers attitude respond comebacks jaw still floor mike huckabees comment military existing kill people break things what dc37deborah thought would enjoy recap the httpstco6ke7zryepz sane person thinks 1st matter soulless pittiful assholes vote primary closing statements paul im different kind republican ive ferguson amp baltimore chicago amp detroit gopdebate understatement boycott foxnews except sean hannity httpstcolbt61ilrxx wonder ronald reagans ghost could feel candidates sucking dick hate concept abortion great lets provide contraception healthcare education retweet also think candidates reads last column httptcotow0jnjvw1 trump showed belong gop favor better ratings amp brought personalities ideas candidates bernie sanders on women httptcoidt6j3lbj1 work last night missed anyone record it need leader white house community organizer cnn cnn fact checks 2016 republican debates httptcoo5mplrlitj one take away gop debate would choose hillary clinton bernie sanders including 500 crowd republican debate was interesting see snapchat details foxy rowdy republican debate least could understand amp get best advise available httptcorrqntaak3x loved cluelessness invoking reagans name considering reagan made deals w them still deciding huge audience real interest car wreck theory first reagan invocation 30 minutes scared debate want hillary answering questions abt criminality server oct 1st one about seems happen things like back mexico debates last june 7th httpstconm5unbwosi gopdebate presidential primary debate poll time mag againhttptcodtpelqisur httptconag44rmm51 many republicans talking asses needed ricolas suppositories repeat 2012 gop audiences disturbing candidates winners losers last nights winner loser aftermath clown car incident let us recalls finest hour httptcok6uadaoivc question candidates think ok people working 40 hrs week live poverty ht tonights proved already knew gop touch amp policies move country bac yall better vote year donald trump wins president yall going need college degrees work mcdonalds lol astounded hear equate govnt helping people wthinking knows whats best sounds like archaic elitest claim little disappointed last night expecting president camacho make appearance httptcotmjil45dxp frankluntz well should low brow starting debate hate backfired said illegals freeloading sentence thats gop bingo no no no still gaining steam the cruel guys see stand comedy special fox news last night fantastic case missed last night heres quick recap httptcoh03mrzvfwb realdonaldtrump written day rap battle civilrightsorg whos real illegal alien farrakhan immigration amp mexican bor httpstcolklffn2lfy via cbsmiami canwe trust abuses power ordering attack httptcos7qqf9zqnf let megyns attack trump confuse you start httptcooodjkuwcq6 via head broccoli would make better candidates in oh gosh really fantastic httpstcoh3dss4dxmo cruz look jerks born foreign countries come ruin country put perspective previous gop primary debates pulled 5 share trump pulled double that new statement on debate embarrassment httptcojwzqoaf75e think usually plural texan maybe one person supports candidacy httpst trump isis we time tone go get job done slone actually people angry candidates asked real questions seriously im disappointed cant say im surprised college affordability votingcivil rights equality priori obama traditionally presser vacation absolutely unable resist demagoguing after people mad obama saying we tortured folks tortured literally asked candidates god spoken them farce great summary last nights httptcokdeags3iee gopdebate turn damage control spewed every mouth fox news toughwe ask good questionslol etc fun video keep driving road httpstcopl0vfy0hzb made mockery last night look forward response tried call sexist cant stump trump finds zero facts cnnpolitics factchecks 2016 republican debates httptcoybtt5vytlr 24 things guys totally look like httptcoqgguob2kf6 httptcom5fqw7vvjf crowd cheered waterboarding think ill go bed rather kick telly little bitter watch little pieces admitted paying hillary attend wedding jesus fangirl much id gone rock thats me italianamerican appreciate walkers ability talk hands thats nicest thing say interested say way interested promoting herself httpstcoqo71twp8fn sure hope hire makeup person jesus donaldtrump check httpstcosgcu1vxzdv foxnews says fiorina won rubio with air george patton roller rink trump 6dodges tax code encourage tax cuts tax code changes both u cut tax reduce debt amp maintain high entitlements donald trump realdonaldtrump like jr ewing politics country full socalled losers vote poor people fat people idiots too little known fact mike huckabee candidate presidential debate kl mornings reactions show 1 0 poll 40 say the httptcotljgseamul httptcouzijuasmzs picture taken tels touch middleclass hardworking s http realbencarson astounding job the poised dignified humble yet unwavering republican debate round one social results httptconndfdwhhtt httptco9ufeiydrk7 reaction colleagues last nights httptcoxi1dsibdsv like said last night hitting nerve country httpstcowq2cxxgsai get vote must pledge close damn border require everify work visas ok httpstcoagt306hua2 world war civil warwe get one warmongering repub president enjoying entertainment trumps rhetoricuntil democrats started taking serious candidate cannot understand put thoughts ice enter heat debate watching snippets thinking damn americans great entertainment industry suddenly realising amp feeling sad boycott amp censorship trump took opponents in took celeb opponents public feuds httptco3fpxjvf7w9 httptco6b06h8wfm5 trolling every debate poll see link voting trump winner perhaps fair say debates last night hillary got 19 mentions middle class got 2 really would talk her highlights 5pm httptcoolmvi0sape main takeaway last nights poor melania r thanks bktoofan follow httptcoadq1tnkwp8 worlds funniest video ever httptco4p3nbutsar rubio human beings deserve protection laws meant fetuses undocumented immigrants telling like httptcovzhlqywzmv say demonize abortion amp gay rights oh amp say god speaks you lets blow everything govchristie tough talk marijuana 2 fire conversation trump said political system broken buy politicians explained exactly many hes dominant thema abortus 2015 one candidates would psyched opponents scorpion bolo tie winner 1st is mob lying pandering jackasses wondered im slightly bad mood morning realized due replaying head facebook says top social moment chris christierand paul interaction nsa gop debate early numbers suggest record audience httptcotuv31vgkly thank carly mentioning epa regulations would strangle economy retweet tired democrats importing third world peasants win elections gop trying st vine ofs eye roll chris christie last night 4 million loops httpstcohf318qsowd many republicans upset planned parenthood human upset videos megynkelly big loser salon 2nd favorite meme internet httptcornyuvlhv4d rubio passes critical debate test abortion answer hands democrats gift httptco81h38ajlbq lbhmegynkelly came debate chip shoulder concernedsorrynotsorry johnkasich thought wed share performed social medial last nights httptconbklmsbri1 megyn kelly rosie odonnell woman trump when become republican trump said when become repor loved huckabees work the grinch stole christmas far individual performances think stretch say 1st one broke 2nd gopdebate fiorina blasts trumps clinton ties i get phone call bill httptcolvzmwowrrs fact checking gop candidates statements debate httptco2malajptly via impressed caught half carly2016 dominant winner night httptco72u0fgvb9j think 3 cent titanium tax go far enough vote dad brags hes never changed diaper thanks trump fake laughter best laughter could listen candidate ideas could look kansas tedcruz reminded aunt ethel sending chicken la king back kitchen cracker barrel donaldtrump retweeted comment calling bimbo last night man hates women front runner httptco7ugkpzu40y im gonna leave here httptcoe6js3dft7x gpbsavannah see ya later year sooner httpstcoznwofjay6o loved likened taxes tithes said god already great plan inherently fair usual insightful candidates httptco4yp5vfabjq confused womens reproductive rights debate topic male republican candidates conservative im pope and i am not getting fill of cant wait dish the woke im wondering real horrifying nightmare ive ever had oh hey drafting trump maybe best idea httpstcoau1mbqge7l gopdebate fox grade d 1 hard access online thx periscope 2 lousy questions 3 biased undercard fox moderators pretty good jeb bush underperforms httptcop9auvs7egn jonward11 httptcovvq2jgn9bi every candidate wants repeal obamacare answer americans lose healthcare name vi good morning friends ready review performances fresh eyes heres one take httpstcoye8xyc4gln equal distribution candidate speaking time 652 reached trump amp bush httptcoznsqlb4ow2 http the president cant tell us got iran deal except gave entire speech yesterday disappointed facilitators concentration one person trump overall feel reality show gopdebate chris christie rand paul spar nsa httptcoq2tt9filhh bustle think favorite gif yet they call eato corleone chris christie funny memes weigh on collection httptcowktsbpopzv httptcoei gov christie slimmed even more senior junior last night fit presidency msm guts say bush knocked towers thogopdebate read fact checks today anyone tell truth ended last night renaissance rnc private event one way end night hey look r stage standing amp next believe deserves seat big table going 5 minutes talk stewarts awful finale tune httptcomxpd56ntwx chrissy tingles matthews gets ass handed carly fiorina httptcoh5p56xx2rg someone fact check debates last night get f httptcopcogvboaow stephenathome heres take gop debate httpstcovltnasvw0t msnbc latest news one place httptcoyjrjxd1yfq getty httptcox5rmyn4rc6 follow 2016 us elections race live httptcohii1aewl0i httptcofyv6al6q40 since wants talk campaign donations lets talk httptco7n0vljf2sn listening real listening gopdebate start debate loaded sexist question unfair amp disgusting httptcodaejooo1de obamacare extends solvency medicare makes prescription drugs affordable thats care seniors deserve miss the highlights 60 secondswatch httptcoynnabr9pqq httptcowrrgmtvyoz republicans still talking abortion like 1960s httptcotz6w74bk0i lindsey graham like warm milk person gopdebates 3am tweet brags winning debate dumb panel massive amount lessdumb panel would trounce massively real winner last nights fuck republicanism httptcoqv43oi8ceq pyrrhic victory got ratings lost viewers summary candidates last night mouthbreathing pasteeating poster children banality evil george bush may hated black people hates women mexicans bkshelvesofdoom alas stating true facts always effectivley squelch stupid boneheaded moronic ideas see also best line night httptcozhnqhdpiln we respect life beginning end unless iran nuke em hard finally opportunity watch honestly speechless moststupidq 11 m illegals country amp chris wallace asks trump proof theyre crossin 3rd grader debate like political candidates stress specifics like implementation plan hear crickets the game aint worth winning breaking rules women body rights oh yeah go full fucking cartoon fascist deny women body rights brief the military social experiment huckabee dallas sanctuary city illegal immigrants believe definition sanctuary city correct expose now clintons problem ours httpstcomm2dvmcqqb i gay friends much like ripping apart first question dragged on race discussed seconds theres republican party you millennials reaction tonights talks sharing thoughts h amazing little attention spent police killing black people defining national issue moment bush says fla added 13m jobs housing bubble big driver 34 jobs gone 3 yrs later httptco omfg huckabee called obama vilifying people disagree him irony revealed trump that paul amp christie belong fiorina did jeb establishment c wait what debate best last nights certainly wasnt httpstcowklkmkdfik guys candidate bad night wonder hes supporting httptcodvnvk3b84l join tonight 68pm live tweeting cubic zirconia showcase qvc lost insanity foxnews completely shilling gop pretending impartial tried watch figure cable 1st time trying year often watch tv god gives unconditional love im going give family friends people around me kasich johnkasich surprises answer like guy great fave httpstcoeojrkb1ahs glennbeck projected losers amp chris wallace realdonaldtrump caused quite stir last night httptcocw97ocucut httptcob1f9kjt99z foxnews httptcoanitx9lfjz power rankings prophecies polls predictions httptconpey2symkp incoming hot take httptcop1goalbt67 knew ratings would roof compelling theatre reality tv finest httpstcokbx7kmfss7 like miss america meets jerry springer defunding planned parenthood something proud none talking justice america httptcoh9agxpuz4a john kasich rino best anal ysis read last nights debates httpstco1bamwckizf trump system broken know ive taken advantage greta ask trump got blue collar message httpstcojufzk92pmi httptcoa ill bet strong opinions mostwatched debate history i httptco3krwyxtqaj forget the definitely important development election thus far httptco2z3syix6gy weeklystandard attempts put hilariously desperate i want marriage guns registered washington rand paul does god talk you final question swear thought elaborate joke http definitely need last nights pro life bitch funding programs provide lives looking see at saddest incomprehensible tweet ive ever seen httpstcoednuqwhpsh jeb bush sucks kate winslet commercial wins republican debate rt authentic view 86 gopdebate httptcospzulv5vqb skipped drinking games last night favor plain ol drinking and reading recaps feel even better decision season bachelorette sucks httptcotrkbupsudn figured megyn kellys last question would do believe santa claus white countries dream democracy make drinking games it gop debate last night interesting im super exciting see things go get closer 2016 debate without moderation httptcolpaeydgeek wsj donald trumps performance first help hurt him httptcoldoo17buip httptcoonmx03tzfd hosts hogged 30 speaking time whos running president oh yeah moderator yes im democrat still watched want informed voter know candidates positio the 14 focus groupers said favorable view of amp after none did hands fave retort httptcoztaq1liuww says respects take care poor amp sick bad news hes getting nomination annie krol naral stilts httptco2nreo9ncoy candidates christian comments build wall prostitutes illegals cut medicare remember reagan ignored 40000 americans died hiv 1980s waiting trump speak listening candidates drivel like sitting air supply waiting led donald spite megyn kelly debate trump basically said i bought sale httptcogle2jybfbb drudge poll jeb bush confirmed pathetic near last httpstco9vxeiqxjfe gopdebate could americans world knows results accurate thres transparency amp manipulations sortacute little mexican fuck republican whether win lose donald thing matters life winding like you mere days releases climate remains nonissue in via icn httptcohwk4w4s238 retweeted wayne dupree waynedupreeshow disagree want hit job and httpt trumps drunk guy one wants party lots dangerous hotair ideologue johnkasich talks common sense repeatedly voted abortion ban would make doctors criminals packed house dublin watch party httptcoqhpe4anyz3 gop debate charted word word httptcoiidqmxpor9 potus watched got good laugh httptcovirjzqbguw candidates attack fox stoping speaking biggest loser wait it gopdebate really fair trump among gop candidates money buy anything even results normally this im gonna dl watch group biggest idiots fight idiot year great images httpstcofoxkcpurof rubio trump buys politicians bush gotten yet christie yea im sale too trump goo looking forward thoughts on listening recap day work fun commercial break feel like need take time somehow cleanse soul watching hour frankluntz the 14 focus groupers said favorable view trump after 3 saw him httptcoauhlnza3ww trump considers treating women respect political correctness gopdebate donald trump hates mexicans httptcodtmqyaj56s foehammer2008 rt renomarky never watch 1 questions 2 pandering dwstweets 3 httptcoauhlnza3ww best part the theduhhhh httptco7uunfkbflj via huckabee like science threatens god like circuitously leads prolife po a list people and nations donald trump insulted last night the httptcogp6jimfrja httptcov0d82zufgv carlyfiorina left speechless small task httptco9xjntvblb2 wsj donald trumps performance first help hurt him spoke truth either like do drew could grow rand paul republican amp still republican debate congratulations letting true idiocy shine gameofowns last night kept imagining debate would like contenders iron throne probably bloody cnn so the httptcozashlpyoty thecityclub looking forward thoughts gov vows violate elected president httptcoaq8v8c6p0p thought watching msnbc last night tmz presidential debate do think clown i fixed economy last night huge tv battled social won recaps h thehill one promise jv game want see donald trump us president awesome httptcogwvflrszk4 predebate oh secret plan deal with lol increase support cant one benny hill theme song running head the right look ma found thinks lesson needed cover httpstcoq7ciesupoe could see advertising like because watched wet hot american summer ridiculous comedies donald trump showman entertainer hed say amp anything stay news good us marc sandalow rubio made strong case benefits conservative values httptco1zb75gqmuw stars debate last night rubio kasich least kasich sounded compassionate ben carson probably dumbest smart person alive says homosexuality unnatural amp climate change unproven ur dr fool once shame shame you fool cant get fooled again president george w bush realalexjones taking twitter questions 3rd hr todays show watch live 11am2pm ct httptcou2ptc9yx3k v real debate americans reliant government assistance httptcogwlf american people never trust washington dc except 17 us desperate move there carly fiorina winning early debate may done campaign anyone else big fail last night digital arm of httptcok2c6axrecl oh vetting candidate bs candidate is primaries for women listening republican candidates httptco5qnilzghjm tedcruz busy candidate following hes touring today sc and coverage tonight hey donald trump coming wiseguys anytime soon id like advance tickets lots rhetoric stage political neophytes amp newbies actual record accomplishments alissalyn14 rt nylonmag 10 insane ridiculous quotes last nights seriously httptcoauhlnza3ww gop primary debate five takeaways httptcokm1x8ao68l via oppose oppose like how chrischristie part small central government put data mining warrantless wiretaps domestic spying ted cruz sean hannity httpstcohiakzxrkxc via rubio using economic merit basis determining live us messed that smh well perfected photoshop totally made fall pic stefon regarding wow expected lot people would watch many httptcoio41nn1omn first debates search interest vs httptcofuf97ox5cy poor paul im afraid correct said paul you hard time tonight rwnjs upset fox lobbing softballs favorites bunch babies heres im rooting tonight im pumped ready first httpt im republican gotdam love chris christie winner tonights was me making the carly fiorina open legal status adult illegal immigrants citizenship kids httptcoqcytvocrxq great job enjoyed listening u gopdebate rocks rolls cleveland article via content network httptcol68d7wlq0z at man said cinnamon cures diabetes wants pimps collect taxes huckabee prez govwalker solid knew stuff amp comfortable excellent track record success opposition s extensions twitter feed realdonaldtrump taught okay mean others reframe antipolitical correctness fact staked consistent record equality learn httptcoxhyjh1fjfk talked predebate ritual take solitaire seriously httpstcoo7ujl56nm7 id like see reporter get s response jeb bushs claim ended partial birth abortion education solution high standards educational freedom httptcop6f9arkvea breaking rosie odonnell responds trump snapping angry selfie httptcohf0vzjfod3 candidates exaggerated records last nights got wrong httptcoacm6al9tdb im voting republican waste time watch httptcoopcqihurn9 httpt hate political correctness right except someone politically incorrect lets grab pitch forks outstanding mr trump gtdanscavino winner drudge 50 time 46 foxsd httptco cannot wave unborn babies deserve constitutional protection flag amp grant people already living walkermorin wait mean new fox comedy gretas viewers overwhelmingly picked winner tonights early httptcoquudxkxdrs i candidate would make suitable cartoon villain fox manage suck dick giving rim job facebook jerking donald trump time gopdebate mentions hillaryclinton 21 isis 21 jobs 20 trump 17 obama 13 economy 10 planned parenthood 7 obamacare 7 reagan 6 middle class 2 wass response courtesy httptcomufdcn2tmr httptco8ekmkel yes matter fact donald feelers got hurt lashes out presidential look one fish two fish red fish racist dr seusss review must admire asking tough questions candidates standing fellow women proud her jeb bush there path immigrants stay amnesty earned legal status oh good lord prophet httpstcoaaly6cqzdx im pretty sure donald trump said held responsible says social media weirdslightly scary dreams last night im blaming miss format cnnyoutube 07 fun informativebring back httptco6nja6p36ul christie slam httptco4p1vqtiwxf passion good leadership trait have sensible unhinged honestly candidates money establishment sign support them last night tv watching involved plenty laughter gopdebate tears jonvoyage emotional night tv randpaul whole field done went offensive trump christie tell bimbo shut f up hahahaha tho morning after stars yesterday runnerup classic ask straight compton commercial next product placement trump democrat wolf gop clothing httptcoebwx3o9oeu joking aside election extremely important needs drastically smarter attention issue education best part awkwardly nodding side shot like oh shit im camera act like human rand2016 survive proof reading dads newsletters kid ted cruz looks untrustworthy looks like even eyebrows trust him nevermore gipper ronald raven oh hell take drink httptcoebqt2ljmw4 caught the hour frankensteins singing puttin ritz quite frankly disturbing thing last nights debate look terrible adobo tinged tans unconventional way watch httptcoirzh4232tp goodness amp quite see crowd reaction support numbers httpstcoa6qxunkloh also obviously john kasich chance he part sounds like reasonable human being its blood jesus christ cash koch brothers sins redeemed scott walker c clash respective plans httptcozc1793pjgz gopdebate never lose focus truly important issues amp httptcooxiow3yjs4 meet new darling left megyn gotcha kelly last night could raised hands im spoiled billionaire im oligarch im racist im religi showed quite plainly prepared men 1 woman 2 lead nation httpst i never gone bankrupt says trump multiple businesses went thru bankruptcy screwed creditors m misogyny surprise considering 10 men stage pontificating bodies httptcol fox freezes 44 minutes httptcoopdktmbmly httptcoefhew fox freezes 44 minutes httptcoopdktmbmly httptcoefhew fox freezes 44 minutes httptcoopdktmbmly httptcoefhew posed adult picturesshould bring up watch strongest moments biggest losses the httptcovw1ovg7g32 wakeupamerica fox freezes 44 minutes httptcoopdktmbmly httptcoefhewoerpx president always tell truth said would do trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination anyone think dr carson huckabee deserve next debate carly fiorina wrong doriabiddle friends visiting japan they speak english horrified keep asking how 1st place fiorina 2nd place jindal foxnews watch strongest moments biggest losses the httptcojl5dijpxyf losses megan kelly biggest loss watch strongest moments biggest losses the httptcoepwxedtun1 jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr watch memes good friday fun face time the course running somethingshe needs tos sage advice candidates debate stage httptcofu6joso9yd everything could hoped less sen perry calls aviation assets means spy drones identify individuals doing 247 http everything could hoped less seem one think trump well think questions fair relevant fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field kimguilfoyle exceptional candidates crowded fieldalmost qualified president vp cabinet appointee president always tell truth said would do gtgopdebates gttrump says hes actually zombie gtpoll numbers skyrocket gtamerican public dies immediately still applauding eats repostapp official democratic response httpstcosgjdeb3 twitter time line diverse people everyone dogging night long still going going lol repostapp official democratic response httpstcosgjdeb3ujm love lizas cartoons httpstcovkhqn0s7n4 people overanalyze surprising horrible policies sound completely reasonable soundbites replace wrosieodonnell 4 next http face time the course running somethingshe needs tos re cleveland httpstcorvpxm2ieyi like last night trended fizzled face time the course running somethingshe needs toshes journalist 2016 watch back less 24 hours later bound cleveland htt 2016 watch says goodbye cleveland see year rnc httptco 2016 watch says goodbye cleveland see year rnc httptco someone tell ben carson carrying water people barely let speak racism much trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination president always tell truth said would do tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism walker emerges leading candidate run enterprise rentacar branch httptcox6qa8muta7 walker emerges leading candidate run enterprise rentacar branch httptcox6qa8muta7 walker emerges leading candidate run enterprise rentacar branch httptcox6qa8muta7 american people pick next president united states fox news last night 2 proved right against science health care gays women civility reality sanity trump cam hands sen perry calls aviation assets means spy drones identify individuals doing 247 httptcoipbsiczyin enjoyed looking forward next big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate morrissey foreshadowed character the if love bomb bring us together candidates attack fox stoping speaking ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it donniewahlberg pathetic realistic solutions got drunk husband playing gopdebates drinking game headed cleveland interesting nutshell httptco5uwvybtub3 thanks fox news raising s ratings carlyfiorina trumped 16 candidatescleared 5 fox hounds 2 1 night high heels sweat httpstcobwbotevnxe foxnews made want vote trump 3rd party candidate even like trump wanted see grown men throw hissy fits would watch amp grace donald trump gets called sexism at goes twitter calls megyn kelly bimbo wow httptcokfakvv5tkw american people pick next president united states fox news want help small businesses rubio protect greedy landlords unfair rent practices love lizas cartoons httpstcovkhqn0s7n4 wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson chris christie lips moving hes still lying httpstco4bh9a04mjd via crew debates last night httpstcogxki90c6vs fyi us defense spending compared countries httptco0l8ct4fgco fyi us defense spending compared countries httptco0l8ct4fgco pledge support gop establishment sold obama pledge support gop establishment sold obama foxnews miss one the want see segment again rewatch every minute playlist httptcoalwvwqcrgj pledge support gop establishment sold obama me see debate hosted need see moderator set field well become focal point tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism im usually one miss political happenings feels good ignored last night president always tell truth said would do happiest person america today watching debates hrc president always tell truth said would do gop candidates throw best hillary clinton zingers httptconss1u3salh video showed fox news enforces republican orthodoxy httptcort96usi2nk impressed last night sure vote yet know be im neither democrat gop refreshing httptco45em0dxrzs httptcoo5w4sc7uf7 couple like one voting bernie sanders fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions real winner both shell a team sure now httpstcoz2uf9hidgt greatest let television history help aka swell ranks ratings big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate marthamaccallum amp arrogantsnarky on ny amp dc media complex slimy america gopdebates thank god early debate handled professionally without shock value soundbite personal advancement fox think say person supporting honest marklevinshow billhemmer fine chris wallace next trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate think vicious unprofessional last night lost also big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination drshow misogyny good ratings donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 two great debates favorites let know thoughts 2016 news tells language amp answers clearly arent presidential trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination strong showing analysis future httpstcoaxg2kmxapd fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions pledge support gop establishment sold obama happiest person america today watching debates hrc huckabeehulk 2016 pledge support gop establishment sold obama enjoyed looking forward next pledge support gop establishment sold obama pledge support gop establishment sold obama enjoyed looking forward next pledge support gop establishment sold obama big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate realdonaldtrump looks better video last night the httpstcolwpfgdcnas are punkd twitter field day round 1 httptco3qinxty4e5 happiest person america today watching debates hrc women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field assassination attempt rnc now gop deal w th consequences huff post praising tell something trump going play pc game start th evening rnc moderators dropped atom bomb trump kicked thru th uprights missed dang catch now anyone record them refreshing httptco45em0dxrzs httptcoo5w4sc7uf7 fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field walker emerges leading candidate run enterprise rentacar branch httptcox6qa8muta7 women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i misogyny surprise considering 10 men stage pontificating bodies httptcol president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do miss debate last night worries blogged yahttptcogp58n0ddb2 enjoyed looking forward next big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate marthamaccallum amp arrogantsnarky on ny amp dc media complex slimy america watching ive made decision im voting omg life hot postdebate picture gop candidates httptco98g3avlq7q big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate marthamaccallum amp arrogantsnarky on ny amp dc media complex slimy america president always tell truth said would do ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate american people pick next president united states fox news posed adult picturesshould bring up oh gurrrrrlll d httptcojziz1zvxdj trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism loved ditch kelly amp wallace sideshow railroad httpstcoqxim3nkiyf big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate gopdebates clowns amp idiots 17 funniest tweets gop debate failing even mention climate change httptcoaqo0iulltz via one question congressional term limits really fox really flubbed dub trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination president always tell truth said would do two great debates favorites let know thoughts bernie sanders gained 10k new likes growing happiest person america today watching debates hrc fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field marmel see winners trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination president always tell truth said would do rare view behind stage behind scene look candidates httpt happiest person america today watching debates hrc taking calls yesterdays why call me 800 848 9222 gopdebate carly fiorina 1st round marco rubio led 2nd round rare view behind stage behind scene look candidates httpt marthamaccallum amp arrogantsnarky on ny amp dc media complex slimy america trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination happiest person america today watching debates hrc happiest person america today watching debates hrc marthamaccallum amp arrogantsnarky on ny amp dc media complex slimy america marthamaccallum amp arrogantsnarky on ny amp dc media complex slimy america thought questions fair balanced really stop whiningfoxnews httptcoshildadfpn tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism marthamaccallum amp arrogantsnarky on ny amp dc media complex slimy america america foxnews best line night tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism the obama obama obama the obama obama obama american people last night one sense engagement 16 market share largest ever tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism calling women dehumanizing names lack political correctness lack basic decency respect posed adult picturesshould bring up decent human beings geeztheyre one whatd u expect gopdebates wish could done candidates connected lie detectors maybe scientologists lol taking calls yesterdays why call me 800 848 9222 think vicious unprofessional last night lost also loudobbsnews thank the look forward next time httptcohdotyszdrf httptcovagyiuz5j8 donald trump made case campaign finance reformgopdebates cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobg httptcovagyiuz5j8 donald trump made case campaign finance reformgopdebates walkers main talking point took 100s 1000s union protesters won waiting hear hel happiest person america today watching debates hrc big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate so think last night chris christie want increase military troops gop congress vote veterans candidates attack fox stoping speaking american people pick next president united states fox news rip ms ann u would welcome advisor tonight httptcoawyzjjsewq trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination 2016 gop republican presidential nomination polling data httptcowmstnxaqgj happiest person america today watching debates hrc tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism never thought id say goddamnit am yo chris wallace great job hosting the president always tell truth said would do donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate dprfoz quality moderators lmmfao literally rolling floor nothing sane republicans president always tell truth said would do think say person supporting honest megynkelly last nights debacle one less fan viewer closing statements daddy do httptcopqehfifwlc like trump less morning last morning although realize thats fox news wanted think enjoyed looking forward next sanitized sound bites bumper sticker rhetoric carly fiorina tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism think say person supporting honest cary fiorina top tier last night think couple even bother two great political comedy acts one night last disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen answer 1 id smh 2 ppl sht want daily called job httpstco1tetykr9dy president always tell truth said would do disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate obvious 17 way many less 7 need drop next month so big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do worst appreciate theatrics thats about big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate slone were watching plans unfold psych warfare pure amp simple games rare view behind stage behind scene look candidates httpt big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination megynkelly made warm toward trump cant believe it rooting spite myself debate big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate are punkd twitter field day round 1 httptcotcvyzllqnn big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate says topped candidates new twitter followers after 24000 vs 2nd place 11000 posed adult picturesshould bring up president always tell truth said would do megyn kelly top thought would announce candidacy last night big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate wham bam thank you ann participants seen httptcososrcpfvsj president always tell truth said would do worst appreciate theatrics thats about big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate trump supporters rude president always tell truth said would do glennbeck worst appreciate theatrics thats about 822 breaks yesterdays thinks came top httptcofv7zksphq3 big problem facing democrats get hillary sober long enough debate president always tell truth said would do megyn kelly top thought would announce candidacy last night foxnews says topped candidates new twitter followers after 24000 vs 2nd place 11000 congrats president always tell truth said would do opening closing amp occasionally canned statements aside legitimately entertaining exciting 44 president always tell truth said would do never thought id say goddamnit am yo chris wallace great job hosting last night good debates including challenge candidates say mean purpose accident last night that kimguilfoyle though cruz articulate intelligent felt trump held own rubio solid lot great candidates showed serious differences approaches world amp problems within gop importantly showed crazy president always tell truth said would do high expectations last nights boy met combative spontaneous mostly donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i misogyny surprise considering 10 men stage pontificating bodies httptcol asked ask 9 candidates would support win nomination president always tell truth said would do megyn kelly top thought would announce candidacy last night president always tell truth said would do redsteeze megyn kelly top thought would announce candidacy last night misogyny surprise considering 10 men stage pontificating bodies httptcol learn attack wins amp poll httptcoo pondering_this amp impressed wher last pm took entire night both women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism headed cleveland interesting catch last night won phil robertson ted nugent american people pick next president united states fox news circus roundup candidates fared first debate httptcoqlcy2mplfj president always tell truth said would do retweeted cdm rwsurfergirl posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i looking forward good things come candidates women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i learn attack wins amp poll httptcoo hugged obama deserve stage tonight bestdebatequotes first thing president rescind obamas executive orders need know ltlt loser amp btw red hair become you httptcordtfpfirx7 trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination thanks fox news raising s ratings biggest made last night staying social media feel much smarter happier morning watch republican debate httptcogatxz7ypjd learn attack wins amp poll httptcoo cnn fact checks 2016 httptcolmfffwwd3h women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i two great debates favorites let know thoughts tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism posed adult picturesshould bring up need order another green apple martini process hell happened lot inane garbage went wtrump target hit issues interesting women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i president always tell truth said would do women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i headed cleveland interesting american people pick next president united states fox news women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination happened single mention tonights women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i misogyny surprise considering 10 men stage pontificating bodies httptcol women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i president always tell truth said would do trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination president always tell truth said would do clips better answers given debate women start protesting misogyny stay vagina unless want there placards i invented president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do misogyny surprise considering 10 men stage pontificating bodies httptcol learn attack wins amp poll httptcoo freedom freeand must fight everydayrealbencarson 10 men stage discussing one woman misogyny surprise considering 10 men stage pontificating bodies httptcol president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do misogyny surprise considering 10 men stage pontificating bodies httptcol president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do gopdebates misogyny surprise considering 10 men stage pontificating bodies httptcoldg62y65s5 president always tell truth said would do many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage donald go independent rubionever shows 4 work donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 asked ask 9 candidates would support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a cnn republican presidential debate 8 takeaways httptcom5tvrnai44 clips better answers given debate hillary clinton trolled candidates httptcoxqyzanlvao winner politifact pants fire false mostly false half true the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee jeb bush like please stop headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a morning joe crowd giving fiorina false sense intelligence sarah palin lighter hair headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a closing statements daddy do httptcopqehfifwlc watch republican debate httptcogatxz7ypjd anyone else expecting trump say something super racist mentioned china japan morning joe crowd giving fiorina false sense intelligence sarah palin lighter hair using trump troll liberals may new favorite thing two great debates favorites let know thoughts sane person impressed wthe quality moderators at agenda driven haters gotta hate httpstco3dc47mcbht posed adult picturesshould bring up watch republican debate httptcogatxz7ypjd president always tell truth said would do many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage clips better answers given debate kimguilfoyle im getting fiorina yard signs clips better answers given debate two great political comedy acts one night last learn attack wins amp poll httptcoo last night two polls today click take part httptcofgyreb60be posed adult picturesshould bring up two great debates favorites let know thoughts jeb could whoop trumps ass corn hole ill bet george w drink jeb tablelike embarrassingly rand paul justin timberlake look like 10 years foxandfriends made look professional vicious attacks on biased trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination are punkd twitter field day round 1 httptco0yx61vkdtm medicaidworks john kasich medicaids new spokesman httptco4rilctngsa kimguilfoyle rand paul gave unscripted performance carly fiorina first jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen two great debates favorites let know thoughts learn attack wins amp poll httptcoo two great debates favorites let know thoughts learn attack wins amp poll httptcoo fox news ask one candidates planned mall walkers president always tell truth said would do marilynarndt think vicious unprofessional last night lost also american people pick next president united states fox news president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do kimguilfoyle kasich showed well frankly many folks truly learn whoampwhat kimguilfoyle walker christie trump kimguilfoyle mine was close 2nd trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination president always tell truth said would do rnc needs voters win gen elect without hiliary next pres fairbench mw amp congrats win polling last night well done sir httptcon two great debates favorites let know thoughts kimguilfoyle two great debates favorites let know thoughtstrump baby congrats win polling last night well done sir httptcondu4eo1vrx two great debates favorites let know thoughts ted cruz carly two great debates favorites let know thoughts two great debates favorites let know thoughts two great debates favorites let know thoughts president always tell truth said would do two great debates favorites let know thoughts president always tell truth said would do learn attack wins amp poll httptcoo learn attack wins amp poll httptcoo president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do learn attack wins amp poll httptcooeilpvkkbe posed adult picturesshould bring up gopdebates bachelor foxtvlast night tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism showed enforces orthodoxy httptcoihnwy8dgcm via president always tell truth said would do iol noticed neither one person jumped amp yelled juxtap ingrahamangle iol noticed neither one person jumped amp yelled juxtapose democrats president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination american people pick next president united states fox news president always tell truth said would do intelligence class charm longer requirements presidency guess president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do american people pick next president united states fox news working people missed last night httptcov0kyvzopru three best performance in order imho carly fiorina amp ben carson amp marco rubio president always tell truth said would do know uncle rupert want republican nominee mr bad hair would you president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do president always tell truth said would do liar trump came war iraq businesses went belly president always tell truth said would do posed adult picturesshould bring up donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 president always tell truth said would do trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism jeb get use it httpstcobjenx16ub1 need order another green apple martini process hell happened trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism 1 bright light last evening hope soften position on optimism instead httpstco3wz2haagk8 everyone watching amp fri night news dump thu maddow everyone watching amp fri night news dump thurs liar trump came war iraq businesses went belly happiest person america today watching debates hrc tedcruz president always tell truth said would do disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate working people missed last night httptcov0kyvzopru refreshing httptco45em0dxrzs httptcoo5w4sc7uf7 anyone else want punch chris wallace face unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst working people missed last night httptcov0kyvzopru tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism posed adult picturesshould bring up clear electable winner emerge the still debating last nights debate check colleagues take httptcof8bdmvo0lw happiest person america today watching debates hrc american people pick next president united states fox news still debating last nights debate check colleagues take httptcof8bdmvo0lw freedom freeand must fight everydayrealbencarson liar trump came war iraq businesses went belly carson rubio fiorina amp cruz night anyone else want punch chris wallace face disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate know uncle rupert want republican nominee mr bad hair would you order cruz rubio carson walker think rand okay trump hurt himself jeb much posed adult picturesshould bring up billmaher oh thats wrongnot get drunk prior watching tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism posed adult picturesshould bring up happiest person america today watching debates hrc finished watching the httptcovis5kao3r1 tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism enjoyed looking forward next anyone else want punch chris wallace face enjoyed looking forward next donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 still debating last nights debate check colleagues take httptcof8bdmvo0lw republican held last night probably best candidate stage trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism bigger boobs foxsports1 fox news httptcosqyorgqaep trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism watch fox news theyre assholes tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism american people pick next president united states fox news fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http posed adult picturesshould bring up oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a posed adult picturesshould bring up foxnews fumbles were going thursday night wife were httpstco1mpjlqtg37 tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism posed adult picturesshould bring up tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism are punkd twitter field day round 1 httptcoqr65oeatxn posed adult picturesshould bring up tech giants turn fed agents baaaack back losin pieces privacy baaaaack back jim gilmore clueless on state already rule area larger united kingdom fuckups goin baaaack back keep wars goin baaaaack back trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination dr carson remark dc half brain best line trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination posed adult picturesshould bring up trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination megankelly trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination republicanswine busy enjoying life catch one draftdodging pricks called best patriot trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination posed adult picturesshould bring up debates raise s ratings fox news afraid trump shows trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism ever think of hes resilient hell straight shooter httptcoeiwb8vwmel classy httpstcopzpyl1rdu6 retweeted donnie wahlberg donniewahlberg enjoyed looking forward next enjoyed looking forward next trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination rwsurfergirl posed adult picturesshould bring up woe wait minute wh tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism rwsurfergirl posed adult picturesshould bring up woe wait minute tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism theyoungturks wrong begging donors money 1455 markdonald trump explains run independent leverage play httpstcoc7t6epcmed tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism rand paul william shatners old hairpiece star trek 2 wrath khan fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism anyone else want punch chris wallace face tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism informed voter attends httptcodis7aq3r6j 13449 aaaaand question httpstco7jjpi9dtlh tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination tonight learned thinks remove civil rights fight terrorism trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions informed voter attends httptcodis7aq3r6j yeah candidates going repel obamacare replace something go gop miss one the want see segment again rewatch every minute playlist httptco7bd5kbk5za informed voter attends httptcodis7aq3r6j donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field american people pick next president united states fox news master debates rosie refudiates trump pump im really slob donny fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field gopdebates reply politico article httptcoixyxjn5vgy donald trump say daughters may be think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio candidates asked describe 2 words 1 could count 2 trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination every time say wedge issues think mean wedgies anyone else want punch chris wallace face trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination enjoyed looking forward next trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination ive decided rand paul looks like martin short old skit trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination ill tell one good thing about candidates tripping outdo sexism megynkelly megyn blew it gws warit americas love ya success went head tonight trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 markgillar night gave platform illegal vargas 2 voice views trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination watch tonight going ask won figured did trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination posed adult picturesshould bring up trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination posed adult picturesshould bring up fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field posed adult picturesshould bring up trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination bruce performance topped anything could come century trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination posed adult picturesshould bring up trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination posed adult picturesshould bring up trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field trump said megyn ask nine candidates plan support win nomination donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 watch tonight going ask won figured did reagan trust verify obama trust vilify huckabee trust deepfry unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field watch tonight going ask won figured did one question one important urgent movements us today amp long time one question one question one important urgent movements us today amp long time one question fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field real life america planet earth httpstcocagdy75bar ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it posed adult picturesshould bring up fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field donald trumps best lines first gop debate httptco1cslxvicwp fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field watch tonight going ask won figured did posed adult picturesshould bring up fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field missing makes glad cable missing last show makes sad cable posed adult picturesshould bring up watch tonight going ask won figured did fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field posed adult picturesshould bring up watch tonight going ask won figured did fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field posed adult picturesshould bring up fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field american people pick next president united states fox news posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 collapses non issue shined strong articulate join assassination attempt now gop deal w th consequences doubt huge bump httpstcovanc0qxy4c fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field anyone else want punch chris wallace face many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field anyone else want punch chris wallace face posed adult picturesshould bring up fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field foxnews please replace future debate moderators catherine herridge fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news trump cam hands posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 watched loved closing statement trump affectionate mad man carson affectionate person cares american people pick next president united states fox news oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland posed adult picturesshould bring up need order another green apple martini process hell happened posed adult picturesshould bring up upside cruelly excluded america get know me posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up american people pick next president united states fox news donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 posed adult picturesshould bring up donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 posed adult picturesshould bring up donald trump biff back future 2 httptcois9gyb7p31 twitterland god spoken the say posed adult picturesshould bring up unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst posed adult picturesshould bring up well thats unfortunate httpstcop9jgphxc3q unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage donald trumps loyalty america american people political party posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst american people pick next president united states fox news posed adult picturesshould bring up unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst american people pick next president united states fox news posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up enjoyed looking forward next posed adult picturesshould bring up american people pick next president united states fox news many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage video gallery sessions httptcof3q3qydklk posed adult picturesshould bring up chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from anyone else want punch chris wallace face american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a posed adult picturesshould bring up anyone else want punch chris wallace face commercial break httptconde2oejlmh assassination attempt now gop deal w th consequences posed adult picturesshould bring up disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate become acceptable god topic political debates country realdonaldtrump honey badger candidates round great tonight whitemamba23 100 hilary hanging kimye trump dead center 3rd party stupid start th evening rnc moderators dropped atom bomb trump kicked thru th uprights so trump buys politicians used bankruptcy advantage skirted laws money admitted wanting single payer posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up assassination attempt now gop deal w th consequences posed adult picturesshould bring up im starting worry trump field experiment much fun tonight folks anyone else want punch chris wallace face unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up assassination attempt now gop deal w th consequences donald trumps loyalty america american people political party anyone else want punch chris wallace face american people pick next president united states fox news hold everyone standards the worth posed adult picturesshould bring up fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field chrischristie i cant tell difference american citizens terrorists httpstcoxn5avn8f8s fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http donald trumps loyalty america american people political party many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news posed adult picturesshould bring up anyone else want punch chris wallace face jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen much fun tonight folks posed adult picturesshould bring up much fun tonight folks enjoyed looking forward next unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up two last episode jon stewart several hours comedy tonight kind sad too posed adult picturesshould bring up anyone else want punch chris wallace face assassination attempt now gop deal w th consequences chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from pretty sure twitter invented nights like foxnews obvious fox interested controversy sadly questions designed shock value unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst anyone else want punch chris wallace face unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more posed adult picturesshould bring up unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst posed adult picturesshould bring up anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face assassination attempt now gop deal w th consequences posed adult picturesshould bring up unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst anyone else want punch chris wallace face american people pick next president united states fox news posed adult picturesshould bring up unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst posed adult picturesshould bring up unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst trump going play pc game unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless assassination attempt now gop deal w th consequences unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst anyone else want punch chris wallace face posed adult picturesshould bring up american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage posed adult picturesshould bring up trump cam hands anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a snide patronizing liberal hosts wtheir slimy vineer make skin crawl megyn kelly bret baier unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst two cats rolling around floor laughing hysterically buffoon platoon become acceptable god topic political debates country anyone else want punch chris wallace face headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst posed adult picturesshould bring up unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst many famous people petulantly threatened move canada one debaters won posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up enjoyed looking forward next candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up tonight entertained first round the sponsored amp brought us amp goodnight audience sounds like mob ready posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all kelly file seemed like mentally unstable typical socialist democrat twitterland god spoken the say fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field hold everyone standards the worth posed adult picturesshould bring up fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up retweeted cdm rwsurfergirl posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up thing trumps brings never get politician honestly gives zero fucks think ideas disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate posed adult picturesshould bring up posed adult picturesshould bring up disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate posed adult picturesshould bring up hold everyone standards the worth gopdebates larry wilmore says the unblackening america continues sorry carson chance santa claus coming town needs reboot born play burgermeister meisterburger google are punkd twitter field day round 1 the ten httptcosqggltv0gt enjoyed looking forward next problem seeing first minutes first httpstco2tdolcyaiy black friends talking white friends talking id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all hashtag use vote candidates receive injuries illnesses descend poverty american people pick next president united states fox news dems gone denying fact openly supporting one disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate american people pick next president united states fox news gopdebates winners imo marco rubio rand paul john kasich carly fiorina donniewahlberg looking forward snl spoof and air again hospitals stand awaiting gop debate drinking game participants httptcokc31he6exf disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate trump answers question insulting women insult cant wait til starts disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage realdonaldtrump won chris goofy glasses wallace lost favor disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst drink watched httpstcomaeez9gdlx msnbc got right rnc let fox handle rnc wanted field narrowed wanna it clearly agenda ax trump real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw reaction tonights debates beginning end donald httptco6oeonruaj1 the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee american people pick next president united states fox news 315 hr flight earlier to missed the shined rip right needed president httptcouw5axjzmxc anyone else want punch chris wallace face disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate anyone else want punch chris wallace face fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field headed cleveland interesting disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate overall view on i stayed home work this candidate choice changed 1 iota overall view on i stayed home work this candidate choice changed 1 iota im really really really pissed fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news anyone talk gunsense american people pick next president united states fox news fox news ask one candidates planned mall walkers reaction tonights debates beginning end donald httptco6oeonruaj1 enjoyed looking forward next disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage american people pick next president united states fox news many mixed feelings crying jon stewart lmao the thinking meaning life disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate im really really really pissed fox news enjoyed looking forward next overall view on i stayed home work this candidate choice changed 1 iota american people pick next president united states fox news unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpst headed cleveland interesting unfathomable would ask wassermanschultz postmortem the httpstcoo3rfecfbkp moment realize watching fox news handcuffs httptco5l9inki5sf anyone else want punch chris wallace face overall view on i stayed home work this candidate choice changed 1 iota overall view on i stayed home work this candidate choice changed 1 iota many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage chillin wit tho gopdebates report card httptco1scdpiltlh loved watching tonight lot good stuff amp good stuff really enjoyed watching daughter amp discussing cruz completely ignored enjoyed looking forward next overall view on i stayed home work this candidate choice changed 1 iota disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage american people pick next president united states fox news overall view on i stayed home work this candidate choice changed 1 iota rand paul gone with ive got curly hair dropped mic many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage american people pick next president united states fox news overall view on i stayed home work this candidate choice changed 1 iota many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage happened single mention tonights cant wait see skits relating candidates make sure mention god every sentence many great jokes twitter tonight the many stage american people pick next president united states fox news enjoyed looking forward next walkers main talking point took 100s 1000s union protesters won waiting hear hel american people pick next president united states fox news many clowns enough commercials american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news reagan democrat trump changed democrat republican im okay that id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all foxnews ask good questions httpstcoc7tqp8cuaf american people pick next president united states fox news disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate american people pick next president united states fox news ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering enjoyed looking forward next american people pick next president united states fox news enjoyed looking forward next overall view on i stayed home work this candidate choice changed 1 iota raise hand ever personally victimized regina george httptcol0qdv4qmth enjoyed looking forward next httptcoppxqqzfl1t j8p american people pick next president united states fox news trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen wow everybodys tweeting abouts bad treatment and agreed want trump run independent want see army pissed women give much deserved humility disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate american people pick next president united states fox news initial gop horse race 1trump 2cruz 3rubio 4 kasich paul tanked showing crybaby early someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate american people pick next president united states fox news trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up wth really give damn lies about httpstcopy8ydiqkya disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up walkers main talking point took 100s 1000s union protesters won waiting hear helped wi american people pick next president united states fox news fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a trump cam hands megynkelly speak woman zero respect tonight fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate anyone else want punch chris wallace face bigger boobs foxsports1 fox news httptcozoztdd3mvx fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all hundreds millions us tonightbwhahaha httptco2e5pjxjhxu rubio far best speaker breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down many great businesses use bankruptcy laws trump lot businesses done american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news 300 million us tonightbwhahahhaha look substance needs discussion successful every turn gopdebates winners candidates paul kasich amp carson aaaand brings dnc chair take trump thru womens rights gender used fear tool ugh watching jerry springer show suddenly realized american people pick next president united states fox news disappointed two brilliant get nearly enough talk time jim gilmore clueless on state already rule area larger united kingdom seanhannity needs moderator next debate gopdebates look substance needs discussion successful every turn hugged obama deserve stage tonight chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more wkdental kasich came across sensible decent rational human being them my record clear hate women want affordable birth control std screenings enjoyed looking forward next jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen american people pick next president united states fox news merchants death could speak callously god speed httpstcodmlccl31kd miamidecor cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush http think statement from httptcolxoueglvkj american people pick next president united states fox news watched tonight opinion winner are punkd twitter field day round 1 httptcot4k0yuu7j1 start th evening rnc moderators dropped atom bomb trump kicked thru th uprights trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up american people pick next president united states fox news debates raise s ratings fox news afraid trump shows govchristie got ass served american people pick next president united states fox news gopdebates news media label journalists even though single one report way wet paper sack jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee aaaand brings dnc chair take trump thru womens rights gender used fear tool ugh enjoyed looking forward next pledge support gop establishment sold obama fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field enjoyed looking forward next candidates attack fox stoping speaking 315 hr flight earlier to missed the shined id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all anyone else want punch chris wallace face lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more smart kasich say essentially i hear concerns trump voters except im sane enjoyed looking forward next id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all start th evening rnc moderators dropped atom bomb trump kicked thru th uprights intention voting trump love guy brand wil give credit stirring things kelly less credible now wth really give damn lies about imho two dcoutsidersnonpoliticians trumped tonight amp american people pick next president united states fox news smart kasich say essentially i hear concerns trump voters except im sane one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more debates raise s ratings fox news afraid trump shows american people pick next president united states fox news smart kasich say essentially i hear concerns trump voters except im sane american people pick next president united states fox news cant even find one good candidate kelly less credible now wth really give damn lies about fair point 17 candidates 2 hard way get real feel long primary process starting httpstcopy0jhsejto ftw ron nailed came close telling megyn shut up httpstco2u15vmqlud start th evening rnc moderators dropped atom bomb trump kicked thru th uprights search hashtag good laugh start th evening rnc moderators dropped atom bomb trump kicked thru th uprights three best performance in order imho carly fiorina amp ben carson amp marco rubio smart kasich say essentially i hear concerns trump voters except im sane jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr smart kasich say essentially i hear concerns trump voters except im sane spoke said less twitterland god spoken the say wth really give damn lies about httpstcopy8ydiqkya enjoyed looking forward next gop wrong side issues httpstcokuurpqyaby enjoyed looking forward next aaaand brings dnc chair take trump thru womens rights gender used fear tool ugh seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates wth really give damn lies about httpstcopy8ydiqkya keep going like this even bother going polls thats promise seriousness best debate tonight joke wth really give damn lies about httpstcopy8ydiqkya enjoyed looking forward next wth really give damn lies about httpstcopy8ydiqkya keep going like this even bother going polls thats promise wth really give damn lies about httpstcopy8ydiqkya disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news wth really give damn lies about httpstcopy8ydiqkya aaaand brings dnc chair take trump thru womens rights gender used fear tool ugh american people pick next president united states fox news really wishs last night night the dick move fox anyone else wait snl weekend debate coverage trump gave many politicians system broken telling us works says wrong wth really give damn lies about httpstcopy8ydiqkya american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news im really really really pissed fox news wtf wrong with issues real issues issues cause division solve anything many famous people petulantly threatened move canada one debaters won american people pick next president united states fox news disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate american people pick next president united states fox news im really really really pissed fox news oh ya way get swing voters democrat side debbie wasserman schultz complaints ugh sorry offended woman offended gopdebates plan building military cut taxes ya gonna pay it bake sale steal ss fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field enjoyed looking forward next candidates attack fox stoping speaking hey ronald reagan relationship assholes pardoned millions mexican americans hey ronald reagan relationship assholes pardoned millions mexican americans american people pick next president united states fox news like him im friend im gonna call nickname john bush fucking jeb bush enjoyed looking forward next rip right needed president httptcouw5axjzmxc im really really really pissed fox news foxdebates hates trump need koch money wth really give damn lies about httpstcopy8ydiqkya self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless carlyfiorina amp two candidates id invite home great meal donald trump iss best character ever trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up anyone else want punch chris wallace face kicking watch party httptcofcmszqx77r watch party minutes begin httptcoroeuk2nueu lindseygrahamsc says need president understands threats httptcog9zqakd8zu httpstcoywvxhtbhew far first 2 campaigns email debate and organization matters enjoyed looking forward next american people pick next president united states fox news happened single mention tonights enjoyed looking forward next trump cam hands last thing care rocket_gamera pretty close it id say meantime we ah comparing precious metal investments jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr one guys worst day better democrat best day three best performance in order imho carly fiorina amp ben carson amp marco rubio fact jeb support brothers decision go iraq something like back family twitterland god spoken the say someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw american people pick next president united states fox news im psychic httptcowxaf0qvhi5 im really really really pissed fox news happened single mention tonights 315 hr flight earlier to missed the shined american people pick next president united states fox news nytopinion fact moderators attacking candidates shows debate large group interviewgopdebates american people pick next president united states fox news megynkelly stop whining trumps comment you obviously set attack amp got little back deal it wow everybodys tweeting abouts bad treatment and agreed see clear winner 900 several good moments ben carson ted cruz think trump well american people pick next president united states fox news nothing civil rights police brutality gun reform either httptc american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news bahahaaaaaaharwsurfergirl jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen hates women most go ted cruz never heard anwar alawlaki samir khan nothing civil rights police brutality gun reform either httptcoglsf7rt8s6 seems like ben carson good job lacks insights depth knowledge needed president american people pick next president united states fox news trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up american people pick next president united states fox news someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw american people pick next president united states fox news seanspicer looks like broom handle 1 foot ass talking trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up need order another green apple martini process hell happened chris christie rand paul got really nasty other fun made trump look meek sorry offended woman offended disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate rand paul gone with ive got curly hair dropped mic american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news sorry offended woman offended trump gop scared control him talks abo productive workday intense work out see bit of live tweet amp watch recap american people pick next president united states fox news watching jerry springer show suddenly realized american people pick next president united states fox news dr carson remark dc half brain best line watching jerry springer show suddenly realized evidence hacks talk comes syria no rand paul budget budgets multiple sets books yep american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news enjoyed looking forward next didnt get watch debatewatching recapif would stressed watching ppl wow everybodys tweeting abouts bad treatment and agreed american people pick next president united states fox news gop2016debate trump gop scared control him talks needed issues american people pick next president united states fox news trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up chris christie lindsey graham seem want power spy america no rand paul budget budgets multiple sets books yep trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up american people pick next president united states fox news watching jerry springer show suddenly realized american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news sorry offended woman offended chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from sorry offended woman offended american people pick next president united states fox news need order another green apple martini process hell happened many famous people petulantly threatened move canada one debaters won candidates attack fox stoping speaking sorry offended woman offended anyone questions httptcobdux3nkyte no rand paul budget budgets multiple sets books yep american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news rwsurfergirl american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news call demand 2minute routine segment future lets see really wield the american people pick next president united states fox news are punkd twitter field day round 1 httptcokew5lxzw4t american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news im really really really pissed fox news cruz said right leaders stupid want fo right classy httpstcopzpyl1rdu6 trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up sorry offended woman offended american people pick next president united states fox news anyone questions httptcobdux3nkyte brucebartlett definitely biased civilizedexcept american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news no rand paul budget budgets multiple sets books yep american people pick next president united states fox news im really really really pissed fox news gopdebates many repubs candidates parents born america americans generation generation know history american people pick next president united states fox news oh think brag it httpstcozk8kcnqe8l american people pick next president united states fox news no rand paul budget budgets multiple sets books yep sad nobody asked chris christie times left jersey go dallas cowboys games taxpayers paid it american people pick next president united states fox news hes going independent watch lol httpstconda3wpmxkt jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated im really really really pissed fox news prepared for times demand scotch milkshakes know sacrilege httptcovebjt6nrst fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from enjoyed looking forward next american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate therobotjane starscream dick cheney american people pick next president united states fox news anyone really loved america tonight would dropped atomic bomb american people pick next president united states fox news chris christie want increase military troops gop congress vote veterans american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news american people pick next president united states fox news need research stands chance get vote far maybe voting american people pick next president united states fox news love great one httptcoveggw14ipb american people pick next president united states fox news focus group laugh statistically significant prediction donald trump goes post debate polls looks crazier anyone else entertaining enjoyed looking forward next httptcozfpybzvcmk enjoyed looking forward next httptcowb0zteorzm j8p enjoyed looking forward next httptcoppxqqzfl1t j8p american people pick next president united states fox news im really really really pissed fox news doubt huge bump httpstcovanc0qxy4c focus group laugh statistically significant no rand paul budget budgets multiple sets books yep enjoyed looking forward next ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering good night fiorina rubio carson huckabee huckabee cruz see poll numbers increase trumps expense gopdebates ress agree someone income greater x draw ss keep seniors poverty anyone else want punch chris wallace face loved trump calling leaders stupid debatewithbernie wish id seen bernies livetweet watched that instead httptco7qk0peaecw focus group laugh statistically significant well wasamusingnow time project runway season 14 yippie lindsey who httpstco88kqkdztkx fox news declared megyn kelly bret baier chris wallace tonights debate enjoyed looking forward next foxnews focus group laugh statistically significant hate moderator asks candidate talk another candidate talk america jeb bush rand paul ones see odds rise though bushs price trimmed end three best performance in order imho carly fiorina amp ben carson amp marco rubio wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson gopdebates 1 rubio 2 carson 3 kasich 4walker 5 cruz 6 huckabee 7 bush 8 paul 9 christie 10 trump drbradholland spot on huge bump httpstcokjhnujetfe fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http enjoyed looking forward next lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more think were feeling republican primaries httpstcojrufcbphds senrandpaul owning traitor chris chistie httpstcoljl7vjiqdt ftw ron nailed came close telling megyn shut up httpstco2u15vmqlud trump cam hands like sketch im really really really pissed fox news dear fox news moderator forgot say chinese hacking started bush admin gopdebates calling ss entitlement obscene government took money retirement owe back plus interest fetuses vote support candidate question msm dirty tricks turn crowd against id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all see trump bother new hairstylist remember stage last election seems ridiculous againpalin involved before gopdebates solid proof rest world americans crazy jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr gopdebates got like bye excuse me httpstcoikb1d7wwvv candidates attack fox stoping speaking roger ailes set first q httpstcoui7ucyjcpu enjoyed looking forward next chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from fox news declared megyn kelly bret baier chris wallace tonights debate lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr voialex hed beat today 100 sergey anyone else want punch chris wallace face disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate so trump buys politicians used bankruptcy advantage skirted laws money admitted wanting single payer gopdebates replace tax code consumption tax get drug dealers pimps paying government enjoyed looking forward next disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate terms substance dominates jonathanfarrel7 jonathanfarrel7 luciabrawley christian litmus test lets refer constitution shall we three best performance in order imho carly fiorina amp ben carson amp marco rubio enjoyed looking forward next disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate dear friends may seem like fun im really mad republicans treat people cant affor disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate best part two showed men women gods watching right now httpstcoeuxxwne0z4 ill stop illegal immigration closing bridges c crispie that r saying tonight weve learned 1 thing anyone run https seriously single question mention on httptcokjcseuwg8t good point httpstcoeukms5k9sb enjoyed looking forward next happened single mention tonights gopdebates man uses brain thinknot politically manipulatei hope goes farid like 2 seehear frm him enjoyed looking forward next marcorubio speaks true american position hes perfect trying hard giving best gopdebates telling get warrant per 4th amendment golden ftw ron nailed came close telling megyn shut up httpstco2u15vmqlud need order another green apple martini process hell happened enjoyed looking forward next paddy power list allfemale republican ticket 1001 disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate slate president less like gopdebates trump air boris yeltsin russia nd became president russia planned parenthood performing half birth abortions immoral unconstitutional unethical carly fiorina big winner tonight opinionseemed 2b coolestmost competent leader both gopdebates talked path citizenship one address illegals immigrants reasonable humane plan disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all anyone else want punch chris wallace face jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr enjoyed looking forward next 3 hours enough one night love politics foxnews go home ur drunk msgoddessrises maybe three kasich bush trump httpstco4ofterx4ci surprise me real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all enjoyed looking forward next the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee happened single mention tonights lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more cruz takes long sentences know really smart sound way can answer direct question i president so no bad tipsy female whos blonde roots httpstcoorpuolsk2r planned parenthood performing half birth abortions immoral unconstitutional unethical id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all donniewahlberg lets hope decent set candidates vote over need order another green apple martini process hell happened id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all 4029craig httptcoavkcv5ahqi disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate political theatrics obviously set favor disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate cant believe watched two hours three best performance in order imho carly fiorina amp ben carson amp marco rubio that r saying tonight weve learned 1 thing anyone run httpstcorts5x2njm6 gop2016 hate unions made clear respect even teachers union think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate enjoyed looking forward next jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen msgoddessrises maybe three kasich bush trump httpstco4ofterx4ci surprise me trump person performance art serious question im psychic httptcowxaf0qvhi5 fixed va yet mammogram machines va hospital thanks fox news raising s ratings 3 hours enough one night love politics lmfao im drunk enjoyed that httpstco2thnmyuenp realbencarson impressive enjoyed looking forward next disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate enjoyed looking forward next enjoyed looking forward next enjoyed looking forward next trump cam hands enjoyed looking forward next enjoyed looking forward next enjoyed looking forward next id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all enjoyed looking forward next chrischristie understand bill rights does great job enjoyed looking forward next enjoyed looking forward next enjoyed looking forward next enjoyed looking forward next enjoyed looking forward next trump care political correctness care americas future jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr moment realize watching fox news handcuffs httptco5l9inki5sf ever happened answers gonna take care vets ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http think tonights whos pick republican nominee httptcow3hbrazu0a rubio best attack night marco rubio hillary clinton jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr anyone else want punch chris wallace face 3 hours enough one night love politics disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate jeb swell guy donald gruff im marco rubio fan great jobs mike huckabee donald trump competing see president escape new york tonight disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate love rubio said election resumes ideas future high tech future classy httpstcopzpyl1rdu6 jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated can answer direct question i president so no perhaps theyll talk racism theyre asked god told media twist turn good bad bad good id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all theres one thing certain of want win this is funny httpstcoxogpjtjify makes realize raise standards let kids listen to lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more im psychic httptcowxaf0qvhi5 republicans i black friend gay friend theyre person expand much murica need order another green apple martini process hell happened need order another green apple martini process hell happened twitterland god spoken the say life woman carrying baby candidates attack fox stoping speaking chris christie want increase military troops gop congress vote veterans jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr rand paul gone with ive got curly hair dropped mic rand pauls hair may worse trumpsgopdebates jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr honor cleveland httpstcooobw167xiq would never know frontrunner watching debate trump failing focus poll knew would bombed never attack conservative woman httpstco584a2xk2wf three best performance in order imho carly fiorina amp ben carson amp marco rubio id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all gopdebates fox else sloth network disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate jim gilmore clueless on state already rule area larger united kingdom closing statements httptco950mi0erjz twitterland god spoken the say need order another green apple martini process hell happened im psychic httptcowxaf0qvhi5 kasich may booze talkingbut think like man always circus clowns httptco89wrjdv1dl realbencarson 2016 america great again intelligence class charm longer requirements presidency guess right independent political strategist failing focus poll moving up disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all ill stop illegal immigration closing bridges c crispie need order another green apple martini process hell happened senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind what want know candidates hear strange voices head httpt im psychic httptcowxaf0qvhi5 real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw dear marco rubio shut fuck up neither entertaining wise first debate seems better moderators carly sorry missed it id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all dr carson remark dc half brain best line chris christie want increase military troops gop congress vote veterans lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more anyone else want punch chris wallace face wow think john kasich actual real candidate keeps talking sense never win primary id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all ack break time warner cables out missing jon stewart chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from debates raise s ratings fox news afraid trump shows id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all what want know candidates hear strange voices head httpt candidates attack fox stoping speaking chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all so trump buys politicians used bankruptcy advantage skirted laws money admitted wanting single payer need order another green apple martini process hell happened jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr gopdebates better phantom menace worse revenge sith vote me greatest time alive dont know primary jeb bush twitterland god spoken the say id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate twitterland god spoken the say russia amp china know hillary clintons emails congress boom yassssss up answers questions way wants to funny see megyn pretend stick women vs trump championing party hates woman every single day can answer direct question i president so no jonathanfarrel7 luciabrawley christian litmus test lets refer constitution shall we jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more so trump buys politicians used bankruptcy advantage skirted laws money admitted wanting single payer amazing tweeting wall tonight both grateful amp look forward fun ahead realdonaldtrump almost cordial dr carson 8 insurance salesmen jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr prediction donald trump goes post debate polls looks crazier anyone else entertaining disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate trump ben carson stood god wrong 16 times told god told run fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field well blast strong field both going fun campaign season walker god cutting uw budget talk him id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all lots still searching google httptcoakcodbzest fox focus group suggests trouble tycoon vote republican god forbid would vote anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all are punkd twitter field day round 1 httptcosg8tyhoaey supermanhotmale makes realize raise standards let kids listen to agr seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates newday cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysy jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates so trump buys politicians used bankruptcy advantage skirted laws money admitted wanting single payer chris christie want increase military troops gop congress vote veterans so trump buys politicians used bankruptcy advantage skirted laws money admitted wanting single payer candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr so trump buys politicians used bankruptcy advantage skirted laws money admitted wanting single payer im really really really pissed fox news need take control debate it lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr need order another green apple martini process hell happened jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all trump admit buying influence time declaring need campaign finance reform id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all no scott walker lash protesters wisconsin arrested think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio chris christie want increase military troops gop congress vote veterans jeb stands act love comments earned legal status boo httptcohimscrvikr miss the so trump buys politicians used bankruptcy advantage skirted laws money admitted wanting single payer id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate paging donald cant beat jamaica soccer either im really really really pissed fox news senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind so trump buys politicians used bankruptcy advantage skirted laws money admitted wanting single payer friends comedians following funnest anyone else want punch chris wallace face disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate made vagina hurt classy httpstcopzpyl1rdu6 id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all can answer direct question i president so no id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all so trump buys politicians used bankruptcy advantage skirted laws money admitted wanting single payer supermanhotmale makes realize raise standards let kids listen to agr seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates need order another green apple martini process hell happened twitterland god spoken the say chrisfranjola thank courage coverage amp sacrifice saved dreadful evening congrats harder watch rape scene irreversible need order another green apple martini process hell happened id rather boxing match amp let winners advance thatd much entertaining tailored questions far professional candidate is making even depressed jon stewart leaving needs debate special shows gopdebates kasich knew buzz words economic growth unite country respect voices carson surprisingly eloquent seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates need order another green apple martini process hell happened disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate supermanhotmale makes realize raise standards let kids listen to agree big time want alcohol poisoning the play instead pick cause amp gop hate lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more trump cam hands even ask climate change one question became fan tonight candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america time attacks guess real conversation issues im better soampso congratulating least coming better one person fucking yup seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates america losing may end up httptcopspfospive potus whitehouse flotus are punkd twitter field day round 1 httptcoasrwunt6cp id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all sitting veranda india reading debate comments twitter win watch debate entertaining watching everyone tweet preferred candidate won one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from gt final greatest transition ever may suggest turning audio listen queen live wembley stadium httptcol3ybnq5wka need order another green apple martini process hell happened jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen carlyfiorina many lies fit one response calling hillaryclinton liar sheep httptco2rhxu carson carson carson dammit man say words racism white supremacy audience jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen trump cam hands far professional candidate is newday cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysy lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate foxnews teams with poor sheep supposed boycotting http true lot people agree used httpstcoqlzsvi4otm three best performance in order imho carly fiorina amp ben carson amp marco rubio insulted her msnbc goes difference lol httpstco76yiyi3wwd seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate barely stay awake watching thing want miss rose ceremony httptcotyugqqym0q lol fun aghhh im pumped nerds favorite sport foxnews teams with poor sheep supposed boycotting httpt anyone else want punch chris wallace face jennybethm fave ambushed changed worse even mean quality production makes foxnews look like public access broadcast twitterland god spoken the say trump cam hands donald trump even bigger bully chris christie im astonished disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate put men stage one body still one decent president senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind hate realdonaldtrump never forget created this httptcor5rraxrfuo church state hmmmmm httptco7itnbdmwp7 seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio gopdebates thank god longest saturday night live skit ever finally over disaster makes realize raise standards let kids listen to im happy carson fast amp sure relaxed sometimes tedcruz america move forward til admit problem httptcoonozzewi2s makes realize raise standards let kids listen to srsly america give one guys launch code nukes live right flightpath please chris christie want increase military troops gop congress vote veterans put men stage one body still one decent president yup bipartisan way httpstcopyfwm16pcn disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field gopdebates we need fiscal national social conservative watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio need order another green apple martini process hell happened beautiful night in watching playing httpstcohmpjwncese disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate classy httpstcopzpyl1rdu6 id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all gopdebates part 2 surprisingly good belligerent good points made others came across human except cuz id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo karsynnicole would love see sidebyside resumes carly hillary watching tape delay overtime buzzer one jeopardys daily double want trump run independent want see army pissed women give much deserved humility id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more gopdebates gt final greatest transition ever wow primary source entertainment next six months cemented winner is koch brothers predict see present poll leader drop 35 points polls thus entering 12 point three way tie attacked fox female aint liberal media theres difference hi franklin httpstcoke33sk3jcw id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all makes realize raise standards let kids listen to id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all wow primary source entertainment next six months cemented need order another green apple martini process hell happened china many mentions honduras priorities man disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate marcorubio fail u think helped pls give cable show trump ben carson stood seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all anyone else want punch chris wallace face bigger boobs foxsports1 fox news httptcozoztdd3mvx gopdebates put men stage one body still one decent president need order another green apple martini process hell happened big night amp im heading 30 rock get highlights plus anything missed on jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from need order another green apple martini process hell happened ever happened answers gonna take care vets id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all cant believe watched two hours idanieltx democrat candidates pledged secure future homeland whites httptco1sawlh33hl disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate say like bully playground talk know whats wrong favs tonight chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates trump cam hands id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee johnkasich debate little home field advantage id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all would well study lamestream medias interpretation tomorrow morn amp throughout days pollster called told won go trump go id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all closing statements httptco950mi0erjz id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo always circus clowns httptco89wrjdv1dl gopdebates full swing httptcobxhhq5s0ea think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio commercial break httptconde2oejlmh fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all trump cam hands intelligence class charm longer requirements presidency guess would love see matchup carly hillary candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more need order another green apple martini process hell happened im sorry trump total joke tonight took away valuable time candidates yet talk climate change oh yeah republicans believe yes amp add ive got best hair rt rand paul gone with ive got curly hair dropped the must repeal replace benghazi id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all kelly files bout and christie left wanting paul got ko bill rights ben carson killed tonight get see liberty semester real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all anyone else want punch chris wallace face jim gilmore clueless on state already rule area larger united kingdom need order another green apple martini process hell happened jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all candidates attack fox stoping speaking wmur9_politics running potus gop candidates praiseds sec state tenure httpstco disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate twitterland god spoken the say missed both although feel missed much except one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all muting almost broke id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all need order another green apple martini process hell happened lived florida 8 years jeb w bush swear more id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen man im sorry nothing wpolitics totally mediocre here although im confident could wipe floor people either bell mean thing id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all hence official overtaking rnc via httpstcooviutsoksb would never know frontrunner watching debate candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp also would say jeb bush wooden al gore httptco2w2zqjskbu malbec tonight cant believe watched fox news 2 hours id really like see long candidate given speak seem fair amp balanced all need order another green apple martini process hell happened 10 men stage discussing one woman seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america over doubt ill able take many enough popcorn universe onto the ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america gopdebates ben carson stepped too real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw rwsurfergirl anyone else want punch chris wallace face me twitterland god spoken the say turned msnbc opinions the talking trump trump trump huh listening night carons half brain line killer good zingers tonight overall fairly civil intelligence class charm longer requirements presidency guess became fan tonight dear friends may seem like fun im really mad republicans treat people cant affor need order another green apple martini process hell happened watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo politicalwire cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush need order another green apple martini process hell happened lol right on httpstcoccyfy3gwmi top 5 in order carson cruz huckabee rubio paul need order another green apple martini process hell happened ftw ron nailed came close telling megyn shut up httpstco2u15vmqlud im really really really pissed fox news imma pay tomorrow httptco3y2krzumai one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp obamas leading behind disaster sentedcruz samlightstone talking politics technology timing tough tell ending candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america rand paul gone with ive got curly hair dropped mic need order another green apple martini process hell happened jimnorton point id vote whoever farts loudest juiciest mic i think trump looks unserious ya think rand paul gone with ive got curly hair dropped mic disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate watching television staff livetweeting yells tv httpstcoy newday cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysy anyone else want punch chris wallace face need order another green apple martini process hell happened truth wmur9 military httptco1uqresmx0c rwsurfergirl anyone else want punch chris wallace face me need order another green apple martini process hell happened real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw over doubt ill able take many enough popcorn universe onto the need order another green apple martini process hell happened self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless a movement back 1800s charlie do httpstcos47o2tmke8 would never know frontrunner watching debate ones made sort mark debate bell mean thing dear senator rubio god nothing republican party get right damn christian revival cut out chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from candidates attack fox stoping speaking anyone else want punch chris wallace face need order another green apple martini process hell happened gop debate there msgoddessrises donalds numbers going slip httpstcoqxclq93val sure trump sound lot like from httpstcoqsqdfy7kyd live on gop debate highlights httpstcow4pkbuaufu yes amp add ive got best hair rt rand paul gone with ive got curly hair dropped mic winner is koch brothers chris anyone else want punch chris wallace face like slam httpstcodf1aefuvgj luciabrawley christian litmus test lets refer constitution shall we disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate gopdebates always circus clowns httptco89wrjdv1dl one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp watching cant help think claire underwood referring political debates spectacle season 3 anyone else want punch chris wallace face officially right makes sense fox think itthen againthats politics done years dr carson talking race like trump talking money gopdebates reign magic andsiamese twins dear john kasich beat republican friends gay tree branch ever happened answers gonna take care vets seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates fact checking gop candidates statements debate httptcobwtmuj4qpe via three best performance in order imho carly fiorina amp ben carson amp marco rubio losers tonight winners need order another green apple martini process hell happened fox news pats back nothing winner is koch brothers kasich donalds numbers going slip httpstcomxwrthapwk trump cam hands wow primary source entertainment next six months cemented damn christian revival cut out black believe politics country god damned mind seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates still decidingcarson huckabee cruz well round 2 think won twitterland god spoken the say carly fiorina made point able attack hillary clinton love it unafraid want trump run independent want see army pissed women give much deserved humility thanks holding millions people know better balanced msn abc cbs disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate newday cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysysfsu would give first debate 1 gov huckabee 2 marco rubio 3rand paul jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate gop closing statements fear fear fear god feeeeeeeaaaaaarrr thanks obama dear fox news closing argument none gop candidates said anything help suffering women or twitterland god spoken the say jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen would never know frontrunner watching debate okay think blood pressure going down honestly miss mitt romney now buffoons minds entertaining seen action first hand congress touch amp contender carson getting zingers end riding all ill give credit medical trailblazer damn christian revival cut out need order another green apple martini process hell happened senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind undercard debates id say two stay race are carly fiorina bobby jindal id say carson cruz trump lol fun aghhh im pumped nerds favorite sport foxnews right change well moments refreshing philosophies amp plans america candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw exjon or youre listening httpstcovjizzeljky need order another green apple martini process hell happened gopdebates over go vote america httptco2qrcwbqliu dr carson remark dc half brain best line winner is koch brothers r clear gop hates women people color immigrants lgbtq community nonchristians missing anybody jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp sitting veranda india reading debate comments twitter win time attacks guess real conversation issues im better soampso three best performance in order imho carly fiorina amp ben carson amp marco rubio need order another green apple martini process hell happened someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw want alcohol poisoning the play instead pick cause amp gop hate need order another green apple martini process hell happened gop closing statements fear fear fear god feeeeeeeaaaaaarrr thanks obama weak carson carson carson dammit man say words racism white supremacy audience carlyfiorina amp two candidates id invite home great meal making even depressed jon stewart leaving needs debate special shows america horrible shape the illegals trying hard get in watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland winner is koch brothers need order another green apple martini process hell happened carson carson carson dammit man say words racism white supremacy audience think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio winner is koch brothers usually politicsbut good entertainment paging donald cant beat jamaica soccer either need order another green apple martini process hell happened wait two twitter confused people cannot run country literally afraid will cannot happen thats qualification im one separates siamese twins dr ben carson mike huckabee bartles amp jaymes would like thank support need order another green apple martini process hell happened friends comedians following funnest disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate paging donald cant beat jamaica soccer either real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw gopdebates fun really think became stupider dear world please realize us dumb stuck work 9 cant wait go home amp watch train wreck the anyone know find it one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp gopdebates also think rand paul toast ever happened answers gonna take care vets official worst debate ever disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate anyone else want punch chris wallace face need order another green apple martini process hell happened dr carson remark dc half brain best line over doubt ill able take many enough popcorn universe onto the time attacks guess real conversation issues im better soampso paging donald cant beat jamaica soccer either real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw entertaining seen action first hand congress touch amp contenders part political reporters get crazy looking touches who dr carson remark dc half brain best line paging donald cant beat jamaica soccer either we time pc tone weve got go get job done realdonaldtrump lt cant dispute that itll interesting see polls shuffle all result undercard main winner is koch brothers dear fox news closing argument none gop candidates said anything help suffering women or great tweets david limbaugh httptcooy2dpyizxk 5 faves particular order jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated great app watching debates thanks fox news please add option rate moderators dear fox news closing argument none gop candidates said anything help suffering women or dear jeb bush record sir clear fucking ememy voting public period even biased attacks by wins paging donald cant beat jamaica soccer either classy httpstcopzpyl1rdu6 yall better lie god she talk yall winner is koch brothers considering bias help delineate candidates differences clear now cant wait hillary clinton put blast presidential debates woman got big cojones aw totes come later good cry gotchu boo gopdebates ill surprised jump top 5 tonight someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw im interested see carly fiorina ben carson mike huckabee pick steam everyone came unscathed jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen hahahahah commentary best think were going run beer paging donald cant beat jamaica soccer either were nation losers except me made money trump disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates even biased attacks by wins every time say wedge issues think mean wedgies candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america unclear watched church convention political debate one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp dr carson remark dc half brain best line think come cant take anymore more thepoliticalcat cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen khou looks base wildly entertaining television spectacle like much time spent attacking clinton amp obama instead talking substantive issues rand paul im different kind republican yes sos pad dickhead prolife gun owners believe death mentality war god carly fiorina made point able attack hillary clinton love it unafraid hopefully next debates better meh paging donald cant beat jamaica soccer either ohio governor john kasich currently manh dear fox news closing argument none gop candidates said anything help suffering women or female anchor count 2 female blonde anchor count 2 dear friends may seem like fun im really mad republicans treat people cant affor disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump points trump our vets need taken care of except john mccain loser rand paul im different kind republican yes sos pad dickhead ever happened answers gonna take care vets rand paul marco rubio seem like viable options donald trump we import things anyone rand paul came back wisconsin yeahno love ice cream gets vote thepoliticalcat cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush every time say wedge issues think mean wedgies according huckabee military killing people breaking things americas problems suddenly make sense none handled snakes none spike tongues hates evangelicals dr carson remark dc half brain best line trump closing statement we suck wish could make closing statement mouth full tacos _ツ_ said wedge issue im waiting accidentally eat god told president so like guess im going go president whatever anyone else expecting trump say something super racist mentioned china japan ha hahahahahaha ha ha ha ha realdonaldtrump beat got ass handed woman megynkelly ftw total dc half brain best line muther seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates surviving recall like badge honor like shut up marco rubios campaign slogan needs from bar back president every time say wedge issues think mean wedgies dr carson remark dc half brain best line gopdebates bash hillary night slick willy lovin cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httpstcocnsr5chhal real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw dear jeb bush record sir clear fucking ememy voting public period cruz new sheriff town nice summary cherishes freedom freedom jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen become acceptable god topic political debates country seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates im loving s closing statements hate get lot questions tho total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage honestly sure im watching mean girls even go here closing statements httptco950mi0erjz jebbush tell us daddy living win anymore playground win anymore freedom several weeks ago santorum said wants make america manufacturing country manufacturing 20th century thinking need high tech it late wisconsin late america oh pass cheese scott walker ive using wrong hashtag i know fuck im here rand paul candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate reminder bush run florida anyone rand paul dr carson remark dc half brain best line republican candidates states awesome reason enough stop country sucking minority right mind voting anyone candidates clue issues ehh ill say 1 rubio 2 trump 3 walker 4 kasich 5 bush 6 cruz 7 carson 8 christie 9 huckabee 10 rand paul retweeted shawn drury shawndrurysc jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp wow look diversity gop huckabee card bushs closing statement provided moodys jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated thepoliticalcat cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush well would ya look that womenarewatching httpstco1mttug98ch real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw bush idiot sadly idiot brother ran first scott walker say wife two kids harlot dear ted cruz scriptures say lying good president thats thought anyone else want punch chris wallace face wrapped mailman vote end debate ought drop out fox debate commentators ashamed way theyve treated trump dr carson remark dc half brain best line gopdebates shame u ever gone back looked words learned seminary u know bear false witness the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee dear friends may seem like fun im really mad republicans treat people cant affor one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp shout bernie sanders slipping radar democrat jokes disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate fox debate address voting rights act voter suppression voter id laws surprise all jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated ill best that god blessed country republican candidatesbut democrats rubio you httpt real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw walter refused mention bucks hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions hillaryclinton comin girl closing statements httptco950mi0erjz anyone else want punch chris wallace face perhaps theyll talk racism theyre asked god told closing statements httptco950mi0erjz unless talking schools air quality water quality httpstcoznljf0zjd9 fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http watch 10 contenders debate watch megyn kelly waltb31 cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush well would ya look that womenarewatching httpstco1mttug98ch jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated gopdebates putting terrorists jail means locking college students calling vivisectors delusional fox debate address voting rights act voter suppression voter id laws surprise all can answer direct question i president so no one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp wmur9_politics running potus gop candidates praiseds sec state tenure httpstcoj9oebxygof carson getting zingers end riding all ill give credit medical trailblazer ben carson johnny carson fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http freedom freedid ben carson go team america shit disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field become acceptable god topic political debates country ben carsons determined get joke worst debate history republican debates thank senator ted cruz time debate trump cam hands closing statements daddy do httptcopqehfifwlc the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee closing statements httptco950mi0erjz literally im still pissed whole gay marriage issue constitutional please leave that republicans bencarson went hard end busted face dear fox news closing argument none gop candidates said anything help suffering women or ben carson wants try interesting bencaraon dull embarrassment person color michellemacfnc debates hugged obama deserve stage tonight neuroscience shaaaade tho omg wanna throw shade like please tedcruz gets vote tonight dr carson close second lol seriously answer question gopdebates dr ben damn funny thank cruz finally someone pledges reverse every obama executive order day 1 hard disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate ben carson rocks final thoughts disagree defend right opinion vive la difference httpstcokdbt7xfeuh no scott walker lash protesters wisconsin arrested seriously gop voters think god talks presidential candidates want one white basically white men sayim richhella richi hate gays blks poor people vote ted cruzs slogan if hate obama vote me boy pushing anyone else want punch chris wallace face ted cruz undo obama shit because smh closing statements httptco950mi0erjz jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated twist carly fiorina ate chris christie ted cruz president tree fort anyone else want punch chris wallace face ted cruz needs find suit fits disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate gopdebates cruz going persecute religious liberty cool jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated god said im god gop idiots leave outta this bencarson2016 zingers go away thank cruz finally someone pledges reverse every obama executive order day 1 hard megynkelly absolutely questions jobs economy thats polling highest right moments god nothing else comes close become acceptable god topic political debates country jeb father wasoh nevermind parenting overrated closing statements daddy do httptcopqehfifwlc trans soldiers die huckabee cant foot bill make fulfilled human beings really gopdebates none answered questions directly disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate god blessed country republican candidatesbut democrats rubio you httpt pity party thanks fox news raising s ratings chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from worst debate history republican debates thank senator ted cruz time debate obviously watching plenty witness many peoples parents fled cuba god great there anyone else want punch chris wallace face carson carson carson dammit man say words racism white supremacy audience fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field what want know candidates hear strange voices head httpt perhaps theyll talk racism theyre asked god told im really really really pissed fox news cruz go take eos previous administrations illegal would never know frontrunner watching debate perhaps theyll talk racism theyre asked god told cruz spend 1st day reversing obama administration ha gopdebates flag going blame continual murders chicago baltimore us cities high murder rates dem like come separation church state guys killing me screw fox news gopdebates kasich deserves airtime commercial break httptconde2oejlmh trump thinking message god told guys anythinggopdebates disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http hugged obama deserve stage tonight everyones ancestry relevant run country fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http rubio bush threat country hoping rips apart comments gopdebates conservative obama whose hand held blaming gop 4 sandy httptcoglubxg8wlv chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp lynching black folks jesus name whats relevance god question jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen aight thats jon stewart final ep time laters thing makes rand paul different type republican trump thinking message god told guys anythinggopdebates would never know frontrunner watching debate read lips tax the pimps mike huckabee dear fox news moderator forgot say chinese hacking started bush admin jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http perhaps theyll talk racism theyre asked god told jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions ok goodbye time carson carson carson dammit man say words racism white supremacy audience draw close batshit selfassuredness cardboard sign highway offramp become acceptable god topic political debates country christie putting america risk fourth amendment talk funny um middleclass bringingsave u know who one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp disagree kasich feel headlines httpstcowkbkczflyw real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america amount g word im seeing tl regards obvious evangelicals got em balls fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus http perhaps theyll talk racism theyre asked god told wrestling match 30 second last words like lamest freestyle raps ever ok cull herd two tell pataki carson walker cruz perry go home randpaul kentucky sound like rubio family came cuba nobody else gets share american dream cuba disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate real life people running powerful office world httptcolg74nhdetw parents illegal marco call marco cant help think dr carson hoping gifted hands make way flailing mouth republican primary think govern new reality show rubio american dream story rand paul im different kind republican im one whos campaign staff picked fbi week aaand question racial divide goes drum roll black man stage one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp god super pac rubio bush threat country according rubio god blessed republicans good candidates but blessed democrats one wtf wish one candidate would say i take salary president nation debt carson carson carson dammit man say words racism white supremacy audience become acceptable god topic political debates country rand paul gone with ive got curly hair dropped mic candidates attack fox stoping speaking one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp closing statements httptco950mi0erjz gopdebates impressed three fox moderators handled debate dear senator rubio god nothing republican party get right rand paul like me me closing statements httptco950mi0erjz cruz i receive word god everyday god dont blame guy pills voices chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate rand paul im different kind republican yes sos pad dickhead watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo christies dad worked icecream factory see it ben carson solidifying black vote embarrassing whole world watching must asking going on fixed va yet mammogram machines va hospital i know fuck im here rand paul thought maybe going show httptcodrsoj9pn8z damn christian revival cut out paul devil im scared wins christies dad worked ice cream plant explains it randpaul embarrassment closing statements httptco950mi0erjz god closing statements httptco950mi0erjz right httpstcoyvx1bj7ofj realbencarson best statement night dr carson thank 4 putting n2 perspective 4 ignorant n world dr carson talking race like trump talking money one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp dear ted cruz scriptures say lying good president thats thought fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions nowwww decides put names screen theyre speaking govchristie got ass served fix new jersey first carson carson carson dammit man say words racism white supremacy audience sweet family served anything saying veterans closing statements httptco950mi0erjz closing statements httptco950mi0erjz anyone uses gods name hate wolf sheeps clothing matthew 23115 men g ben carlson nailed comments race country trying divide us closing statements httptco950mi0erjz dr carson talking race like trump talking money yes respect like saying punch people faces one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp walker god cutting uw budget talk him cut military fight teachers aaand question racial divide goes drum roll black man stage chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from ben carson solidifying black vote dear fox news closing argument none gop candidates said anything help suffering women or candidates attack fox stoping speaking fun watching sock amp many reporters lost true north go don one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp closing statements httptco950mi0erjz fox presidential candidates lets talk god second founding fathers jesus httptcocf4cyit15k one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp trump cam hands us military spending vs nations via httptcovbpxf8hqrf httptcosts4tnx3kw already heard say appointed 91011 enough walker god cutting uw budget talk him second spin room getting ready httptcodcs6i6tfdn dr ben carson united not divided states america disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions walker god cutting uw budget talk him candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america republican primary think govern new reality show candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america says know candidates fruits listening carson carson carson dammit man say words racism white supremacy audience senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america kasich moving up dear ted cruz scriptures say lying good president thats thought someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw msgoddessrises theres cakebread fridge httpstcozbmtzsx9vx break open red white love chard cruz hardball trump smear rubio hardball bush favorite color instead adult watching the watched feel connected youthful following russia amp china know hillary clintons emails congress boom cruz hardball trump smear rubio hardball bush favorite color anyone else want punch chris wallace face bet guys bibles podiums walker god cutting uw budget talk him could ask trump god headache massive eye roll due closing question carson playing booker t washington card preaching colorblindness closing statements httptco950mi0erjz trump thinking message god told guys anythinggopdebates dear gov walker nothing brag about fucked state wisconsin suck koch dear fox news closing argument none gop candidates said anything help suffering women kids carson carson carson dammit man say words racism white supremacy audience gopdebates still supporting trump matter hard tried tear down anyone else want punch chris wallace face walker god cutting uw budget talk him low though gop factor pander religion much ben carson solidifying black vote well dr carsondid dance away race issues country trump get answer god gopdebates disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate wham bam thank you ann participants seen httptcososrcpfvsj science talk hot ask everyone questions racegopdebates kasich leastdead eyes bunch closing statements httptco950mi0erjz candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america ben carson talks race httptconoxpkanwsx closing statements httptco950mi0erjz notice nodding agreement talked operating brain disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate pledge support gop establishment sold obama walker god cutting uw budget talk him dr carson talking race like trump talking money bencarson2016 we united states divided states mention bottle tequila gone disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate carson carson carson dammit man say words racism white supremacy audience headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a like ben sad trump get answer question dr carson talking race like trump talking money dusting twitter account msnbc host fox news dems get watch megan kellys brain explode live tv closing statements interesting scott walker like carson elect first black friend disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate rubio bush threat country anyone else want punch chris wallace face dear ted cruz scriptures say lying good president thats thought credit carson one one mention anything race relations ask black candidate race question carson slamming young stanley wrapped mailman vote end debate ought drop out closing statements httptco950mi0erjz breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a gopdebates ben carson loves use gifted hands speak lauriecicotello roxy girl thinks the kauai httptcozsmwztkffv httptcogvxkghdxoq jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen ask trump god retweeted sal masekela salmasekela self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering think carson said rivals nomination want divide us jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless ben carson hes standing right now trump course httpstcogze8fty1ma disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate every time debate bell rings dogs freak out candidates attack fox stoping speaking damn christian revival cut out skin doesnt make are hair doesnt make are sexual orientation totally commercial break httptconde2oejlmh realbencarson skin make are media dividing us speaking constitution believe part talks separation church state oh huckabeewhatgopdebates think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio god veterans quirky sitcom veterans neat ones god party animal fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field ben carson solidifying black vote disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate need simply joy twitter brings fox moderators going bring god next debate segment pleasespare mespare us jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo talk god today tomorrow war gopdebates cant even find one good candidate dr carson talking race like trump talking money really ask black candidate race question really rubio gets kinds applause less intolerant religious plurality republican candidates closing love god democrats would never that sayin ask black candidate race question disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate aaand question racial divide goes drum roll black man stage watching television staff livetweeting yells tv httpstcoy carson go seat back race becuz mofos racist according rubio god loves republicans democrats dr carson used emissary blacks again wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson god blessed country republican candidatesbut democrats rubio you httptcopgijypjzdf republican candidates closing love god democrats would never that sayin hard pick one dislike most dems gonna kept white house gop foreign policy httptcofoanzk9qmv minority right mind voting anyone candidates clue issues republican candidates closing love god democrats would never that sayin the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee cruz hardball trump smear rubio hardball bush favorite color gopdebates funny ha ha damn christian revival cut out think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio win know roger httpstcofr8gwjkd3p 44 tx latina women make white mans stand equal work https gopdebates win emmy best comedy show twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless debate makes want drink god lovewhat men self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless marco rubios blessed count 87 the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee the democrats cant even find one marco rubio ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering wrapped mailman vote end debate ought drop out the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee anyone else want punch chris wallace face rubio thinks republican party bffs god democrats suck god hates them gopdebate final statement please pander religious nutjobs illiterates go foxnewsdebate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate ill stop illegal immigration closing bridges c crispie republican candidates closing love god democrats would never that sayin jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen low key impressed lost 1 follower tonight im certainly imperfect man scottwalker truth shut amp go home self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless gopdebates line night rubio god blessed us many candidatesdemocrats cant even find one funny oh race issues good jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless god super pac dear senator rubio god nothing republican party get right fixed va yet mammogram machines va hospital rubio claiming god made mistake making democrats hugged obama deserve stage tonight would like add separation church state needs stay way walker god cutting uw budget talk him receive word god everyday scriptures well httptcod2qfaxyima minority right mind voting anyone candidates clue issues fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate dear friends may seem like fun im really mad republicans treat people cant affor anntbush cancel primaries fox party set upanointed man jeb bush http christian litmus test lets refer constitution shall we im still staring senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate lynching black folks jesus name whats relevance god question god brains veterans last question crap constitution supreme law land guide president bible comes chase facebook asking important questions hurts forearm making jerk gesture guys separation church state also constitutiongopdebates straight outta compton commercial fox news well played senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind edenza oh god please cant even form words say stupid topic god pissed people need seat walker god cutting uw budget talk him hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions ptl club tammy mascara god prez minority right mind voting anyone candidates clue issues cant tell talking god god ronald reagan no scott walker lash protesters wisconsin arrested anyone else want punch chris wallace face going wrap without talking environment gun violence ill vote candidate god spoken directly self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen closing round time godblessed low blows democrats candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america rwsurfergirl anyone else want punch chris wallace face me must repeal replace benghazi debatequestionswewanttohear want government bless veterans believing god prerequisite office presidency talking it thanks fox news raising s ratings love men feel like continue dictate womans steps im catch fire im mad 3 fs family friends facebook fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions anyone else want punch chris wallace face chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from please leave must repeal replace benghazi self righteous hypocrites trying god other shameless pray god gives candidates direct immediate responses giving debate god loves even says oops forgives you dont believe facts donald trump diss da rican on httpstcoklogxi5bjs many good men 2nd gop debates commercial break httptconde2oejlmh candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america no scott walker lash protesters wisconsin arrested senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind question god veterans softball thought airs wednesday nights bingo put article httpstcoxaaqwag80f fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions waiting trumps answer god walker god cutting uw budget talk him finally someone defines conservatives progressives thank carly fiorina oh go veterans pawn walker took 100000 protesters name god point decide elect prophet veterans vice prez said faith second slip up walker his faith my faith hopefully well find god stands taxingpimps issue required mention god first closing senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind walker took 100000 protesters name god anyone claims hearing godevery morning fit hold officemight better take meds which talk air hear voices head translating megyn kelly pastors mailmen plumbers presidents candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america told u httpstcohqdy3yf6jv scott walker im certainly imperfect man involuntarily runs fingers across bald spot kasichs dad mailman mike huckabee quoting limp bizkit lyrics military talking points hear that gop candidates kasich said god wants america succeed bad you least wanted america fail guy believes miracles get cat outta httptco9txkszjos2 cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobg god super pac want hear conversation god republicans explain want help poor please leave primary debate pawnee town meeting disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate god prez need take control debate it so conclusion fuckedup parents christian result watch party minutes begin httptcoroeuk2nueu kasich may booze talkingbut think like man chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from megynkelly stood disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate today time next president one year office empty arena disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate god super pac today time next president one year office empty arena minority right mind voting anyone candidates clue issues candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america anntbush cancel primaries fox party set upanointed man jeb bush http pastors mailmen plumbers presidents disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate trans soldiers die huckabee cant foot bill make fulfilled human beings really correctrecord cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysysfsu believe first mention human rights night thx kasich know god hes friend mine im glad count backer a house divided would better this lego abraham lincoln gopdebates god business seek first righteousness simple kasich may booze talkingbut think like man well god got time black lives definitely fox definitely republican disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field sportspickle saw this thought httptcojfru1lnffb disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field dumbgaybatman candidates hoping theyre gods main girl spoiler alert theyre side hoes the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate hope trump says i talk myself oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland cenkuygur cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush http disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate need take control debate it yall better lie god she talk yall disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate my father scarecrow mother raised 50 children 25 own jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from god super pac candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america kasich i believe miracles restore common sense bam win thats christian minority right mind voting anyone candidates clue issues know god hes friend mine im glad count backer fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee shutting debate spoken 30 minutes beg chance say anything ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw cant build moat instead candidates attack fox stoping speaking going go every candidates relatives resumes candidates attack fox stoping speaking minority right mind voting anyone candidates clue issues disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate gopdebates became republican version tonight disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate must repeal replace benghazi anyone else want punch chris wallace face the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee must repeal replace benghazi cruz says know candidates fruits listening the purpose military kill people break things might quote night sad say snl hasnt written comedy sketch good since housewives disney a movement back 1800s yet talk climate change oh yeah republicans believe disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate thanks holding millions people know better balanced msn abc cbs fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate creepy blond commentator promised us coming break httptcoe6t5zg8xwp won watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo oh yall spoke god now cuz heard busy making sure women could still get healthcare one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp pretty much learn anything anyone pastors mailmen plumbers presidents fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field i stand women stand life ted pregnant pause cruz disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate new army slogan kill people break things hell yeah america httpstcoeulc7pbupr trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee let speak hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions would never know frontrunner watching debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate hermetically sealed bedchamber pat robertson tuned the popcorn hand i told thered miracles senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind amen lets elect next president fruits annstokes55 hes conservative cant let talk stupid senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee hearing candidates talk god actually terrifying best quotes tonight still think theres fire left whimps dear friends may seem like fun im really mad republicans treat people cant affor gopdebates im still staring gopdebates damn christian revival cut out disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate comes chase facebook asking important questions hurts forearm making jerk gesture candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america anyone else wait snl weekend debate coverage foxnews cruz disrespected trump disrespected seems fox likes rhinos days the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee yall better lie god she talk yall want defend life cruz make sure nobody dies administration president disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate dear ted cruz scriptures say lying good president thats thought kasich strong start debate lack questions led fade background must repeal replace benghazi disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate dude pics totally taken tinder profile senator cruz word god spit tequila damn megyn kelly expensive kind disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate real nittygritty god helping candidates oh please tell us dumb fox news god touch lately really getting worried get along people think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio today time next president one year office empty arena voices head question disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee candidate received word god presidential hopefuls america christian brotherhood america disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate final question sons killed big game please comment on the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee someone please send highlight tomorrow old lady bed time debates raise s ratings fox news afraid trump shows shall know fruits ted cruz seriously thats last question watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo thanks holding millions people know better balanced msn abc cbs must repeal replace benghazi headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a could see candidates working j2 like nawl id like see bunch losers work construction theyre 70 years old church state made up yall closer ever take shower this covered pandering received word god oh lawdhere goand yall know love lawd mess anyone uses gods name hate wolf sheeps clothing matthew 23115 men god the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate trump going claim god gave campaign contribution watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate watched john kasich eat predebate steak wait wuuuuuuuut actually question cant the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee ill stop illegal immigration closing bridges c crispie someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw would love seen it seemed better guys httpstcoaawvuqqqrb headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies impo today time next president one year office empty arena oh ted cruz still talking think needed ice cream voices head question disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate questions r worded like personal attacks including half truths stated cops targeting blacks thats disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate anyone else wait snl weekend debate coverage disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate really thats closing question why one cares daddy issues cruz someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw many guys wish would 5 oclock debate instead one disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate gopdebates goes 1st amendment imaginary friend sky rang yesterday guys separation church state also constitutiongopdebates fluff legitimate question like first amendment separation church amp state yall better lie god she talk yall thanks holding millions people know better balanced msn abc cbs disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions candidates attack fox stoping speaking someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw fucking question theyre asking potential presidential nominees holy shit creepy blond commentator promised us coming break httptcoe6t5zg8xwp were asking talk god disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate hopefully well find god stands taxingpimps issue disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate im imagining trump giving state union yeah ok maybe id vote disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate megan kelly asking troll question russia amp china know hillary clintons emails congress boom trailer terrible movie escape airing feels apt hopefully well find god stands taxingpimps issue disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate classy httpstcopzpyl1rdu6 disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate dear friends may seem like fun im really mad republicans treat people cant afford live kasich strong start debate lack questions led fade background disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate us military spending vs nations via httptcovbpxf8hqrf httptcosts4tnx3kw someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw hopefully well find god stands taxingpimps issue theyve seen burning bush disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it barely stay awake watching thing want miss rose ceremony httptcoxhsj9d4q jamiaw see previous tweet disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate one word for someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw lottabody end wraps god dinosaurs hopefully well find god stands taxingpimps issue jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen chris christie want unbelievably sized military intimidate people seen penis disappointing fox news conducting fair amp balanced debate might biggest problem budget maybe kind does include va benefits httptcopijkaw96i1 think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions fox loves bush ugh give cruz roxy girl thinks the kauai httpstcotlci4gezof russia amp china know hillary clintons emails congress boom chrischristie making even proud new jerseygopdebates alumni top foreign affairs programs military schools need you help us please commercial break httptconde2oejlmh anyone else wait snl weekend debate coverage thanks holding millions people know better balanced msn abc cbs russia amp china know hillary clintons emails congress boom stay tuned closing statements final thoughts god turned tv im good candidates attack fox stoping speaking headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a candidates attack fox stoping speaking hopefully well find god stands taxingpimps issue commercial break httptconde2oejlmh russia amp china know hillary clintons emails congress boom commercial break httptconde2oejlmh fact obama caused drought gop httptcookpzqkqhkj headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio barely stay awake watching thing want miss rose ceremony httptcoxhsj9d4q someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw gopdebates oh god shall fucker bible tonight httptcouzpmkfosyq rudepundit johnfugelsang chris christie want unbelievably sized military intimidate people seen penis years gopdebates must one last political forums developed nations invoked frequently stay tuned closing statements final thoughts god turned tv im good oh brilliant amp love please drink red bulls next debate trump cam hands ok allowing rebut happy right ill stop illegal immigration closing bridges c crispie gopdebate talk govt control via gun control hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions guess theyll say winner trump know trump like card games something trumps another skynews keeps calling trump billionaire reality tv star incredible weve lied to need strong leader tell truth chrischristie chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from watching seems like bashing pbo failed policies important commercial break httptconde2oejlmh russia amp china know hillary clintons emails congress boom eleven years later reagan rose dead the commercial break httptconde2oejlmh oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland foxnews shutting debate spoken 30 minutes beg chance say anything remember whatever do say agree dr carsonah fuckchristies debate coach phew looks like democrats gonna vote republican fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field candidates attack fox stoping speaking put commercials the little time already answer questions directly stay tuned closing statements final thoughts god turned tv im good anyone else want punch chris wallace face jesus walks starts playing buh gawd thats gods entry music jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen creepy blond commentator promised us coming break httptcoe6t5zg8xwp huckabee plays bass right must play steinberger know it wanna politics wanna see shit show predicates election watch govmikehuckabee clue kind hard work amp commitment every member military makes sowhat foreign news services going use segments tonighttomorrow anyone else want punch chris wallace face keithalink fun im wondering whos going kicked island guys hilarious hopefully well find god stands taxingpimps issue jamiaw whats funny god patronizing tone media wants demonize god someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw hopefully well find god stands taxingpimps issue according to good lord making appearance break can answer direct question i president so no someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw candidates attack fox stoping speaking thanks fox news raising s ratings commercial break httptconde2oejlmh run around debate astonishing this thanks holding millions people know better balanced msn abc cbs enoughgoing bed httptco7do3vj9xci someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee im waiting accidentally eat makes sense ron paul stop giving money enemies the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it fox moderators going bring god next debate segment pleasespare mespare us the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee commercial break httptconde2oejlmh commercial break httptconde2oejlmh fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field anntbush cancel primaries fox party set upanointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysysfsu commercial break httptconde2oejlmh the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee anyone else want punch chris wallace face next time get werner herzog host gop debates know less awkward stay tuned closing statements final thoughts god turned tv im good let speak guy httpstcoifrw11tfwo finally question cruz iranian deal terrible russia cyber attack reagan made iran release prisoners honestly miss mitt romney now buffoons minds someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw stay tuned closing statements final thoughts god turned tv im good the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee paul i want collect records terrorists fewer americans joke whole world laughing rn candidates attack fox stoping speaking want rand paul commercial break httptconde2oejlmh anyone else want punch chris wallace face began recording final another tv retrospective already progress darn anyone else want punch chris wallace face commercial break httptconde2oejlmh russia amp china know hillary clintons emails congress boom going let chris wallace speak let sychophant continue look camera asking q owns debate comes smart number aides convicted felonies higher number wi voter impersonation cases past 30 yrs perfectsweet point time hogging go rand chris christie want increase military troops gop congress vote veterans so huckabee trying say military decreased troops want serve alongside gay people one question one important urgent movements us today amp long time one question someone send httptcojc9jhrrcpw way answer question my dad tv night hurry watching 13 minutes the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee pataki prochoice disqualified gop candidate the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee cant handle 15 these commercial break httptconde2oejlmh wait god coming trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up gopdebates megyn kelly chris wallace suck hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions stay tuned closing statements final thoughts god turned tv im good anyone else want punch chris wallace face scottwalker russia amp china know hillary clintons emails congress boom commercial break httptconde2oejlmh fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field shhhh god talk let people fight military theyve fighting recognitionampequal rights decades theyll great it chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from im waiting accidentally eat anyone else want punch chris wallace face the military social experiment military designed kill people break things lol ben carsons got best hair whole stage gopdebates let speak chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from breaking mike huckabee transgender rights god going fox news first appearanceever wait making appearance the dear donald trump sniff couple times head ass far best moderator tonight hands down nice job bret candidates attack fox stoping speaking playing yoshi made yarn whole world made yarn brought by straight outta compton drink httpstcoaz9gugmcgu total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage isnt debate q lol cruz allowed jump comment christie made declare bankruptcy china whoever racist misogynistic two hours wins chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from the purpose military kill people break things soul aching god chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from they say god would break could make god anymore awkward would expect farce bottomtier butttttttttttt looooooove violence military intimidating people really need make largest military power world bigger people specialize superlatives hyperbole makes good tv bad politics man guys really love vomiting numbers the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee forgot ted cruz ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it kinda dream land chris christine already two largest armies world chris thats works anyone else want punch chris wallace face whoever racist misogynistic two hours wins zero veterans among how fast go war candidates easy putting peoples kids harms way oh brilliant amp love please drink red bulls next debate candidates attack fox stoping speaking military industrial complex alive well aminespn ben carson proof even neurosurgeon looks like marvin gayeyou get 0 face time chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee really need make largest military power world bigger yes did even nice try lib looooooove israel much anyone else want punch chris wallace face asking abortion women asking military veterans candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee rubio awesome response pro life the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee yeah ignoring him httpstcodsu6t7e1wn huckabee attacks care at the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone think well get questions on the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee brought by straight outta compton tell mile huckabee military integration ted cruz iran contra guys history general shout tos tanning salon real winner debate onesedonia huckabee wtf lol thanks fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field rand paul even come from yahoo republican talking points iran immigration military hate war old shit loudobbsnews like anyone else want punch chris wallace face candidates attack fox stoping speaking group idiots think dems worry losing white house eodchick thought seen all jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen truly greatest show earth the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee trans soldiers die huckabee cant foot bill make fulfilled human beings really twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 mush bayonets this walker revolutionary war site the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee 15 mins well go 8 blowhards talked lot say much 1 guy whose work spoke volumes cdm 9m9 minutes ago anyone else want punch chris wallace face jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen ben carson talk trash mature speaker truth maturity strength display at ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee anyone else want punch chris wallace face say bibi cmon know want to cant wait remember bros names absurd statement huckabee httpstcoh41d93xlgn jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen im really really really pissed fox news everyone said the one stage literally everyone said already anyone else want punch chris wallace face trump cam hands ben carson saying military didnt hv capability strike assad goodbye dude youre nuts fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions would never know frontrunner watching debate the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from would never know frontrunner watching debate the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee im popeye sailor man httptco4jo4uqng89 anyone else want punch chris wallace face the purpose military kill people break things watching television staff livetweeting yells tv httpstcoy candidates attack fox stoping speaking like crazy interracial thing militarynot social experiment lot people ha jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen to kill people break things the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee im really really really pissed fox news jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee cant believe ted cruz referenced reagan hostage release people know weapons hostagesgopdebates oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee mike huckabee thinks transgender people cant kill people break things hed better ask somebody friend looks talks like ben carson ruining debate me fyi us defense spending compared countries httptco0l8ct4fgco the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee playing drinking game took shot every time remembered ben carson there id sober the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee fox news debates comedy laugh store fun thanks fox news raising s ratings trans soldiers die huckabee cant foot bill make fulfilled human beings really dear gov walker nothing brag about fucked state wisconsin suck koch the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee whoah b52s fan dammit might like mike huckabee quoting limp bizkit lyrics military talking points dear jeb bush record sir clear fucking ememy voting public period wasted opportunity ask doctor science the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee candidates attack fox stoping speaking the military social experiment include women too idea anyone else want punch chris wallace face admit pleasantly surprised questions moderators transgender issues unexpected the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee watching television staff livetweeting yells tv httpstcoywvenorhgf the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee the disaster forgot military yes yes the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee iq 80 less think assholes would seem really coherent im waiting accidentally eat fox news debates comedy laugh store fun define shore up ignorant motherfucking jackass chant war together the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee im really really really pissed fox news anyone else want punch chris wallace face feel like mike huckabee would smell like fancy feast cat food bengay far best moderator tonight hands down nice job bret gopdebate looks gormless know reminds kind guys avoid trying hit bars fox news debates comedy laugh store fun ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it the military social experiment include women too idea anyone else want punch chris wallace face kill people break things quote terrifying dear gov walker nothing brag about fucked state wisconsin suck koch headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a russia knows hillarys emails do zinger point cruz refers terrible obamaclinton foreign policy past 6 years kerry sos since 213 anyone else want punch chris wallace face russia endorses sending arms ukraine hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions anyone else want punch chris wallace face jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen mike huckabee the military social experiment and transgendered is gov gave succinct excellent answer respond putin chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from bet scott walker wellworn pair crocs headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field im really really really pissed fox news gopdebates interesting fox news debates comedy laugh store fun one question one important urgent movements us today amp long time one question wonder kind progressive views mike huckabee transgendered people trump cam hands gopdebates ronald reagan httptcoia3ueg9x5q anyone else want punch chris wallace face the purpose military kill people break thingsmike huckabee mike huckabee trans people kill people break things msgoddessrises damn im peach vodka bad move vino purpose military kill break things news me anyone else want punch chris wallace face chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from mike huckabee the military social experiment and transgendered is chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from wait ben carson actually debates downtime hope brought book more mushin pushin scott walker china amp russias servers know hilary clintons emails do jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen trump cam hands evidence hacks talk comes syria chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from foxnews shut debate stream sky little controlling we care clinton email issue walkers zinger pretty good dccc cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcob chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from one question one important urgent movements us today amp long time one question oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland wore klansman cap last night messed part httpstcoycmdup7ikm ben carson take advice try surgeon general bretbaier far best moderator tonight hands down nice job bret headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a the progressive movement causing problems epitome that lt agree ben carson saying military didnt hv capability strike assad goodbye dude youre nuts anyone else want punch chris wallace face twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 candidates attack fox stoping speaking chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from scott walker email controversy fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field carson convinced give nukes washington even give weapons defend with hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions find moosh push ive saying years need one talk httpstcoe3hjmpoezk think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio scott walker 2016 mush steel nope feel like ben carson talk trash mature speaker truth maturity strength display ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering love hear makes perfect sense awesome wow walker says russiachina probably know hrcs emails congress does hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions evidence hacks talk comes syria scott walker we build walls around countries candidates attack fox stoping speaking ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field seems candidates used 1st amendment right free speech context questions provide carly knows leaders issues middle east i real foreign policy question wait wait great hillary clinton joke joke polish missile defense network nice see candidates oppose russias aggressive actions europe candidates attack fox stoping speaking rand pauls hair sold calamari debate anyone else want punch chris wallace face fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face damn im peach vodka zero questions deflategate ben carson take advice try surgeon general jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from anyone else want punch chris wallace face fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field roast hilary clinton needs jeff ross hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions gopdebates ben carson take advice try surgeon general seems like ben carson really want there anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face basically httptcohlhkgeybx3 huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 ben carson caked finest black radiance setting powder chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering dear fox news moderator forgot say chinese hacking started bush admin foxnews owns debate comes smart fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field tune poser out httpstcoxawah7fbt8 fox news guy white lady movie star tiny nose job fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions anyone else want punch chris wallace face fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions im sure ben ready this fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions need donald trump red zone theseit show us parts speaks trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering chant war together wanted work early tomorrow blame tardiness tomorrow fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it anyone else want punch chris wallace face hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering looks like theyre skipping climate change thats like talking white walkers kings landing chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from evidence hacks talk comes syria ben dont go argument romney used got rocked need take control debate it fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field solution everything war anyone else want punch chris wallace face bernie sanders would wipe floor clowns like ted cruz looks like bill murray fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions anyone else want punch chris wallace face time play smarter neurosurgeon throughly enjoying facebook f logo framing candidates quite nicely httptcopo9no6lzls anyone else want punch chris wallace face think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio weve shrunk military compared what last time declared war ben carson said start answer regain talking reagan like saying godfather favorite film think ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering gopdebates proof people still willing blow dead man difference amp candidates im honest amp women beautiful 1981 hostages iran released day ronald reagan sworn office httptcoluwwbtmywb trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up trump good job amazing may want hear it said it straight outta compton commercial fox news well played loved carly fiorina said one first two phones would bibi israel gopdebates thought ben carson went home hes quiet hey ronald reagan relationship assholes pardoned millions mexican americans oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it evidence hacks talk comes syria anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering would never know frontrunner watching debate lady screams bloody murder trump i agree best moment ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering consequences obamaclinton admin like increased diplomacy rational decisionmaking working eliminate xenophobia ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio drink httpstcoaz9gugmcgu trump cam hands way fun america watching ted look history deal bolster reagan ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering finally question cruz iranian deal terrible russia cyber attack reagan made iran release prisoners ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering serious note t cruz amp d trump cold war would kicked commie asses fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from lol cruz seriously going hey reagan came office iran scared released hostages lol anyone else want punch chris wallace face ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering many times reagan brought up ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 one favorite things many candidates ive seen person thanks amp need cigarette fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it go back debate forum megyn kelly would defeat isis 90 days ted cruz green lantern ring course trump think war happen iran cruz need war iran sure maybe russia also oh shit forgot ted cruz still hey chris wallace guys better plan president obama make popcorn kids going stup yeah obama bagged bin laden race discussion quicker rousey fight gop could care less black people i would personally fight enemies cage match filled much joy right now debate like bunch high school girls viciously sweetly campaigning prom queen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen ted cruzs mutant superpower fearmongering wish would ask questions ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it everybody orange chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from wonder candidates actually idea obama idiot would never know frontrunner watching debate profitable enforce womens rights gay right number aides convicted felonies higher number wi voter impersonation cases past 30 yrs anyone else want punch chris wallace face true number aides convicted felonies higher number wi voter impersonation cases past 30 yrs chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from anyone else want punch chris wallace face cannot take donald trump seriously please leave bye anyone else want punch chris wallace face chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from anyone else want punch chris wallace face ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it stress ate everything fridge took shot two whiskey fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field cmon megyn lets get issues jade helm fluoride trayvon riots fema camps freemasonry trilateral c candidates attack fox stoping speaking one question one important urgent movements us today amp long time one question abandoning allies thats ted cruz hyperbole drink folks one question one important urgent movements us today amp long time one question total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage anyone else want punch chris wallace face would never know frontrunner watching debate cruz talking leading behind laughable since wants behind 21st century social issues ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it enforcing speak bell rule america understands dc brunches bottomless mimosas way answer question my dad tv night rwsurfergirl anyone else want punch chris wallace face im popeye sailor man httptco4jo4uqng89 anyone else want punch chris wallace face dear donald trump sniff couple times head ass opening csi miami supports trump apparently dear fox news moderator forgot say chinese hacking started bush admin hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions wish theyd ask politicians actually read iran deal fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from kasich killing joe putting john httpstco5ftjrp0uwb twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 trump cam hands future rap battles like know what dems too factual policy focused engaging trying knock paul trump asking questions many getting ignored anyone else want punch chris wallace face trump worried nice hes acting like total mean girl two months whats changed now kasich aware hes making sense anyone else want punch chris wallace face 10 men stage discussing one woman anyone else want punch chris wallace face another nonanswer trump donaldtrump dodged russia question correct im wrong think answered actual question asked anyone else want punch chris wallace face realdonaldtrump cant mean obama calling woman dog saying looks good knees thats cool thanks fox news raising s ratings anyone else want punch chris wallace face jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen trump gets talk russia question anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face awright cutting right commercial one response would never know frontrunner watching debate pro life unless cop involved gop candidates newsflash jeb unite country with please lol what skipping rouge policing talk russia russia important seriously anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face else got straight outta compton commercial twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face fox this turning breaking news better bashing results accomplishments one question one important urgent movements us today amp long time one question thanks fox news raising s ratings fox news cites news source the athena help you candidates giving factbased answer enforcing speak bell rule candidates attack fox stoping speaking anyone else want punch chris wallace face dear donald trump sniff couple times head ass bernie sanders would wipe floor clowns hate call social security entitlement government fund social security employer scottwalker proper training proper upbringing one question one important urgent movements us today amp long time one question republican candidates tough enough deal putin httptcoygwihzifjh gopdebates carson w bush did need take control debate it would talk obamas foreign policy moderator asked would would never know frontrunner watching debate ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions anyone else want punch chris wallace face jesus letting banshee scream ted cruz disappear chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from dear donald trump sniff couple times head ass twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 ask trump question get squirrel nickconfessore right 2 boring one amp one trump pretends hes still apprentice amp runs show heres dog looks like panda httptcox3qv5dhkvp trump ass trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up gopdebates enough trump ba flies right heads httpstcopd8gdmcl3e hugged obama deserve stage tonight ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it one question one important urgent movements us today amp long time one question pro life unless cop involved gop candidates dear donald trump sniff couple times head ass would never know frontrunner watching debate would never know frontrunner watching debate ericbolling im noticing well talk cruz america understands dc brunches bottomless mimosas anyone else want punch chris wallace face watching interesting far must say though disagree trump many issues entertaining bunch anyone else want punch chris wallace face jeb bush lied poorly trump cant say became conservative hes anyone else want punch chris wallace face going let speak again trump cam hands hey chris wallace guys better plan president obama make popcorn kids going stup candidates attack fox stoping speaking seems appropriate share latest blog post tonight my prayer conservatives and liberals httptcoe00x4q7btv ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it fact theyre playing trailer trump avoiding question anyone else want punch chris wallace face sometimes want rip vagina off give republican like deal number aides convicted felonies higher number wi voter impersonation cases past 30 yrs one trust lol since nice trump straight outta compton commercial fox news well played keithboykin cop killing movement oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland longer true politics kennedy matter anyone else want punch chris wallace face ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it one trust megynkelly stop framing questions attack sound like liberal im popeye sailor man httptco4jo4uqng89 never thought kasich would sanest guy room kacinich some best friends gaygopdebates anyone else want punch chris wallace face hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions edgeofsports megyn kellys hair extensions excellent job tonight would never know frontrunner watching debate fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead hey guys whats everyone watching tv gt one trust loved bobby jindal said end government dependence expanding medicaid help people bernie sanders would wipe floor clowns ted cruz leave chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from longer true politics kennedy matter else got straight outta compton commercial _brothag cop killing movement trump one saying things thought politically correct makes target httpstconqwl659hze pro life unless cop involved gop candidates debate know nothing probably less candidates morning jebbush like lot wish air time express views fox news knew damn well like gays black people view window watch stands you httpstcoe4r4fx4jqe twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up wheres need him chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from anyone else want punch chris wallace face trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up questions r worded like personal attacks including half truths stated cops targeting blacks thats geeknstereo cop killing movement twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 else got straight outta compton commercial twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 im popeye sailor man httptco4jo4uqng89 anyone else want punch chris wallace face debate know nothing probably less candidates morning like lot wish air time express views shoutout whoever decided put ad right question black people shot anyone else want punch chris wallace face candidates attack fox stoping speaking think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio straight outta compton commercial fox news well played peeps chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from anyone else want punch chris wallace face anyone else want punch chris wallace face huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 anyone else want punch chris wallace face hugged obama deserve stage tonight appreciate promo straight outta compton following commercial break following first race question donlemon cop killing movement hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions cmon megyn lets get issues jade helm fluoride trayvon riots fema camps freemasonry trilateral commission trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it pledge support gop establishment sold obama candidates attack fox stoping speaking must drink wine engaging haha ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions marksluckie cop killing movement anyone else want punch chris wallace face think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio would never know frontrunner watching debate fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions need take control debate it rolandsmartin cop killing movement hey chris wallace guys better plan president obama make popcorn kids going stup trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up anyone heard ted cruz lately twinmomsue sending troops mommyparts paul im talking getting warrants judges go get big hug obama 10 men stage discussing one woman pro life unless cop involved gop candidates colorofchange cop killing movement ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio need take control debate it hugged obama deserve stage tonight twitter transcript us talking tv sets httpstcopx9hhatld8 fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead hiphopprez cop killing movement debssay noticed too keep starting bush grr candidates attack fox stoping speaking via milwaukee bad black people httptcoftgsvpr78q kasich actually republican else got straight outta compton commercial fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field pattonoswalt sure did come border jousting jugglers large meats walker walks question pretty decently oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland hugged obama deserve stage tonight would never know frontrunner watching debate ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field kasich aware hes making sense invisibleobama cop killing movement newsflash jeb unite country with please lol believe im getting air httptcolip17r5hnj hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from so costco cotes du ronegive 30 minutes open up great sipping wine keithboykin cop killing movement real question weve heard far candidates new labour taliban httptcomm6rp3ig5l straight outta compton commercial fox news well played dccc cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcob one question black lives matter wow would never know frontrunner watching debate candidates attack fox stoping speaking bernie sanders would wipe floor clowns hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions sbellelauren cop killing movement like tv show review right review obvious topics fuck up thanks fox news raising s ratings candidates attack fox stoping speaking fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobg kasich aware hes making sense dccc cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcob straight outta compton commercial fox news well played jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen edgeofsports cop killing movement straight outta compton commercial fox news well played would never know frontrunner watching debate bernie sanders would wipe floor clowns natesilver538 what agree top 2 carson bush out paul out think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions call debate like festival regurgitation lame talking points unborn lives important thats men saying go back canada asshole httptcorugcy5jvzq kasich aware hes making sense ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it kasich aware hes making sense chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from gopdebates wowww went like matter one candidate commercial time shit trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up youngpros4rubio rubio awesome response pro life dear nobody likes abortion want republicans raping children getting away it hugged obama deserve stage tonight others getting time debate real debate everybody gets involved chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from hugged obama deserve stage tonight chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from make easy httpstcosvkjoltiyh ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it lmao watches going watch nwa movie straight outta compton commercial fox news well played dear john kasich beat republican friends gay tree branch hey absolutely fearful im lol refuse ask questions brought by straight outta compton else got straight outta compton commercial hugged obama deserve stage tonight think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox ignoring dr carson huge mistake lots criticism coming tomorrow gayer_than_thou feel better soon and watch prescribe percodan butter pecan candidates attack fox stoping speaking newsflash jeb unite country with please lol blacklivesmatter cop killing movement bromance hugged obama deserve stage tonight im getting best presidential vibe amp chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from others getting time debate real debate everybody gets involved kasich aware hes making sense enough win center hes fantastic httpstcotntrjwjkbx tricianc1 talked ted three times now why dear nobody likes abortion want republicans raping children getting away it also think kasich fine im rino prolly hey chris wallace guys better plan president obama make popcorn kids going stupid candidates attack fox stoping speaking ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it kasich aware hes making sense would never know frontrunner watching debate gopdebates questions r worded like personal attacks including half truths stated cops targeting blacks thats true fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field cant believe trailer kasich admitted attended sex wedding thats sound shot nomination circling drain chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from gopdebates brought by straight outta compton realbencarson others getting time debate real debate everybody gets involved im surprised advertised right now gf ads need take control debate it candidates attack fox stoping speaking thanks fox news raising s ratings number aides convicted felonies higher number wi voter impersonation cases past 30 yrs straight outta compton commercial look hip urban friendly are fox news kasich aware hes making sense also yall backward ass mfs ask moderates social issues ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen theres reason today american citizen walk streets loaded gun ronald reagen candidates attack fox stoping speaking dccc cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysysfsu candidates attack fox stoping speaking would never know frontrunner watching debate trump substantive policies or ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it one race question lolololol rt little bitch fight alert gt httptco13q9kkoasx walker answers questions like hes miss america pageant drink every time candidate says reagan candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking thanks fox news raising s ratings ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it lets decide next political hunger games fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions course ask one person candidate win anyway smh religion amp business degrees elective mental illnesses gopdebates going make alcoholic rand paul vote finally talking race 100 min cut commercial chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it candidates attack fox stoping speaking guywalker speaks like stick ass oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland 10 men stage discussing one woman megyn call names bush me megyn ok seriously crucify like trump ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it thanks fox news raising s ratings see people audience looking around clapped gay rights people like da fuk ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from candidates attack fox stoping speaking oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions ask candidates mistakes always made still make tonight pandering feelings female voters fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions need take control debate it candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking trump cam hands candidates attack fox stoping speaking oh well hear talk discrimination discriminate others lgbts discriminated ok them saying all lives matter worth points league missed opportunity there candidates attack fox stoping speaking hugged obama deserve stage tonight accepts daughter im happy republican accepting child rt httpstcopo2awd9qsd kasich aware hes making sense trump cam hands chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from 10 men stage discussing one woman thanks fox news raising s ratings hate call social security entitlement government fund social security employer megynkelly asked black lives mattered need take control debate it kacinich some best friends gaygopdebates rand paul want marriage guns registered dc now stage packing im denny crane when actually become republican boom shots fired trump number aides convicted felonies higher number wi voter impersonation cases past 30 yrs ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it need take control debate it point talking 911 gone longer who a pretty little liars believe im getting air httptcolip17r5hnj forget lets talk ronald raven love you rt gopdebates kasich aware hes making sense ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it know im tweeting much im tryna get forced invite trumps next wedding would never know frontrunner watching debate kasich basically say wants 2 vp 4 bush chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it thanks fox news raising s ratings ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it classy httpstcopzpyl1rdu6 ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it trump often sounds like democrat republican stop trying make liberal trump happen want him bankruptcy donald trump master plan usa must look appealing joe hockey amp tony abbott despite support traditional marriage would accept daughter gay talking ted cruz why when actually become republican boom shots fired trump chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from thanks fox news raising s ratings fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it hmm chapter bible says guns fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions told you called httpstcoydjeevl31x gop candidate respects gov john kaisch theres reason today american citizen walk streets loaded gun ronald reagen kasichs answer gay marriage reasonable someone dislikes it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from thanks fox news raising s ratings chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from need take control debate it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it john kasich decent one everyone good speech now chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from seems like supporting sex marriage actually popular republicans ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it questions recent rise police brutality communities color oh waitits candidates attack fox stoping speaking gopdebates ridiculous bashing trump amp ignoring cruz dear john kasich beat republican friends gay tree branch wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland traditional marriage httptcoftpni3oo2z number aides convicted felonies higher number wi voter impersonation cases past 30 yrs cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobg half people look like characters sketch jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen good john kasich hugged obama deserve stage tonight johnkasich good you chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions yeah seems like levelheaded person stage words hes sane one oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland true number aides convicted felonies higher number wi voter impersonation cases past 30 yrs fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field kacinich some best friends gaygopdebates was surprising kasichs answer gay marriage reasonable someone dislikes it caromt babys life destroy sold open market kasich love you rt gopdebates every time debate bell rings dogs freak out theres crying fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it watched sky news live httpstcongwuzqc8k8 via prosecute christian dumb questions see people audience looking around clapped gay rights people like da fuk fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions candidates attack fox stoping speaking ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from thanks fox news raising s ratings would never know frontrunner watching debate trump starts every monologue invited jeb bush gay wedding ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it hugged obama deserve stage tonight dear nobody likes abortion want republicans raping children getting away it guess what im monster fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland need take control debate it would never know frontrunner watching debate ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it gopdebates kasich get biggest bump polls anyone tonight imo ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it angrily shouting people side idealogical fence dividing country really silly chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from lets decide next political hunger games candidates attack fox stoping speaking lindsay graham show us flat broke flat broke good ideas cenkuygur cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush http candidates attack fox stoping speaking ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it hugged obama deserve stage tonight forget lets talk ronald raven fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field need take control debate it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from would never know frontrunner watching debate ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it thanks fox news raising s ratings ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it glass empty second time jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it need take control debate it gopdebates kasich comes across humane rep stage would never know frontrunner watching debate ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions need take control debate it need take control debate it ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it hugged obama deserve stage tonight ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it would never know frontrunner watching debate clips better answers given debate candidates attack fox stoping speaking need take control debate it layup kasich traditional marriage 2 points for bankruptcy donald trump master plan usa must look appealing joe hockey amp tony abbott need take control debate it can answer direct question i president so no ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it 10 men stage discussing one woman thanks fox news raising s ratings divide unite everybody rises failed trickle economics im really really really pissed fox news ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions ben carson get samesex marriage question jebbush trump divisive want win too get there fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions playing yoshi made yarn whole world made yarn chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from 10 men stage discussing one woman chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from trump starts every monologue ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it 44 tx latina women make white mans stand equal work https jeb swinging harddrawing back accomplishmentsare kasich walker still there chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from last trying unite pitch attacking ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it would never know frontrunner watching debate cenkuygur cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysysfsu live world cant change lanesgopdebates trump calls gentleman oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it donald trump never gone bankrupt really donald really donald fucking liar newsflash jeb unite country with please lol fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions seriously cant go debate interview without mentioning pimps andor prostitutes fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions yup unites pplhes uniter jeb fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from gop respects lifejust black ones firstoff first offs suck get answering questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions 44 tx latina women make white mans stand equal work httpstcoguciuhwhce clips better answers given debate trump replaces flip flop evolved megynkelly personal attacks makes like chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from ask trump legitimate question look wallaces face trump nails it jebby people dividing country republicans like rhetoric hate candidates attack fox stoping speaking i defunded planned parenthood hey jeb state among lowest womens health oh wait yeah thats jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen need take control debate it great lets bunch rich entitled men make decisions oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland thanks fox news raising s ratings chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from trump bush admin a catastropheand audience tried clap know do translation jeb bush fucked florida schools badly still recovered truth live here bush going prolife bond ratings get it lot money dislike jeb much moment realize watching fox news handcuffs httptco5l9inki5sf chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from follow twitter like fuuuuun httpstcoqk4u54mebf fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions need take control debate it oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland hugged obama deserve stage tonight lindsay graham clue american people anymore total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage trump sez four four times ive taken advantage law prez id honored again people say usually antisocial programs know society group people right cool would every time changed topics mike huckabee played sick seinfeld bass line go back canada asshole httptcorugcy5jvzq trump cam hands agree bush one thing one going get ahead knocking someone else down headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead guys separation church state also constitutiongopdebates chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from trump cam hands nothing like bunch men discussing believe womans body choices body miamidecor cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush http gopdebates wtf stop calling upon bush talk let speak gods sake pledge support gop establishment sold obama chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from 10 men stage discussing one woman friendly reminder mike huckabee wanted quarantine people aids 92 httptco5kuy4lveum bimmerella cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from basically everybody like httptcochnq09vhp5 cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobg fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead 10 men stage discussing one woman jko417 trump starts every monologue listeni reagen fools donald trump ugh terrible answer trump bush jeb bush lied poorly gop candidates doubt compare saint reagan dear nobody likes abortion want republicans raping children getting away it know rand paul copied hairstyle after httptcov8rj97sbwg fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobg candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland dollar every time ronald reagan mentioned today id wealthy woman gopdebates wow really good question starts violent httptcocuounn9pem candidates attack fox stoping speaking hey trump evolved like obama chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from jebbush culture of whos maybe rethink effectiveness standing ones ground fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead dear nobody likes abortion want republicans raping children getting away it fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from ted cruz leave think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio thanks fox news raising s ratings 10 men stage discussing one woman ill tell one good thing about candidates tripping outdo sexism im surprised seen reappearance twitter whales tonight due popularity something invoking name ronald reagan makes conservatives start hushing going ooohhhhh jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen i defunded planned parenthood created culture life pp healthier people parents amp babies amp lowers no abo gopdebates still nothing va guess scared talk dead chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from gop respects lifejust black ones become puppet hillary trump one ofs friends kids found supposed aborted thanks holding millions people know better balanced msn abc cbs you guys fucking mean other lets talk it or need take control debate it great lets bunch rich entitled men make decisions 10 men stage discussing one woman chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from gop respects lifejust black ones candidates attack fox stoping speaking gopdebates trump evoked reagan hey not republicans help base trump often sounds like democrat republican stop trying make liberal trump happen want him guuuurl megyn go chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from gop respects lifejust black ones basically everybody like httptcochnq09vhp5 jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen 2 drinks trump said great great i defunded planned parenthood created culture life pp healthier people parents amp babies amp lowers no abortions fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field jeb bush like please stop oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland 10 men stage discussing one woman think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a thanks fox news raising s ratings trump cam hands know ronald reagan dead right fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead candidates attack fox stoping speaking pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined candidates attack fox stoping speaking unborn cant yet speak rights trump cam hands megyn kelly givin trump oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from makes want crack open institutional powers constraints constitutional law lol candidates tie game fleek oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland let get street cred giving shout ronald reagan candidates attack fox stoping speaking im imagining trump giving state union yeah ok maybe id vote oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland listeni reagen fools donald trump rubio point life begins conception huckabee looks like one muppets balcony name even sounds like one oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland dear marco rubio shut fuck up neither entertaining wise huckabee looks like one muppets balcony name even sounds like one think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio abortion even topic anyone remember trump nails every time every time camera cuts trump hes grimacing like hes trying break wind avoid shart chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland candidates attack fox stoping speaking ronald reagan dear marco rubio shut fuck up neither entertaining wise gop makes america amp democracy best place earth wish folks asking questions less bias chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from life begins debate ends think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump i think like much pro life unless cop involved gop candidates gop respects lifejust black ones candidates attack fox stoping speaking one wondering rubio amp wife play marco polo sex except replace polo rubio need take control debate it chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from nothing like bunch men discussing believe womans body choices body candidates attack fox stoping speaking megyn kelly trump why here chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead would never know frontrunner watching debate oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland trumps hair registered gop did guys separation church state also constitutiongopdebates dickscuttlebutt abortion begins condom use fuck real life oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland need take control debate it dear marco rubio shut fuck up neither entertaining wise definitely need new tax system bushs idea education reform destroy teachers union common core wrong attacking teachers total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead one wondering rubio amp wife play marco polo sex except replace polo rubio dear marco rubio shut fuck up neither entertaining wise idiots even stand abortions rape amp incest survivors life begins debate ends fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead much better 10 gotten attention candidates attack fox stoping speaking according2my twitter peeps miss thing tonight empty rhetoric wno solutions real issues chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from unborn lives important thats men saying okay gop candidates anyone uterus speak abortions stfu jeb bush deciding women bodies think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio planned parenthood coming up apologize advance super drunk twitter status updates oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland pro life comes actually taking care life healthcare ie planned parenthood chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions chocolate chips count substitute abortion says completely prolife its informed faith beginning end unborn cant yet speak rights fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio take stuff abortion httpstcoyzljablbq4 rubio understand bill rights oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland gop respects lifejust black ones fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio dear marco rubio shut fuck up neither entertaining wise gop respects lifejust black ones candidates attack fox stoping speaking life woman carrying baby gop respects lifejust black ones candidates attack fox stoping speaking oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland hey rand say negotiate one time chris christie like chris please stop supporting nsa seriously cant go debate interview without mentioning pimps andor prostitutes fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen rubio never said ban abortion case rape we need take isis every tool disposal fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jebimiah talking respect life gop cares unborn breathing forget it and s04e13 go past much present illuminated sheer brilliance goes back to fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions jeb planned parenthood abortions provide contraception womens healthcare low income w candidates attack fox stoping speaking jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen oh boy social issues gop code control womens bodies amp sexuality most hold tight twitterland cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobg fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions gop respects lifejust black ones i never said that think rapes women definitely baby marco rubio surprise winner httptcor5yeuuclr4 fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from can answer direct question i president so no chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from life begins debate ends chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from bring planned parenthood presidential candidate partners michael bloomberg ok book chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field yes my record clear hate women want affordable birth control std screenings chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from unborn lives important thats men saying my record clear hate women want affordable birth control std screenings candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking gop respects lifejust black ones thanks fox news raising s ratings need take control debate it trump cam hands fucking dickshits planned parenthood abortion emporium fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead life begins debate ends gopdebates respect life womans life gop respects lifejust black ones jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking marco rubio wear invisalign chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from planned parenthood takes care many things abortions wtf my record clear hate women want affordable birth control std screenings think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from candidates attack fox stoping speaking grilling fact grandfather helped found fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from dear jeb bush record sir clear fucking ememy voting public period gop respects lifejust black ones chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from jeb bush deciding women bodies need take control debate it chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen thanks fox news raising s ratings chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio dear jeb bush record sir clear fucking ememy voting public period fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead pro life comes actually taking care life healthcare ie planned parenthood gopdebates need say httptcovb5bdjr1k9 think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio copdwg wow thought fox changed basically fuck women jeb says jeb bush im prolife others schiavo candidates attack fox stoping speaking facts jebs state defunded planned parenthood turns out bad women httptcom58sdh7jtb via fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio candidates attack fox stoping speaking fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead chris wallace ask politicans finances money comes from trump integrity trojan pony show easily bought amp paid hillary clips better answers given debate scott walker like scott please walk away candidates attack fox stoping speaking going ask policy questions character smears candidates attack fox stoping speaking bush good catholic need take control debate it fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field dig everyones financials need take control debate it think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio need take control debate it fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field gopdebates one talking happening va disabled vets dying every day one care fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field candidates attack fox stoping speaking plannedparenthood funded florida floridians jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen scott walker business iran crooked koch brothers way go dickhead walker jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen demagogue infuses hate gods name christian httpstco0f4ajnheit fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field hates women most go im aint bout dem big ol sloppy abortions nuhuh im imagining trump giving state union yeah ok maybe id vote fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions can answer direct question i president so no candidates attack fox stoping speaking fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field miamidecor cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysysfsu omg think im missing watch clips better answers given debate candidates attack fox stoping speaking jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen would never know frontrunner watching debate candidates attack fox stoping speaking well mater happens debate election think everyone realizing were pretty much screwed jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen thanks fox news raising s ratings total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio need take control debate it jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead candidates attack fox stoping speaking screwed atlantic city ways kama sutra trump taj mahal wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson need go something else train wreck candidates attack fox stoping speaking carly fiorina would fixed problem fixing problem mean firing everyone jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field would never know frontrunner watching debate bush nice deflect there see that practiced candidates attack fox stoping speaking trump cam hands cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobg moment realize watching fox news handcuffs httptco5l9inki5sf gop candidates still beating chests losinggopdebates httpstcoicqusr68ad fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions would never know frontrunner watching debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field moment realize watching fox news handcuffs httptco5l9inki5sf fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen candidates attack fox stoping speaking jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen classy httpstcopzpyl1rdu6 need take control debate it ill stop illegal immigration closing bridges c crispie candidates attack fox stoping speaking need take control debate it jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen candidates attack fox stoping speaking would never know frontrunner watching debate need take control debate it wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson democrats pay attention trumps performance tonight hes still racist everything says popular gopdebates emojis i think wait maybe im thinking true detective s2 call bush interview fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking need take control debate it candidates attack fox stoping speaking trump threatening run independent win nomination remind of httptco14wfpz4qow jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field moment realize watching fox news handcuffs httptco5l9inki5sf moment realize watching fox news handcuffs httptco5l9inki5sf would never know frontrunner watching debate pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field thanks fox news raising s ratings need take control debate it hates women most go total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead candidates attack fox stoping speaking can answer direct question i president so no imagine could bitch slap motherfuckers oh dream impossible dream best tv year fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined candidates attack fox stoping speaking jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen friendly reminder mike huckabee wanted quarantine people aids 92 httptco5kuy4lveum fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions moment realize watching fox news handcuffs httptco5l9inki5sf jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen would never know frontrunner watching debate commercials fav part of like super bowl sunday horrifying thanks fox news raising s ratings would never know frontrunner watching debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field megynkelly lie gentlemen megynkelly shame both much get paid attack trump 10 men stage discussing one woman watching got play scott walker political sketches new series hugged obama deserve stage tonight trump cam hands thanks fox news raising s ratings would never know frontrunner watching debate moment realize watching fox news handcuffs httptco5l9inki5sf candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking need take control debate it okay actually candidates debate street performers candidates attack fox stoping speaking dig everyones financials candidates attack fox stoping speaking would never know frontrunner watching debate govchristie got ass served thanks fox news raising s ratings would far better job candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking debate like bringer show need 7 friends come yo want say terrible things foreigners two businesspeople two tonight go pollss numbers dive donald trump never gone bankrupt really donald really donald fucking liar can answer direct question i president so no pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined candidates attack fox stoping speaking fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field candidates attack fox stoping speaking today time next president one year office empty arena 10 men stage discussing one woman rand pauls hair sold calamari debate huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 would never know frontrunner watching debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field give rest candidates taboo buzzers use trump speaks lol watching businessman seriously irritating bias would never know frontrunner watching debate trump cam hands bigger boobs foxsports1 fox news httptcozoztdd3mvx remember good job hahah tedcruz need take control debate it headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a candidates attack fox stoping speaking listening candidates hugged obama deserve stage tonight candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field candidates attack fox stoping speaking trump cam hands candidates attack fox stoping speaking fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field retweeted cdm rwsurfergirl fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field clear unc student wants watch future debates welcome house candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage candidates attack fox stoping speaking pimps prostitutes strippers need pay taxes jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen moment realize watching fox news handcuffs httptco5l9inki5sf fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage clips better answers given debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field would never know frontrunner watching debate would never know frontrunner watching debate rand pauls hair sold calamari debate demagogue infuses hate gods name christian httpstco0f4ajnheit muppet show thanks fox news raising s ratings song repeat head watch httpstco7rsjnzl1rw fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking wait hit social issues yet gift keeps giving hey planning giving chance speak trying marginalize daily news c rwsurfergirl fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field taunting hilarity aside make weep nationwide pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen sallykohn republican christians know jesus approve lying needless wars ignoring poor fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field candidates attack fox stoping speaking huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio foxnews moderators actually come halfway decent questions times candidates attack fox stoping speaking capehartj mentioned debate im bernie sanders come god marco rubio ahead race 40 points hey walker lets take look wisconsin versus minnesota question id vote guy whos says on day one im gonna chill im fkin exhaust dig everyones financials thanks fox news raising s ratings total theatre fox news tonight basis fact all garbage gopdebates huckabee rubio paul walker get well done trump battled won candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking candidates attack fox stoping speaking huckster fire im starting think hes really interested running presidentfor first time candidates talk iran like gamers talk enemies destinytake iran obama cant get us level 32 asked two questions dig everyones financials candidates attack fox stoping speaking ive always hoped mailmans son would make office understand everyones plight lost mail thanks fox news raising s ratings dthomicide cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysysfsu candidates attack fox stoping speaking huckabee tax plan gonna make hard pimps hos drug dealers huckabee looks like one muppets balcony name even sounds like one fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field would never know frontrunner watching debate insulting women lgbt community im sure handle guys talking social issues next round candidates attack fox stoping speaking keep running obamas policies economy republicans think people stupid candidates attack fox stoping speaking trust vilify line 20 years ago gop neocons im in often rail vs misogyny politics men men men httptc question id vote guy whos says on day one im gonna chill im fkin exhaust fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field clips better answers given debate weakness kasichs armor making support poor conditional needs little help fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field thanks fox news raising s ratings fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions candidates attack fox stoping speaking thanks holding millions people know better balanced msn abc cbs would never know frontrunner watching debate would never know frontrunner watching debate require debaters keg stand prior speaking answering questions called screaming like fascist reason im frustrated top candidates getting lions share time guess im socialist regarding debates storming directv satellite coming going let know donald actually answers question would never know frontrunner watching debate thanks fox news raising s ratings thanks fox news raising s ratings would never know frontrunner watching debate would never know frontrunner watching debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field hey planning giving chance speak trying marginalize daily news cycle scottwalker obviously running twitter account either live gop debate debates raise s ratings fox news afraid trump shows scott walker business iran crooked koch brothers way go dickhead walker trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up thanks fox news raising s ratings seanpmccoyblawblaw r full ofair r full of redneck thanks fox news raising s ratings reboot golden girls sucks something invoking name ronald reagan makes conservatives start hushing going ooohhhhh wish theyd ask politicians actually read iran deal jed bush wins presidency mean get hilarious show lil bush fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field republican candidates going keep nuclear weapons wrong hands fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen ali_davis moneys sickoqueer pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field ted cruz appears oddan put far ted please would never know frontrunner watching debate donald trump never gone bankrupt really donald really donald fucking liar would never know frontrunner watching debate fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead social issues well gonna much fun httptcos9odn2zr5g muppet show huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined trump sez four four times ive taken advantage law prez id honored again asked two questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions gopdebate question id vote guy whos says on day one im gonna chill im fkin exhausted dude trump killing the loved zinger to condescending moderator wait hit social issues yet gift keeps giving ill tell one good thing about candidates tripping outdo sexism would never know frontrunner watching debate thanks fox news raising s ratings thanks fox news raising s ratings pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field something invoking name ronald reagan makes conservatives start hushing going ooohhhhh clips better answers given debate kvlxi19xx yes never claimed would that manson family httpstcomz3w3oracw jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen tax pimps know huckabee see it like country overflowing pimps gopdebates remind ofs lips httptcoph9l6drinf huckabee looks like one muppets balcony name even sounds like one pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined ignore fact allies negotiated iran deal us bomb them jimmyjames38 huckster getting much air time maybe hes worked fox news would never know frontrunner watching debate would never know frontrunner watching debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio social issues next uh oh httptco8lveuhtjuj wish would show takes dick cheney would never know frontrunner watching debate know usa cant declare bankruptcy stiff chinese creditors wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson thanks fox news raising s ratings roots small businesses campaign almost completely funded large corporations would never know frontrunner watching debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field damn id turn republican this httptcojp3gdzjwcm would far better job ugh every time gop invokes reagan means redline delayagain megynkelly gops new trump attack dog never saw coming fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field rt might made worth it thanks fox news raising s ratings headline huckabee comes strong gun reform if someone points gun youtake seriously would never know frontrunner watching debate huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field would never know frontrunner watching debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field would never know frontrunner watching debate asked two questions fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field thanks fox news raising s ratings sorry acting like democrat social issues next dis goooood trump cam hands fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field rand pauls hair sold calamari debate pres obama brains little toe totally fucking idiots whole families combined cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobg huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 gopdebates reps angry iran deal fair enough please offer solution instead whining attempt peacetalks im really really really pissed fox news rand pauls hair sold calamari debate trump cam hands govmikehuckabee one takes seriously scott walker business iran crooked koch brothers way go dickhead walker would never know frontrunner watching debate entertainment httptcoreavo89ptj fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field someone tell ben carson carrying water people barely let speak racism much fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field screwed atlantic city ways kama sutra trump taj mahal rand pauls hair sold calamari debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field scott walker business iran crooked koch brothers way go dickhead walker jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen candidates know stupid pipeline give oil states right would crap jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field rand pauls hair sold calamari debate would never know frontrunner watching debate trump fresh gaussian blur hair gopdebates jed bush wins presidency mean get hilarious show lil bush id like see bunch losers work construction theyre 70 years old fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead someone tell ben carson carrying water people barely let speak racism much dear rand paul read iran agreement doubt it fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field would never know frontrunner watching debate ok gotten boring now see soon jeb oh go mr adelson love id like see bunch losers work construction theyre 70 years old fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field great answer fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field would never know frontrunner watching debate thanks fox news raising s ratings hugged obama deserve stage tonight clips better answers given debate donald trump never gone bankrupt really donald really donald fucking liar fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field take care people whove worked hard played rules paying nj pension would much better theyd bracketed battle bot competition 4 finalist bot builders get debate fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field someone tell ben carson carrying water people barely let speak racism much thanks fox news raising s ratings would never know frontrunner watching debate please end excruciating introductory childhood anecdotes trying stay awake fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field huckabee im calling bullshit partisan politicsgopdebates huckster getting much air time dear rand paul read iran agreement doubt it think actually read huckabee huckabee looks like one muppets balcony name even sounds like one hear rumbling beneath fedral triangle houses epathe reagan building mikehuckabeegop great stuff cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysysfsu scott walker business iran crooked koch brothers way go dickhead walker would never know frontrunner watching debate thanks fox news raising s ratings thanks fox news raising s ratings leave make break my bunch asshats jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen govmikehuckabee trusts enemies vilifies anyone disagrees re fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field we got nothing iran deal says fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field entertainment httptcoreavo89ptj fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field flat tax win fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field clips better answers given debate hear rumbling beneath fedral triangle houses epathe reagan building govmikehuckabee yes agree dare one guys pronounce iran correctly fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field would far better job asked two questions someone tell ben carson carrying water people barely let speak racism much rwsurfergirl biased trump others funny scott walker business iran crooked koch brothers way go dickhead walker jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field i sympathize child molestors assume saying anytime mouth opens scott walker remembers tying yellow ribbon 5 years old going 6 then heck memory asked two questions thanks fox news raising s ratings trump cam hands fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field people five minutes ago advocating violence middle east straightfaced defend sanctit yeah im skipping fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field always reagan stuff ronald reagan go guy forever thanks fox news raising s ratings think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio can answer direct question i president so no clips better answers given debate id like see bunch losers work construction theyre 70 years old think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen going ask policy questions character smears watch listen learn aware huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 remind ofs lips httptcoph9l6drinf walked donald trump show debate reminds much im gonna miss sitting lap watching httpstco3e3pwixgrw cdm 3m3 minutes ago thanks fox news raising s ratings thanks fox news raising s ratings donald trump never gone bankrupt really donald really donald fucking liar fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field thanks fox news raising s ratings jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen d_copperfield watching the eh scott walker business iran crooked koch brothers way go dickhead walker good show bring on prediction trump goes independent see ya yall narrow 1 gah rand pauls hair sold calamari debate trump country owns 19 trillion dollars need someone like fix guys nailing it unfortunately put center tomorrows headlines pathetic someone tell ben carson carrying water people barely let speak racism much fox news obviously trying influence makeup republican field trump cam hands moderators followed every lip service rant ok how debate would reveal everything need know huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 thanks fox news raising s ratings rubio wants repeal shame on r trying 2 make winners amp losers loving dig everyones financials clips better answers given debate ill tell one good thing about candidates tripping outdo sexism thanks fox news raising s ratings someone tell ben carson carrying water people barely let speak racism much a reagan conservative someone tell ben carson carrying water people barely let speak racism much would far better job someone send link httptcobgof3gkp5l httpstcozrkv1tsjnv need good bad egg chuteto weed politiciansboos cutting it httptcofon9 huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 scott walker business iran crooked koch brothers way go dickhead walker im bernie sanders come god marco rubio ahead race 40 points jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio id like see bunch losers work construction theyre 70 years old thanks fox news raising s ratings im honestly sure quotes timeline answer people joking the huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions 10 men stage discussing one woman thanks fox news raising s ratings wubsnet mike huckabee wants slap hoe with taxes ill stop illegal immigration closing bridges c crispie trump sez four four times ive taken advantage law prez id honored again 40 blowjobplus tax mike huckabee tax prostitution thanks fox news raising s ratings jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen dear gov walker nothing brag about fucked state wisconsin suck koch please end excruciating introductory childhood anecdotes trying stay awake donald trump iss best character ever roots small businesses campaign almost completely funded large corporations think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio thanks fox news raising s ratings walker answering iran first straighten brewers thanks fox news raising s ratings aww scotty walker tied yellow ribbon around tree give cookie beer thanks fox news raising s ratings trump cam hands someone tell ben carson carrying water people barely let speak racism much trump banks babies killers hell yes got away bad deals make usa scofflaw too gopdebates frightening think media giving much attention man uses word stupid muchdonaldtrump trump rich asked two questions maybe greedy old perverts thanks fox news raising s ratings huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio rubio wants repeal huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 moderators followed every lip service rant ok how debate would reveal everything need know donald trump never gone bankrupt really donald really donald fucking liar thanks fox news raising s ratings someone send link httptcobgof3gkp5l httpstcozrkv1tsjnv jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen bwahaha love this httpstconzinvxfdcd thanks fox news raising s ratings asked two questions thanks fox news raising s ratings donald trump never gone bankrupt really donald really donald fucking liar im bernie sanders come god marco rubio ahead race 40 points gop supporting iran deal scaryand spreading misinformation lets us know want war lol theyre clapping carly think debate too thanks fox news raising s ratings trump cam hands point suppose stop laughing start crying debate reminds much im gonna miss thanks fox news raising s ratings thanks fox news raising s ratings thanks fox news raising s ratings fox news sense theyd ask candidates thought dirty sprite 2 ted cruz speaking america parents tryin convince 5 year olds vampires real huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 marco rubio like yes finally lol everyone stream watching show mean fox going cancel soon sbnlukethomas know prelims huckabee devil hey mike huckabee leave prostitutes alone one also gopdebates going allow tobyi mean ben speak again thanks fox news raising s ratings better turn lights theres awful lot shade thrown stage thanks fox news raising s ratings sure marco rubio lets give businesses tax breaks put stress backs middle class poor marcorubio seems hav stuff together wish getting time theres lot makeup stage substance debate trump entertaining wanna tax pimps httptcok5rvfb2vbz thanks fox news raising s ratings point suppose stop laughing start crying thanks fox news raising s ratings rick perry debate sky news youtube thanks fox news raising s ratings ben carson asked comment lenny kravitz wardrobe malfunction lamest 10 man cage match wwe history thanks fox news raising s ratings jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen bnrdebates mike huckabee tax prostitution thanks fox news raising s ratings kasichs dad mailman hates unions protected letter carriers decades rubio hardly keep scriptgopdebates almost bitches amp hoes trump sure way turning question round scottwalker read tweets let americans choose whether want need medical insurance donald trump starting remind guy httptcoqofpmihaye damn freeloading pimps thanks fox news raising s ratings gopdebates suddenly worth 10 billion todaysuddenly 9 thanks fox news raising s ratings gopdebates moderator supposed impartial air personal contempt for pimps prostitutes strippers need pay taxes fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions someone send link httptcobgof3gkp5l httpstcozrkv1tsjnv cant stop looking marco rubios ears want alcohol poisoning the play instead pick cause amp gop hate thanks fox news raising s ratings realdonaldtrump keep giving mike and may blow right stage almost bitches amp hoes chris wallace looking camera trumps turn lol think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio thanks fox news raising s ratings gopdebates say america country continent us country huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 thanks fox news raising s ratings think rubio putting us trance calm voice weird actually answering questions marcorubios ears freakishly huge thanks fox news raising s ratings huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 i never gone bankrupt wtf read lips finally home watch screwed atlantic city ways kama sutra trump taj mahal want help small businesses rubio protect greedy landlords unfair rent practices realdonaldtrump new name the nothing fox throws stick thanks fox news raising s ratings want democrats win 2016 presidential election give money donald trump thanks fox news raising s ratings thanks fox news raising s ratings brother ran economy united states ground httptcovi9yjyrst8 im straight dickhead screws people roots small businesses campaign almost completely funded large corporations rubio killing tonight realdonaldtrump us cant afford file bankruptcy think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio someone send link httptcobgof3gkp5l httpstcozrkv1tsjnv jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen trump banks babies killers hell yes got away bad deals make usa scofflaw too trump expecting thanks fox news raising s ratings thanks fox news raising s ratings thanks fox news raising s ratings thing illegals prostitutes common better u mike huckabee dumbo stage these views reflect views walt disney mostly theyre racist enough looks like character from i always tell truth im going watch id rather read tweets amp entertaining amp informative thanks fox news raising s ratings done watching know ill hear good parts tomorrow please ask jews marco rubios inner voice rubio thinks international trade began 5 years ago east india company started facebook chris wallace poor moderator gotta hand him looks well hydrated tonight donald trump never gone bankrupt really donald really donald fucking liar huckabee tax plan gonna make hard pimps hos drug dealers marco rubio one stage sounds like knows hes talking about cats act like hate women blacks mexicans love candidates talking kinds shit successful pimp depend social security lying sack crap httptcocywum8mq6r fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead successful pimp depend social security whats rubios ears rubio junior dads man cave cant break out trumps hand gestures second season one power rangers huckabee seriously cant go debate interview without mentioning pimps andor prostitutes moderator probably pure evil pisses puppies morning faces camera hysterical taken speed reading course keep timeline tonight thanks fox news raising s ratings fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions dig everyones financials realdonaldtrump new file bankruptcy 19 trillion dollars cool that donald trump iss best character ever huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 take care people whove worked hard played rules paying nj pension number 1 union buster ememy working folks everywhere httptcoxp5uqtwsku thanks fox news raising s ratings love even fox news hosts cant believe applause trump gets answer jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio dear gov walker nothing brag about fucked state wisconsin suck koch wow taking advantage laws country want run honest man jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen this country owes 19 trillion dollars need someone like fix mess donald trump 10 men stage discussing one woman another issue thats hindering middle income small biz growth nation burdensome regulations the donald trump obviously hearing loss upper end range cant seem hear beeping timer fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions donald trump iss best character ever lets leave facebook questions real talk it baffles me people believe shit remind ofs lips httptcoph9l6drinf thing illegals prostitutes common better u mike huckabee wanna tax pimps httptcok5rvfb2vbz oh trump trump trumpgopdebates huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 debate good tv issues va veterans us 19000000000000 debt wrong picture one aa man women make 52 population ht gopdebates trump sidestepping 4 corporate bankruptcies evidently proud really watching think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio yup gone httpstcoblstl0jtkt trump cam hands successful pimp depend social security took advantage law everyone else deserve president not someone send link httptcobgof3gkp5l httpstcozrkv1tsjnv huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 trump rich im in often rail vs misogyny politics men men men httptc why cant everybody else skilled manipulating loopholes screw investors me fault huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 trump cam hands apparently thinks ok default creditors theyre nice people not babies im imagining trump giving state union yeah ok maybe id vote someone send link httptcobgof3gkp5l httpstcozrkv1tsjnv donald trumps hair looks like cotton candy pimps prostitues chug wine think gonna make fox seems hit job gop know aprx 700 laws governing womens bodies one governing mens true trump i good sense take money run screw yall dig everyones financials huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 muppet show fyiim watching debates dvr comes posts tweets trump human version cankle might ambivalent current democratic candidates sure hell ambivalent voting dem huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 trump like petulant child gopdebates go trump love honestly successful pimp depend social security fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions much voters care lenders lost money bankruptcies men stage think theyre capable making decisions womens health carewhen believe in huckabee wants improve economy taxing pimps prostitutes freeloaders were trouble america episode apprentices dig everyones financials jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen trump victim use laws like hundreds hundreds people lets talk big company many employers have huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 tell em trump huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 im really really really pissed fox news remind ofs lips httptcoph9l6drinf trumps hand gestures second season one power rangers huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a gopdebates bell mean thing trump proving stellar statesman need good bad egg chuteto weed politiciansboos cutting it httptcofon9 huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 know rich donald trump really rich it might ambivalent current democratic candidates sure hell ambivalent voting dem fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions can answer direct question i president so no why cant everybody else skilled manipulating loopholes screw investors me fault took advantage law everyone else deserve president not know aprx 700 laws governing womens bodies one governing mens true donald trump never gone bankrupt really donald really donald fucking liar jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen know rich donald trump really rich it pimps drug dealers 10 men stage discussing one woman huckabee talking pimps prostitutes huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 jeb bush many money overlords could ever effectively govern wed stop getting candidates deserve what sayiiiiing trump when hes got point hes got point huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 can answer direct question i president so no salacious relating sex way excessive offensive huckabee wants improve economy taxing pimps prostitutes freeloaders were trouble america trump cam hands gopdebates hey huckabee think pimps amp prostitutes file social security benefits based jobs think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio 10 men stage discussing one woman jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen wait said use says when used it huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 never say never may go bankrupt one day donald trumps hair looks like cotton candy successful pimp depend social security please ask illegal immigrants work can answer direct question i president so no fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions men stage think theyre capable making decisions womens health carewhen believe in huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 i never gone bankrupt wtf read lips 10 men stage discussing one woman stop saying affordable healthcare act yo damn yep trump drunk donald trump never gone bankrupt really donald really donald fucking liar hey mike huckabee leave prostitutes alone one also im missing comedy year trump struggling explain bankruptcies fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen cruz willing call radical islamic terrorism need make joining isis death warrant huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 muppet show fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions many times trump declared bankruptcy pimps drug dealers finally pimps prostitutes gonna cover me huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions lying stealing american public already occurred huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 politicians former government employees really hate politicians government hugged obama deserve stage tonight 10 men stage discussing one woman huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 so conclusion yes hate america trump huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 hugged obama deserve stage tonight take care people whove worked hard played rules paying nj pension huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 40 blowjobplus tax think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions huckabee tax plan gonna make hard pimps hos drug dealers huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 trump told companys bankruptcies httptcomxk2e4f7os pimps prostitues chug wine think gonna make dear gov walker nothing brag about fucked state wisconsin suck koch wait say pimps prostitutes huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 donald trumps toupee got feenin cotton candy mmmm yum jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions need good bad egg chuteto weed politiciansboos cutting it httptcofon9 10 men stage discussing one woman good evening watch feel like it jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen whos fault it system screwed up fox totally burning trump hereif surges ass kicking give up huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 hugged obama deserve stage tonight breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down gov huckabee end retirement congress say force ocare too mike huckabee wants end congresss retirement plan save american peoples tax pimps drug dealers id like see bunch losers work construction theyre 70 years old headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a paul i want collect records terrorists fewer americans 10 men stage discussing one woman huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 almost bitches amp hoes pimpsnhoes huckabee damn freeloading pimps jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 huck say wants protect ss benefits pimps prostitutes illegals prostitutesand dehumanizing racism misogyny keep going huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 illegals prostitutes pimps huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 everything prostitutes pimps fault right huckabee can answer direct question i president so no im really really really pissed fox news hey mike huckabee leave prostitutes alone one also stop saying affordable healthcare act yo damn jebby talking changing tax code fix job killers jebspeak give corporations tax breaks go huck illegals level the pimps glad social security debated at future now hear one crack dealing pimp bragging collecting social security im really gonna lose it lol theres first weird comment night huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 we need strong leader tell truth fix it httptcoftkcfydy0a mdreifuss whaa prostitues pay taxes trump cam hands chris christie apparently gives up lol can answer direct question i president so no fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions lets hear prostitutes pimps tho huck say wants protect ss benefits pimps prostitutes everything prostitutes pimps fault right huckabee pimps prostitutes said huckabee can answer direct question i president so no yep pimps drug dealers problem country huckabee devil jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jebby talking changing tax code fix job killers jebspeak give corporations tax breaks huckabee httptcozy12bdukx9 debate hillary clinton amp liberal dems 2nd 6 pack gotta drink listening bs httptcoqhggpoai5a thereisnoobamacare called jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen hugged obama deserve stage tonight know aprx 700 laws governing womens bodies one governing mens true guys nailing it unfortunately put center tomorrows headlines pathetic shout white people cheering huckabee huckabee pimps prostitutes got it gopdebates im fair tax argument little soft dear dr ben carson you sir need labotomy jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen govmikehuckabee worked social security cut retirement congress americans jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio chrischristie hates cops govchristie got ass served pimps huckabee proposed pimp tax christie pointed problems revealed solution fundamental problem gop party fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead trump cam hands hate call social security entitlement government fund social security employer usually politicsbut good entertainment vs social security nice exchange sides ben carsons tithing tax system like httptcooxohrzbbwz lying stealing american public already occurred jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen hugged obama deserve stage tonight favorite part candidates pretend people wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson time tweet httpstco45msxf6wam cant stand much more 10 best gop love chances 2016 backs manned mission mars within 20yrs apollo missions led tech jumps amp sense unity country needs hugged obama deserve stage tonight think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fundamental problem gop party know aprx 700 laws governing womens bodies one governing mens true can answer direct question i president so no jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen need good bad egg chuteto weed politiciansboos cutting it httptcofon9qiyjev hugged obama deserve stage tonight jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen one crash economy way want again thanks politics boring make rich white straight men gopdebates christy buried huckabee hard senator scott walker really trump cam hands jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen hugged obama deserve stage tonight rwsurfergirl fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions nothing government secured bonds ious are one better tell china hugged obama deserve stage tonight terms substance dominates foxnews address butcher babies profit headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a ohhhhhhhh fckbush lies soooo badsorry cussing nowgopdebates beating unions fccckkk noo kn hugged obama deserve stage tonight obviously want as everyone okay selecting nominee jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen hugged obama deserve stage tonight hugged obama deserve stage tonight jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen politicians former government employees really hate politicians government fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead im really really really pissed fox news jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen hugged obama deserve stage tonight trump cam hands gopdebates saved retirement paid social security get back 2 much retirement stupid hugged obama deserve stage tonight huckabee travesty jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen gopdebates id like see bunch losers work construction theyre 70 years old jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead probably good time weigh vital issue and hate call social security entitlement government fund social security employer do jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen buy used car characters trump cam hands 10 men stage discussing one woman slash said chris christie never president trump cam hands jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen washington atjonford80 saw needed see right isis amp for httptcotkwyr327oy think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio huckabee look face like hed rather discussing giving constitutional rights fetuses think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead hugged obama deserve stage tonight terms substance dominates cute chris christie bobs big boy haircut perry went oops get question watching tv hotel think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio mike huckabee received nomination many times fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions trump cam hands cute chris christie bobs big boy haircut jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen scott walker delusion af yo 10 men stage discussing one woman jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen terms substance dominates jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen hes lyingdemagogues do httpstcoz3wecnoxhq watching wire reruns instead the twitter probably entertaining way follow anyway slash said chris christie never president jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen kasich needs time the honestly httpstcomygdurm2kw think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio heres think you ben carson love you httptco1yqzzzednn entertaining jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen im guy stage said 10 candidates maleso guy stage gopdebates politically correct way say america failing current leadership deadbeat nation change ill tell one good thing about candidates tripping outdo sexism jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jebby talking changing tax code fix job killers jebspeak give corporations tax breaks dear gov walker nothing brag about fucked state wisconsin suck koch jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen gopdebates im going say it thank god chrîs walłace really oral version can answer direct question i president so no 10 men stage discussing one woman jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen cute chris christie bobs big boy haircut can answer direct question i president so no terms substance dominates fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen 10 men stage discussing one woman jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen 10 men stage discussing one woman 10 men stage discussing one woman 10 men stage discussing one woman jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen obviously want as everyone okay selecting nominee dear gov walker nothing brag about fucked state wisconsin suck koch 10 men stage discussing one woman jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen 10 men stage discussing one woman jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead promising free pizza every friday homework ever again 10 men stage discussing one woman privatize everything fuck chris christie jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen could never run president my father geophysicist resonate voters think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen 10 men stage discussing one woman silencing ben carson one glimpse tokenism work racial hierarchy operates politicians would stop raiding ssmedicare funds amp actual put back took out 10 men stage discussing one woman im guy stage who christies theme bad theme expect anything people thats fault jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen can answer direct question i president so no moving daniel holden trump cam hands oh yes please pontificate social security reform baby boomers fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions thank b wan httpstcoxcpcpx2n8u 10 men stage discussing one woman fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead can answer direct question i president so no christie practiced lots numbers high lofty expectations jeb jeb wheres jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen 10 men stage discussing one woman kasichs dad mailman hates unions protected letter carriers decades dear donald trump thank you 10 men stage discussing one woman jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen im in often rail vs misogyny politics men men men httptc cute chris christie bobs big boy haircut dear gov walker nothing brag about fucked state wisconsin suck koch jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen 10 men stage discussing one woman fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen 10 men stage discussing one woman 2015 future results tonights httptco1vuxsnehkw jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen kasichs dad mailman hates unions protected letter carriers decades 10 men stage discussing one woman jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen proved women us likely assaulted men verbally amp physically kind te jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen repeal seems theme hey jeb push keystone gonna popular fracking states jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen ok joe rick perry watching way right now httptcobnxbsoamsh jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen can answer direct question i president so no id interested see responses people would willing asking entitlement reform might talking bush clinton think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio correct im wrong scott walker pretty much universally hated wisconsin elected right 10 men stage discussing one woman gopdebates dumb dumb questions get it kasichs dad mailman hates unions protected letter carriers decades mom texted black lives matter neither black republican lives breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down im really really really pissed fox news fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead drink every time mentioned httptcoopztaeegzo one mentioned 10 men stage discussing one woman can answer direct question i president so no hey jeb bush nothing replace obamacare give us break fung asshole jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen someone said jeb looks like vicepresident im in often rail vs misogyny politics men men men httptc fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead rand paul william shatners old hairpiece star trek 2 wrath khan can answer direct question i president so no jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen inamaziarcz remember kids smart brother pulls double candidate box know shit get real dirty awesome jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen translation jeb bush fucked florida schools badly still recovered truth live here cant gal enjoy watching without tolerant people attacking nowhere rrright bc thats cool bush reminds father brother déjà vu like really bad whiplash past jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen jebbush makes huge promises claims create 19million jobs 3x daddy w combined please lie jeb oh dear scott walker fantasy world again fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio theyd rather talk debate issues somewhere hillary laughing scott walkers campaign promises simply aiming high foxnews cant stand much more 10 best gop love chances 2016 jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen walker the problem theres much washington cut koch bros stuffing bucks back pocket ben carsons tithing tax system like httptcooxohrzbbwz trump cam hands breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down ben carson trying destroy country would divide people lets talk antilgbt pro war plan remember kids smart brother two hours action movie voiceovers lets draw straws replace everyone dc top guys stage besides bush amp christie watching waiting ashton run onto stage he httpstcomrxsqh8uyk jeb bush reminds elevator music hear listen said doubts nominee hope hes right latinoslisten good questions early im voting rand pauls sassy eye rolling president ah feel im going white shamed tomorrow think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead trump cam hands real people live counties governor walker theyd rather talk debate issues somewhere hillary laughing donald trump calls rosie odonald can answer direct question i president so no fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead said doubts nominee hope hes right kasich likei live promisesbut people vote me barack obama fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio koch puppet speaking exactly hes told say well done david well done charles fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions can answer direct question i president so no can answer direct question i president so no would actually think none friends dumb enough risk severe alcohol poisoning can answer direct question i president so no its time recognize supreme court supreme being scott walker also kinda creepy cartoon character creepy happen think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio make insurance go away different thing can answer direct question i president so no think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio bring back im bored now fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead questions really good promising free pizza every friday homework ever again jebby talking changing tax code fix job killers jebspeak give corporations tax breaks show sucks im going read book can answer direct question i president so no think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio its time recognize supreme court supreme being fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions said doubts nominee hope hes right wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead present immigration system job driver jebya can answer direct question i president so no think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio coincidence neurosurgeon guy sure brain him hey jeb bush nothing replace obamacare give us break fung asshole raised right httptcokjjlucqbqr fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead dr seriously saying hillary clinton trying destroy america thats ridiculous amp shame lies dear dr ben carson you sir need labotomy looks like show survivor taking place brooks brothers store gopdebates smartest answers room tonight coming dr carson fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead gopdebates aka why hilary clinton sucks gopdebates stop secular progressive movement breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down im in often rail vs misogyny politics men men men httptc jeb bush who so george w got texas accent jeb got stammering one know aprx 700 laws governing womens bodies one governing mens true trump cam hands none candidates seem realize irs make tax laws collect money rand paul christies jealous boyfriend you go hug want lol fairly confident afters last answer hes playing drinking game along rest us think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio ted cruz speaking america parents tryin convince 5 year olds vampires real fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead feel universal trying tell something airing steve jobs tv spot jeb bush said perfectly hillary scoffs give break dear dr ben carson you sir need labotomy rand paul christies jealous boyfriend you go hug want lol trump cam hands trump wants form nights watch big wall fancy door yassssss one topic touch tonight police brutality us keep slingin mud hillary fellas trump cam hands sounds like jeb provided questions debate this happened 27 times like reflex tell em im in often rail vs misogyny politics men men men httptc fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions carson witty articulate unlikable deserves much better poll ratings make past new hampshire jebbush hillary clinton cant even say supports keystone xl pipeline give break you watching debates dad no its tv even dad want watch actually said state iowa httptco0q5qr8jm2w fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead jeb looks like grandfather aleister rand paul comes across bad guy john hughes film httpstcooodbonyfa9 trump cam hands fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead word night alan is stupid bush says obama fix brothers mess well enough hits park gotcha question campaign donations aaron schock hidden behind curtain ringing little bell carson disqualified im sure id go brain tumor christie putting america risk fourth amendment talk man im sorry nothing wpolitics totally mediocre here trump cam hands fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead rand paul christies jealous boyfriend you go hug want lol omg like pretend supposed way determine next leader major world power lol wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson realbencarson calling like is said doubts nominee hope hes right fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead summary of big ol circle jerk shitting democrats thank god letting watch live instead watching twitter i never thank god fox again lmbo shoutout twitter yall even make interesting jeetzradio tonight trump admit buying influence time declaring need campaign finance reform talking republican party silly jeb trying blink question away fun games somber moment realize one clowns could actually next president breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions dayum carson kicked question throat ben carson trying destroy country would divide people lets talk antilgbt pro war plan fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead anyone think could repeat strange irony ben carson hillary she counts fact people uninformedtaking advantage useful idiots believe miracles do kasich came win lets face debate really about fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead im watching of says thinking years time for govchristie got ass served think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead ben carson trying destroy country would divide people lets talk antilgbt pro war plan killing it easily crossover candidate grabbing center fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead god wish moderating debates could yell points say something ridiculous fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead ill bet george w drink jeb tablelike embarrassingly fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead dayum carson kicked question throat debates raise s ratings fox news afraid trump shows carson says epitome secular progressive movement like negativealso front runner trashes rosie odonnell really like ben carson far hes classy amp like answers black man wants destroy country said himself like current black prez america miracle country fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions carson boss right now bye hillary the alinsky model takingadvantage useful idiots carson says hillary relies ignorance people educate everybody see love clearly full shit thinks one figured out hes really cocky it gopdebates carson nailed it right im less scared requirements candidate scared requirements neurosurgeon god wish moderating debates could yell points say something ridiculous carson another looks presidential go back canada asshole httptcorugcy5jvzq anyone mentioned yet kind this ben carson pulled saul alinsky card remember kids smart brother fox news admit republican leader right mean doubledigit lead dudes believe american dream im elected ill living american dream ill share w you drbencarson said doubts nominee hope hes right dear dr ben carson you sir need labotomy think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio neurosurgeon stupid think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio theyd rather talk debate issues somewhere hillary laughing gopdebates people realize politicians suck ass dems included liberating hit clear all twitter alerts sorry guys shit makes mental finally someone sayingscrew political correctness sick it looking new leadershi wow want feel especially bad the listen local radio djs breaking emptyheaded comments think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio jbouie hes getting startedgopdebates think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio im in often rail vs misogyny politics men men men httptc guys that hillary clintons cackle think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio realdonaldtrump with hillary clinton said wedding choice talking republican party silly know aprx 700 laws governing womens bodies one governing mens true believe miracles do kasich came win carson boss right now bye hillary govchristie got ass served trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up ben carson bright room kasich killing it easily crossover candidate grabbing center 10 white guys 1 black guy 1 hispanic guy spare one 10 white guys woman kasichs dad mailman hates unions protected letter carriers decades think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson im in often rail vs misogyny politics men men men httptc dr carsonyoure still hereneat think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio hits park gotcha question campaign donations working hotel bed watching the httpstco9rvynz2qsj think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump cam hands christie putting america risk fourth amendment talk id rather go swim pool kids watch the ill get analysis amp tomorrow dr carson got doctorate old testament taxation tithing tax reform really really walker paul huckabee meet putin command armies theyd shit pants president material think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio ted cruz speaking america parents tryin convince 5 year olds vampires real fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions thanks donald trump got pepperoni roll amp root beer 750 tip kasich taking hillary architect cut taxes big surplus econ growth key reach ppl get fair deal china many mentions honduras priorities man think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions ill tell one good thing about candidates tripping outdo sexism every question crafted around hillary clinton think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio im in often rail vs misogyny politics men men men httptc trumps 4th marriage married love life httpstcorh92enzhlv father mailman anything dude im digging tiny bit compassion think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump admit buying influence time declaring need campaign finance reform think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions hear right pay people attend family wedding think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio ill tell one good thing about candidates tripping outdo sexism kasichs dad mailman hates unions protected letter carriers decades translation jeb bush fucked florida schools badly still recovered truth live here donald trump orchestra men stage think theyre capable making decisions womens health carewhen believe in chrischristie tried make like using warrants think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio gopdebates cant talk common core becz none teachers everyone thinks teacher since went school wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson trump cam hands prediction donald trump goes post debate polls looks crazier anyone else entertaining cant take anything rand paul says seriously power perm think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump cam hands trump2016 finally someone sayingscrew political correctness sick it looking new leadership too think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions im waiting accidentally eat im expecting ferrell join stage minute trump cam hands whererwomen im in often rail vs misogyny politics men men men httptcopjpkhgmdyo hear right pay people attend family wedding anyone watching debate for jeb ltserious question jeb supporters like unicorns ive never seen think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio rubio bush threat country think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump admit buying influence time declaring need campaign finance reform ill tell one good thing about candidates tripping outdo sexism think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions bushs fuck jeb sure hillary getting nod ill tell one good thing about candidates tripping outdo sexism one mentioned oompa loompa moderator you know hillary clinton come you making ads sample these wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson actually question one crash economy way want again thanks man im sorry nothing wpolitics totally mediocre here know aprx 700 laws governing womens bodies one governing mens true kelly i really want get question facebook yes thats problem gopdebates proved women us likely assaulted men verbally amp physically kind terrorist attack fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions democrats loving right now go back canada asshole httptcorugcy5jvzq think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio you know hillary clinton come you making ads sample these fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio walker paul huckabee meet putin command armies theyd shit pants president material would say real life woman rights stuff trump admit buying influence time declaring need campaign finance reform hope people reality tv exposed love paul christi raised voices bushs fuck jeb fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions feel bad rand paul lost cool opening question recovered high school crush commented facebook status the im pretty sure night says 15yo self think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio making hot please take away birth control baby translation jeb bush fucked florida schools badly still recovered truth live here think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio jeb boreerbush really perfect gop candidate boring big gov junior executive special interests think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio bushs fuck jeb wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions know aprx 700 laws governing womens bodies one governing mens true wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson sounded passionate believable httpstcogdnn2qs8j5 think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio love candidates talking kinds shit trump cam hands jebbush2016 called ppl families kia iraq said sister brother even call bet jeb bush gets really good weed sayin audience little sparse it trump cam hands think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio feel bern wonder candidate going first accidentally call ben carson the help breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down know aprx 700 laws governing womens bodies one governing mens true trump cam hands one crash economy way want again thanks fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions lmbo shoutout twitter yall even make interesting gopdebates minute win vibe trump admit gives money return business favors hits park gotcha question campaign donations think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio debate like movie hunger flashes michael scott office serious candidates shining through next debate 5 think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio honestly sure im watching mean girls even go here feel bern think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump cam hands think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio someone knows lot teachers idea jeb rubio talking right now think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio gopdebates rerun hate unions states rights damn immigrants abortion privacy bad love war obama it im out fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions think number go this httpstcobfcxhd7vs4 donald go independent rubionever shows 4 work trump cam hands breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down trump cam hands rip ms ann u would welcome advisor tonight httptcoawyzjjsewq think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio marc rubio put college application next year kelly i really want get question facebook yes thats problem trump admit buying influence time declaring need campaign finance reform think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump cam hands cant wait see tomorrow night hell field day bullshit fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions yes moe smartest stooge httpstcoucd675mrmy one crash economy way want again thanks think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio gods pretty fair guyben carson pediatric brain cancer patient think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump cam hands sky news biased advisor talking instead commercial breaks really rubio bush threat country need hand fox theyre tossing candidates softballs im going bedjohnkasich gets vote tonight one crash economy way want again thanks fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio wonder candidate going first accidentally call ben carson the help trump2016 trump stealing show despite even moderators showing bias speaks truth finally go donald cruz mass appeal edgeofsports thanks voice reason mess laughs evening canned goods gold think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio im starting worry trump field experiment think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio bushs fuck jeb fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio again republicans support free enterprise fox running many commercials donald shtick getting bit boring freshen done think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio heres think you ben carson love you httptco1yqzzzednn trump cam hands think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio gopdebate debate like movie hunger games rand paul comes across bad guy john hughes film httpstcooodbonyfa9 core im higher standards ending social promotionstatewide voucher program challenging teachers uni ingrahamangle winning unfortunately one stage lose god loves needs money george carlin amp ben carson rubio bush threat country think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down gopdebates need stop hesaid shesaid questions indiequick please stop using hashtag event facebook exclusive gop keep hurling attacks teachers unions might unions teachers back democrats dems back them fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions would say 1 hour winner tonight think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio trump cam hands think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio bushs fuck jeb think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio gopdebates check stats education in wrong wrong wrong sugar coating plus fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions timeline fire trump cam hands wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio one crash economy way want again thanks wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson politicians pimping actually tried teach curriculum ask teacher ridiculous fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions im watching of says thinking years time for gopdebates get handle radical islamic terrorism bring back profiling us clear perpetrating terrorism us wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions wonder candidate going first accidentally call ben carson the help honestly sure im watching mean girls even go here kelly i really want get question facebook yes thats problem megyn kelly would defeat isis 90 days ted cruz green lantern ring course think cruz trump need band together expose set job get rid bush rubio political correctness new republican dogwhistle racism homophobia islamophobia rolled one fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions anyone watching debate for jeb ltserious question jeb supporters like unicorns ive never seen one honestly sure im watching mean girls even go here fox obviously picking sides candidates tonight tragic donald trump money talks bullshit walks wants bribe every elected official america fu trump bushs fuck jeb fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions god wish moderating debates could yell points say something ridiculous trump cam hands translation jeb bush fucked florida schools badly still recovered truth live here trump cam hands gave 5 minutes flipped back donut showdown thats true american im watching of says thinking years time real change okay gets point that jeb bushs common core initiative rife corruption rip ms ann u would welcome advisor tonight httptcoawyzjjsewq cant watch anymore bushs fuck jeb im waiting accidentally eat gopdebates say schools local amp state run keep receiving fed money matter what fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson gopdebates someone please tell absolute mess since politicians got involved wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson jsc1835 jeb bush says earned called jeb gopdebates what achievement political correctness new republican dogwhistle racism homophobia islamophobia rolled one govchristie got ass served dammit commercial breaks measure bathroom breaks taking huge cheap shots even asking help pound on rand paul comes across bad guy john hughes film httpstcooodbonyfa9 rip right needed president httptcouw5axjzmxc cruz willing call radical islamic terrorism need make joining isis death warrant scott walker everywhere hillary touched messed up ironic scott walker messed state wisconsin bigger boobs foxsports1 fox news httptcosqyorgqaep debate weed candidates way moderators pivot specific candidates examples this bonniesamerica fox obviously picking sides candidates tonight tragic breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down hits park gotcha question campaign donations wondering fox debate get rid trump paul cruz carson wonder candidate going first accidentally call ben carson the help trump cam hands trump cam hands fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions cant teach based whims parents yes moe smartest stooge httpstcoucd675mrmy jeb boreerbush really perfect gop candidate boring big gov junior executive special interests translation jeb bush fucked florida schools badly still recovered truth live here trump cam hands common core developed states input teachers education experts business leaders breaking brian williams handed chris christie donut calm down honestly sure im watching mean girls even go here got folks like thishmmm httptco2ucyupludo translation jeb bush fucked florida schools badly still recovered truth live here trump admit gives money return business favors trump world look contribution list clinton foundation httpstcoerfugro2cb jessicavalenti need coif reform wow rubios eartohead ratio messed up walkers point lets play how fast distance trump watching gop debates httpstconogwflypec god making appearance the good newday cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed man jeb bush httptcobgzysy really enjoyed everything say last night candidates attack fox stoping speaking gopdebate nutshell via vote true blue 2016 httptco5rfh5zbnpm i hate planned parenthood women more hate planned parenthood women more wrapped mailman vote end debate ought drop out ill tell one good thing about candidates tripping outdo sexism prolife nonsense amusing notion that could come alpha asshat gop respects lifejust black ones watch fox news theyre assholes marcorubio came gate like true leader look forward hearing plans better america best line immigration without assimilation invasion gov jindal people say usually antisocial programs know society group people right pledge support gop establishment sold obama trump got right nobody would talk immigration untill brought up trans soldiers die huckabee cant foot bill make fulfilled human beings really anyone else want punch chris wallace face fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softball questions love see men never faced pregnancy talk body thought huckabee exceeded expectations http president always tell truth said would do donald trump says time political correctness calling women fat pigs save headed presidential debates go ted httptco8s67pz8a4a'
wordcloud = WordCloud(stopwords=STOPWORDS,width=2500,height=2000).generate(texto)
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
Vamos a visualizar las palabras distinguiendo por sentimiento:
texto_positivo=datos['text'][datos['sentiment']=='Positive'].str.cat(sep=' ')
texto_negativo=datos['text'][datos['sentiment']=='Negative'].str.cat(sep=' ')
texto_neutral=datos['text'][datos['sentiment']=='Neutral'].str.cat(sep=' ')
print('Palabras Positivas')
wordcloud = WordCloud(stopwords=STOPWORDS,width=2500,height=2000,background_color='white').generate(texto_positivo)
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
print('Palabras Neutrales')
wordcloud = WordCloud(stopwords=STOPWORDS,width=2500,height=2000,background_color='grey').generate(texto_neutral)
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
print('Palabras Negativas')
wordcloud = WordCloud(stopwords=STOPWORDS,width=2500,height=2000,background_color='black').generate(texto_negativo)
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')
Palabras Positivas
Palabras Neutrales
Palabras Negativas
Negative 8493 Neutral 3142 Positive 2236 Name: sentiment, dtype: int64
Por sencillez de la explicación, voy a considerar sólo tweets positivos y negativos:
data = datos[datos['sentiment'] != 'Neutral']
text | sentiment | |
1 | catch full last night scotts best lines 90 sec... | Positive |
3 | carly fiorina trending hours debate men just... | Positive |
4 | w delivered highest ratings history presidenti... | Positive |
5 | on first day rescind every illegal executive ... | Positive |
6 | liked happy heard going moderator anymore https | Negative |
Negative 8493 Positive 2236 Name: sentiment, dtype: int64
Voy a separar en train y test, guardándome el 10% para test.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
train, test = train_test_split(data, test_size=0.1)
Voy a obtener la tf-idf de cada término. (https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf-idf )
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=1500, lowercase=True, analyzer='word', stop_words='english', ngram_range=(1,1))
train_tfidf = tfidf.fit_transform(train['text'])
(0, 633) 0.346161215476399 (0, 126) 0.2779070067723267 (0, 214) 0.25239535773456984 (0, 1159) 0.28918783001910864 (0, 1400) 0.39036810851858283 (0, 1302) 0.40131737677163093 (0, 312) 0.3786012713155966 (0, 1327) 0.2981290552015308 (0, 1151) 0.24890188579746922 (0, 913) 0.21907119585127247 (1, 877) 0.4659292548729202 (1, 233) 0.6620032554224101 (1, 1190) 0.5870788867466591 (2, 1289) 0.7570472440797896 (2, 1332) 0.30437230888350086 (2, 789) 0.3110143828287716 (2, 1217) 0.29489909193131647 (2, 442) 0.38799683899207915 (3, 126) 0.2883011867768535 (3, 214) 0.26183536002551344 (3, 551) 0.4254659031048661 (3, 1033) 0.3471977806479325 (3, 453) 0.26439210617303266 (3, 583) 0.34263643893186124 (3, 580) 0.3670503115407671 : : (9650, 1316) 0.3737761092043913 (9651, 335) 0.3625242487315864 (9651, 1440) 0.4814549249949975 (9651, 755) 0.47825602801131606 (9651, 523) 0.638786737456641 (9652, 557) 0.3777791638835819 (9652, 1008) 0.4211120001302811 (9652, 1476) 0.44727837550182364 (9652, 655) 0.5142439940041418 (9652, 1003) 0.4641581154313837 (9653, 437) 0.6454091472039359 (9653, 1422) 0.5808127114757353 (9653, 1491) 0.49608832569784617 (9654, 560) 0.2689316637299886 (9654, 938) 0.30854210485045674 (9654, 722) 0.22409132844371338 (9654, 686) 0.24429453411121269 (9654, 362) 0.40196047594506884 (9654, 1459) 0.3712718062831134 (9654, 1288) 0.3227463565762737 (9654, 883) 0.3634294572757994 (9654, 159) 0.4323420259884922 (9655, 808) 0.4815010011671073 (9655, 588) 0.568085704252657 (9655, 1378) 0.6674094833749636
<9656x1500 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>' with 53787 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
Nos da una sparse matrix
Es una matriz normal, sus filas corresponden a los tweets y sus columnas a cada una de las posibles palabras, por ejemplo:
El término $(d,t)$ es $\mathrm{tfidf}(t,d)$. Como casi todo son ceros en esta matriz, es más sencillo decir simplemente lo que valen los términos que no son ceros, esto es una sparse matrix
. Esta matriz será el '$X$' de nuestro modelo.
Nuestro modelo será un Clasificador Bayesiano Ingenuo:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
# Definimos
# Ajustamos
GaussianNB(priors=None, var_smoothing=1e-09)
Para predecir, hay que sacar también la tf-idf del test set:
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=1500, lowercase=True, analyzer='word', stop_words='english', ngram_range=(1,1))
test_tfidf = tfidf.fit_transform(test['text'])
# Predecimos
pred = gnb.predict(test_tfidf.toarray())
/home/guillermo/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:1: SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy """Entry point for launching an IPython kernel.
text | sentiment | sentiment_pred | |
709 | know debate definitely award best live tweeting | Positive | Negative |
3687 | surprised learn ben carson part last night | Negative | Negative |
12257 | candidates attack fox stoping speaking | Negative | Negative |
2899 | scottwalker own although debacle | Positive | Positive |
5157 | me panel last nights seem little snide | Negative | Positive |
511 | god amp religion important election religion p... | Negative | Negative |
1180 | leaders lobbied prevent military commanders as... | Negative | Negative |
534 | billhemmer ask romney moment passed would aske... | Negative | Negative |
2910 | mortified ignorance republican frontrunners ri... | Negative | Negative |
1405 | bottom line vote candidates last night | Positive | Positive |
10130 | gopdebates none answered questions directly | Negative | Negative |
11020 | cant believe ted cruz referenced reagan hostag... | Negative | Negative |
12314 | would never know frontrunner watching debate | Negative | Negative |
13327 | fox news admit republican leader right mean do... | Negative | Negative |
8127 | big problem facing democrats get hillary sober... | Negative | Negative |
4098 | duyguozsoyler rt comicriffs sketches ted cruz ... | Positive | Negative |
2489 | shocked muchbut debate questions absurdwith sh... | Negative | Negative |
9409 | need order another green apple martini process... | Negative | Negative |
13860 | people say usually antisocial programs know so... | Negative | Negative |
6356 | about stupidity everyone named trump went http... | Negative | Positive |
10604 | disappointing fox news conducting fair amp bal... | Negative | Negative |
9490 | walker god cutting uw budget talk him | Negative | Negative |
8630 | american people pick next president united sta... | Negative | Negative |
2398 | howard kurtz bragged abt liberals sch huffpo c... | Negative | Negative |
11145 | candidates attack fox stoping speaking | Negative | Negative |
13756 | fox cherry picking candidates jeb gets softbal... | Negative | Negative |
1791 | great think republican party whole thing grea... | Positive | Negative |
3697 | gopdebate ted cruz make name saying americans ... | Positive | Negative |
4613 | donald trump admits national tv bought candida... | Negative | Positive |
405 | chris cristie re abortions absurd | Negative | Negative |
... | ... | ... | ... |
11650 | ask trump legitimate question look wallaces fa... | Positive | Negative |
11737 | cancel primaries fox party set amp anointed ma... | Negative | Negative |
2102 | lol course do rtsallykohn think won | Negative | Negative |
1225 | bobbyjindal brags antichoice state is report 2... | Negative | Negative |
2040 | deny existence something shaped country planni... | Negative | Negative |
11541 | thanks fox news raising s ratings | Negative | Negative |
10910 | playing yoshi made yarn whole world made yarn | Negative | Positive |
6675 | tamronhall takeaway last nights isits pseudore... | Negative | Negative |
1951 | genuinely impressed by thanks thoughtful quest... | Positive | Negative |
8983 | id really like see long candidate given speak ... | Negative | Positive |
12878 | donald trump obviously hearing loss upper end ... | Negative | Positive |
1581 | frank luntz great news ted cruz httpstcolzwvlu... | Positive | Positive |
8580 | posed adult picturesshould bring up | Negative | Negative |
11071 | russia endorses sending arms ukraine | Negative | Positive |
11011 | like crazy interracial thing militarynot socia... | Negative | Positive |
9198 | enjoyed looking forward next | Positive | Negative |
9601 | even mean quality production makes foxnews loo... | Negative | Positive |
4244 | debate attacking missing mark although enterta... | Negative | Negative |
6146 | we win anymore lose china lose mexico lose eve... | Positive | Negative |
7218 | reviewbush kasich ehhuckabee christie ok wante... | Positive | Negative |
1495 | second mostretweeted presidential candidate tw... | Positive | Negative |
13154 | politicians former government employees really... | Negative | Negative |
11277 | debate like bunch high school girls viciously ... | Negative | Negative |
2707 | hug thought punched or guess thats teachers | Negative | Negative |
11685 | need take control debate it | Negative | Positive |
2128 | trump got trumped do whines like mamas boy cal... | Negative | Negative |
3733 | marco rubio presidential hes articulate bright... | Positive | Negative |
11156 | chris wallace ask politicans finances money co... | Negative | Negative |
11713 | hmm chapter bible says guns | Negative | Negative |
9717 | id really like see long candidate given speak ... | Negative | Positive |
1073 rows × 3 columns
Negative 836 Positive 237 Name: sentiment, dtype: int64
Negative 746 Positive 327 Name: sentiment_pred, dtype: int64
print('Número de puntos mal asignados de un total de %d puntos: %d' % (len(pred),(pred!= test['sentiment']).sum()) )
Número de puntos mal asignados de un total de 1073 puntos: 416
Podríamos calcular métricas, usar otros clasificadores, etc.